The Destruction of Modern Women

I have to say it because I'm sure others are thinking it - good woman also not available as a wife. :cry:
Unfortunately that is true. But monastics can have an effect on the world as well through their prayers. I pray she undertakes her calling with faith and sincerity, and prays for the other worldly young women out there who desperately need help. Sometimes a little push is all they need to change and embrace tradition, possibly making good future wives.

It is said when the monasteries are full, the jails are empty, the hospitals are empty, the casinos are empty... When the monasteries are empty, moral corruption pervades everywhere in society. As we saw in Russia 30 years ago. So in the grand scheme of things, more monastics can also bring more women to the Church.
Unfortunately that is true. But monastics can have an effect on the world as well through their prayers. I pray she undertakes her calling with faith and sincerity, and prays for the other worldly young women out there who desperately need help. Sometimes a little push is all they need to change and embrace tradition, possibly making good future wives.

It is said when the monasteries are full, the jails are empty, the hospitals are empty, the casinos are empty... When the monasteries are empty, moral corruption pervades everywhere in society. As we saw in Russia 30 years ago. So in the grand scheme of things, more monastics can also bring more women to the Church.
As I've said in other places, this life is a paradox because it also doesn't mean as much as we think it does. I think that's proven in the way that the world goes through some pretty horrible stuff and seemingly really absurd phases - yet God deemed the bigger picture as the goal (eternal things). It's a pretty mysterious thing, no doubt. The biggest test for men in the modern day of constant distraction, ads, internet, etc is the sex issue and testosterone. As a quick summary, that's what this site is all about (rightly directing energies, and mostly that is sexual, thus finding a wife, etc). That brings up the larger paradox of modernity: women are all about sex appeal, but very infrequently about being honest about the practicality of male desire. It's closer to using sex as a means to get things, then not actually having very much sex - hypergamy, sexless marriages, etc.
This one really, really gets the not so lil piggies mad:

"But my fishing rod has a weight limit"

tv land lol GIF by nobodies.

And they always respond along the lines of "yours must be small" (liked by 2 million land whales).

The obligatory response


Shocked Cat GIF
A friend pointed out the other day that if you look historically, there has always been a decently high number of women who didn't get married and have kids. I think this is the way it should be, since economically and civilizationally it means more if men don't contribute via hard work and with families. Also, since women only have short windows, it makes even more sense this is the case. The saddest part is that a HUGE number of subpar women can get married with a decent man these days and LESS (the ones who would be locked out before) choose it, even with all the advantages in the world.
A friend pointed out the other day that if you look historically, there has always been a decently high number of women who didn't get married and have kids.
Well I remember reading that over the whole course of history something like 2/3 of women had offspring whereas only 1/3 of men had offspring. This would be consistent with hypergamy that top tier males are fornicating with multiple women while bottom tier males are not reproducing.
Just wanted to poke my mug into this thread to say something about hoe_math on Youtube. I think he's a good ambassador of redpill information, better than all of the PUAs of the past, simply because he's not trying to help men be promiscuous, but he's very good at explaining the situation and clearly wants to try to help prevent the collapse of civilization. I always thought redpillers were making a huge mistake in trying to get men to be promiscuous instead of helping average men improve themselves enough to land and keep average women. hoe_math is the first person who really gets it from a perspective of trying to help society.

I guess right now we are on track to see if society can prevent itself from collapse and barbarity when the majority of men have no play whatsoever.
Well I remember reading that over the whole course of history something like 2/3 of women had offspring whereas only 1/3 of men had offspring. This would be consistent with hypergamy that top tier males are fornicating with multiple women while bottom tier males are not reproducing.
Yes, my point also was to make others aware that at least a good number of women just worked for most of their lives and nothing happened. Population booms, it turns out, have way worse implications on the subsequent generations, since the relative abundance makes women less and less possible to deal with.

I guess right now we are on track to see if society can prevent itself from collapse and barbarity when the majority of men have no play whatsoever.
We don't, but it's just going to be a different flavor. There are actual escape and entertainment mechanisms now that make it at least possible to divert the attention of 50% of men who are not paid attention to and/or are checked out. I think the bigger part of the "collapse" is just a standard of living issue, which is actually why one of the only solutions (won't happen) would be a massive die off and wealth transfer to younger generations. It's horrible to say, but if we also lost another 20-30% of the injected it would also dramatically help - but not if taxes remained confiscatory or DC still maintained as much power. I'm not rooting for any scenario because a) it doesn't matter what I think or want and b) the only real option is to leave the authoritarian, debased status quo for another land with better treatment of productive people.