The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

I can speak for Italy, since I am there on a pretty frequent basis. Italy is mainly being overrun by Africans, not Middle Easterners. There are a ton of Nigerians there, for example...all milling about, many looking for work, but most never finding any. I'll be honest, I don't think they are any more of a threat of danger than the tons of gypsies in Italy, to be honest. The Italians don't want them, but pretend to be nice and tolerate them, I guess hoping they'll eventually go away. No one hires them, because no one wants them sticking around. So a lot of them end up selling drugs and/or doing drugs and then causing violent disturbances in the streets. They seem to be more of an issue in big cities. In the small towns you might see a few wandering around, but I have not seen them causing problems there.
I must warn you guys about Nigerians, we have a lot of them here in South Africa, they are probably one of the smartest black Africans but not in a good way, here they are involved in all kids of online scams, fraud, prostitution, drug lords, organised crime and I dont think Iv ever met a Nigerian who actually works for someone they all self employed theu dont get hired for manual labor they are quite well off in South Africa but very hated by the local blacks, just be warned in Italy dont trust them dont do business with them dont allow them to come work in your homes be vigilant dont share important info with them
They will still be the last to be flooded by migrants in their remote small village. If you are determined to stay in your home country its probably the best option available. And the one always advocated for other than going abroad away from the west. Move far away from big cities, become part of a small community and try to be self sufficient. what else are they supposed to do ?.

Leave Western Europe, it's not a place to raise small children. That sweet little girl won't be spending her life in that village and odds are she's going to get her own dose of diversity as soon as she hits high school or whatever the equivalent is in Italy.
Having come across a reference on another thread to a website called, I thought I'd have a look to see if there was anything UK centric. Straight away, I came across this article:

TL;DR - in London, 30% of those from the middle east live in government subsidised housing. The same is true for 40% of sub-Saharan Africans and, in the case of Somalis, this rises to nearly 75%.

Angry doesn't even begin to cover it.
Having come across a reference on another thread to a website called, I thought I'd have a look to see if there was anything UK centric. Straight away, I came across this article:

TL;DR - in London, 30% of those from the middle east live in government subsidised housing. The same is true for 40% of sub-Saharan Africans and, in the case of Somalis, this rises to nearly 75%.

Angry doesn't even begin to cover it.

Well it's 100% of foreign blacks in Australia who live in government subsidized housing. You still got a way to go bro before you become full end boss. ;)
Norway has soon accepted 100k Ukrainian migrants. That's 2 percent of the total population! This concerns me a bit I must say. Yes, it's better with Ukrainians than Somalis. (much better) But recent data show that 95 percent of them live on 100 percent Government handouts, and that's after being here for a full year or more in some cases. We might be getting the bottom of the barrel of these folks. So much for the beautiful Ukrainian women also, these one's look like chain-smoking crack addicts. :ROFLMAO:
Norway has soon accepted 100k Ukrainian migrants. That's 2 percent of the total population! This concerns me a bit I must say. Yes, it's better with Ukrainians than Somalis. (much better) But recent data show that 95 percent of them live on 100 percent Government handouts, and that's after being here for a full year or more in some cases. We might be getting the bottom of the barrel of these folks. So much for the beautiful Ukrainian women also, these one's look like chain-smoking crack addicts. :ROFLMAO:
Where I live, we have done equally poorly in that regard. The women would be far more at home in the Gdansk shipyard, doing a welding job, than strutting the catwalk in Milan.
Thanks for that. I just read Italy has mandatory vaccinations for children so there's less and less countries to choose from!

Spain doesnt do mandatory vaxxes do you or anyone else have any experiences with Spain? I visited Spain about 15 years ago and thought it was a beautiful country but a lot can change in such a time. We also looked at Portugal but it will have uber high taxes from next year on which is a shame.
Spain is an interesting case when it comes to healthcare and vaccines. During the pandemic when they were asking for proof of vaconation people would just argue that by law you're not allowed to ask anyone for their medical status. You're not even allowed to ask people for their documents. That's one of the reasons why, apart from the curfews, the covid restrictions were somewhat lax overall compared to other western Euro countries.

I still wouldn't recommend Spain, due to its progressiveness. Victim mentality is very widespread among men and women here. Women inherently believe the patriarchal system is designed for them to fail and be discriminated. While the men would usually assume a victim stance when things don't go their way.

Also, though there is some sense of national pride compared to places like Germany, there still are many regional conflicts based on separatist movements that weaken the overall sense of togetherness.

Oh and don't get me started on their LGBT views.

If I had a child in Spain, I would be concerned about how that environment would impact its personality.
Spain is an interesting case when it comes to healthcare and vaccines. During the pandemic when they were asking for proof of vaconation people would just argue that by law you're not allowed to ask anyone for their medical status. You're not even allowed to ask people for their documents. That's one of the reasons why, apart from the curfews, the covid restrictions were somewhat lax overall compared to other western Euro countries.

I still wouldn't recommend Spain, due to its progressiveness. Victim mentality is very widespread among men and women here. Women inherently believe the patriarchal system is designed for them to fail and be discriminated. While the men would usually assume a victim stance when things don't go their way.

Also, though there is some sense of national pride compared to places like Germany, there still are many regional conflicts based on separatist movements that weaken the overall sense of togetherness.

Oh and don't get me started on their LGBT views.

If I had a child in Spain, I would be concerned about how that environment would impact its personality.

Thanks for your reply, regarding the LGBT stuff how bad is that in Spain? I never really experienced any gay crap in Spain but like I said that's quite a while ago.
Thanks for your reply, regarding the LGBT stuff how bad is that in Spain? I never really experienced any gay crap in Spain but like I said that's quite a while ago.
I mean from what I've understood there isn't too much direct indoctrination going on at schools. Since I do a team sport I still do come in contact with 18 year olds and after establishing some degree of trust I have asked them what they were taught about gender at school. So far all of them have confirmed that they learn that there are two genders etc.

However, when you walk around you do notice the effeminate boys with scrawny bodies and female voices, girls with hairy legs due to "empowerment" and being pansexuals or whatever.

Spain is probably the true definition on an inclusive society, because they really accept everyone from ALL parts of the political and gender spectrum ( I know there are only two genders, but you get what I mean).

They won't actively push the alphabet agenda on you, but it will be pretty visible wherever you go in the urban areas. Smaller cities seem more normal and I haven't spent enough time on the islands to provide a real opinion on them.
I still wouldn't recommend Spain, due to its progressiveness. Victim mentality is very widespread among men and women here. Women inherently believe the patriarchal system is designed for them to fail and be discriminated. While the men would usually assume a victim stance when things don't go their way.
I've been watching the Spanish show "Alpha Males" on Netflix and I cannot believe some of the things that come out of the mouths of these women. It sounds like feminism is 10x worse in Spain than it is here in the US.

I'm popular is that show over there?
I've been watching the Spanish show "Alpha Males" on Netflix and I cannot believe some of the things that come out of the mouths of these women. It sounds like feminism is 10x worse in Spain than it is here in the US.

I'm popular is that show over there?

I've been to Spain many times and while it's a naturally very beautiful country with an impressive history, culturally speaking it's probably one of the most feminist placed on earth, even putting Sweden, the UK, or Germany to shame. I recall that Roosh during his PUA days declared it to be one of the worst places for passport bros (he used a different term but you get the idea). Go and visit for a nice vacation, but as a place to build a life and find a traditional wife it’s definitely off the list.

At some point there is going to be an outburst of pushback, and of the extreme violent kind. And these same people are going to pull the victim card and cry racism and all kinds of other red herrings. I think Mohammed has conveniently forgotten that best and most lethal forces on the planet are comprised of well organized white men. The only reason white men have been put into a losing position is because their own leaders are wholesale traitors who relegated them to 2nd citizen status. Which is already massively backfiring now judging by the deficit in recruiting numbers we see in the United States (and what we would see if Europe would attempt to assemble a serious and well trained strike force).

But at some point enough will be enough and his ilk will deeply regret the long serious of bad choices they have made. I am intentionally expressing myself calmly and composed here as an angry and reactive outburst on an online forum does not solve anything. But I've been around long enough to be able to read the tea leaves and I can see what's coming as clear as day. It won't be pretty for either side, that's what this thug does not understand.
At some point there is going to be an outburst of pushback, and of the extreme violent kind. And these same people are going to pull the victim card and cry racism and all kinds of other red herrings. I think Mohammed has conveniently forgotten that best and most lethal forces on the planet are comprised of well organized white men. The only reason white men have been put into a losing position is because their own leaders are wholesale traitors who relegated them to 2nd citizen status. Which is already massively backfiring now judging by the deficit in recruiting numbers we see in the United States (and what we would see if Europe would attempt to assemble a serious and well trained strike force).

But at some point enough will be enough and his ilk will deeply regret the long serious of bad choices they have made. I am intentionally expressing myself calmly and composed here as an angry and reactive outburst on an online forum does not solve anything. But I've been around long enough to be able to read the tea leaves and I can see what's coming as clear as day. It won't be pretty for either side, that's what this thug does not understand.

At some point there is going to be an outburst of pushback, and of the extreme violent kind. And these same people are going to pull the victim card and cry racism and all kinds of other red herrings. I think Mohammed has conveniently forgotten that best and most lethal forces on the planet are comprised of well organized white men. The only reason white men have been put into a losing position is because their own leaders are wholesale traitors who relegated them to 2nd citizen status. Which is already massively backfiring now judging by the deficit in recruiting numbers we see in the United States (and what we would see if Europe would attempt to assemble a serious and well trained strike force).

But at some point enough will be enough and his ilk will deeply regret the long serious of bad choices they have made. I am intentionally expressing myself calmly and composed here as an angry and reactive outburst on an online forum does not solve anything. But I've been around long enough to be able to read the tea leaves and I can see what's coming as clear as day. It won't be pretty for either side, that's what this thug does not understand.

But will there really ?
I see no evidence this will ever happen.