The Barbarian Invasion of Europe


Probably more influential than politicians or elections. We need big names to lead by example so the regular people will feel permitted to do the same. Politics is never going to change anything it has to come from a huge mass of regular people all sharing the same conviction
In the central/EE European city I live near there are more and more black people in the mall every time I go there. Young men, dressed well. I'm guessing Nigerian students.

I have nothing against them personally but I really don't like it. It's very depressing. As for England, it's in such a mess I don't know where to start. I'm very pleased with the Irish fighting back (God bless Conor McGregor) and hopefully it inspires the English lads who want a bit more than Tommy Robinson's anti-Islam stuff, important though that is (lessening Islamic influence) especially with Andrew Tate funnelling lost young men down that path.

And yep, as ginsu said, politics won't change anything. Especially not with FPTP as we have in the UK which prevents a radical outsider party from gaining a foothold. If we had proportional representation the BNP would probably have become the biggest party in the UK considering their success in the late 2000s.
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In the central/EE European city I live near there are more and more black people in the mall every time I go there. Young men, dressed well. I'm guessing Nigerian students.

I have nothing against them personally but I really don't like it. It's very depressing. As for England, it's in such a mess I don't know where to start. I'm very pleased with the Irish fighting back (God bless Conor McGregor) and hopefully it inspires the English lads who want a bit more than Tommy Robinson's anti-Islam stuff, important though that is (lessening Islamic influence) especially with Andrew Tate funnelling lost young men down that path.

And yep, as ginsu said, politics won't change anything. Especially not with FPTP as we have in the UK which prevents a radical outsider party from gaining a foothold. If we had proportional representation the BNP would probably have become the biggest party in the UK considering their success in the late 2000s.

Yes, just like the Germans or Austrians, the French, the Spanish, the Italians, the Norwegians or Swedes, you’re not going to be able to vote yourself out of the entrenched and highly subverted globalist system run out of Brussels.

The writing has been on the wall for well over a decade now, but all we see across the board is how the state of affairs is deteriorating on a daily basis. More and more illegal migrants, a crashing economy, deteriorating infrastructure loss of competitiveness, political witch-hunts, you name it. Nothing will change until the entire system collapses.
Yep. We're in a very, very significant time in history right now. I remember on RVF a few years back (before Covid) some posters were predicting that the 2020s would be chaos and upheaval across the west. It would seem they were correct. The parties getting into power (or getting closer) in the countries with proportional representation aren't necessarily all the way positive, but the overall trend is certainly heading in more of 'our' direction.

Ireland will be very interesting to follow over the next year or two. I'm not sure when they have elections but I would expect some big moves, especially if Conor McGregor keeps reposting Keith Woods' tweets etc in support of the National Party.