Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west

How many go back to Russia? Actually a decent number. Having lived the majority of my life in the community of Russian immigrants in the US, I have known a number of different families who actually have moved back to Russia. Moving back to Russia is by no means unheard of; some people come to the US and then decide they liked it better in Russia. It's not the majority, and there are still obviously more Russians moving to the US than moving from the US to Russia. But that doesn't Russia apart as some sort of dystopia, it merely goes to show that, though it's gradually declining, the US is still the number one destination for immigration in the world.
So much of the anti-Russian narrative, along with unrealistic aspects of a pro-Russian narrative, would be alleviated if people just realized that Russia is more or less a normal country. It has problems, but you can certainly live there. Millions of people live perfectly happy lives there. Sometimes they come to America....and then go back because they liked it better there. And other times they stay, because America is also a place where you can have a happy life.
It kind of is a competition though.

We all want to live in a society. People in western countries have realized that their society is sick. So we have people looking around, myself included, and saying “that place looks kind of normal”. The problem with the Russia thing is we have so many people going overboard with it. You got people saying Russia is governed by Solomon. In all honesty I enjoyed entertaining such an idea. It’s a great fantasy. The problem is I know why societies get sick in the first place.

Why is liberalism so destructive? It’s destructive because it removes accountability, structure and order. So when I notice problems in Russia and people come on and say “actually Solomon is playing 4D chess here”, it’s like bro, what are doing? We need to hold people accountable. Why do you venerate these people so much? They have to earn our respect, they need to sweat when making decisions. They don’t need nor do they deserve cheerleaders in their current state.
My brother millions of Russian live in the West.

For two and a half year now they get insulted, surveillanced, threatened, made ridiculed.

How many go back to Russia?

In the last 10 years I become much more blackminded about Russia.. it is not going the way I hope it will go. Like all other Russians I hope for cooperation with the West, increase in living standard, end to degeneracy, end to corruption, continue revival of the Orthodox Church..

This didn't happen. I am not living in Russia now, only visiting from time to time. Many young Russia people dream of going to the West.

It is bad situation. The West is turning bad very fast too. I try to stay positive but it is difficult.

I absolutely understand why Orthodox Christians and those from humbler or more cohesive societies would not be able to tolerate life in the US.

What they never taught us in school was the fact that about 1/3 of immigrants to the USA left for elsewhere or returned to the home countries within 5 years. America is and always has been loud, brash, ostentatiously consumeristic, while hypocritically being very self-righteous about its low-church "Christianity". For many immigrants this mix was unbearable, superficial, offensive, and lacking in true Christian piety or wholesome social and family values. I get it...I really do...and I struggle with these things every time I visit and when I lived there in the past.

I grew up in the USA and in school we always learned about how America is a "country of immigrants". We heard all the stories about "rags to riches" success and "if you can dream it, you can make it" hype and propaganda. Yes, compared to much of the world until that time (1970s/80s) that was largely true. But it is not true for the vast majority of immigrants today and the majority of native-born Americans, either.
Andrew makes some good points here that I imagine some people have not considered. No matter how much you think the traditional values in Russia speak to your heart, the fact is that Russia is severely cut off from western travel and banking, at a minimum. For anyone moving there, it would be a very final decision I think. It is not unlike how people had to adjust when moving to the USA during the 20th century from the rest of the world. The US in the past (like Russia today) has existed in its own bubble, socially, geographically, financially, etc. and does not play well with other nations. Something to think about.

Andrew makes some good points here that I imagine some people have not considered. No matter how much you think the traditional values in Russia speak to your heart, the fact is that Russia is severely cut off from western travel and banking, at a minimum. For anyone moving there, it would be a very final decision I think. It is not unlike how people had to adjust when moving to the USA during the 20th century from the rest of the world. The US in the past (like Russia today) has existed in its own bubble, socially, geographically, financially, etc. and does not play well with other nations. Something to think about.

The bigger issue which I point out all the time is that you are at least 2 generations away from women in the US being even reasonable, if that. So if women or a family are high on your priority list, it does you no good. The standard of living is going to run out in the USA for most anyway, so when it breaks up regionally, you'll be in a similar situation regardless, just without any hope of women. While that's fine - if you are OK with it - just to go to the region you like and live the rest of your days out, then it becomes the same thing. But again the main topic on this forum is women or at least women and family, and the future of those. There is one exception that could also make a place like Russia better, since you're going to need BTC in both places either way: the surveillance state. I guess we'll see the answer to all of these, or decision time, coming up in the next decade.
All valid points. Andrew stated a few times though to think through a decision for Russia very carefully and to not be rash about it. He said correctly that there are dozens of countries with traditional values that might be easier choices to move to: Serbia, Montenegro, some places in South America or Asia, etc. I don't know about everyone on here but buying BTC at least where I live is VERY difficult. The banks block such purchases and there are no BTC "vending machines" here. I have a little bit of BTC, but I literally have to travel to another country and pay in cash in shady locations (gas stations and gambling joints) to get it.
He said correctly that there are dozens of countries with traditional values that might be easier choices to move to: Serbia, Montenegro, some places in South America or Asia, etc.
Yes. Pros to Serbia? Generally sane and Orthodox. In my view, great women in general, but that thought is incomplete without being honest about the fact that as a man/outsider you aren't needed since their men are masculine and generally tall, in good shape. Even though the culture is better, I can be Orthodox here, since it's not like I'm going to go somewhere and make tons of friends, learn the language, etc. There's gotta be something more than that. Montenegro? Use the Euro. Small, and too many rich people already there. Both geopolitcally problematic, by and large.

If you are into Asian women and you can take being that far away, that might be the best place. I am not so it already has too many negatives, and it's not Orthodox either, really.

LatAm is always a possibility but it's mostly a lower IQ place for "fun" where you have to be careful because it is very tempting to get caught in the lower IQ low fidelity world.

The reason why Russia and their friends (flanking neighbors, like Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Baltics, etc) are the best is because they arguably have the best women and the women need you, and they are traditional because they aren't spoiled from being in an economy that produces excess or allows the government to do welfare type spending. Again, almost all the reasons to move are based on how women are there, since you by definition will have money or you wouldn't be able to go there, anyway.
In my view, great women in general, but that thought is incomplete without being honest about the fact that as a man/outsider you aren't needed since their men are masculine and generally tall, in good shape.
I think that analysis is incomplete. What you said about Serbian men being tall, in shape and masculine is true, but given the economic situation in Serbia the thing most Serbian guys (80 - 90%) lack is the money to provide a good standard of living for a woman/family. Also my gut feeling is a typical Serbian guy would be more predisposed to cheating/infidelity than a typical western man would although I would have to spend time in Serbia to actually know if its the case or not.

So I think objectively foreigners still have some value in Serbia but this objective value is cancelled out by the fact the the culture is closed to off to outsiders.
After this thread was started, I did some online searching and came across the story of the Feenstra family from rural Saskatchewan, Canada.

Conservative Christian farmer Arend Feenstra, his wife Aneesa, and their fruitful family of 8 children moved to Russia the beginning of this year to escape Canada's woke perversion and depravity.

There's actually a whole schwack of stuff about them online, the bulk of it from about 6 months ago. Most of the content is vitriolic hate-spewing against the Christian family but what do you expect?

There's so many articles and videos about them I don't begin to know which ones to post here.

Just search Arend Feenstra or Canadian family moves to Russia and form your own conclusions, I guess.
He's become pretty famous, and has helped contribute to the new Russian political refugee immigration status for western conservatives.

Lately, he's been building his house on some country acreage for his future farming homestead.

The way things are headed in most 5 Eyes/western European countries, there is going to be a lot of demand for this visa. Ireland today:
The bigger issue which I point out all the time is that you are at least 2 generations away from women in the US being even reasonable, if that. So if women or a family are high on your priority list, it does you no good. The standard of living is going to run out in the USA for most anyway, so when it breaks up regionally, you'll be in a similar situation regardless, just without any hope of women. While that's fine - if you are OK with it - just to go to the region you like and live the rest of your days out, then it becomes the same thing. But again the main topic on this forum is women or at least women and family, and the future of those. There is one exception that could also make a place like Russia better, since you're going to need BTC in both places either way: the surveillance state. I guess we'll see the answer to all of these, or decision time, coming up in the next decade.

The main thing about Russia is that warts and all, it is a society that is healing, while the West is constantly degrading. Russia went through an astonishly horrendous century between 1917 and 2000, until the almost providential ascent of Putin at the helm. While the guy is not perfect, there is no question that he is (1) competent and (2) devoted to his country and its betterment.

Russia is the richest country in the world by a wide margin, not just in natural resources, but also in its growing industrial base, it has been taking ((the West's)) best shot, not overreacting and handling it with ease. It has a bright future, young Russians will be better off than their parents, while the opposite is true in every western country. The West peaked in the early 1960s, before the great Boomer ((social engineering project)), the most successful radical cultural change project of all time, was unfurled on that generation. 5-6 decades later we are still reeling from its aftereffects, with the program becoming ever more radical with every generation.

There is no question that unless radical changes take place in the West, the trend of sane, conservative westerners taking refuge in Russia is going to grow and accelerate, especially now that the Russians themselves are aware of this cultural dynamic and see this as a big opportunity to shore up their demography.

Russia was a thriving, modernizing society that was still traditional and deeply Christian in the early 1900s. Mendeleev, a leading chemist/scientist and polymath wrote in 1900 that Russia would be the leading country in the world by 2000 with a population of 500 million. That project was completely derailed by the western ((banksters)) who hated Orthodox Russia with a passion, with their 1-2 punch of WW1 followed by the Bolshevik revolution, during which they culled most of the clergy and about 20 million of the flower of the Russian nation.

Russia today has survived this tragedy and is on the mend, ascending.
The main thing about Russia is that warts and all, it is a society that is healing, while the West is constantly degrading. Russia went through an astonishly horrendous century between 1917 and 2000, until the almost providential ascent of Putin at the helm. While the guy is not perfect, there is no question that he is (1) competent and (2) devoted to his country and its betterment.
Great post. You nailed it. I often try to tell people this very thing. I find it almost astonishing (but I know propaganda and clear thinking are both problems in the modern day) that one cannot discern that a country that just came out of horrible Soviet - godless and sick rule - isn't going to become a fully fledged economy and more overnight. It's only been 30 years, and the west even did its best to stifle that from the beginning! Amazing how little is understood about basic history and current geopolitical realities.
The main thing about Russia is that warts and all, it is a society that is healing, while the West is constantly degrading. Russia went through an astonishly horrendous century between 1917 and 2000, until the almost providential ascent of Putin at the helm. While the guy is not perfect, there is no question that he is (1) competent and (2) devoted to his country and its betterment.

Russia is the richest country in the world by a wide margin, not just in natural resources, but also in its growing industrial base, it has been taking ((the West's)) best shot, not overreacting and handling it with ease. It has a bright future, young Russians will be better off than their parents, while the opposite is true in every western country. The West peaked in the early 1960s, before the great Boomer ((social engineering project)), the most successful radical cultural change project of all time, was unfurled on that generation. 5-6 decades later we are still reeling from its aftereffects, with the program becoming ever more radical with every generation.

There is no question that unless radical changes take place in the West, the trend of sane, conservative westerners taking refuge in Russia is going to grow and accelerate, especially now that the Russians themselves are aware of this cultural dynamic and see this as a big opportunity to shore up their demography.

Russia was a thriving, modernizing society that was still traditional and deeply Christian in the early 1900s. Mendeleev, a leading chemist/scientist and polymath wrote in 1900 that Russia would be the leading country in the world by 2000 with a population of 500 million. That project was completely derailed by the western ((banksters)) who hated Orthodox Russia with a passion, with their 1-2 punch of WW1 followed by the Bolshevik revolution, during which they culled most of the clergy and about 20 million of the flower of the Russian nation.

Russia today has survived this tragedy and is on the mend, ascending.

Great post mate.

Anyone who's read Dostoyevsky should have an idea of the horrors to come to the West.