Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west

Say what you want about whether anyone will go to country X, or take advantage of country Y's offer, but for all those out there that act like the US doesn't chase you down worldwide for taxes, or will shut your bank accounts down or freeze other assets, those same people will talk about how BTC has no "intrinsic value" or utility. If you want to travel to or participate in a country that has been deemed an enemy of the US, right or wrong, it's the ultimate in clown world to deny the use case of BTC in such a country, beyond other things. I'm really not trying to switch the conversation to BTC, it's just that threads like this offer up obvious reasons why sovereign individuals might want to be part of the network. They also prove that people like US citizens are either blissfully unaware, or totally unconscious of how for most people in this world this is a huge change in cross border realities, beyond escaping a more debased currency.

Yes, and Russia has fully legalized BTC as a currency now. Seems like Russia is thinking ahead here.

Here is the article from last year about Russia wanting to take in 3000 boer farmers from South Africa and creating a village for them, Im not sure how nice the area is where this village is going to be set up?

If you read the bottom of the article it also mentions building a village for American conservatives who want to flee religious persecution in America, so looks like you would have to stay in these selected villages, doesnt seem like you can just go live where the climate is best.
You've probably heard of it, but I saw a video of an isolated Afrikaner village called Orania in South Africa. It sounds like you basically have to be a white Afrikaner to live there, and embrace the language, culture, etc. It looks very clean, safe and peaceful. Almost like being in traditional Europe.

Need more places like that in South Africa.
Man, I hate gay pride parades and love cold weather...

Cyrillic is not an easy language to learn though, is it?
It takes literally a couple hours to memorize the Cyrillic alphabet (Russian, for example). The Russian grammar is tricky and words are long, but it is surmountable. That being said, Russians are very forgiving about foreigners making mistakes in their language, and understand you even with mistakes.
Man, I hate gay pride parades and love cold weather...

Cyrillic is not an easy language to learn though, is it?
Just for comparison, I made decent strides learning Serbian in 12 months which uses both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet. I'm currently good enough to help out in the company I work fors Croatian team. In a limited capacity, of course.

Admittedly, I "know how" to learn foreign languages. But even if it's your first foreign language, B2 should be feasible in about 24 months of practice.
Of all the Russians I know living abroad, only one old couple has ever returned to the country. For sentimental reasons.
That tells me something.

But I'm not bashing Russia. I'm trying to be pragmatic. However, if you have this ideological love/hate mindset, about some country, and especially about a country you have never been to, then it is not a good starting point for moving somewhere.
I know many people who have this extreme view of the US. They've never been there, and their conclusion about how it is to live in the US is based on seeing movies or news. If they love mainstream culture, and the current administration, then the USA is a good place. If they hate Trump, then the USA is bad.
But living somewhere consists of many more things than just how you perceive politics. If you don't watch TV, then there is no politics anymore.

Housing, work, kids' school, safety, and groceries are things you will deal with daily. Not what talking heads are saying on TV.
It's funny that all of these kinds of threads, and most of the really serious or debated threads on the forum, revolve around related concepts: monetary confiscation and women. How much emphasis you put on either, or the question of if you'd actually move, has to do with whether you are married or single.
Idk, I think this is more targeted at Western Europeans and Australians. I don’t know how welcoming they’d be to foreigners from America given the proxy war. Good way for NATO to sneak spies.
Idk, I think this is more targeted at Western Europeans and Australians. I don’t know how welcoming they’d be to foreigners from America given the proxy war. Good way for NATO to sneak spies.
Last I checked, NATO's HQ was in Belgium. While anyone might use the same guise, I would think anyone with a name/ancestry that is eastern orthodox would be a believable start, at least.
The president of Russia has at least been baptised which is a big plus, how many other world leaders have been baptised?
Baptized sure, maybe, but whether or not Shelomova is a true Christian is highly debatable. His love for the jews certainly contradicts the attitudes of the Saints and the Historical Church. He always cared about the jews more than the Christians, especially when he was younger.

There are no leaders and there is no organization for White Christians. Don't place your faith in this man, because your children in a future Russia under the trajectory of his current policies would be surrounded by Africans and Muslims, and whether or not they have protection doesn't matter, you can't change what these creatures are. If you are living in Russia now I assume you would be semi-rural, or away from bigger cities.

I had one friend who lived there, but I haven't spoke to him in a few years. He told me the writing was on the wall with the Dagistanis and the Chechnyans decades ago, it only got worse since then, and now we are literally witnessing non-Whites and non-Christians being dumped there with abandon.

I despise the west, like all of us here. However, I will not immediately curtail my skepticism and submit loyalty to the east merely because the west is a gigantic hellhole. Moving to Russia will be good for some people, particularly conservative non-Whites who are being pandered to by the government. It would not be a good move for me or others like me.

So its ok to have those Africans and Muslims living in Russia as long as they dont get special protection and special rights so that the white population cant defend themselves, thats when it becomes a problem, let me give you an example. During the old days in South Africa we lived in the same country with many races yet it was a safe country and economy was good but the black people didnt have all this protection like now, so I remember when a car with black guys was driving a white neighborhood or just parked in an ackward place the white home owners would come outside and go and confront the black guys in the car and ask "what are you doing here, why are you parked here" and if they didnt give a valid reason they were told to get out and sometimes they would even slap them a bit, I remember my friends father would often smack drunk black people if they were disturbing the peace in public or harrasing people, today you cant do this anymore the law protects the blacks and if caught you could get in trouble even if you have a just cause, before we had some freedom to protect ourselves, now you cant even say the wrong words to a black person and I even saw some new laws you cant mispronounce their difficult names in the coprate world it can be a punishable offence.

Yes but it was a mistake for the South Africans to not push Apartheid further and heavily distance the two races geographically. The blacks should not be able to pile into a car and drive to a White neighborhood with ease. It should take them hours, gas, resources, and time, something their brains don't have the patience for. If it is difficult for a non-White to reach a White area, in which they have to expend considerable resources, then they most likely won't do it because their impulsivity will override their actions to parasite off of their local surroundings. The big problem after that commie jogger Mandela was given head honcho by international jews was that the government was specifically arming blacks with AK-47's and cell phone jammers to go and kill the Boer farmers, which they're still doing. The White Crosses don't lie. Did you at least escape that place?

Keep up-to-date with the Russian State Duma and all their legal news. This is where you know most of the objective truth and not just what is posted on RT news or biasedly reported on X/twitter:

“The State Duma refused to limit the mat capital for migrants who have recently become citizens Russia

The State Duma rejected a proposal to limit the right to maternity capital for newly naturalized migrants.

Thus, yesterday's migrant from Central Asia, who has just received a Russian passport, regardless of his loyalty, knowledge of the Russian language and respect for Russian culture, is immediately equalized in rights with the indigenous inhabitants of the country.
Deputies from the Fair Russia party proposed that the right to maternity capital should arise only five years after obtaining Russian citizenship:

"Now the "new Russians" receive a full social package instantly. We believe that this practice is unfair and contrary to the interests of the majority of the population. But the majority of the Duma did not agree with us.

We will insist on our initiative and submit it again," the deputies said. The post with this quote was later deleted."

Translated from Russian here:

So what is this then? The Russian government already has given special protection for these things. They're bypassing their own laws to let these non-Russians come there en masse. Big Bad Russniya is afraid to be seen as racist and is willingly doing this like every other slave under the jewish paradigm. Have you read their intelligence report on all the "White Nationalist" groups of every other country in the world that was recently released? I posted it on one of the other Russian threads, to the chagrin of some people here who say Russia is not anti-White. They are doing the same type of plantation capitalism the west was doing, except to their own people, instead of the other way around. Instead of exploiting southeast-Asian sweatshop labor, they're bringing these people to Russia to work and encourage a population growth among them instead of among the native White Russians.

Couldnt you be drafted to war against Ukraine?
If you have young male children who are about to become of age, I would not move to Russia. They would likely get shanghaied and sent to the front to die in meat waves, I've been seeing a significant number of 18 year old kids being reported dead in recent news from the conflict. I would not recommend anyone moving to jewkraine either. Your best bet is to move somewhere rural where non-Whites have to spend considerable resources to get there and would be without jew-government backup if they came for you and your family in the middle of the night. There are still places in France where you can live like this, but not many. If there was no war going on, I could see moving to rural Russia if you spoke the language and were Orthodox, but the cities there are overrun with filth just like everywhere else.
Yes but it was a mistake for the South Africans to not push Apartheid further and heavily distance the two races geographically. The blacks should not be able to pile into a car and drive to a White neighborhood with ease. It should take them hours, gas, resources, and time, something their brains don't have the patience for. If it is difficult for a non-White to reach a White area, in which they have to expend considerable resources, then they most likely won't do it because their impulsivity will override their actions to parasite off of their local surroundings.
An extremely good insight - it's opportunistic and impulsive behaviour from them, not carefully thought out or patiently planned.
It's funny that all of these kinds of threads, and most of the really serious or debated threads on the forum, revolve around related concepts: monetary confiscation and women. How much emphasis you put on either, or the question of if you'd actually move, has to do with whether you are married or single.
Because at the end of the day, who you have in the kitchen always matters more than who is in the White House.
Couldnt you be drafted to war against Ukraine?

Not if you are a permanent resident, in which case you have all the privileges minus the right to vote and join the Russian armed forces. As well, if you have some skills (STEM, management etc) you can probably work in a desk job or as a technician.

I think this program has huge potential, the way things are going in the West and 5 Eyes countries, there could be millions of potential candidates.

Also I think the war in Ukraine will be settled within 1 or 2 years, and for the rest of the decade and the next one, Russia could be a whole lot less turbulent than say the US, France or the UK, where there will be more economic, ethnic and social strife. As well Russia is the richest country in the world in resources, by a wide margin, its future is bright.

More info here:

What is a temporary residence permit (TRP)?

This is a document that allows a foreigner to live and work in Russia. It is issued for up to three years, after which it is necessary to obtain a residence permit in Russia, leave Russia or leave Russia and re-enter by obtaining a new TRP. The document cannot be renewed for a longer period of time.

Temporary residence permit allows the holder:
  • to legally work in the Russian Federation without additional licenses and approvals
  • to register as an individual entrepreneur
  • to register at the place of residence for the period of validity of the residence permit
  • to apply for a permanent residence permit
Compared to a permanent residence permit, the holders of a temporary residence permit have some limitations. Firstly, in the validity period of the document and secondly, holders of a TRP have the right to work and reside only in the region of Russia to which their TRP is registered to.

How to obtain a TRP?

Before the new decree, in order to obtain a TRP, in addition to a list of documents, one also needed a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation. For this purpose, it was necessary to pass an exam in a specialized institution or provide a certificate of education received in Russia or the USSR.

In addition, in order to apply for a TRP, it was also necessary to obtain a special quota from the state. Only a limited category of people could apply for a TRP outside this quota (for example, spouses of Russian citizens or those who entered military service or highly qualified specialists - the full list can be found here).

What are traditional Russian spiritual and moral values?

Traditional values include life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, patriotism, as well as high moral ideals, strong traditional family values, historical memory and others. It also includes Russia's traditional religions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.

What has changed in the procedure for obtaining a TRP?


According to the new decree, from September 1, 2024, TRP applicants will not be included in the annual quota or have to pass exams in Russian language and history. However, only in case the foreigner has decided to move to Russia “on the grounds of non-acceptance of the policy implemented by these states, which imposes destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, as provided for by the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”. Currently, the law does not specify how exactly one will have to prove one's motives.

Applicants will be granted a single-entry visa for three months so that they are able to obtain a TRP in Russia.

Can the applicant be denied TRP?

Yes, a TRP can be rejected if an applicant:
  • is identified as a threat to Russia's security or the safety of its citizens
  • finances, plans, aids and abets or commits terrorist (extremist) acts
  • has been subjected to deportation within the five years preceding the TRP application
  • presents fake or forged documents or gives false information
  • was previously sentenced for a grave or especially grave crime
  • cannot provide proof that he/she is able to maintain himself/herself (except where a foreign citizen is deemed disabled)
If a foreign citizen has been denied a residence permit, they have the right to reapply for it, though not earlier than one year from the date of rejection of the previous application.

In addition, a residence permit can be canceled, for the same reasons and also if an applicant:
  • has been administratively impleaded repeatedly during the course of one year
  • has departed Russia to obtain permanent residence in a foreign state
  • has been outside Russia for more than 6 months
  • contracted a fake marriage in order to obtain a TRP and this marriage has been invalidated by court
Read more detailed information about the grounds to deny or cancel a TRP according to Federal Law 'Concerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation'.

Citizens of which countries can apply a TRP according to the new rules?

By September 1 2024, the Russian government says it will approve a list of countries that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes at the recommendation of the Foreign Ministry.

“It is highly likely that the list will include countries of the European Union and the West, as a whole. These are countries that support LGBT rights (the movement is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia), same-sex marriage and oppress traditional values,” political scientist Alexander Nemtsev commented to ‘Vedomosti’ newspaper.
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I think this program has huge potential, the way things are going in the West and 5 Eyes countries, there could be millions of potential candidates.
In theory yes. They could get the skilled yet rejected population from the west and convince them to switch sides. No DEI, better dating, better options in life. But all it takes is getting a trained monkey to say the right words and sneak some spies in.

Plus be honest, who wants a giant influx of American immigrants? It might cure their negative population growth though. Idk, I’m skeptical. The opportunity to smash the reset button and actively work against globohomo seems too good to be true. Plus, I don’t want to be drafted to die in dumb Russian wars. Just because the dumb wars are Russian doesn’t make them cool.
Not if you are a permanent resident, in which case you have all the privileges minus the right to vote and join the Russian armed forces. As well, if you have some skills (STEM, management etc) you can probably work in a desk job or as a technician.

I think this program has huge potential, the way things are going in the West and 5 Eyes countries, there could be millions of potential candidates.

Also I think the war in Ukraine will be settled within 1 or 2 years, and for the rest of the decade and the next one, Russia could be a whole lot less turbulent than say the US, France or the UK, where there will be more economic, ethnic and social strife. As well Russia is the richest country in the world in resources, by a wide margin, its future is bright.

More info here:

What is a temporary residence permit (TRP)?

This is a document that allows a foreigner to live and work in Russia. It is issued for up to three years, after which it is necessary to obtain a residence permit in Russia, leave Russia or leave Russia and re-enter by obtaining a new TRP. The document cannot be renewed for a longer period of time.

Temporary residence permit allows the holder:
  • to legally work in the Russian Federation without additional licenses and approvals
  • to register as an individual entrepreneur
  • to register at the place of residence for the period of validity of the residence permit
  • to apply for a permanent residence permit
Compared to a permanent residence permit, the holders of a temporary residence permit have some limitations. Firstly, in the validity period of the document and secondly, holders of a TRP have the right to work and reside only in the region of Russia to which their TRP is registered to.

How to obtain a TRP?

Before the new decree, in order to obtain a TRP, in addition to a list of documents, one also needed a document confirming knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation. For this purpose, it was necessary to pass an exam in a specialized institution or provide a certificate of education received in Russia or the USSR.

In addition, in order to apply for a TRP, it was also necessary to obtain a special quota from the state. Only a limited category of people could apply for a TRP outside this quota (for example, spouses of Russian citizens or those who entered military service or highly qualified specialists - the full list can be found here).

What are traditional Russian spiritual and moral values?

Traditional values include life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, patriotism, as well as high moral ideals, strong traditional family values, historical memory and others. It also includes Russia's traditional religions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.

What has changed in the procedure for obtaining a TRP?


According to the new decree, from September 1, 2024, TRP applicants will not be included in the annual quota or have to pass exams in Russian language and history. However, only in case the foreigner has decided to move to Russia “on the grounds of non-acceptance of the policy implemented by these states, which imposes destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, as provided for by the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”. Currently, the law does not specify how exactly one will have to prove one's motives.

Applicants will be granted a single-entry visa for three months so that they are able to obtain a TRP in Russia.

Can the applicant be denied TRP?

Yes, a TRP can be rejected if an applicant:
  • is identified as a threat to Russia's security or the safety of its citizens
  • finances, plans, aids and abets or commits terrorist (extremist) acts
  • has been subjected to deportation within the five years preceding the TRP application
  • presents fake or forged documents or gives false information
  • was previously sentenced for a grave or especially grave crime
  • cannot provide proof that he/she is able to maintain himself/herself (except where a foreign citizen is deemed disabled)
If a foreign citizen has been denied a residence permit, they have the right to reapply for it, though not earlier than one year from the date of rejection of the previous application.

In addition, a residence permit can be canceled, for the same reasons and also if an applicant:
  • has been administratively impleaded repeatedly during the course of one year
  • has departed Russia to obtain permanent residence in a foreign state
  • has been outside Russia for more than 6 months
  • contracted a fake marriage in order to obtain a TRP and this marriage has been invalidated by court
Read more detailed information about the grounds to deny or cancel a TRP according to Federal Law 'Concerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation'.

Citizens of which countries can apply a TRP according to the new rules?

By September 1 2024, the Russian government says it will approve a list of countries that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes at the recommendation of the Foreign Ministry.

“It is highly likely that the list will include countries of the European Union and the West, as a whole. These are countries that support LGBT rights (the movement is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia), same-sex marriage and oppress traditional values,” political scientist Alexander Nemtsev commented to ‘Vedomosti’ newspaper.

Problem is you might not get drafted as a permanent resident but you might get deported and then who wants you back home as the "evil Russian lover"? I'm just hypothesizing here as it's extremely hard to make the right choice, especially when you have children.

But then again the LGBTQ hellhole we're living in now isn't an option.
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Which Russian cities are tolerable to live in? Moscow is far too big and chaotic. St. Petersburg looks nice but the winters are so dark and dreary that far north plus it seems kind of liberal. Anywhere in Siberia is brutally cold, though perhaps Vladivostok is tolerable but it's too isolated. Other European cities like Samara or Volgograd look like industrial wastelands though the Volga is nice.

Some cities like Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-na-donu, or Yekaterinburg seem pleasant. As do many of the smaller ones in the Golden Ring near Moscow with beautiful old churches and homes. But at least at first before learning Russian, if I were to move there I'd want to be somewhere with a decent number of English speakers and amenities. So one of the larger cities is a better bet.
The climate actually looks perfect in that part of Russia. Like a little warmer version of the Pacific Northwest in the US. Mountains, water everywhere, forests. Much different than what most people think of Russia.

Moscow and St. Petersburg are cold, but not as bad as I thought. Similar to Minnesota in the US. I think you have to go into the Arctic or Siberia to get those truly awful winters.

Why not spend winters in Krasnodar and summers in Saint Petersburg or Moscow? I just came back from there and it was beautiful, had a great time.
Baptized sure, maybe, but whether or not Shelomova is a true Christian is highly debatable. His love for the jews certainly contradicts the attitudes of the Saints and the Historical Church. He always cared about the jews more than the Christians, especially when he was younger.

There are no leaders and there is no organization for White Christians. Don't place your faith in this man, because your children in a future Russia under the trajectory of his current policies would be surrounded by Africans and Muslims, and whether or not they have protection doesn't matter, you can't change what these creatures are. If you are living in Russia now I assume you would be semi-rural, or away from bigger cities.

I had one friend who lived there, but I haven't spoke to him in a few years. He told me the writing was on the wall with the Dagistanis and the Chechnyans decades ago, it only got worse since then, and now we are literally witnessing non-Whites and non-Christians being dumped there with abandon.

I despise the west, like all of us here. However, I will not immediately curtail my skepticism and submit loyalty to the east merely because the west is a gigantic hellhole. Moving to Russia will be good for some people, particularly conservative non-Whites who are being pandered to by the government. It would not be a good move for me or others like me.

Yes but it was a mistake for the South Africans to not push Apartheid further and heavily distance the two races geographically. The blacks should not be able to pile into a car and drive to a White neighborhood with ease. It should take them hours, gas, resources, and time, something their brains don't have the patience for. If it is difficult for a non-White to reach a White area, in which they have to expend considerable resources, then they most likely won't do it because their impulsivity will override their actions to parasite off of their local surroundings. The big problem after that commie jogger Mandela was given head honcho by international jews was that the government was specifically arming blacks with AK-47's and cell phone jammers to go and kill the Boer farmers, which they're still doing. The White Crosses don't lie. Did you at least escape that place?

Keep up-to-date with the Russian State Duma and all their legal news. This is where you know most of the objective truth and not just what is posted on RT news or biasedly reported on X/twitter:

View attachment 11629
“The State Duma refused to limit the mat capital for migrants who have recently become citizens Russia

The State Duma rejected a proposal to limit the right to maternity capital for newly naturalized migrants.

Thus, yesterday's migrant from Central Asia, who has just received a Russian passport, regardless of his loyalty, knowledge of the Russian language and respect for Russian culture, is immediately equalized in rights with the indigenous inhabitants of the country.
Deputies from the Fair Russia party proposed that the right to maternity capital should arise only five years after obtaining Russian citizenship:

"Now the "new Russians" receive a full social package instantly. We believe that this practice is unfair and contrary to the interests of the majority of the population. But the majority of the Duma did not agree with us.

We will insist on our initiative and submit it again," the deputies said. The post with this quote was later deleted."

Translated from Russian here:

So what is this then? The Russian government already has given special protection for these things. They're bypassing their own laws to let these non-Russians come there en masse. Big Bad Russniya is afraid to be seen as racist and is willingly doing this like every other slave under the jewish paradigm. Have you read their intelligence report on all the "White Nationalist" groups of every other country in the world that was recently released? I posted it on one of the other Russian threads, to the chagrin of some people here who say Russia is not anti-White. They are doing the same type of plantation capitalism the west was doing, except to their own people, instead of the other way around. Instead of exploiting southeast-Asian sweatshop labor, they're bringing these people to Russia to work and encourage a population growth among them instead of among the native White Russians.

If you have young male children who are about to become of age, I would not move to Russia. They would likely get shanghaied and sent to the front to die in meat waves, I've been seeing a significant number of 18 year old kids being reported dead in recent news from the conflict. I would not recommend anyone moving to jewkraine either. Your best bet is to move somewhere rural where non-Whites have to spend considerable resources to get there and would be without jew-government backup if they came for you and your family in the middle of the night. There are still places in France where you can live like this, but not many. If there was no war going on, I could see moving to rural Russia if you spoke the language and were Orthodox, but the cities there are overrun with filth just like everywhere else.
Im still in South Africa, no Im not moving to Russia but I appreciate the good gesture from Russia to open their doors for Christian conservatives to move it.

I shared this link with my priest he says they bringing in more people to also help with their declining population which I didnt know about.