Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west

You've probably heard of it, but I saw a video of an isolated Afrikaner village called Orania in South Africa. It sounds like you basically have to be a white Afrikaner to live there, and embrace the language, culture, etc. It looks very clean, safe and peaceful. Almost like being in traditional Europe.

Need more places like that in South Africa.
I know Orania but havent been there in person, they actually have their own Instagram page too, yes you must be a Christian and an Afrikaaner to live or work there those are the rules, they are doing very well for themselves and are a constant target of the SA media.

Its considered the safest place in the country.
Not if you are a permanent resident, in which case you have all the privileges minus the right to vote and join the Russian armed forces. As well, if you have some skills (STEM, management etc) you can probably work in a desk job or as a technician.

I think this program has huge potential, the way things are going in the West and 5 Eyes countries, there could be millions of potential candidates.

Also I think the war in Ukraine will be settled within 1 or 2 years, and for the rest of the decade and the next one, Russia could be a whole lot less turbulent than say the US, France or the UK, where there will be more economic, ethnic and social strife. As well Russia is the richest country in the world in resources, by a wide margin, its future is bright.
I think you are spot on Coop. While this might not happen, I could see this happening and would assign a pretty high probability to it as well, especially given what any given NPC or "geopolitical analyst" thinks. The latter likely thinks it's absolutely nuts. Someone like Bremmer or ZGei-han.
They could get the skilled yet rejected population from the west and convince them to switch sides. No DEI, better dating, better options in life. But all it takes is getting a trained monkey to say the right words and sneak some spies in.
I've thought about the spy thing before, or posted what might be suspicious or not for them, which should be based largely on having connections to EO. Apart from like 0.1% of rich guys, I think most men, even very successful ones who can pay for it all, just don't see the reason in investing in basically the worst women in world history. Even if they aren't that bad attitude wise, they won't even be close to young, so there's just no point in the squeeze given all the crazy costs. If you were a degen, I still don't understand why people even bother with the US, given these costs. Just go to South America or the equivalent.
My friends I am back.

I am not happy about this news, as you can see on this forum many pro Russia people in West have fake fantasy image of Russia

First they complain about migration in West and jews in West then they come to Russia thread and say Russia against migration, Russia against jew.

Just example

Their image is fake, themepark fantasy image of Russia

Yesterday our leader Putin travel to Chechnya where he kiss Holy Quran. He kiss it and repeat that insulting Islam is forbidden in our Russia

To anyone here who want go to Russia, please understand that real Russia is different from fake Russia rhat they create online on christisking.

In real Russia we respect Holy Bible.
In real Russia we respect Holy Quran.
In real Russia we respect Holy Talmud.
In real Russia we respect Holy Buddhist text

In real Russia there is zero tolerance for antisemite, islamphobe and racist.

Please understand this. thank you.

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My friends I am back....

My friends I am back.

I am not happy about this news, as you can see on this forum many pro Russia people in West have fake fantasy image of Russia

First they complain about migration in West and jews in West then they come to Russia thread and say Russia against migration, Russia against jew.

Just example

Their image is fake, themepark fantasy image of Russia

Yesterday our leader Putin travel to Chechnya where he kiss Holy Quran. He kiss it and repeat that insulting Islam is forbidden in our Russia

To anyone here who want go to Russia, please understand that real Russia is different from fake Russia rhat they create online on christisking.

In real Russia we respect Holy Bible.
In real Russia we respect Holy Quran.
In real Russia we respect Holy Talmud.
In real Russia we respect Holy Buddhist text

In real Russia there is zero tolerance for antisemite, islamphobe and racist.

Please understand this. thank you.

And? He's a president not a priest.

Also, why don't you give us some insights in to how your alleged day to day life in Russia is?
This guy below is usually a huge Putin fanboy.

I don't know what is being said in the language there. But as an Orthodox Christian, kissing the Quran is blasphemy.

So much for the "muh Based Putin" argument ...

The dude is a ruler of a country. Many of his policies sound good. And many things he does are good. But pretending that he's some Savior of Christendom is pretty retarded...and the folks suggesting that there aren't as many issues in Russia as there are in the US are delusional.

They may be different issues, but they have issues all the same.

False idols and all that.

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This guy below is usually a huge Putin fanboy.

I don't know what is being said in the language there. But as an Orthodox Christian, kissing the Quran is blasphemy.

So much for the "muh Based Putin" argument ...

The dude is a ruler of a country. Many of his policies sound good. And many things he does are good. But pretending that he's some Savior of Christendom is pretty retarded...and the folks suggesting that there aren't as many issues in Russia as there are in the US are delusional.

They may be different issues, but they have issues all the same.

Who's pretending here that Russia doesn't have issues and their president isn't flawed like any leader these days? If there are any here then please stand up.
Who's pretending here that Russia doesn't have issues and their president isn't flawed like any leader these days? If there are any here then please stand up.

I'm sorry but that's not the sentiment one gets when reading this forum at all.

I'm appreciative of Putin building churches and revitalizing elements of orthodoxy so I'm saying holistically there's a difference between him and other rulers openly promoting atheism.

But as I've said, this action shows the truth of the matter, there's a pragmatic realism with Putin that, in spite of his own Orthodoxy, allows him to kiss a Quran when it should be burned just like the Talmud.

Now I'm sure there's going to be a rush to defend the action... Which I'll find very funny
My friends I am back.
God help us..
I am not happy about this news, as you can see on this forum many pro Russia people in West have fake fantasy image of Russia
Я дважды был в России. Это не Диснейленд, но многие люди там живут счастливой жизнью. Приезжай на Запад и посмотри, как тебе там понравится ))
Remember kids - Russia has Pride. Russia has a higher abortion rate than America, Russia sticks its nose in places it doesn’t belong, and the creature comforts are way lower.


The faith is on its way out in America. It is getting stronger and stronger in Russia and people are rediscovering their orthodox identity. That’s the only real upside to be honest.
This guy below is usually a huge Putin fanboy.

I don't know what is being said in the language there. But as an Orthodox Christian, kissing the Quran is blasphemy.

So much for the "muh Based Putin" argument ...

The dude is a ruler of a country. Many of his policies sound good. And many things he does are good. But pretending that he's some Savior of Christendom is pretty retarded...and the folks suggesting that there aren't as many issues in Russia as there are in the US are delusional.

They may be different issues, but they have issues all the same.

False idols and all that.

my friend Russia is multiethnic, multiconfessional multi cultural democratic federation.

We cannot allow religious supremacy. We are all Russian, jew, muslim, christian, buddhist, hindu it doesn't matter.

That's why I am so strong on this message.. there are people here who know better but they still say the same lie, that Russia is against Jews, Russia is for apartheid in religion, that Russia is anti migrants

These are soooo false.

Member redlagon ask me for advice.. advice number 1 follow the law. You are a guest in Russia. Don't come to Russia with racist anti semite anti migrant opinions. You understand this?

This is how Russia deal with anti semite anti migrant neo nazis. This is a neo nazi IN RUSSIA and he burn the Quran before mosque.. he get 3.5 years in prison, transferred to Grozny, beaten up many times, and most likely raped in ass.

I don't like the last thing, sodomy is sin, but just so you understand. The neo nazi now say he want to become Muslim himself.

Here I find you in English language

Oh one other thing redlagoon, please understand that in Russia there is no freedom of speech. This is in a good way, you cannot insult our Lord in Heaven. You don't have this freedom. But this mean you also cannot insult Islam and jews, which many here do very often.
Remember kids - Russia has Pride. Russia has a higher abortion rate than America, Russia sticks its nose in places it doesn’t belong, and the creature comforts are way lower.


The faith is on its way out in America. It is getting stronger and stronger in Russia and people are rediscovering their orthodox identity. That’s the only real upside to be honest.
My friend this is not true.

We talk about this in other Russia thread.

Russia churches are empty. There is small group of real believers who are strong, believers only in name are giving up.

I post many sources in other thread. I will say it again Russia need total spiritual juvenation. I am sick of foreigners constantly projecting fantasy image on Russia, I don't mean to insult you brother.

my friend Russia is multiethnic, multiconfessional multi cultural democratic federation.

We cannot allow religious supremacy. We are all Russian, jew, muslim, christian, buddhist, hindu it doesn't matter.

That's why I am so strong on this message.. there are people here who know better but they still say the same lie, that Russia is against Jews, Russia is for apartheid in religion, that Russia is anti migrants

These are soooo false.

Member redlagon ask me for advice.. advice number 1 follow the law. You are a guest in Russia. Don't come to Russia with racist anti semite anti migrant opinions. You understand this?

This is how Russia deal with anti semite anti migrant neo nazis. This is a neo nazi IN RUSSIA and he burn the Quran before mosque.. he get 3.5 years in prison, transferred to Grozny, beaten up many times, and most likely raped in ass.

I don't like the last thing, sodomy is sin, but just so you understand. The neo nazi now say he want to become Muslim himself.

Here I find you in English language

Oh one other thing redlagoon, please understand that in Russia there is no freedom of speech. This is in a good way, you cannot insult our Lord in Heaven. You don't have this freedom. But this mean you also cannot insult Islam and jews, which many here do very often.


When I see an Orthodox man kissing a Quran, I've seen everything I need to.

He's placating a section of his constituency.

I'm just waiting for the Russofiles that are in the West to come to the realization that Putin is just like all other leaders and self serving and you don't have to be an Orthodox priest to see that kissing a Quran is blasphemy.

There is no utopia out there and I stand by my comment that all the media hype by the Putin government (which is duly elected and IS legit) also had s propaganda element.

I'll stick with my own back yard in Texas where I've already got a community and fight for my future here over some make believe notion that I'll ever belong in a country that seeks to place me in a box of guest whilst their leader kissed the Quran.
my friend Russia is multiethnic, multiconfessional multi cultural democratic federation.
The west is going down the tubes. I think this leads to a “grass is greener” perspective. And the sad reality is Russias not Disneyland for American dissidents. It’s a very real place full of very real people. I mean if you want go join up and it might be cool to be part of a society for here faith is ascending rather than being something of the 65+ crowd. But most people who consider the federation’s offer, might bring their problems with them if that makes sense.
The west is going down the tubes. I think this leads to a “grass is greener” perspective. And the sad reality is Russias not Disneyland for American dissidents. It’s a very real place full of very real people. I mean if you want go join up and it might be cool to be part of a society for here faith is ascending rather than being something of the 65+ crowd. But most people who consider the federation’s offer, might bring their problems with them if that makes sense.
It's just like semi conservatives moving from California to Texas but not having been raised in Texas culture or fully understand the nuance. They want their California views and some of the Texas freedoms, but will not fully ever embrace the culture and are still foreign.

That's what my assessment is.
My friend this is not true.

We talk about this in other Russia thread.

Russia churches are empty. There is small group of real believers who are strong, believers only in name are giving up.

I post many sources in other thread. I will say it again Russia need total spiritual juvenation. I am sick of foreigners constantly projecting fantasy image on Russia, I don't mean to insult you brother.
You’re good. I actually don’t see Russia through fantasy lenses if you read my posts. They might even be less traditional than North America. I just believed that despite a higher abortion rate, more Muslims than anywhere in the west, and more corruption and jingoism… Orthodoxy was being revived after years of soviet disenfranchisement. Vs in America, the closest thing we have to identify with is Catholicism and outside of a few Zoomer crazies, it’s on its way out with the work a day Americans. I thought Russia was going through a “rediscovery” phase. I guess no.
This guy below is usually a huge Putin fanboy.

I don't know what is being said in the language there. But as an Orthodox Christian, kissing the Quran is blasphemy.

So much for the "muh Based Putin" argument ...

The dude is a ruler of a country. Many of his policies sound good. And many things he does are good. But pretending that he's some Savior of Christendom is pretty retarded...and the folks suggesting that there aren't as many issues in Russia as there are in the US are delusional.

They may be different issues, but they have issues all the same.

False idols and all that.

To add insult to injury, he did all of that at the "Prophet Isa Mosque". A relatively new mosque named after the Islamic version of Jesus Christ. One might say that could be very common and just a coincidence, however there are only a handful mosques named after Jesus in the entire world, and only a few named after the Virgin Mary.

The west is going down the tubes. I think this leads to a “grass is greener” perspective. And the sad reality is Russias not Disneyland for American dissidents. It’s a very real place full of very real people. I mean if you want go join up and it might be cool to be part of a society for here faith is ascending rather than being something of the 65+ crowd. But most people who consider the federation’s offer, might bring their problems with them if that makes sense.
My brother millions of Russian live in the West.

For two and a half year now they get insulted, surveillanced, threatened, made ridiculed.

How many go back to Russia?

In the last 10 years I become much more blackminded about Russia.. it is not going the way I hope it will go. Like all other Russians I hope for cooperation with the West, increase in living standard, end to degeneracy, end to corruption, continue revival of the Orthodox Church..

This didn't happen. I am not living in Russia now, only visiting from time to time. Many young Russia people dream of going to the West.

It is bad situation. The West is turning bad very fast too. I try to stay positive but it is difficult.
I got interested in going over there in 2016-17 to the point that I was learning the language and studying the history and culture. However, I gave up on it because, like some of the other people here, I came to realize that Russia is not a Utopian paradise.

Russia went in hard on the COVID nonsense (especially Moscow) just like every other nation. Putin is servant of the Jews just like every other political hack and they have all the same antisemitism laws over there, just like here. Riddle me this: If Russia is such a "great White hope" then why are they murdering millions of their Slavic brothers in Ukraine and why did Putin start that war at the time he did, when he could have/should have acted a decade ago if he actually cared about Ukraine?

And, yes, I soon discovered that Russia too is taking tons of immigrants and soon will have the same problems the West does, if they don't already.

It has already been said here on this thread but it is worth repeating again:


I think the best plan is to find the "Whitest" most conservative areas in our own lands, go there, tribe and train, then pick a line and hold it, no matter what. If we all just start emigrating to other places where "the grass seems greener" then aren't we just as bad as all the pajeets flooding our countries? The root of "Nationalist" is NATION and we should stick with ours even if they totally suck right now. (And I'm a Canadian saying that. I have to deal with having Justin fucking Trudeau as my "leader", having my bank account shut down if I do something my government disapproves of and living among the stupidest, most cucked-out woke-ass pussies in probably the entire known universe. Seriously - all most Canadians care or think about is their houses, their SUVs and their careers. A great many act like time stopped sometime during the '80s, still smugly brag about our free health care system that has been broken now for decades and are completely oblivious of the shit storm they are already in. Oh wait - don't forget hockey!).

Finally, on a practical note, I think that moving there would be very difficult financially due to the fact that the entire country was basically debanked and unpersonned a few years ago.

Just my two cents.
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my friend Russia is multiethnic, multiconfessional multi cultural democratic federation.

We cannot allow religious supremacy. We are all Russian, jew, muslim, christian, buddhist, hindu it doesn't matter.

That's why I am so strong on this message.. there are people here who know better but they still say the same lie, that Russia is against Jews, Russia is for apartheid in religion, that Russia is anti migrants

These are soooo false.

Member redlagon ask me for advice.. advice number 1 follow the law. You are a guest in Russia. Don't come to Russia with racist anti semite anti migrant opinions. You understand this?

This is how Russia deal with anti semite anti migrant neo nazis. This is a neo nazi IN RUSSIA and he burn the Quran before mosque.. he get 3.5 years in prison, transferred to Grozny, beaten up many times, and most likely raped in ass.

I don't like the last thing, sodomy is sin, but just so you understand. The neo nazi now say he want to become Muslim himself.

Here I find you in English language

Oh one other thing redlagoon, please understand that in Russia there is no freedom of speech. This is in a good way, you cannot insult our Lord in Heaven. You don't have this freedom. But this mean you also cannot insult Islam and jews, which many here do very often.

Since you're mentioning me when have I ever insulted the peoples that you mention? You're also accusing me of blasphemy? And why are you calling everyone who's against mass immigration a neo nazi? These are tropes generally used on other forums.

Again, instead of showing someone getting beaten answer my question; how is your alleged day to day life in Russia outside of the Koran burning which I have no interest in.