The Destruction of Modern Women

I can't remember the last time I saw, or even heard bout, a 10+ year age gap. I know of one boomer couple that married in the early 1970s I'm guessing, where the gap was about that. I think in general it also doesn't happen because of not only the culture, but as people are less involved and the culture hates older men getting anything, it makes it nearly impossible to convince the social networks around the girl. I agree that it's not so much women in particular, but the friends and family that will kibosh it.
One of the best things about younger Christian women is they actually like it when a man is nice to them. A lot of older women are so jaded and mean, and treat men like garbage. They should realize they're lucky when a good man wants to treat them well.

There's also a way to treat women well without being a simp, and that balance is much easier with a younger woman. No stupid red pill games. They look up to their man and respect him, so he's good to her.
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I think the harder thing about meeting potentials as you get older is pure volume, contact, or proximity. You just don't have occasions to meet the number of women that is required to meet both your standards, and compatibility. You'd think modern women would just listen to men when they tell them, yeah, I'm pretty much only interested in 20 year old women (in their 20s), instead of just getting mad. It's like they can't take a hint that a guy just isn't going to be excited about an older, jaded woman - why would he be? I guess asking them to all recognize that would just make them depressed, so the cluelessness is more of a coping mechanism than anything. It's just funny when you meet these 35-45 year old women who aren't ugly, but they aren't in the greatest shape, because quite frankly they aren't young anymore. They need to be looking at guys who are 55-65 but the thing is, they think a guy in his 40s is going to care about them. It's weird, because all you have to do is just ask yourself, would a successful 40 year old man be interested in a 35 year old woman? Obviously no. That doesn't take a lot of thinking.
The funny thing about spinsters and career women is how picky and stuck up they are. They are in no position to act that way, but continue their ways of self sabotage. I think they do it as a way to protect their feelings because most men will notice their awful personalities pretty quickly, and eventually want nothing to do with them.

If anything, hot 18-22 year olds are in a position to be stuck up but they're usually the nicest women around.
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I think the harder thing about meeting potentials as you get older is pure volume, contact, or proximity. You just don't have occasions to meet the number of women that is required to meet both your standards, and compatibility. You'd think modern women would just listen to men when they tell them, yeah, I'm pretty much only interested in 20 year old women (in their 20s), instead of just getting mad. It's like they can't take a hint that a guy just isn't going to be excited about an older, jaded woman - why would he be? I guess asking them to all recognize that would just make them depressed, so the cluelessness is more of a coping mechanism than anything. It's just funny when you meet these 35-45 year old women who aren't ugly, but they aren't in the greatest shape, because quite frankly they aren't young anymore. They need to be looking at guys who are 55-65 but the thing is, they think a guy in his 40s is going to care about them. It's weird, because all you have to do is just ask yourself, would a successful 40 year old man be interested in a 35 year old woman? Obviously no. That doesn't take a lot of thinking.
That's the difference between men and women. Men live in reality while women are delusion. The average man doesn't ever expect to marry a Victoria Secret's model because he realizes he is nothing special but an average woman thinks she deserves a 6 foot tall millionaire.
The average man doesn't ever expect to marry a Victoria Secret's model because he realizes he is nothing special but an average woman thinks she deserves a 6 foot tall millionaire.
There's definitely something to this, but I think it's moreso what some resources or material goods do for women that really unleashes their hypergamy reptilian brain. This explains other cultures, where the women can't be that different, evolutionarily or otherwise. Their impulse is so high for the material - and this proves the point about looks actually not being all that important to them (contrary to what most say) - that they will date or marry a really high range of men if they don't have fake jobs or money. Once they get job, career, money possibilities otherwise, though they basically get high on themselves and will self destruct going for 2+ points higher of men. There are very few exceptions to this, but all you have to do is go to other countries and literally see girls from 6-9 (10s don't exist) dating all sorts of men that aren't very good looking. And there's nothing wrong with this. It literally proves the point that looks are a major backseat to resources, so don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
Women turn themselves into the women who they would want to date. They project a demeanour of witty banter, candles at a cocktail bar, a sly remark toward the tall rich and handsome man who just happened to lean over the bar to pay the tab for his grateful staff.

This fantasy usually develops during the time they realize that their nonsense globo homo job is a spit in the face to all the ra ra feminism they were showered with during their time at whichever expensive out of state school they happened to guilt their fathers into paying for. The more the reality hits that their boss is just a version of her father/boyfriend/future husband - and even worse, that he barely acknowledges her existence - the more they embrace the illusion of girl boss career girl. And as anyone over the age of 30 knows, years start blending together like weeks.

Kurt Vonnegut — 'We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.'
Women turn themselves into the women who they would want to date.
The Rollo-ism coming out. It's true.

It's a big thing for most people, since most people aren't very thoughtful nor do they try hard (or are capable of) at critical thinking, to think "this is what I do or think, so others must be the same". I've come to the conclusion that it isn't really ego, it's just limited self reflection and mostly just reaction to environment, laziness, that sort of thing. The problem with this of course, in modernity, is that everyone acts like they should have an opinion on things (I'm a voter or some such nonsense) that they really know little to nothing about. That part is the ego part, sadly. Thinking that you're not just average, in most respects, like most people. I often wonder if women really think they even should have an opinion on things (like worldly things, not life circumstances). I'd guess at this point they do, even thought it's fairly comical, based on pure imprinting the society does on them.

And as anyone over the age of 30 knows, years start blending together like weeks.
It's also why the shifting of what acceptable ages for marriage and women being sincere about it is so tragic. By 30, unless you are really honest about how far your value has dropped (most aren't and are looking for high value men at that time, still), you'll be 35 in a New York minute and it's game over for sure at that point.
For various reasons, I've been considering this issue for a while and trying to understand aging from a woman's perspective. I should probably stop trying to understand something as complex as what is in a woman's head (given that there is no obvious logic to it) but I cannot help myself since it effects me day to day.

It's tough to understand from a male point of view since our arc of attractiveness is literally the opposite of women after say the age of 30, but imagine if you will being as attractive as you ever will be at around age 18-20. After that it's a downwards spiral. Maybe you could fool people in the modern age with all of the propaganda we receive up to maybe 35.

After that any market value that you might be able to generate just falls off a cliff. You become invisible. Literally invisible to the men that you would want to attract.

Is it any wonder that these older women, especially as they enter peri menopause or menopause, become so mean? They realise the lie they are sold, they feel old and unattractive and even if they have managed to secure a decent man, they cannot help themselves to be insecure most of the time, especially if the man is making something of himself post 40yo which is when most men are starting to really hit their stride.

It's a mess created largely by the lie of feminism and the 'you can have it all' mentality that they have been sold. By the time they hit a certain age, they realise (if not actually logically realising, but on some emotional level) that they have been duped and they are permanently pissed off about it.

If you're a guy who has got his shit together, try giving a woman who is post 50 a nice smile every now and again for no reason. You'll absolutely make their day because mostly they are invisible.
For various reasons, I've been considering this issue for a while and trying to understand aging from a woman's perspective. I should probably stop trying to understand something as complex as what is in a woman's head (given that there is no obvious logic to it) but I cannot help myself since it effects me day to day.

It's tough to understand from a male point of view since our arc of attractiveness is literally the opposite of women after say the age of 30, but imagine if you will being as attractive as you ever will be at around age 18-20. After that it's a downwards spiral. Maybe you could fool people in the modern age with all of the propaganda we receive up to maybe 35.

After that any market value that you might be able to generate just falls off a cliff. You become invisible. Literally invisible to the men that you would want to attract.

Is it any wonder that these older women, especially as they enter peri menopause or menopause, become so mean? They realise the lie they are sold, they feel old and unattractive and even if they have managed to secure a decent man, they cannot help themselves to be insecure most of the time, especially if the man is making something of himself post 40yo which is when most men are starting to really hit their stride.

It's a mess created largely by the lie of feminism and the 'you can have it all' mentality that they have been sold. By the time they hit a certain age, they realise (if not actually logically realising, but on some emotional level) that they have been duped and they are permanently pissed off about it.

If you're a guy who has got his shit together, try giving a woman who is post 50 a nice smile every now and again for no reason. You'll absolutely make their day because mostly they are invisible.
This is the true reason men want virgins. Because women “settle”.

Also: here’s a tough pill people don’t want to admit: women peak a tad below 18. Roughly 16 due to chemicals in food. Plus the average girl loses her virginity in high school.
Also: here’s a tough pill people don’t want to admit: women peak a tad below 18. Roughly 16 due to chemicals in food. Plus the average girl loses her virginity in high school.
This is 100% true.

Also according to scientific literature the majority of women (over 90% of them) stop growing physically between the ages 14 and 16. Thereby a 16 year old woman in over 90% of cases will be physically fully developed (height, breasts, etc) she is merely just aging after that and losing value.

Whereas men on average stop growing physically between the ages of 16 and 18. Over 90% of men will be fully grown physically by the age of 18.

This is in line with the common saying that girls mature faster than boys.

Therefore if I was looking for a wife I would prefer to look for a 16 year old woman over an 18 year old woman all else being equal and provided its legal in the country/state I am in at the time I am looking for a wife (in most places in the world it is legal if you obtain written parental consent and a magistrates approval).
Therefore if I was looking for a wife I would prefer to look for a 16 year old woman over an 18 year old woman all else being equal and provided its legal in the country/state I am in at the time I am looking for a wife (in most places in the world it is legal if you obtain written parental consent and a magistrates approval).
Here We Go Again GIF by MOODMAN
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You need to get over yourselves. This isn’t Roosh v forum.

You're right, Roosh would've closed this thread for being too emotional and blackpilled.

I understand the importance of this topic to some, but it's becoming exhausting to revisit it so frequently. Expecting a teenage virgin bride in 2024 isn't realistic. Where does the Bible even explicitly command that women must be virgins before marriage anyway? God commanded Hosea to marry a prostitute, which shows that His plans aren't always in line with rigid expectations.
It's a mess created largely by the lie of feminism and the 'you can have it all' mentality that they have been sold. By the time they hit a certain age, they realise (if not actually logically realising, but on some emotional level) that they have been duped and they are permanently pissed off about it.
Yes, and then it comes back to this question: are they willing believers in the lie that they'll have as much, or more, later in life? Or are they incapable of seeing beyond the current moment, which again begs the question about agency?

I would argue they aren't duped, they are just spoiled. In ordinary or historical human life, they are flexible enough and have been shown to be, to marry a man who will provide. They perceive they don't need that in modernity, and can lean on others (gov, fam, job) so they constantly try to outkick their coverage in terms of male quality. Since they aren't good at discerning life overall, and phases of life, or even think about biology and intersex dynamics as a function of age, of course they are far more disappointed when they are older because they never dreamed it would be "that bad." But they could easily just look at 50-60 year old women when they are 20 and know instantly that that's the case.
Women turn themselves into the women who they would want to date. They project a demeanour of witty banter, candles at a cocktail bar, a sly remark toward the tall rich and handsome man who just happened to lean over the bar to pay the tab for his grateful staff.

This fantasy usually develops during the time they realize that their nonsense globo homo job is a spit in the face to all the ra ra feminism they were showered with during their time at whichever expensive out of state school they happened to guilt their fathers into paying for. The more the reality hits that their boss is just a version of her father/boyfriend/future husband - and even worse, that he barely acknowledges her existence - the more they embrace the illusion of girl boss career girl. And as anyone over the age of 30 knows, years start blending together like weeks.

Kurt Vonnegut — 'We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.'
Yeah one of the most frustrating things about a lot of women is they assume men are attracted to the same things they are. And as normal men know, we are attracted to the complete opposite things as women. Bragging about their careers, confidence, getting attention from lots of men, etc. All of it is an instant boner killer.

It's not really their fault since they were brainwashed with feminism/marxism, but it's still not something I want to deal with.