The Reaction To "Game" & Other Past Vile Behaviour - After Enlightenment - Thread

It's tiring to have to do one more pushup this week than last week. It's tiring to have to learn how to butcher animals and make your own bacon. And on and so forth. But if I prefer to not be tired, then I am stuck regressing and accepting whatever Zog has decided for me.

Things being "tiring" is like when the modern women complains that the average action is "literally exhausting" (they do this a lot).

I'd ask: so what?

As to "do whatever you like", that sounds a lot like "do as thou wilt", plus on top of it I have enough self awareness to realize that I too get tired and sloppy and that how I feel in the moment would sometimes poorly dictate the appropriate response to a situation.

My terms don't necessarily take into account the greater universe, so what's the harm in considering something beyond them?

Guys I'm SO sorry but I literally cannot do this thread right now...

I'm literally so freaking exhausted and I'm literally starving to death. I've been doing laundry ALL DAY LONG.

No one has any idea what kind of day I've had. You wouldn't believe it! Don't even get me started on the spam call I received (and you better believe I let them HAVE IT! 🤬).

It's just go go go non stop. Now the cats need food. Omg like I literally just can't! Ugh! 😭
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Guys I'm SO sorry but I literally cannot do this thread right now...

I'm literally so freaking exhausted and I'm literally starving to death. I've been doing laundry ALL DAY LONG.

No one has any idea what kind of day I've had. You wouldn't believe it! Don't even get me started on the spam call I received (and you better believe I let them HAVE IT! 🤬).

It's just go go go non stop. Now the cats need food. Omg like I literally just can't! Ugh! 😭

Ricky Gervais Lol GIF

Reminds me of this bit:

Continued here with audio:

Most Males & Females in our society are Lost. However I would argue that Females are way more at fault then men are (something that got me in trouble for mentioning in the old forum for some odd reason)
I agree, and that's what showed you a glimpse of how changed the mindset and psyche is regarding modernity and feminism. They tell men to do the work, and while a ton of men don't, a lot of men do. The difference in the modern day is that no one tells women to do the work. At all. So it's supposed to be equal but we expect next to nothing from women. And then you can't even ask for them to at least be young to solve most of the problems. LOL, of course the joke's going to be on ... everyone.
You can have a girlfriend on your own, but no way can you guide a wife and family on your own. Need at least the Church, at least one set of trad parents, and at least one other trustworthy family of friends going through the same thing.
The only hope you'd have is marrying someone significantly older and/or ugly, so the social aspect is one where the woman can boast. Let's be honest. The problem is that few men will bother doing that, knowing all the costs ...
I realize now that my intentions were poorly phrased.

When I was referencing, "game", and past sins, I was referencing picking up (bar) tarts, rather than the nuances of teaching men psycho-social-dominance. The former is a degrading behavior, and I´ve noticed, since crafting this thread, how certain, vile behaviors, actually make me feel ill on a visceral level, and it´s something much deeper than guilt or shame. I am still at a loss of how to describe this, and if anyone can elucidate such a concept past the cursory, basal, sin = bad logic, I would appreciate the nuance (book recommendations would be nice too!).

"Game", from the psycho-social-limbic perspective, is incredibly useful. I will be the first to assert that being a past PUA has helped me more in the boardroom than it ever did getting laid. The "red pill" is literally seeing past the ´matrix´ of progressivism. There's a sublte, underlying, current of how reality works, and those that tap into this power, will outperform the oblivious, asleep, zombie hordes. "Game" provides the reference material for the social, and sexual, aspects of blunt, true, reality. The only thing 'wrong' with that, was how it was only billed as a means to pull skanks rather than build strong families.

Ironically a grasp of game is necessary for enduring marriages in a post/patriarchail society.
Looking back, I hated the douchebags who were a large part of that scene. The entire PUA community would have been a lot better if it had a stigma attached to it and remained a place where guys with zero social skills but good intentions learned to communicate with women. Instead, it became much bigger and attracted the wrong element which ended up putting a target on its back.
During my PUA years I never really encountered the douchbags to be honest (apart from ones who put up that front but weren't really that way inclined privately). Nor did I meet anyone with zero social skills or were the 'chess team captain' nerd stereotype either. Mostly we were all incredibly normal guys in every aspect of our lives, we just couldn't get girls for one reason or another. For me, the main reason was self-destructive / drinking related behavior so the biggest fix was knocking that on the head. That did more for me than any of the game stuff.

Looking back ten years hence though, and seeing how the culture among 20-somethings is now, it seems we weren't particularly weird at all. We were just at the beginning of the culture being very, very messed up in regards to gender dynamics etc.
Looking back I still ask myself why governments were so eager to shut down all PUA activity, if it was in fact so degenerate.

As someone who, post break-up, desperately needed advice on how to talk to girls it help me immensely. Also, the PUA approach to personal development was more realistic than a lot of the "you need to bench 315 lbs for reps and get up at 5 in the morning to deserve the women you desire" stuff I see being promoted nowadays.

The PUA advice was so "good" that it even allowed online dating apps to work because guys knew what to write in their bios and how to text to get a foot in the door. Now, on the other hand, online dating is wrecked.

In hindsight, my PUA experiences made me less gullible back then and helped me "detect red flags" or rather to truly appreciate good women now. I'm in awe when I talk to women who check most of the boxes.
Yep, and the best way to keep them suffering is to keep them "stupid" and uninformed to the true nature and reality of how things work. A person with knowledge is a dangerous person.
PUAs basically "discovered" a lot of stuff that was already in the Bible. About the importance of men being dominant, not taking women's emotional outbursts seriously, not falling into their frame (as King Solomon did and started worshiping idols), and many other ideas. Ideas that could just as well help men in marriage.

Even though the end goal of it was degenerate, it was based on truth and reality. When I first discovered it and passed my first "shit test" using the "agree and amplify" technique, it was like tapping into something primal. And it was pro men. That's why the left hated the PUA stuff.
PUAs basically "discovered" a lot of stuff that was already in the Bible. About the importance of men being dominant, not taking women's emotional outbursts seriously, not falling into their frame (as King Solomon did and started worshiping idols), and many other ideas. Ideas that could just as well help men in marriage.

Even though the end goal of it was degenerate, it was based on truth and reality. When I first discovered it and passed my first "shit test" using the "agree and amplify" technique, it was like tapping into something primal. And it was pro men. That's why the left hated the PUA stuff.
Imagine if back then instead of using pick-up artistry as a means to ultimately fornicate, men had used it as a form of selfless community building and knowledge sharing based on Christian principles? Given enough genuine support , belief in the cause, and positive results it might've resulted in another modern day Christian crusade or renaissance.

Think about it for a second. It would've been very possible back then as our enemies were nowhere near as powerful, informed, brainwashed, and last of all, organized. Smartphones were still in their infancy/toddler stage and hadn't made a significant impact in 2nd and 3rd world countries yet. While the early stages of today's brainwashed generation was already, unfortunately, subtly taking place in schools and colleges, with the right influence the programming could've been mitigated. There was still a large amount of patriotic high from the 9/11 attacks and still many adults and old timers who had been in wars and knew how the society originally functioned and loved their country.

Men spent endless amounts of time perfecting various conversational scripts and routines, improving their physical appearance, improving social and career skills, chasing money and travelling. All for the selfish pursuit of short term carnal indulgence. Narcism and self worship. Not only engaging in self destructive behaviors but also leaving varying levels of damage to every girl that was simply considered another notch, +1, or pump and dump. Not to mention the unwanted attention many previously, little known international places suffered as a result of RVF's (and other similar forums at the time) following their respective data sheets. Even worse, the general public had access to most of this information so on top of PUAs (who for the most part had some decency towards local customs) you now had a mix of socially uncalibrated weirdos, normies, out of touch rich dudes, and sex pests screwing up places that previously had low traffic. And instead of keeping a good thing on a need to know basis, these guys blabbed to the world of a new place to treat as their personal playground.

If men in the beginning had looked at this new information being passed around regarding behavioral psyche of women as a golden opportunity to pluck out the roots and negative seed that had been planted since the 60's, spciety likely wouldn't have degenerated to the depths it's in now. If men had genuinely formed real life communities and employed the patience and passion of Christians, the craftiness of Jews, and zeal of fanatical Muslims towards placing societal roles and government back in their proper places both sexes would be much happier in the present day.
^ Men would have needed faith back then to do such a thing, and they did not have such faith. Men needed to suffer first, then faith became possible.

A lot more suffering is still needed.

While I agree with you, we must remember that long-suffering is part of God's plan and that Christ suffers with us just like he suffered on the cross. Christ continues to suffer for us, every single day, through all of our troubles, and will suffer until his return.

There is nothing to despair over, suffering is normal in a fallen world, and it is through this pain that we can discover God's tender mercy watching over us - but only if we are willing to look for it.

The suffering we experience is not in vain if we put our hope and faith in God, and His Love through His Son provides future generations with the power they need for success. Those who suffer now water the vine of the Church with their blood and tears for the fruits to come. It is why the Church never dies.

Suffering is an important part of the Lord's plan, and to deny it only pushes people out of their salvation, which is in the Church. God welcomes all those who suffer and mourn in his Son's arms within the Church, where they shall be comforted.
^ Men would have needed faith back then to do such a thing, and they did not have such faith. Men needed to suffer first, then faith became possible.

A lot more suffering is still needed.
Apparently so. Sadly, I think it's coming, with all the other exponential things, in the next 2-3 years. Life is closer to punctuated equilbria, at least from a human's point of view. It seems to us in general, whether we are right or wrong I do not know, that long periods of time pass without "much happening" and then all of a sudden drastic change happens. To an extent I think this is true, and that's where (wasn't it Lenin?) the quote came from "There are decades where nothing happens, then weeks where decades happen."
Yep, and the best way to keep them suffering is to keep them "stupid" and uninformed to the true nature and reality of how things work. A person with knowledge is a dangerous person.
Never forget that the more prolific social mobility that exists within a nation, the more prolific the brainwashing. Otherwise, the masses are more a of a threat than in times past.
´Red pill´ material is a method to attempt to actualize (artificial) control to grapple with a world that no longer provides men with value, purpose, meaning, community, and family. Its flaw, is that the PUA subset is an extension of the very culture that voided all of the key components covered in the prior sentence. Hence, how could a spawn of the problem fully solve the issue in which it is itsself derived from?

I think this was best described by Heartiste when he proclaimed that the only thing do in life was chase hedonism, because "it felt good". He certainly had wise words in regards to informing men how to be socially savvy and dominant, but at the core he was coping with a world that had stripped him of viable means to garner genuine meaning. Hence, why we´re all currently in this forum...
I was in RVF to bang foreign girls in travels I actually never read his book. But I read the book from the bald guy. And it made somehow some sense. Game is about looking good. And approach girls. That’s it. If you are a sweettalker you get more results. If you’re a dumb rock. Less. But you need to look good. Gym good haircut, nice clothes. And approach woman.
Numbers game.

Finding the right girl. What do you want? An intelectual whore? A dumb homestead. A wife is a companionship. But never forget their nature. I was reading a book of Bible for children. And there’s one part one woman helps the invaders. And she puts a red cloth in her door. Never forget this.

Since Protestants and Jews turned woman into whores. There’s not much to chose from. If you find one more normal. Hold on to her.

I had banged girls before RVF. But it was fun to be there. And Roosh was incredibly fun. There was this compartimentalization from real world which I thought didn’t made sense then. And still now.

Someone started a thread saying they would bang models in Argentina. Everybody said it was bullshit. But they did it. They setup a fake models agency. And ended up with tons of girls. In Argentina. Which is known to be hard.

After it became political. Trump. Some hope. That loser failed miserably.

Now Christ which is a good thing. A lot of Bible nerds. Which don’t understand what faith means.

Still waiting to see if one day this turns into something more than a virtual hideout. Told Roosh one time he needed to make it also a brotherhood. Not masonry or anything like that. But something more than just anonymous users. Even though in the beginning in RVF 1.0. Everybody revealed their identities. Ive been here since 2008. 16 years. Already. Fuck.

Roosh was wrong in deleting his work. I read his blog. It was good stuff. And you saw the progress in his writings.

Was watching the Irishman movie. Scorsese. 3 hours movie. Lunatic. Anyway in the end the guy ends up in a small room. In a nursery room. All the shit meant nothing in the end. Nothing. (Except children) And that’s how we all will end up. In a room. So don’t fret too much about things.
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I was late to the game so to the speak.

I was in my own little world during the rise of Roosh and all the London daygame guys.

I actually read daybang during the pandemic and started my approach journey then.

It was the worst possible time to start but I had one thing I now lack back then - delusion. Some part of my believed that because what I was doing involved enormous anxiety and some degree of social and ego risk, I was going to eventually be rewarded somehow. I didn't fully comprehend that certain factors both in and out of my control had such a large degree of influence. It wasn't enough just to suffer an ego death and get a prize for doing so.

When I went back and read all the other Roosh stuff I got this real sense I had missed out on this modern brotherhood of men - combining personal and intellectual development with real world application in the form of entrepreneurship, travel and yes conquest of women. But the women weren't everything - it was also about being the best you could be and living a life outside the dull norm.

The post conversion Roosh and subsequent following felt a lot more atomized from my perspective. More spiritual but also more black pilled about the world and less this renegade sense of having an impact and gaming the system that Roosh and his followers appeared to once have. There doesn't appear to be much joy or energy - and maybe that was all 'lust' I don't know but something is lacking. Now there is more this defeated atmosphere that ;yes yes we were wrong to bang women and now we ill cloister ourselves in our rooms and read our bibles.; It might be better spiritually but it isn't as inspiring.

Something happened culturally in the latter half of the 2010s that was punctuated with a full stop with the pandemic. That was the end of what I'd call the 'player years' of 2010-2019. Roosh's writings became very dark about it all in the latter half of the decade.

Then you had these events
- Roosh converts and deletes all his books
- Tom Torero commits suicide
- Krauser releases final book (2019) and disappears
- John Bodi disappears

Various names who were 'big' in the community drop off at around the same time. Incidentally, they were all at this point hitting 40 and for cultural reasons women were changing and getting less interested in random bangs.


There are still guys out there doing it. There are guys flying to random countries and racking up notches like it's 2012. It can still be done. I'm not saying it SHOULD be but when I read black pilling that it just isn't possible for various reasons now I know from anecdotal reports I am hearing that this just isn't true. There are men out there making it work for them.
Yes there are guys still running "game" out there but the ROI on finding a long term relationship from it is extremley low.

I would argue that from 2008 to 2014 you could probably have found a marriagable girl from daygame. Especially in London as there were many pure EE girs about. Now even the EE girls have become slags.

If you are thinking about doing daygame in this day & age I suggest you stop. It's not the same as it used to be. It's become way more primevil & looking at daygame content creators today the goal is just to fornicate. It will mess up your mibd & cause you to lose your soul.

You are better off going to a poor christian country & engage with the locals in traditional activities. Find a nice chaste lady that way.
The only "day game" I would recommend a young man to run now would be to walk down the street and search for those women that still have any clarity and love in their eyes, and not looking down at a smartphone.

Other than that, go to church and pray.
- Roosh converts and deletes all his books
- Tom Torero commits suicide
- Krauser releases final book (2019) and disappears
- John Bodi disappears

From what I’ve heard, Krauser remains single and bitter.

Bodi is active on X under the handle unrealBodi. He’s living in Poland with a long-term partner, possibly even married.

Part of me likes to imagine that Tom Torero faked his death and is still alive somewhere in the South American jungle.

The PUA scene has produced very few real winners. My advice—mostly for myself—is to find a woman who’s emotionally stable, has strong self-esteem, and a healthy relationship with her father. Once you do, commit and don’t look back.