Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west

First of all; try better with your English brother (no offense) but why would you go from one place where they hate your guts to another where they hate your guts?

Start there.
I dont want to go there but many South Africans do, I guess the hate they have here at home is far worse than the hate in Australia, Iv actually never heard of a South African say theu felt hated in Australia, they come back and say how safe they feel.

South Africans in general also have a very negative view of Russia, a few months ago I was with a group of all Afrikaans people mostly the older guys and I brought up Russia and that they good guys etc and they nodded their heads, I think they still see Russia as the communists
I dont want to go there but many South Africans do, I guess the hate they have here at home is far worse than the hate in Australia, Iv actually never heard of a South African say theu felt hated in Australia, they come back and say how safe they feel.

South Africans in general also have a very negative view of Russia, a few months ago I was with a group of all Afrikaans people mostly the older guys and I brought up Russia and that they good guys etc and they nodded their heads, I think they still see Russia as the communists

I didn't mean hate of Australians per se and you know that so that's a little disingenuous. I mean the Australian government are as mafioso if not more than the South African one.

I for one lost hundreds of thousands of $ in lost career / investments through the mRNA mandate. Is that a civilized country you want to move to?
I didn't mean hate of Australians per se and you know that so that's a little disingenuous. I mean the Australian government are as mafioso if not more than the South African one.

I for one lost hundreds of thousands of $ in lost career / investments through the mRNA mandate. Is that a civilized country you want to move to?
Yes. Based Aussies are great, but I'd rather take my chances in my wife's lawless Latin American country than in lawful evil Australia. Same goes for Canada. Based Cannucks are great, but I'd never move to Canada. As bad as the US is, it's the best the Anglo-Saxon world has to offer at the time.
Yes. Based Aussies are great, but I'd rather take my chances in my wife's lawless Latin American country than in lawful evil Australia. Same goes for Canada. Based Cannucks are great, but I'd never move to Canada. As bad as the US is, it's the best the Anglo-Saxon world has to offer at the time.

So we agree? What are you on about?
Regarding the language barrier: It seems like modern technology has made language barriers a thing of the past.

The DeepL translator is a lightweight app on your phone that can read your voice quite accurately (you may have to proofread after speaking) and then translate it into another language quickly, and read it out loud.

The new Russian offer sounds pretty good, but, it's only a 3 month visa. There should be a "path to citizenship," so to speak, if Russia is serious about attracting long-term growth.
Regarding the language barrier: It seems like modern technology has made language barriers a thing of the past.

The DeepL translator is a lightweight app on your phone that can read your voice quite accurately (you may have to proofread after speaking) and then translate it into another language quickly, and read it out loud.

The new Russian offer sounds pretty good, but, it's only a 3 month visa. There should be a "path to citizenship," so to speak, if Russia is serious about attracting long-term growth.

The "three month" one is not what I'm after if I want to invest substantial amounts of $s into the Russian economy.

I can get a 3 month visa everywhere.

TBH there are ways but take substantial investment so I think it's nothing but a PR campaign.
The new Russian offer sounds pretty good, but, it's only a 3 month visa. There should be a "path to citizenship," so to speak, if Russia is serious about attracting long-term growth.

I'm pretty sure after the 3 months are finished you can apply for something a lot longer, provided the Russians see that you have started to integrate, and have not caused any trouble after arriving.

Also, I think the initial limited time frame has 2 goals....firstly to weed out people who will quit Russia after 3 months and go back to their own respective countries, and secondly (and more importantly) it gives the Russians some time to investigate if you have been sent for spying/espionage by one of their enemies. So be aware they will watching you VERY closely in the first years to make sure you are genuine.

My only concern with this amazing residency offer is whether or not you are subject to a future draft into the Russian army if the war with the west escalates. Even then at least you will be on the side fighting for Christ and Orthodoxy.
I'm pretty sure after the 3 months are finished you can apply for something a lot longer, provided the Russians see that you have started to integrate, and have not caused any trouble.

Also, I think the initial limited time frame has 2 goals....firstly to weed out people who will quit Russia after 3 months and go back to their own respective countries, and secondly (and more importantly) it gives the Russians some time to investigate if you have been sent for spying/espionage by one of their enemies.

My only concern with this amazing residency offer is whether or not you are subject to a future draft into the Russian army if the war with the west escalates. At least you will be on the side fighting for Christ and Orthodoxy.
Would still not want to fight NATO Tech or God forbid the US. Would get you declared a terrorist and have any assets frozen etc.
I think this offer is intended (even if not stated openly) for people who will eventually (after a few years) liquidate most of their assets in the west.

So for the ones (gen y) with kids now? Boomers (either way) aren't ever going to do that so we should bear the brunt both ways while we've already been raped out of our opportunities?

Nice try.

@magoo adds some more spice
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Couldnt you be drafted to war against Ukraine?

But it would be really stupid and counter productive to do this, as then no one will take up the Russian residency offer.

They may however implement it after a few years if they are still at war....but at that stage your own western government may be drafting as well, so you will have to pick a side anyway, or move to the third world.
I hear the Russian military pays quite well.
I seriously doubt its anything as good as the published money military officers get when coupled with the lifestyle benefits of being on base ECT.

Plus the post military professional opportunities are very very competitive and can be very very lucrative if you're sharp and apply yourself with networking and understanding business skills required for success.

But maybe I'm wrong, and there is some decent money in the Russian military.

Here's the thing, being drafted vs volunteering are two totally different camps of service with two different outcomes.
I know I’m a debbie downer but I welcome this news. Russia imports a ton of Muslims, we can’t change that, but we can dilute it at least. So I would like to extend a nod of approval to the Russian government for doing the bare minimum. Any true nationalist government would have done this on day one but good news is still good news.

Personally anyone considering it I wouldn’t really worry about the whole government oppression thing. The only way you’ll be oppressed is if start stepping on toes. I would advise anyone to go find some Russians in your local vicinity and see how you vibe with them. That’s what you’re going to be doing 99 percent of the time over there.

I would say Russians are not the easiest whites to get along with. Not because they’re bad, not because they hate Americans, they’re just different. Eastern Europeans are similar to each other so if you don’t like them then Russia isn’t the place for you.

Just remember, pick the whitest region you can find.
Say what you want about whether anyone will go to country X, or take advantage of country Y's offer, but for all those out there that act like the US doesn't chase you down worldwide for taxes, or will shut your bank accounts down or freeze other assets, those same people will talk about how BTC has no "intrinsic value" or utility. If you want to travel to or participate in a country that has been deemed an enemy of the US, right or wrong, it's the ultimate in clown world to deny the use case of BTC in such a country, beyond other things. I'm really not trying to switch the conversation to BTC, it's just that threads like this offer up obvious reasons why sovereign individuals might want to be part of the network. They also prove that people like US citizens are either blissfully unaware, or totally unconscious of how for most people in this world this is a huge change in cross border realities, beyond escaping a more debased currency.
Exactly. I never understood people who leave their country to go live somewhere else and then just live in a bubble with the other people from their own country. What is the point? You may as well not leave your own country if you are going to do that.
They are materialist seekers, some of which you can't totally blame, but that's the reason. It ends after the first generation and their kids, as one might expect, unless they are part of a group that really shouldn't have been let in due to absolute cultural disharmony (people serious about Islam, for example).
First of all; try better with your English brother (no offense) but why would you go from one place where they hate your guts to another where they hate your guts?

Start there.

Edit: we lived through utter hell here through the coof, the most insane lockdowns in the world (you will get Queenslanders saying it was ok, but look at their new land tax laws).

Good luck.
Regarding the English proficiency, keep in mind that to most South Africans English is their second language and essentially just a tool they use to be able to communicate with members of other ethnic groups. But you'll rarely see whites or blacks speak English among themselves. Therefore, some simply lack practice.

Anyway, Russia definitely seems quite different culturally, in terms of lifestyle and, of course, climate. If you're young, single or just plain active, a move to one of the large cities could work. But if you're moving to the countryside, you're probably someone who just despises the West or assumes that the decline will continue at a steady pace, which isn't unlikely.

I personally think the 3 month rule stops people from blindly liquidating everything, investing in Russia and then having regret set in. 3 months is a short but sufficient time frame to have a look at what life would actually be like over there.