I don't believe in "BRICS" much less a "dual polar world." BRICS is just the next new MSM thing. We already live in a monoculture one-world government. It's like calling militant Muslims "Taliban" or "Al Qaida" or "PLO" or "Hamas," what difference does it make, they are all one movement that wants to kill white men? The so-calked BRICS countries are nothing without the USA. Why? Because billions of their citizens say so and those billions of people demand Marlboro, Jack Daniels, Coca Cola, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Boeing, John Deere, Hollywood movies (and their corresponding "stars"), Levis, Nike, Disney products, iPhones, and the list goes on ad infinitum. Not to mention that hundreds of millions of these countries citizens daydream daily about what a life in the United States would be like for them and many of them are planning on attempting to move here for such a life. You will never convince billions of people to go against America, her products, and the US dollar, no matter what their "leaders" say/think. In the real street-level world of The People Coca Cola will always beat nationalism. "One billion out of one billion people surveyed chose Diet Coke over nuclear holocaust and the ruble."
The USA is king and China and India and Brasil in particular would go bankrupt without American consumerism, ingenuity, productivity, intelligence, and creativity.
I don't think the world's daily operations and events are fake, they are very real, it is the causes of this reality that I question.
Again, we already have that. America's entire supply chain is dependent on China, and China's entire economy and growth are dependent on American consumerism. It is one system of interdependence, not two countries doing whatever they want.
No they don't. There are way more people who want freedom (and will fight for it) than drones and drone operators. Though, if not stopped, this will no doubt change. That is why I believe our greatest threat is not Russia or China or "America" but the internet and AI. If humans are truly concerned about their future they will soon have to find a way to de-centralize the internet so AI cannot merge with robots/drones like in The Terminator movies and kill us all (or make us their slaves).
The world is no good to the elites if we're all pissed off and/or dead. They need servants to grow their Kobe beef, build their underground nuclear war proof armageddon fortresses in New Zealand, and serve them truffles. That is why (((they))) give us all just enough to be pacified. It's why Choppa pays his taxes (even though he believes them to be unconstitutional), and why Cobra and Samseau work for the Republican establishment, and why I only run my mouth anonymously, it's because the jews have allowed us to have basic 3-star luxuries (that allow them to have elite 5-star luxuries) and we are afraid to lose those luxuries (access to banking, financing, electricity, etc.). Until we break free of our current JQ-dominated economic, political, lawfare, and insurance systems we are all part of the problem. This system cannot be changed en masse from within, it can only be changed by refusing to participate in it.
Refusing to participate is the immediate answer, but not the long-term one. A parallel system must be built up once enough have stopped participating, and there will be a competition of "to be or not to be" between two worldviews, one influenced by jewry and one without.
I keep telling people here, there, everywhere, that they don't look at this situation the same way a trillionaire does. The entire world apparatus is indeed run by the same top dogs. There are about 9,000-10,000 of them, families and associates, a majority of whom have their names withheld from the public. There is an element of esoterica, I have no doubt many of them are into some kind of mysticism, but the personalities and the realities that we witness from our perspectives can hardly be imagined for us to wear their shoes and think their thoughts. You are close enough in your estimates, the being bored with too much sex, power, money, leads to a luciferian rollercoaster of life. However, that is still only what we perceive.
They ultimately receive marching orders from some kind of demonic entity. That is the conclusion of most of my research in this. There is a greater will, the Creator, the Almighty, God the Father, and a lesser will, which resounds with the abominations He banished. This is not gnostic as I don't believe in the urge/demiurge dichotomy, but more of a metaphysical confirmation that people either gravitate towards one or the other. I do believe that there are more people than just Catholics and Orthodox that find their way to the true Will of God, just as there are many among us who do the work of the devil in secret.
Their entire worldview has been setup to neutralize the biggest threats to their tower of Babel in-the-making, first being historical Christianity, which has been pro-Europa since the late Roman times until the last century when dispensationalism and other zionist-infused inversions started becoming mainstream, and the very nature of our genetic integrities, our blood, itself. Blood is sacred to God, we must treasure and safeguard it at all costs. To the demons and their servants, and the servant's servants that we know as shabbos, it is the first thing they desecrate in a victim. If they cannot end one's bloodline, then they seek to defile it by any means because it neuters an opponent for the kind of warfare required to withstand them.
Everything in this modern age (1700s-2025) goes back to the unnatural revolutions that spawned the "liberte, egalite, fraternite" trite. Everything, including the American revolution, which though created a new form of manifest destiny that greatly expanded the Christian peoples, ultimately soured before it had a chance to fully blossom because of the jewish interlopers.
So what does all of this top-down digression mean? That every single system currently in place has been root-canaled with a talmudic weltanschauung. It doesn't matter if the people of that particular system (like China) are not jews themselves, but the furnace they feed with all of their efforts is so easily claimed by those who are simply waiting for it to pay off. BRICS will never be free of jews, neither will SWIFT. Dichotomic tricks for proles to think one is better than the other, just like the whole capitalism and communism debate. They are all antipodes.
The Monarchies and the Church kept jews out of power for over a millennia, almost for two, when those were weakened to the point of being vestigial, the only answer that would stop predatory jewish tyranny was Fascistic Nationalism, which took various forms depending on which part of Europe one was in due to the regionalisms, but it was precisely these regionalisms that made it so potent an antidote to jewry.
As such was the answer for jewry 100 years ago, that answer today has also evolved. The reaction from the Europeans as the recognition of their existential crises enters their continuous subconscious will not be one of tolerance or mediation, but ultimately one of total war, starting with all of the traitors first. A small population of 10 million duty-bound White souls loyal to one's kin above all else will survive and carve a future that God intended, a future that a deracinated catatonic 500 million white hedonists would bloat and die before ever knowing it exists. Only the zeal of the martyrs will restore a worldview absent of jewry.
This is not paganist rhetoric, but recognition of the level of violence it took for Christendom to establish itself just to keep jewry at bay for as long as it did, which was an obscene amount of violence. One need to understand that this level will have to be surpassed in our current predicament, at least in the initial to throw off the traitors in all the western governments and stop their replacements from forming under jewry. These people have an unlimited federal budget to squash anything nationalist, natalist, and third positionist, and plenty of zogbot pension junkies that will betray everything God entrusted to them for a pinch of coin. The fear of God, of hell, of punishment, must be put into every single White European who seeks comfort over the survival of their people.