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The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

Living in a sleepy part of England, the migrant invasion, while concerning, always seemed largely a big city problem . However in recent months I have noticed a considerable increase in immigrants in my home town. There are a few Ukrainians, but also some Muslims and I saw a car full of proper Africans speaking in their own language. This is in a little market town, it’s coming.

The country will change forever
Living in a sleepy part of England, the migrant invasion, while concerning, always seemed largely a big city problem . However in recent months I have noticed a considerable increase in immigrants in my home town. There are a few Ukrainians, but also some Muslims and I saw a car full of proper Africans speaking in their own language. This is in a little market town, it’s coming.

The country will change forever
I had my road to Damascus moment earlier this year, when I found out that a mosque had opened in Stornoway. I heard about plans for this some time back, but truly believed that it would never happen.
I had my road to Damascus moment earlier this year, when I found out that a mosque had opened in Stornoway. I heard about plans for this some time back, but truly believed that it would never happen.
Let that sink in.

The below post delves into the demographic math behind the Islamic and black invasion of Europe, concluding that based on current fertility rate and immigration trends, unless something drastic changes the future is going to much more black, much more Islamic, and much more primitive: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/demographics-is-destiny-a-comparison
I know you love neofeudal, but he's underestimating the currents that brought forth the population boom of the world, and in particular, the 3rd world, over the last 80 years. They're changing, and they're changing fast. The muzzies and the africans don't have enough time. The supply lines won't hold, and kinetic wars and plagues are knocking on the door. How it looks at the end of the decade, or by 2035, I have no idea - but I do believe there will be a big time loss in population.

One thing people don't notice, that I have, is that european selection is strong and brutal - which is why europeans are advanced in ways other peoples aren't. They miss that it's just happening again, in a different way.
I know you love neofeudal, but he's underestimating the currents that brought forth the population boom of the world, and in particular, the 3rd world, over the last 80 years. They're changing, and they're changing fast. The muzzies and the africans don't have enough time. The supply lines won't hold, and kinetic wars and plagues are knocking on the door. How it looks at the end of the decade, or by 2035, I have no idea - but I do believe there will be a big time loss in population.

One thing people don't notice, that I have, is that european selection is strong and brutal - which is why europeans are advanced in ways other peoples aren't. They miss that it's just happening again, in a different way.

I have often wondered what the purpose of mass-immigration actually is. I have stated before that the alleged economic benefits are spurious, which leads me to conclude it is one of three things:

1) To breakdown national identity in preparation for a world government.

2) To fracture and factionalise society, so that we're disunited and therefore powerless to challenge the powers that be (TPTB).

3) To fracture and factionalise society, with the ultimate objective being a civil war and population reduction.

(2) & (3) are similar, but with different objectives. TPTB will deliberately foment mutual distrust and antagonism between the different competing groups. However, with (2) the objective will be that TPTB will offer a solution to stop the unrest, which will be an Orwellian police state who totally restricts our liberty in order to guarantee peace.

I cannot think of any other objectives that than those three scenarios.

This thread seems to blame migrants, however as I have previously stated, that is not fair. It is the Western people who have repeatedly elected governments that destabilise the Middle East, in particular, and support Israel. We have elections and, in the UK at least, have never deviated from the two major parties which have failed us again and again. The middle classes are affluent and insulated from the effects of it all and, even now, don't seem to either notice or care about what is happening.
I have often wondered what the purpose of mass-immigration actually is. I have stated before that the alleged economic benefits are spurious, which leads me to conclude it is one of three things:

1) To breakdown national identity in preparation for a world government.

2) To fracture and factionalise society, so that we're disunited and therefore powerless to challenge the powers that be (TPTB).

3) To fracture and factionalise society, with the ultimate objective being a civil war and population reduction.

(2) & (3) are similar, but with different objectives. TPTB will deliberately foment mutual distrust and antagonism between the different competing groups. However, with (2) the objective will be that TPTB will offer a solution to stop the unrest, which will be an Orwellian police state who totally restricts our liberty in order to guarantee peace.

I cannot think of any other objectives that than those three scenarios.

This thread seems to blame migrants, however as I have previously stated, that is not fair. It is the Western people who have repeatedly elected governments that destabilise the Middle East, in particular, and support Israel. We have elections and, in the UK at least, have never deviated from the two major parties which have failed us again and again. The middle classes are affluent and insulated from the effects of it all and, even now, don't seem to either notice or care about what is happening.
Every now and again, I look at Mumsnet, which is , on the face of it, a nice, British, middle class website about all aspects of parenting. Look at any thread with a political slant though, and a far more sinister truth emerges. A great many of them seem to hate their own race, and clamour for it's very destruction. As an example of their thinking, I recall a thread where someone wanted advice on moving to Cornwall. Some made individual points of caution, such as the lack of employment, then one person contributed a pros and cons list. In the cons list, they mentioned the lack of diversity in the region - a great selling point for me, but not for these people. Crazy as it sounds, there are many out there who wholeheartedly support the acts of destruction wrought on us by our so called leaders.
Every now and again, I look at Mumsnet, which is , on the face of it, a nice, British, middle class website about all aspects of parenting. Look at any thread with a political slant though, and a far more sinister truth emerges. A great many of them seem to hate their own race, and clamour for it's very destruction. As an example of their thinking, I recall a thread where someone wanted advice on moving to Cornwall. Some made individual points of caution, such as the lack of employment, then one person contributed a pros and cons list. In the cons list, they mentioned the lack of diversity in the region - a great selling point for me, but not for these people. Crazy as it sounds, there are many out there who wholeheartedly support the acts of destruction wrought on us by our so called leaders.

Indeed. Though I think that's a result of indoctrination, which women seem to imbibe far more readily than men. It also is a form of virtue signalling, in that they're publicly endorsing the multicultural, racially-plural new Britain.
This thread seems to blame migrants, however as I have previously stated, that is not fair. It is the Western people who have repeatedly elected governments that destabilise the Middle East,
It doesn't really, the underpinning of it is that they have been allowed to come in (who wouldn't want to come from free stuff or a better life) and they are annoying, but the voters "electing governments" is also spurious and as you point out, they've typically been propagandized to accept a whole manner of things that come with being paid off with socialism in the meantime. There is of course some responsibility with the people, but largely they are debased products of a designed system and stooges for the elites over time.
A great many of them seem to hate their own race, and clamour for it's very destruction.
This is of course nonsensical unless propaganda is full throttle and social or economic ties (which sadly the normie elevates since he is ultimately without principle) to living are preferred; you give a good example of selling yourself for a better material life and social "approval" (virtue signalling).
It doesn't really, the underpinning of it is that they have been allowed to come in (who wouldn't want to come from free stuff or a better life) and they are annoying, but the voters "electing governments" is also spurious and as you point out, they've typically been propagandized to accept a whole manner of things that come with being paid off with socialism in the meantime. There is of course some responsibility with the people, but largely they are debased products of a designed system and stooges for the elites over time.

I accept there has been propaganda, it's blatantly obvious. I think back to when I was in school and we were taught the importance of contraception in biology and something called Personal and Social Education classes, IIRC. We had visits from the Sexually Infectious Diseases clinic showing us slides of the most grotesque infected genitalia to warn us of what can happen if we did not use contraception. Meanwhile, we were allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants with high fecundity rates to settle here every year. I have little doubt that the changing demographics is by design; that it has been orchestrated.

However, the idea that Europeans do not have the ability to think, to organise and to question what is happening is nonsense. They only had to go into a polling station and mark an 'x' next to a radical political party to change things, but they didn't. Some might argue that the 'system' would have never allowed change through the ballot box, though I think it would have certainly made things much more difficult for TPTB.

Ultimately, if people are too stupid, lazy or comfortable to change things and continue to elect governments keen to implement 'the globalist agenda', then they deserve what's coming to them. I think Biblical eschatology leads me to conclude it is inevitable anyway. The End Times are going to be a period of global wars, disease, starvation and civil unrest...and it's not difficult to see it happening at the moment.
Ultimately, if people are too stupid, lazy or comfortable to change things and continue to elect governments keen to implement 'the globalist agenda', then they deserve what's coming to them. I think Biblical eschatology leads me to conclude it is inevitable anyway. The End Times are going to be a period of global wars, disease, starvation and civil unrest...and it's not difficult to see it happening at the moment.
Yes, this is the sad truth one comes to that we mostly deal with and accept, or jettison from our minds because it's too uncomfortable. I love the truth and where it leads, so I have no problem with it. I've said for years that we lose in many ways until we win (the appearing or presence of our Lord on the last day), but we can have some ebb and blow before that time, by the grace of God.

I've been trying to convince others that the situation we just lived through, the post WW2 boom til now, was untenable in the sense that this world will always have ecology and imbalance problems, or elitist depop schemes (when we have boom periods), so we're just suffering through the social mayhem having been lucky to live in materialist comfort. I've never really been all that mad about things, it's just frustrating that when you have accomplished a lot in life, but that also coincided with peak female nonsense and low quality, it just seemed absurd that getting a young, good looking woman to agree to jump on board and live a great life would be so hard or you would find so few willing to do it.
I accept there has been propaganda, it's blatantly obvious. I think back to when I was in school and we were taught the importance of contraception in biology and something called Personal and Social Education classes, IIRC. We had visits from the Sexually Infectious Diseases clinic showing us slides of the most grotesque infected genitalia to warn us of what can happen if we did not use contraception. Meanwhile, we were allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants with high fecundity rates to settle here every year. I have little doubt that the changing demographics is by design; that it has been orchestrated.

However, the idea that Europeans do not have the ability to think, to organise and to question what is happening is nonsense. They only had to go into a polling station and mark an 'x' next to a radical political party to change things, but they didn't. Some might argue that the 'system' would have never allowed change through the ballot box, though I think it would have certainly made things much more difficult for TPTB.

Ultimately, if people are too stupid, lazy or comfortable to change things and continue to elect governments keen to implement 'the globalist agenda', then they deserve what's coming to them. I think Biblical eschatology leads me to conclude it is inevitable anyway. The End Times are going to be a period of global wars, disease, starvation and civil unrest...and it's not difficult to see it happening at the moment.
The End Times are coming eventually, but if we take collective action we can push them back. God already knows when it will be but it will be decided by the free actions or inaction of men. And personally, I'd really like to be long dead by the time these tribulations come.

People are waking up to the migration problem and all the related issues like Zionism, wokeism, etc. They're realizing the policies and lifestyles they've voted for are leading to societal emptiness and misery. Don't discount the possibility of a mass uprising and rejection of the globohomo agenda. If there is a critical mass of white conservatives in Western countries, they can seal the borders and reinvigorate Christianity.

Of course, perhaps that is just going to lead to civil war before the globalists ever give up power. Maybe the elites and their fifth column Islamic invaders will use it as an excuse to slay us, which will usher in the End Times even faster. Who knows? But we have to stay strong and do our best to save the West.
The End Times are coming eventually, but if we take collective action we can push them back. God already knows when it will be but it will be decided by the free actions or inaction of men. And personally, I'd really like to be long dead by the time these tribulations come.
I've never considered that before, that it might not be a fixed date. Interesting, thanks.

People are waking up to the migration problem and all the related issues like Zionism, wokeism, etc. They're realizing the policies and lifestyles they've voted for are leading to societal emptiness and misery. Don't discount the possibility of a mass uprising and rejection of the globohomo agenda. If there is a critical mass of white conservatives in Western countries, they can seal the borders and reinvigorate Christianity.
People certainly seem to be waking up to Zionism right now. There is some resistance to 'wokeism', which I would contend is simply the new name for Political Correctness, but hasn't there always been? I can always remember folk grumbling, "you can't even say blackboard, anymore, without offending someone!"

The fact is we live in an absolutely insane world - 72 genders; gender fluidity; transsexuals in military dress; a daily armada of boats arriving off the coast of England; folk getting upset about George Flloyd and taking to the streets for the BLM movement, whilst ignoring the rape of English children by grooming gangs, etc.

Of course, perhaps that is just going to lead to civil war before the globalists ever give up power. Maybe the elites and their fifth column Islamic invaders will use it as an excuse to slay us, which will usher in the End Times even faster. Who knows? But we have to stay strong and do our best to save the West.
As I stated earlier, I think that civil war may be the pretext used to implement the Mark of the Beast: "We can stop this, but you will need to give up your freedom! Everybody will need to be chipped...at least until we get everything under control."
I've never considered that before, that it might not be a fixed date. Interesting, thanks.
Well it is fixed in a sense because God doesn't perceive time like we do. To man, time is a dimension we have no control over and we just go forward at a fixed pace. To Him, past, present, and future are all one, so what will happen has already happened. But since man is not there yet, and since we have free will, we're still able to change things. At least that's how I understand it.
As I stated earlier, I think that civil war may be the pretext used to implement the Mark of the Beast: "We can stop this, but you will need to give up your freedom! Everybody will need to be chipped...at least until we get everything under control."
Yes, this is a possibility. The migrants and leftists led by the antichrist will willingly accept the Mark of the Beast. But if there is a true Christian, right-wing resistance fighting against then, many won't be willing to give up so easily and would prefer to be martyred. Which is why they will need to genocide us. Then there will be no one left to fight back but some isolated groups of survivors hiding in the forest.
Yes, this is a possibility. The migrants and leftists led by the antichrist will willingly accept the Mark of the Beast. But if there is a true Christian, right-wing resistance fighting against then, many won't be willing to give up so easily and would prefer to be martyred. Which is why they will need to genocide us. Then there will be no one left to fight back but some isolated groups of survivors hiding in the forest.
I personally think that self-preservation will kick in for many of those persecuted Christians and many will move to Christian strongholds in Eastern Europe where there will be larger communities and less conflict.

At a later stage people might be forced to live in Russia just in order to not be so close to the western mark of the beast world.
I personally think that self-preservation will kick in for many of those persecuted Christians and many will move to Christian strongholds in Eastern Europe where there will be larger communities and less conflict.

At a later stage people might be forced to live in Russia just in order to not be so close to the western mark of the beast world.
I can see this as a possibility.

People are too simple minded in general, or it is too confusing for us to consider that the randomness in the world is built in, and our free will has something to do with that in the "events" stage of things. The best way to think about this is to realize that the thrust of the world is going in a direction, and it will end a certain way (which is why "prophecies" will come true) but as we approach it we cannot discern anything but general trends toward that end, since we can repent and turn those times back, at least for a while.
Finland closes it's borders to Russia as they sent a bunch of Muslim/Arab migrants their way. All of a sudden it became vital to stop all immigration, strange that...The EU is even sending border guards to help out.


Refugees across the border in Salla

It appears that UK immigation has hit an all time high-quite why need so many doctors and engineers, I don't know:


Meanwhile, we're incapable of housing our own armed forces:
