The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

I live in Europe and I am seeing first hand the vast numbers of immigrants who have come here. I worry for the future and do not accept that it's a good thing.

It is almost as if it's deliberate:

1) The UK and US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, deposed Saddam Hussein and created a vacuum which led to ISIS. We* funded the opposition to Assad in an attempt to get regime change there. We turned a blind eye to the Saudis demolishing Yemen, with weapons purchased from the West. We supported the Arab Spring and Hilary Clinton actually laughed about Gaddafi's death at the hands of the lynch mob - "we came, we saw, he died...hahahaha!"

We're now doing exactly the same thing with Israel, which the West has funded and protected!

2) We make very little effort to actually defend European borders and Angela Merkel even welcomed 800,000 refugees from the Middle East! Mediterranean countries' navies are actually rescuing refugees and bringing them to mainland Europe. The Royal Navy has done the same in the English Channel and the UK has been housing migrants in upmarket hotels!

Ultimately, the West has used its taxpayers' money to destabilise the Middle East and Libya, the latter now being a route used by sub-Saharan Africans to get to Europe. Then every incentive appears to have been given to migrants to come to Europe.

With the internet, people in Third World countries see what life is like in the West and understand it to be safer and more prosperous, furthermore they know that they ultimately just need to get here and they will get housing, health and other benefits.

Honestly, if you were an Iraqi, Syrian or Libyan, would you not try to get to the West? I know I would. I would likely feel a sense of entitlement and anger, too, at the West having caused problems in my own country.

We're Christians here and should love our fellow man. However, my fear is that the demographics in the West will prove disastrous. Is it by accident or design? Will this ultimately not lead to the destabilisation of the West? Is this going to precipitate the End Times' events prophesied in the Bible?

* By 'we' I mean the Western media and governments, not the people.
I've been watching the Spanish show "Alpha Males" on Netflix and I cannot believe some of the things that come out of the mouths of these women. It sounds like feminism is 10x worse in Spain than it is here in the US.

I'm popular is that show over there?
To be fair, I really don't watch TV at all and haven't heard anyone here ever mention that show. That said, I don't even bother meeting Spanish women because they are completely brainwashed.
To be fair, I really don't watch TV at all and haven't heard anyone here ever mention that show. That said, I don't even bother meeting Spanish women because they are completely brainwashed.
I persionally found Spanish woman to be the most feminist and uncaring I have ever come across in my life. There is no femininity or grace in them, just narcissism, a giant sense of entitlement, and most often than not an abrasive girl boss personality.
Are you seriously asking that question? It should be obvious by now.

Yes. I flit between being convinced it has been planned and then the opposite. I have always known the purported economic benefits, at least for the country and its citizens, are spurious. However, if it is contrived, I have to wonder what the ultimate objective is. There's now speculation than in twenty years AI will make most jobs redundant. Is it to foment the chaos required to usher in the antichrist, and the mark of the beast? Is the ultimate objective civil war and thus depopulation? Or, is it simply that post-WWII Boasian anthropology, and hence multicultural ideology and racial plurality, has simply become so fashionable and dominant that it has become censorious - Never Again, no platform, etc - and thus bad policy cannot be questioned?

It's a bit like Mao's Campaign against sparrows, which led to the Chinese Famine - - the folly will result in disaster. But did Mao plan that? Or was it an idea, which seemed good on paper, but when implemented caused disaster?

ZSG - Honestly they had it coming. People like us have been warning about the eventual consequences for well over a decade now since unbridled illegal migration really picked up steam across Europe and the UK. We were ridiculed, demonized, and most recently imprisoned for pointing out the blatantly obvious. I say, you've made your bed, now go and lie in it.
The migrant invasion was the founder of the modern EU Richard Kalergi’s publicly stated strategy, where in his book “Practical Idealism” he stated that he “wanted to completely destroy the face of Europe” and that “Europeans are to become Asiatic-Negroid mongrels.” Other European leaders have repeated this. In 2009 French President Nicolas Sarkozy told the Brussels Journal: “…if the French do not interbreed of their own free will, it will be necessary for the French regime to resort to even more forcible measures.” He repeated similar statements in a 2008 speech, see here. Kalergi stated that future Europeans “would resemble ancient Egyptians”, and the biennial Kalergi Prize, an award bestowed in recognition of major concessions made toward achieving The Kalergi Plan, have recipients including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Helmut Kohl, Herman van Rompuy and Jean-Claude Juncker — but their exact “achievements” to win this award are hidden. The only thing better than unlimited money and total control is knowing that their rule, and the rule of their descendants will never be usurped.

This will get much worse in the future, given Muslim migrants into Europe have much higher fertility than white native Christians, plus Africa has the highest by far fertility rate in the world, which is not decreasing much, at 6.0+. Unless something dramatically changes current trends, the world 100 years from now will be black and Islamic (and likely living in mud huts).
The migrant invasion was the founder of the modern EU Richard Kalergi’s publicly stated strategy, where in his book “Practical Idealism” he stated that he “wanted to completely destroy the face of Europe” and that “Europeans are to become Asiatic-Negroid mongrels.” Other European leaders have repeated this. In 2009 French President Nicolas Sarkozy told the Brussels Journal: “…if the French do not interbreed of their own free will, it will be necessary for the French regime to resort to even more forcible measures.” He repeated similar statements in a 2008 speech, see here. Kalergi stated that future Europeans “would resemble ancient Egyptians”, and the biennial Kalergi Prize, an award bestowed in recognition of major concessions made toward achieving The Kalergi Plan, have recipients including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Helmut Kohl, Herman van Rompuy and Jean-Claude Juncker — but their exact “achievements” to win this award are hidden. The only thing better than unlimited money and total control is knowing that their rule, and the rule of their descendants will never be usurped.

This will get much worse in the future, given Muslim migrants into Europe have much higher fertility than white native Christians, plus Africa has the highest by far fertility rate in the world, which is not decreasing much, at 6.0+. Unless something dramatically changes current trends, the world 100 years from now will be black and Islamic (and likely living in mud huts).

How do you guy feel about the future of Russia? AFAIK there's quite a bit of Muslim immigration happening there as well and many natives are starting to notice. Nevertheless if you walk around Saint Petersburg or Moscow these days (watch some street view vids) you'll still see 90% white slavic Russians. I'd particularly appreciate some of you Russian forum members to share your views on this.
How do you guy feel about the future of Russia? AFAIK there's quite a bit of Muslim immigration happening there as well and many natives are starting to notice. Nevertheless if you walk around Saint Petersburg or Moscow these days (watch some street view vids) you'll still see 90% white slavic Russians. I'd particularly appreciate some of you Russian forum members to share your views on this.
The guys to follow about Russia are Rolo Slavksy ( and Edward Slavsquat ( ) on this topic. They are both native Russian speakers although they blog in English. Their perspective is that there is huge Islamic immigration into Russia facilitated by the corrupt oligarchical Russian authorities, and that they are fully onboard with the entire globohomo agenda of COVID, lockdowns, CBDCs, biometric identities, etc (sorry, Putin is not the white or Christian savior). Russian fertility rate is I think 1.4 or 1.6, which is dramatically below replacement.
The guys to follow about Russia are Rolo Slavksy ( and Edward Slavsquat ( ) on this topic. They are both native Russian speakers although they blog in English. Their perspective is that there is huge Islamic immigration into Russia facilitated by the corrupt oligarchical Russian authorities, and that they are fully onboard with the entire globohomo agenda of COVID, lockdowns, CBDCs, biometric identities, etc (sorry, Putin is not the white or Christian savior). Russian fertility rate is I think 1.4 or 1.6, which is dramatically below replacement.

Well, that's obviously not what I wanted to hear. Thanks for sharing, I'll check those guys out for sure.

Then I guess there's nowhere to run anymore. If Russia goes then all of Europe (East and West) is effectively lost.

Update: I just perused both publishers and here are my take-aways:

- both are excellent writers
- Rolo is extremely black pilled and I can only hope that there will be some pushback, assuming the wider public becomes more sensitive to the current influx into Russia.
- Edward is funny as hell, I laughed out loud several times reading him (Babushka Rococo - visiting his farm). Great writer too and I really enjoyed his stuff. Red pilled but he seems a lot more hopeful than Rolo and still seems to think that Russia will hold together and things will continue to improve.
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A bit of good news to start the weekend, courtesy of Remix News:

No offense, but does this even matter and can it be called good news if it’s been this way for decades more or less?

Germans in the 60s and 70s in West Germany were given repeated promises that guest workers from Turkey were definitely going back home soon. 85% (maybe 95%?) of the population favored the keeping of these promises. Yet the Turks stayed and grumbling about it achieved nothing.

They and their descendants are now 5 million-strong, and they don’t count Ms. Merkel’s invitees from “Syria”. Back around 2010, high schools in Berlin had repeated “events” that led to temporary closures - the media huffed and hawed and nothing happened.

You find commensurate public support for stopping illegal immigration in the US. Likewise, nothing happens. Voters keep voting for leftists/Trojan horse “moderates” around 50% of the time, like in Germany, and the “conservatives” keep on cucking Lindsey Graham-style with support for amnesty.

Polls mean nothing when voters are scared of being called “racist” and their politicians know it, so they continue what they’ve always done: importing more people, legally and illegally, who must come or those against it are called “racists” again, over and over.
No offense, but does this even matter and can it be called good news if it’s been this way for decades more or less?

Germans in the 60s and 70s in West Germany were given repeated promises that guest workers from Turkey were definitely going back home soon. 85% (maybe 95%?) of the population favored the keeping of these promises. Yet the Turks stayed and grumbling about it achieved nothing.

They and their descendants are now 5 million-strong, and they don’t count Ms. Merkel’s invitees from “Syria”. Back around 2010, high schools in Berlin had repeated “events” that led to temporary closures - the media huffed and hawed and nothing happened.

You find commensurate public support for stopping illegal immigration in the US. Likewise, nothing happens. Voters keep voting for leftists/Trojan horse “moderates” around 50% of the time, like in Germany, and the “conservatives” keep on cucking Lindsey Graham-style with support for amnesty.

Polls mean nothing when voters are scared of being called “racist” and their politicians know it, so they continue what they’ve always done: importing more people, legally and illegally, who must come or those against it are called “racists” again, over and over.

Nothing will change as long as the current 'Ampel' (traffic light) coalition remains in power. Although they only received 13% of the votes in the recent federal elections the Greens are extremely powerful in all regional administrations and basically run the show on a local as well as a federal level. Scholz is a WEF lackey who has zero control over what happens in his own nation (allegedly he got punched in the eye by one of the Greens, maybe even Habeck who is a psychopath) and had to wear an eyepatch for several weeks.

It's the Greens that control all relevant minister positions and they run the show. It's important to understand that the Green's current leadership grew out of a group of extreme left agitators who hate Germany and are hell bent on destroying the country by wanton deindustrialization whilst flooding its territory with as much non-germanic migrants as possible.

In essence they are currently getting exactly what they always wanted, so there is zero incentive for them to stop. Whatever you may read or hear in the German mainstream media are simply attempts to keep the current Ampel coalition alive as long as possible (I think they have two or three more years left). They know they're going to get slaughtered in the next election and that's why there's little incentive to either abandon their coalition or introduce any meaningful changes.

Polls are just ways to placate the masses as until recently even touching this topic with a ten foot pole would have landed any journalist in very hot territory.
Nothing will change as long as the current 'Ampel' (traffic light) coalition remains in power. Although they only received 13% of the votes in the recent federal elections the Greens are extremely powerful in all regional administrations and basically run the show on a local as well as a federal level. Scholz is a WEF lackey who has zero control over what happens in his own nation (allegedly he got punched in the eye by one of the Greens, maybe even Habeck who is a psychopath) and had to wear an eyepatch for several weeks.

It's the Greens that control all relevant minister positions and they run the show. It's important to understand that the Green's current leadership grew out of a group of extreme left agitators who hate Germany and are hell bent on destroying the country by wanton deindustrialization whilst flooding its territory with as much non-germanic migrants as possible.

In essence they are currently getting exactly what they always wanted, so there is zero incentive for them to stop. Whatever you may read or hear in the German mainstream media are simply attempts to keep the current Ampel coalition alive as long as possible (I think they have two or three more years left). They know they're going to get slaughtered in the next election and that's why there's little incentive to either abandon their coalition or introduce any meaningful changes.

Polls are just ways to placate the masses as until recently even touching this topic with a ten foot pole would have landed any journalist in very hot territory.
The important thing to remember is that Germany remains under American military occupation and has since the end of World War 2. There are 119 U.S. military bases in Germany today. In other words, Germans are not in charge of their politics:
