Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west

Here's a story related to this. This Danish guy, dumb admittedly, and allegedly a "rapper," attempted to acquire Russian citizenship and was conscripted into the Russian armed forces against his will when he arrived, and he never got the citizenship. He reported being abused by the Nepalese pajeet mercenaries that Russia is using for additional cannon fodder. This was last year, and this isn't every single story, but it's a classic case of someone not understanding Russian being manipulated into signing documents because they need bodies for the meat grinder.

White men stay away from anything Russia/Ukraine. Your life is not valued there. Cause havoc for the jews ruining your own lands, do the right thing and learn how to fight back.
This is a good video clarifying things. He says the "Russia is going to draft you in the army" meme is most likely being put out by bots. Its nonsense. He is a military veteran who is now in Russia and nobody is bothering him.

Haha my friend we have many Americans working for us making videos about Russia

Just saying my friend.. there is mobilization in Russia but only for veterans.. but we also have conscription, conscripts not suppose to go to front but unfortunately many of them go to Ukraine because corrupt people in the army send them there.

There is lot of talk on Russia social media on foreigners being tricked into army. From India Cuba, Nepal, syria, Africa. They think they come to work or study in Russia but when they arrive at airport they have to sign contract in Cyrillic and after that into van and to the military recruitment office and training ground.

Be careful signing documents in Cyrillic my friends. These people usually don't survive, they are like wagner penal batallions in Bakhmut. If army wants to know enemy positions they instruct the foreigners to cross open terrain to find source of fire.

For your information 😉

For the people that to to Russia understand one thing, Russia is pro gay anti LGBT. You can be gay, live with boyfriend in Russia go to gay bar this is no problem. But don't spread LGBT propaganda to children!!

Also violence against gay is strictly forbidden!! 5 years ago we have neonazi group called Male State and they beat gays on Russia streets, like we are monkey nation. They all get years in prison.

For instance one of our good gays in Anton Krasovsky, hard-core putin supporter. Krasovksy was head of Russia Today until he say that Ukrainian children that hate Russia should be burned to death. Now he is jobless. Krasovsky is unfortunately also hiv positive. He is against LGBT like Putin and true Z warrior!!


Also please don't look for him on Yandex there are some very disgusting homosexual pictures of him online.
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So, I actually contacted the consulate here in Ottawa to get more information. They got right back but all they would tell me is that in order to qualify, you have to first cross the Russian border/get a visa and only then can you apply. I would be very interested to find out what other requirements they have to qualify. (ie. Many countries, such as Mexico, require x number of dollars funds in your bank account and/or a job offer.)
That’s funny, Russian consulates pick up the phone now?

Russia doesn’t have a visa on arrival for white people [lol], except Belarus, Ukraine and Serbia. So there is no crossing the border. You have to get a visa, fly to Turkey then book a flight to Russia.

Here’s what I was able to find:

  • The decree states that such individuals [traditionalists] can get a private [purpose] visa to visit the country for a maximum of 3 months. From my understanding it’s not very different from a regular tourist visa except in Russia like in China you have to state the reason for a visit, tell them where you’re going and need an invitation letter [agency, resort, etc..].
  • This was always the case so I guess the decree implies to immigration they shouldn’t reject you when you tell them you’re an American traditionalist.
  • The decree also mentions that such individuals can apply for temporary residence which you will have to do when you land. It’s issued for a specific region where you will have to live and work. You have to stay a minimum 183 days a year in the country. Every year you have to prove you have money or a job. Maximum 3 years. You are exempt from regional quotes, meaning you won’t have to compete with Muslim applicants. You are also exempt. You are exempt from proving you can speak Russian and know it’s history. Muslims usually just bribe their way through this anyway.
  • What you really want is permanent resident which allows you to do whatever you want and to immediately apply for citizenship. This is obviously going to be more stringent especially for white people and you can start working towards it once you get your temporary residence. In special circumstances you can even get it first/quickly like marriage.
There’s a couple issues here;
  • People get rejected all the time. So this decree is more about that. Especially since you’re white, immigration can reject you if they don’t like you.
  • Immigration is not efficient and they’re not traditionalists. Russia puts women in positions of power like Europe. They’re not going to be overjoyed to get your application. Maybe if you’re a handsome western man you might get some kind of privilege from some white woman overlooking your case. You might also get some Armenian a-hole or some Russian woman married to a Tajik who hates “racists”. It will also take time. You might have to leave after your visa is finished and wait to get approved. I honestly think this is most likely.
Hope this helped anyone. It will be necessary to get an immigration lawyer if your visa is approved and you get there. You can also do it by getting a work permit which is basically proof you’ve been offered a job. By my understand a work permit is a different starting point for immigration. It has quotas based on experience/education, doesn’t seem like we’re exempt, so ideally you need enough money to get settled there, get the temp and not have to job hunt right away.
This visa sounds like a trap.

You should never walk into a country which is in war without having all details sorted and some knowledge of the language. Russia rule of law is non existent. Youre subject to the whims of the security forces. West in some areas is starting to lose it´s rule of law (free speech and man-woman relationship). But there´s still some appearance of it. At least.

When you land in the airport a cop might ask you for your wallet. Say it´s too heavy and take out all the cash. This happened to someone I know.

Save 100euros. And pay a lawyer for information.

Russia already has visas for foreigners. Avoid going into special programs. If you really want to go to there. You can simply apply a tourist visa. This should be your first step. I don´t think they will draft tourists. It would totally kill the tourism industry. And with boots on the ground understand the country. Never trust the info from internet. Even as a tourist first learn the basics of the language or hire a trustful agency. Some friends of mine went to Russia to party. And said the country is rough. Minimum wage is 200euros.

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This visa sounds like a trap.

You should never walk into a country which is in war without having all details sorted and some knowledge of the language. Russia rule of law is non existent. Youre subject to the whims of the security forces. West in some areas is starting to lose it´s rule of law (free speech and man-woman relationship). But there´s still some appearance of it. At least.
I've been trying to put my finger on why I stick around in the US rather than head back to my wife's country in Latin America or try somewhere like "based Orthodox Russia" but I haven't quite been able to express it. What you wrote here is basically it.
There is certainly something to be said for standing your ground on your own turf, instead of "escaping" abroad to a place where you might not know the language, culture, people, bureaucratic system, etc. and be forced to start over from scratch. Very few people have the wherewithal to do this. Without close connections, it might take you years...even decades to get back to the level you were at in your home country. And nowadays with globohomo western governments actively pushing back against whitey and their own western cultures, even fewer places will roll out the red carpet for you or NOT put roadblocks in your way.

There is no "right" answer or "one size fits all". Each person must know for themselves what is best in their circumstance. There is no perfect place. Each location comes with its own basket of compromises and each person must decide which one he can live with.
You should never walk into a country which is in war
My friend there is no war in Russia, only special military operation in Ukraine which is legal according to international law as Putin explain

Maybe there will be war soon, Ukraine invade Russia in Kursk crossing big boundary. Putin is very mad now, I hear many people say he can declare war on Ukraine in couple of weeks.

Just for your information
My friend there is no war in Russia, only special military operation in Ukraine which is legal according to international law as Putin explain

Maybe there will be war soon, Ukraine invade Russia in Kursk crossing big boundary. Putin is very mad now, I hear many people say he can declare war on Ukraine in couple of weeks.

Just for your information
Im not in Russia. I can say things as they are. Spare me the orwellian crap. Definition of war is armed conflict between countries.

Tell that to the guys whose limbs are blown to pieces by drones. It sure seems like war to them.

Russia is 100% in war with Ukraine. Even though its a calculated war probably planned before by intelligence agencies. In order for things not to get out of hand.

Soldiers are pawns used for alphabet agencies to play around and have some fun. And obviously an excuse for gigantic amounts of money siphoned from populations. Merchants of death.
There is certainly something to be said for standing your ground on your own turf, instead of "escaping" abroad to a place where you might not know the language, culture, people, bureaucratic system, etc. and be forced to start over from scratch. Very few people have the wherewithal to do this. Without close connections, it might take you years...even decades to get back to the level you were at in your home country. And nowadays with globohomo western governments actively pushing back against whitey and their own western cultures, even fewer places will roll out the red carpet for you or NOT put roadblocks in your way.

There is no "right" answer or "one size fits all". Each person must know for themselves what is best in their circumstance. There is no perfect place. Each location comes with its own basket of compromises and each person must decide which one he can live with.
I lived in Mexico for 10 years and found that it is possible to live a better life there once you learn the ropes and hook into the community. But to do that I had to ignore all the nonsense on us media and social media about how dangerous Mexico is. That is why I am considering Russia. The only way to really get a sense of the reality is to get a tourist visa and spend a few weeks in Russia to get the vibe. This will give one more accurate information than all the social media.
I lived in Mexico for 10 years and found that it is possible to live a better life there once you learn the ropes and hook into the community. But to do that I had to ignore all the nonsense on us media and social media about how dangerous Mexico is. That is why I am considering Russia. The only way to really get a sense of the reality is to get a tourist visa and spend a few weeks in Russia to get the vibe. This will give one more accurate information than all the social media.
The vibe in Russia would surely be different than in Mexico. Why such an intergalactic leap, if I may ask?
There is a pushback from Mexicans and other central Americans wrt American retirees and expats moving in, as they are causing inflation locally in housing, restaurants and other services.
My brother millions of Russian live in the West.

For two and a half year now they get insulted, surveillanced, threatened, made ridiculed.

How many go back to Russia?

In the last 10 years I become much more blackminded about Russia.. it is not going the way I hope it will go. Like all other Russians I hope for cooperation with the West, increase in living standard, end to degeneracy, end to corruption, continue revival of the Orthodox Church..

This didn't happen. I am not living in Russia now, only visiting from time to time. Many young Russia people dream of going to the West.

It is bad situation. The West is turning bad very fast too. I try to stay positive but it is difficult.
How many go back to Russia? Actually a decent number. Having lived the majority of my life in the community of Russian immigrants in the US, I have known a number of different families who actually have moved back to Russia. Moving back to Russia is by no means unheard of; some people come to the US and then decide they liked it better in Russia. It's not the majority, and there are still obviously more Russians moving to the US than moving from the US to Russia. But that doesn't Russia apart as some sort of dystopia, it merely goes to show that, though it's gradually declining, the US is still the number one destination for immigration in the world.
So much of the anti-Russian narrative, along with unrealistic aspects of a pro-Russian narrative, would be alleviated if people just realized that Russia is more or less a normal country. It has problems, but you can certainly live there. Millions of people live perfectly happy lives there. Sometimes they come to America....and then go back because they liked it better there. And other times they stay, because America is also a place where you can have a happy life.
For those living in blue cities and getting to middle age, it makes sense to sell you house in the States/UK/Canada and move back home where you can get a lot more for your money, where healthcare is free and taxes lower. The woke culture is just the cherry on top.