Absolutely savage. Russia doing a classic good cop bad cop routine with the US/Israel to obstruct Tehran from acquiring the one and only deterrent which could guarantee its survival on a long enough timeline.
Talking about Israel, I don't see Israel mentioned in the tweets above. Which is strange, because US foreign policy on Iran is for a large part structured around Israel's priorities and worries. Quite a change of tone: up until a month ago turdworldist media loved to weaponize public global opinion against the US by associating it with Israeli misbehaviour. But now that Russia enters the picture that vanished overnight. Did I mention Israel already?
Supposedly necessary Russian assistance my rear end. That's a C grade spin from turdworldist media - the US and Iran have been in direct contact for decades and routinely have their envoys privately meeting in Switzerland and Qatar for talks. As if without Putin the Trump Administration won't know what number to dial to get ahold of the turbans, ridiculous spin from ridiculous people.
It doesn't get much clearer than this. Russia has been stringing Iran along for decades and the Iranians are aware. Zero trust between the two sides. Tied to Ukraine too. The Su35s and S400s deal were intentionally delayed+sabotaged by the Russians and instead used as a bargaining chip to slow down Western arms deliveries to the Ukrainians. Iranians were never ever gonna get them as it would destroy Israeli air dominance over Iran. Now that Minsk 3 is around the corner none of that matters anymore. Never mind the constant Russian double crossing, the intel sharing with Israel, the whole Syria debacle etc. Mask off moment.
Iran-Russia relationship will continue but is and was one of convenience. They don't like each other, are ideologically miles apart but need one another due to each's strategic value. Yet the Iranians see Russia as spiritual Soviets, and are fully aware of the massive Chabad connections. Iranian leaderships considers Putin KGB and untrustworthy, they use the word two faced to describe him. Russians have been playing both sides for decades and ultimately without exception side with Israel. There's self-preservation to it. Vice versa the Russians consider Iran's leadership extremist in nature, and they have a problem with its anti Zionism. About a year ago official Russian policy documents were shared which stated that unless Iran would change its position on Israel, the Russia-Iran relationship could not peak. Great content, now buried under a pile of sludge. Sad.
Hardliners in Iran are seething mad. Even more than before. They are sure that Russia backstabbed their man Bashar in a deal with the Turks and Israelis. Reformist clique could be involved as well. Turdworldists don't like to talk about this, but I do. Suspicion galore. Who pulled the plug on Assad?
Some interesting links on it:
Iranian IRGC general accuses Russia of purposely bombing empty desert in Syria
Behrouz Esbati said he partially blamed Russia for the fall of Assad's government, in a rare break from Iran's official line on Syria.
Article centered around quotes from Russian MoD Belousov on the Syria being a tactical withdrawal as it gears up for a direct confrontation with NATO in the next 10 years or so
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with In a single line expressed through a reporter, Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov has e
Fascinating posts made months ago on how Moscow abandoning Syria was done to gain an exit from the Ukraine deadlock.