The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

The important thing to remember is that Germany remains under American military occupation and has since the end of World War 2. There are 119 U.S. military bases in Germany today. In other words, Germans are not in charge of their politics:

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Exactly, it's just an allied occupied commerce zone. Germany never negotiated or signed a peace treaty. IANAL but technically speaking Germany is still at war ;)
No offense, but does this even matter and can it be called good news if it’s been this way for decades more or less?

Germans in the 60s and 70s in West Germany were given repeated promises that guest workers from Turkey were definitely going back home soon. 85% (maybe 95%?) of the population favored the keeping of these promises. Yet the Turks stayed and grumbling about it achieved nothing.
The Turkish "guest workers" we imported into Germany on behalf of their US American overlords who wanted to put missiles onto Turkish soil to scare the Russians. Since the Turkish elite wanted to get rid of the "Mountain Turks" (a lot of them were Kurds), a classic win-win kind of deal was struck. That's probably also part of the reason why they were never forced back to their villages.

Some details on the deal (in German):
By that token most of the world is occupied by (((US))) forces. It is very convenient explanation of global politics that usually serves Russian interests. NATO is either useless or the most powerful pact in the world. Please decide which of the two, because I have seen people treat them as both.

Germany is in this state for other more specific reasons, including mass cucking of an already obedient populace by post war propaganda. Before drag queen story hour they had holocaust story hour for decades. Even the most confident German chad turns into a kitten when you bring up moustache man. I don't blame them but their system based society plays into the hands of the propagandists.
So Iv been thinking about this Islamic migrant invasion of Europe lately and I think it might not actually be such a bad thing for Christianity hear me out. So Europe is already anti Christianity they are pro everything we dislike, example, they are pro abortion and same sex marriage and have taken God completely out of society, they have brought feminism and divorce rights for woman which is completely destroying our families and the order of God, to be honest I wouldnt mind if Islamic extremists took over these secular governments and put an end to all this bu force, protestant Christianity has failed to do this so God might just be bringing us another way, yes they would also persecute Christianity but we are already being persecuted so I would much rather live in a society with out all that homo and feminist BS, divorce and abortion, that alone is already a big plus for me, what are your thoughts?
So Iv been thinking about this Islamic migrant invasion of Europe lately and I think it might not actually be such a bad thing for Christianity hear me out. So Europe is already anti Christianity they are pro everything we dislike, example, they are pro abortion and same sex marriage and have taken God completely out of society, they have brought feminism and divorce rights for woman which is completely destroying our families and the order of God, to be honest I wouldnt mind if Islamic extremists took over these secular governments and put an end to all this bu force, protestant Christianity has failed to do this so God might just be bringing us another way, yes they would also persecute Christianity but we are already being persecuted so I would much rather live in a society with out all that homo and feminist BS, divorce and abortion, that alone is already a big plus for me, what are your thoughts?
Not having homos is not a worthy trade off when the cost is your country's women being raped, violence skyrocketing, and almost all European architecture turning into Ngubu mud huts. See: "Little Mogadishu" in Sweden.
Not having homos is not a worthy trade off when the cost is your country's women being raped, violence skyrocketing, and almost all European architecture turning into Ngubu mud huts. See: "Little Mogadishu" in Sweden.
They are already being raped, the only downside I can think of is if the Muslims were to be in charge they might actually close churches, but that might happen either way though
Via The Daily Sceptic, the thoughts of the multicultural population of Berlin (as if we didn't already know):

The important thing to remember is that Germany remains under American military occupation and has since the end of World War 2. There are 119 U.S. military bases in Germany today. In other words, Germans are not in charge of their politics:

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So Germany and Japan have the most US troops, with Italy in fourth place. Only Korea, which is still at war, comes near the top two.

Very telling when your biggest military presence is in the countries you defeated 80 years ago.
Via The Daily Sceptic, the thoughts of the multicultural population of Berlin (as if we didn't already know):

Daily Sceptic and Radio Genoa are very Zionist leaning (particualrly the latter - I think it's perhaps even run by Js) but yep it's concerning. 5 years ago it would have made me angry, but now I think I'm just past that. Europe is in a big mess, but I do still have hope that this will all be reversed in the coming decades, somehow.
So Ukraine is now facing its lowest birthdate ever, due to the war:


So in response they are bringing in new immigrants:

Ukraine will have to attract an additional 4.5 million workers to the labour market over the next ten years to carry out its post-war recovery.

The report notes that Ukraine faced a labour shortage even before the full-scale invasion. However, now that over 6 million Ukrainians have been forced to go abroad, the labour situation in the country has become even more critical.

The war allows the US to blow money that could be used on its citizens and also forces Eastern Europe to import immigrants.
So Iv been thinking about this Islamic migrant invasion of Europe lately and I think it might not actually be such a bad thing for Christianity hear me out. So Europe is already anti Christianity they are pro everything we dislike, example, they are pro abortion and same sex marriage and have taken God completely out of society, they have brought feminism and divorce rights for woman which is completely destroying our families and the order of God, to be honest I wouldnt mind if Islamic extremists took over these secular governments and put an end to all this bu force, protestant Christianity has failed to do this so God might just be bringing us another way, yes they would also persecute Christianity but we are already being persecuted so I would much rather live in a society with out all that homo and feminist BS, divorce and abortion, that alone is already a big plus for me, what are your thoughts? I don't want to live in a country where women have to wear burqas when out in public. Nor do I want to abide by laws such as no public displays of affection.

They have terrible customs regarding men and women and I want nothing to do with it.
So Iv been thinking about this Islamic migrant invasion of Europe lately and I think it might not actually be such a bad thing for Christianity hear me out. So Europe is already anti Christianity they are pro everything we dislike, example, they are pro abortion and same sex marriage and have taken God completely out of society, they have brought feminism and divorce rights for woman which is completely destroying our families and the order of God, to be honest I wouldnt mind if Islamic extremists took over these secular governments and put an end to all this bu force, protestant Christianity has failed to do this so God might just be bringing us another way, yes they would also persecute Christianity but we are already being persecuted so I would much rather live in a society with out all that homo and feminist BS, divorce and abortion, that alone is already a big plus for me, what are your thoughts?
I think that its hard to realize how much we still have in common with our fellow atheist countrymen and women. Very basic cultural things that are taken for granted that originate from the christian tradition that is still today the default.

the NPCs dont realize or want to admit it but almost everything they do and how they see the world is heavily influenced by christianity. Its impossible to get rid of so much tradition, history and i dare say its baked into the genetics at this point.

Even with leftists they continually turn the other cheek, they seek to improve and help the world in a misguided kumbayah attitude. Saving nature, the planet and peoples and being self sacrificing in the process. you don't see this anywhere else other than former christians. Its just that they have taken the same values and ran them off the cliff into something counter productive and harmfull.

If you where to live in a muslim country or neighbourhood for extended period of time i think it would become clear that they are further removed from us than our lost neighbours despite also having traditional beliefs and following a god and religion.

I think the west ran by muslims would be a much more miserable, alien and violent place to live in than we currently get.

The choice is between rebellious people of your own kind or a hostile tribe seeking to completely take over and wipe you out.

We still have a reasonably functional society despite all the evil going on, if muslims where in control it would look like south africa with sharia mixed in.

PS: There is a coincidence with succesfull and influential people converting to islam and promoting it and also wanting to establish themselves in Dubai. It cant be discounted that this plays a significant role in their motivation.
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