Thirdworldists are so easy to please. Genuinely already missing the low brow takes on 'muh US collapse' and "muh BRICS its inevitable'. Usually accompanied by some cheap photoshops or AI generated content. At least those fantasies were kinda entertaining in a Schadenfreude type of way. Now it's just straight up spin. What happened to the whole 'Empire of Lies' hegemony must end, dedollarize now, BRICS is the future' thing?
Everything DJT does is within the framework of maintaining the USD as the world's reserve currency/ world trading currency. I call it T's Dollar Doctrine. The USD is literally the one and only pillar of US global hegemony, and central to US foreign policy under Trump. Just stating the obvious here, in anticipation of the thirdworldist habit to muddy the waters by focusing on barely relevant details whilst conveniently ignoring the grand chessboard.
Ergo when Big Boy Putin lowkey drops the tough guy facade and asks for normalization of ties and de-sanctioning Russia in exchange for getting an exit in Ukraine, it means Russia is returning to the global economy aka the USD standard. Because what else do you need access to SWIFT for if it isn't payments in the greenback?
Your takes lack emotional maturity but also display a pretty limited understanding of global economics and finance.
Russia has done very well economically, sanctions have been a boon on its economy, having the same effect as putting high tariffs on imports, stimulating domestic production. I have provided many articles from sources hostile to Russia like the Financial Times, Bloomberg etc which have confirmed these facts.
Dedolarization is a slow process that is underway, the time scale here is 10-20 years. The first stages of international bilateral trade in other currencies are already happening. The share of the US$ in international reserves has dropped from 67% 12 years ago to 58% today and will dip below 50% in the 2030s.

Russia is in a worse place than it was 2022. The Ukraine op got botched, NATO expanded on its borders, Russian positions in the MENA, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia got squeezed, BRICS isn't going anywhere (percentage wise the USD hit a 12 year high in terms of international settlement payment mode percentage in 2024), its economy is in bad shape and Europe is remilitarizing whilst the US plays nice but maintains its military footprint on the Continent.

And this is not including new BRICS members like Indonesia and partners like Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia. These economies are growing fast and are not likely to stay in the US$ sphere.
Especially the emergence of a self-aware, re‐armed and re‐united Europe as a more sovereign and strictly anti Russian pole yet under nominal US protection short to mid-term bears weight. This development is long overdue, and will include real European measures of deterrence including a nuclear umbrella. It's a massive development. Preventing European militarization by lulling them in a false sense of security was quite literally one of the two main objectives of the KGB - the other one breaking up the Europe-US axis through commie infiltration of academic, media and politics, using black propaganda.
So in that light be wary of clowns telling you Europe doesn't have external enemies - especially now that the Putin- Medvedev tandem has threatened to nuke Europe/US a grand total of 50+ times in the last 3 years alone. Be on your guard, and thank the many Soviet defectors on spilling the beans on these multi generational strategies.
"Self-aware Europe" has voted for Merz, Starmer and Macron, and if you think the average 19 year old from Manchester, Köln or Paris is going to suit up and fight Ivan in the Donbas well then your condition is a lot worse than I thought.
The "turdworld" today is in the streets of Paris and Berlin, all these European economies have been deindustrializing, losing their manufacturing base, getting poorer every year, all the while being flooded by African and Asian migrants. Do you think the less clueless people in Europe see the Russian army as their countries' main threat??
Sergey Lavrov, who routinely sounds like an ANTIFA thug and who just the other week blamed Europeans for all evils in this world, is already changing tune. Orwellian stuff. No longer is Europe 'dumb and poor, manipulated souls misled by evil Americans'. Now it's become 'evil Europe, satanically inspired forces who have always wanted to destroy the Russian Motherland'
The turdworldists are thrilled Trump is willing to listen to Putin again. Threw some crumbs down P's way and the man was on his knees within the minute. That inferiority complex is real and shocking to witness. 250k dead Russians, a limping military which will need years to get back on its feet and an economy that's circling down the gutter. Man even offered Trump to do joint stripmining in the Donbass - whose soil by now is bright red from all the Russian blood. Stuff's legit embarrassing
It is Trump that has been doing the begging here, he has already conceded most of Russia's conditions for starting negotiations: Ukraine's exclusion from NATO, recognition of Russian annexation of 4 oblasts, stating openly that Russia was provoked into the war, that the war is a US proxy war etc.
Russia has around 100k KIA, not 250k. Ukraine has around 850k KIA. BBC-affiliated Mediazona's current count is 96k Russian KIA confirmed.
The Russian economy is "circling the gutter" ...with a GDP growth rate of over 4%, and Russia is "bogged down" in Ukraine, it's almost as if you live in a different planet.
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