Brutal blackpill prediction.
This guy was extremely prophetic.
Brutal blackpill prediction.
Brutal blackpill prediction.
All the ones you mentioned were still Aryan however. You did not list Mexicans, Africans, Asiatics, Indians, Arabs, or jews. The Nordics have been virulently targeted by the jewish agenda more so because of their ultimate hatred for these original Hyperborean and Adamic genetics, hence the tragedy of many of them becoming corrupted with vice. They are casualties of war.How to define "white" is a sliding scale that no one can pin down. I am 90% Nordic and 10% Balkan and have white skin but dark hair. I certainly don't look like Thor. Honestly, I've had many blonde beauties in my previous dating life and every one of them was a cheater, a psycho, a narcissist, or a hoe. What's a man to do? The best girlfriends I've had were slightly darker/mixed (Iranian, Italian, Spanish, etc.). In the end, you need to marry who complements you and helps lead you to salvation. This is the Christian way.
I'll relay another recent story from Greece that made the ecclesiastecal "headlines":Unfortunately that is true. But monastics can have an effect on the world as well through their prayers. I pray she undertakes her calling with faith and sincerity, and prays for the other worldly young women out there who desperately need help. Sometimes a little push is all they need to change and embrace tradition, possibly making good future wives.
It is said when the monasteries are full, the jails are empty, the hospitals are empty, the casinos are empty... When the monasteries are empty, moral corruption pervades everywhere in society. As we saw in Russia 30 years ago. So in the grand scheme of things, more monastics can also bring more women to the Church.
I'll relay another recent story from Greece that made the ecclesiastecal "headlines":
A priest stopped a wedding because the best woman was dressed very immodestly, telling her to "go get dressed and come back".
According to the priest the woman did as she was told and she is now in the Church confessing regularly.
So, yes modern women are still capable of opening their hearts to the Grace of God.
Brutal blackpill prediction.
Absolutely. Over thousands of years the human organism has not changed much (we live longer but that's about it). However, the original state of the world that humans were born into and made for has changed much and no longer exists. Therefore, we are literally fish out of water.I've seen people saying that there is something demonic about AI...
That Hideous Strength by C.S Lewis comes to mind.Absolutely. Over thousands of years the human organism has not changed much (we live longer but that's about it). However, the original state of the world that humans were born into and made for has changed much and no longer exists. Therefore, we are literally fish out of water.
We are built to be simple, physically active, family oriented people living close to nature. Much of our individual modern psycho-emotional difficultues and physical health problems stem from us living in an unnatural world that is technologically too complex for our simple minded biological organism. We have too many choices and options for our basic, barely above gorilla-intelligence brains. In a nut shell, we are being over-stimulated by technology and therefore many of us are slowly going insane. This is the work of The Devil and not our natural state.
Computers, the internet, cameras, smart phones, and any thing that goes into them or comes out of them (especially deep fakes and pornography), have the ability to make us very unhappy which is exactly how Satan likes us to be. It is therefore logical to assume that Satan is behind the creation of much of our technology, including, but not limited to AI.
While I don't go as far as you do regarding technology, since technically it can be used for good or evil, your point still stands. It's an archetype from the ancient world that humans could never really "handle" technology. Certainly, from a mass population point of view we can see, then and now, it's a rule not an exception.It is therefore logical to assume that Satan is behind the creation of much of our technology, including, but not limited to AI.
If we are hunters, or even fishers, we have to go where the "prey" is or where the fish are. Not where the prey where shields and where the fish swim with blubber and don't bite.Going around seeing if random women are marriageable disconnects you from the world. Instead lead with your masculinity. Let your manly instincts determine whose marriageable, whose worth talking to and allow your mind to stay still.
Brutal blackpill prediction.