Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west

I got interested in going over there in 2016-17 to the point that I was learning the language and studying the history and culture. However, I gave up on it because, like some of the other people here, I came to realize that Russia is not a Utopian paradise.

Russia went in hard on the COVID nonsense (especially Moscow) just like every other nation. Putin is servant of the Jews just like every other political hack and they have all the same antisemitism laws over there, just like here. Riddle me this: If Russia is such a "great White hope" then why are they murdering millions of their Slavic brothers in Ukraine and why did Putin start that war at the time he did, when he could have/should have acted a decade ago if he actually cared about Ukraine?

And, yes, I soon discovered that Russia too is taking tons of immigrants and soon will have the same problems the West does, if they don't already.

It has already been said here on this thread but it is worth repeating again:


I think the best plan is to find the "Whitest" most conservative areas in our own lands, go there, tribe and train, then pick a line and hold it, no matter what. If we all just start emigrating to other places where "the grass seems greener" then aren't we just as bad as all the pajeets flooding our countries? The root of "Nationalist" is NATION and we should stick with ours even if they totally suck right now. (And I'm a Canadian saying that. I have to deal with having Justin fucking Trudeau as my "leader", having my bank account shut down if I do something my government disapproves of and living among the stupidest, most cucked-out woke-ass pussies in probably the entire known universe. Seriously - all most Canadians care or think about is their houses, their SUVs and their careers. A great many act like time stopped sometime during the '80s, still smugly brag about our free health care system that has been broken now for decades and are completely oblivious of the shit storm they are already in. Oh wait - don't forget hockey!).

Finally, on a practical note, I think that moving there would be very difficult financially due to the fact that the entire country was basically debanked and unpersonned a few years ago.

Just my two cents.
As another Canadian I agree 100%. Besides, leaving would be bad for your soul. I find myself contemplating which areas offer resources but is also defendable terrain haha
As another Canadian I agree 100%. Besides, leaving would be bad for your soul. I find myself contemplating which areas offer resources but is also defendable terrain haha
Hey, Cana-bro. 🙂. I've heard good things about Alberta (of course) and also areas of Quebec and the east coast, like PEI and NS. I'm currently in Ontario and am also looking at southwestern Ontario - it seems to be still relatively White with a lot of small-town conservative farmer-types. However, I'm quite sure every Tims, Subway, Wendy's, etc. will still be magically staffed by hordes of Indian "international students" but we all know they're all getting sent back in the near future, right? 😉.

But yreah - REALLY sad state of affairs here and it doesn't really feel like "our" country anymore, does it? If you don't mind my asking, where about in the Great White North are you located?
There is no such place that exists in this world. There are only tradeoffs. Some people chose to trade off their existing set of problems for a different set of problems which they find more preferable/manageable.
Yep, agree 100%. I just don't see how moving from one globalist shithole to another is going to help us, is all. I would go so far as to say that Russia is a bit better currently, but what about 5-10/years from now, after someone has invested all the time and resources to relocate there? There's an old Klingon proverb that goes "The devil we know is better than the devil we don't know" and I think it definitely applies here. 🙂
So, I actually contacted the consulate here in Ottawa to get more information. They got right back but all they would tell me is that in order to qualify, you have to first cross the Russian border/get a visa and only then can you apply. I would be very interested to find out what other requirements they have to qualify. (ie. Many countries, such as Mexico, require x number of dollars funds in your bank account and/or a job offer.)
I wonder how Poland or some of the other Slavic countries compare to Russia. Seems like an easier transition and the Polish government isn't gay, or nearly as gay, as most of Western Europe.

One thing I notice is which European counties still have white people on their sports teams. Eastern Europe is absolutely better in this regard. Meanwhile, places like France might as well be an African country. Same for the US for certain things.
I wonder how Poland or some of the other Slavic countries compare to Russia. Seems like an easier transition and the Polish government isn't gay, or nearly as gay, as most of Western Europe.

One thing I notice is which European counties still have white people on their sports teams. Eastern Europe is absolutely better in this regard. Meanwhile, places like France might as well be an African country. Same for the US for certain things.
If you're Orthodox, Poland is a bad choice. There is only a very tiny Orthodox minority in SE Poland. The Poles, while being pretty based, have made themselves into paranoid neighbors of everyone around them. They hate the Russians, distrust and dislike the Germans, tolerate the Czechs and Slovaks, and are probably closest to the Lithuanians and Latvians. You'd think a country with their history of being rolled over multiple times, they'd try to make nice with others, but they don't seem to know how.
A U.S. Diplomat resigned from his position out of protest and defected to Russia. Tweet is from last June.

An American man and his Australian wife with their 6 children moved to Russia last year. Their 7th child was just born in a Russian hospital a few weeks ago. Bloomberg News wrote a hit piece on "YouTube Influencers" from Australia, U.S., & Canada that moved to Russia. The American father declined to speak to a Bloomberg News journalist because he learned from his mistake. He talked about the Bloomberg News hit piece in the below video - starts around the 13:30 mark.

Below Bloomberg News article is the hit piece.

YouTube Influencers in Russia Push Anti-Sanctions Talking Points​

A former cybersecurity employee from Kansas is just one voice.

In late 2023, Joe Schutzman says he decided to move his family from Kansas to the Moscow region because of his frustration with LGBTQ+ “propaganda” in the US.

In a recent 17-minute YouTube monologue, bespectacled and wearing a black turtleneck, Schutzman describes himself as a “traditional Catholic father of six children.”

He goes on to complain that America has “abandoned God” and is “promoting IVF babies,” suggesting that Russian religious conservatism offers a more appealing lifestyle.

“After spending so many years saying that I don't believe the mainstream media, I didn't really find out how programmed I was until I visited, thinking that Russia was this horrible depressing country,” he said. “So I had to go out and see it for myself, and it couldn't be more untrue.”

At no point in the video or any other on his channel does Schutzman directly reference Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Criticizing the war, after all, would be grounds for criminal prosecution in Schutzman’s new country of residence.

Schutzman previously worked as a technical program manager at US cybersecurity company Red Hat. The company told Bloomberg News Schutzman is no longer employed at the firm.

Now he’s part of a new breed of YouTube influencer bringing an infectious vlogging enthusiasm to a country at war, where media freedoms are severely curtailed. Russian authorities have detained the Wall Street Journal’s Evan Gershkovich for more than a year on espionage allegations that he, the Journal and the US government all deny.

Bloomberg News found 24 creators from Canada, Australia and the US who have either moved permanently or traveled to Russia since the invasion. The two dozen accounts have more than 2 million followers combined.

Recurring themes of the videos include tours of Russian malls and supermarkets to try to show how little Western sanctions have hurt and antipathy towards LGBTQ+ rights. There’s a general reluctance to discuss the war with Ukraine at all. There’s no direct evidence that these influencers are part of a coordinated campaign by the Russian government, which often uses social media to disseminate misinformation.

Still, prominent YouTubers play a vital role in disseminating political propaganda, either to monetize their followings or to air cultural grievances that the Kremlin has long sought to exploit at home and abroad, experts say.

“Russia creates these narratives at massive scale with the goal being to flood the information environment with as many different claims as they can and hope that some of these ideas stick,” says Andy Carvin, senior fellow and managing editor at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson similarly admired Russian grocery stores during his trip to the country, in which he also interviewed President Putin. (Putin criticized Carlson -- twice -- for not asking serious questions.)

YouTube said in a statement it has remained available in Russia since the outbreak of the war and claimed it’s one of the few ways Russians can access independent news. The company said it didn’t find any violations of its community guidelines after reviewing the accounts flagged by Bloomberg News. YouTube also moves quickly to remove coordinated influence operation regardless of the political viewpoints they support, the statement added.

But influencers like Schutzman show that it can be used to circumvent efforts to block Russian propaganda. He has featured on state propaganda outlet RT — which is banned from YouTube. Another creator who moved to Russia from Canada, Arend Feenstra, was profiled by former RT journalist and fellow YouTuber Konstantin Rozhkov, cross-promoting the interview on his own channel.

That doesn't mean either YouTuber is a plant, or inauthentic. It's “not a crime” for Westerners to be sympathetic to Vladimir Putin or Russia, says Carvin, and social media platforms reward “saying outrageous things and having strong opinions.” But these strong opinions, genuinely held or not, can be parlayed by state-backed outlets into propaganda material.

“These conspiratorial narratives took reach without any kind of connection to the Kremlin,” adds Stephen Hutchings, professor of Russian Studies at the University of Manchester. “But what the Kremlin can do is intervene and promote its own version of these narratives that make the alignment closer.”

Neither Schutzman nor Feenstra responded to requests for comment.
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This thread right now.
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I have alerted a moderator to remove all the off topic posts from here, and move them to the Russia criticism thread here:

This thread is only for discussion of the brand new Russian visa and residency policy for foreigners.
Instead of risking a like in Russia, White conservative Americans especially would do well to ditch the individualism and form Orania-type settlements in areas where local politicians and juries are still their peers.
Thread cleaned up.

This thread is for discussing the practical, personal aspects of moving to Russia under the new law. This is not the place for geopolitics.

@forabettertommorrow , if you cannot stay on topic I will have to ban you from this Russian-theme thread too.
my friend Russia is multiethnic, multiconfessional multi cultural democratic federation.

We cannot allow religious supremacy. We are all Russian, jew, muslim, christian, buddhist, hindu it doesn't matter.

That's why I am so strong on this message.. there are people here who know better but they still say the same lie, that Russia is against Jews, Russia is for apartheid in religion, that Russia is anti migrants

These are soooo false.

Member redlagon ask me for advice.. advice number 1 follow the law. You are a guest in Russia. Don't come to Russia with racist anti semite anti migrant opinions. You understand this?

This is how Russia deal with anti semite anti migrant neo nazis. This is a neo nazi IN RUSSIA and he burn the Quran before mosque.. he get 3.5 years in prison, transferred to Grozny, beaten up many times, and most likely raped in ass.

I don't like the last thing, sodomy is sin, but just so you understand. The neo nazi now say he want to become Muslim himself.

Here I find you in English language

Oh one other thing redlagoon, please understand that in Russia there is no freedom of speech. This is in a good way, you cannot insult our Lord in Heaven. You don't have this freedom. But this mean you also cannot insult Islam and jews, which many here do very often.

What is this shit? The dude burns a quran and he is sent to chechnya? And gets a beating by the president of chechnya and his son. Loooll. Shit is beyond medieval. Where is Putin in all this?

My friend Putin personally sign decree so that Zhuravlev can be delivered to Chechnya.

Before this was illegal, prison sentence must be in oblast where crime is committed. Now not anymore.

Here is zhuravlev talking about converting to Islam.

My friends if you want go to Russia better learn about our laws and respect them!!

A U.S. Diplomat resigned from his position out of protest and defected to Russia. Tweet is from last June.

An American man and his Australian wife with their 6 children moved to Russia last year. Their 7th child was just born in a Russian hospital a few weeks ago. Bloomberg News wrote a hit piece on "YouTube Influencers" from Australia, U.S., & Canada that moved to Russia. The American father declined to speak to a Bloomberg News journalist because he learned from his mistake. He talked about the Bloomberg News hit piece in the below video - starts around the 13:30 mark.

Below Bloomberg News article is the hit piece.

YouTube Influencers in Russia Push Anti-Sanctions Talking Points​

Rule number one of клуб русь: if you move to Russia, don’t talk to Western media.