Nick Fuentes Thread

I don't know anything about Scott Greer. Does he do anything besides post on Twitter? I really don't know but that's all I see from him.
He writes articles and does a weekly podcast called highly respected.

He was kicked off of some Shapiro type newsrags for being too young and too conservative relative to the normiecon agenda. He's right with Frassen, beattie, and the other folks who were part of the 2016 movement.

He even had Fuentes on and was right with him until Fuentes pushed the J6 shit which Greer vehemently warned against.

You can absolutely use your friend Google to fuether investigate, but he's been doing this for about 10 years and is a young guy who's on the pulse.
I like Scott Greer

And Darren Beattie who runs and has been exposing the J6 fedsurrection.

So a Trump Inc normiecon and a Straussian Jew with an existentialism obsession?

I mean, I have my criticisms of Nick, but if the only other "America First" people are those who push Nick's talking points 5 years later and those who have "proud Jew wo really, really likes to read Heidegger and tell goyim how to understand it" (paraphrased) in their bio, then I think I'm okay with Nick. Beattie rides with Netanyahu.

I also have to tell you that I don't much care for pit bull conversations. It was a funny meme on the right 5 years ago because of how analogous it is to race realism, but it doesn't make for good content. "Ni**ers"shouldn't be allowed to have guns or dogs" would be a lot funnier, but even that is kinda stale.

I think we need to cool it with the J6 obsession. Calling J6 a Fedsurrection and implying that everybody who pushed forward was a fed is itself kind of a fed meme, especially when there was clearly a distinction between activists like Ray Epps on the one side and Proud Boys and Nick on the other. I followed the event live and I cheered when they were breaking in the Capitol, interrupting the parliamentary process, so am I a fed, too? Nick was like a hundred yards away, he couldn't see the fishy things going on.

But the people acting up like that has precedent, the Black Panthers actually did it with guns. What's scandalous is how protestors were punished and made an example of, right after the left wing had been granted a blank check for destroying American cities (and in some cases, European cities). Discussing whether there were feds is almost a red herring, because there are feds always and everywhere, but it's not as if those agitators magically made people want to go in the building and shake things up.

I feel like a lot of people suffer from main character aka "I knew it all along" syndrome, where they act as if they'd had the benefit of hindsight from the start. Trumps fans storming the capitol and trashing Pelosi's office seemed like a cool idea, especially given that a Biden admin was a guaranteed Judeocratic tyranny.

I think the based take, fed involvement or not, is that they SHOULD have taken the Capitol and given big ol' Mitchell a wedgie. It turns out that doing these kinds of things as right wingers necessitates going all the way or not going at all.
So a Trump Inc normiecon and a Straussian Jew with an existentialism obsession?

I mean, I have my criticisms of Nick, but if the only other "America First" people are those who push Nick's talking points 5 years later and those who have "proud Jew wo really, really likes to read Heidegger and tell goyim how to understand it" (paraphrased) in their bio, then I think I'm okay with Nick. Beattie rides with Netanyahu.

I also have to tell you that I don't much care for pit bull conversations. It was a funny meme on the right 5 years ago because of how analogous it is to race realism, but it doesn't make for good content. "Ni**ers"shouldn't be allowed to have guns or dogs" would be a lot funnier, but even that is kinda stale.

I think we need to cool it with the J6 obsession. Calling J6 a Fedsurrection and implying that everybody who pushed forward was a fed is itself kind of a fed meme, especially when there was clearly a distinction between activists like Ray Epps on the one side and Proud Boys and Nick on the other. I followed the event live and I cheered when they were breaking in the Capitol, interrupting the parliamentary process, so am I a fed, too? Nick was like a hundred yards away, he couldn't see the fishy things going on.

But the people acting up like that has precedent, the Black Panthers actually did it with guns. What's scandalous is how protestors were punished and made an example of, right after the left wing had been granted a blank check for destroying American cities (and in some cases, European cities). Discussing whether there were feds is almost a red herring, because there are feds always and everywhere, but it's not as if those agitators magically made people want to go in the building and shake things up.

I feel like a lot of people suffer from main character aka "I knew it all along" syndrome, where they act as if they'd had the benefit of hindsight from the start. Trumps fans storming the capitol and trashing Pelosi's office seemed like a cool idea, especially given that a Biden admin was a guaranteed Judeocratic tyranny.

I think the based take, fed involvement or not, is that they SHOULD have taken the Capitol and given big ol' Mitchell a wedgie. It turns out that doing these kinds of things as right wingers necessitates going all the way or not going at all.
Greer is not a normiecon at all. He's pretty relentless in mocking the normie cons.

Beattie hardly some Netanjzionist. He's been called a white supremacist repeatedly (similar to Stephen Miller whose also Jewish and also called a white supremacist). He was part of the Bannon era populists that came in and helped the 2016 win with populist ideas and his speech writing. With out people like Beattie, there's be no Fuentes of prominence.

Look the people who have championed the same things Nick was supporting at age 18 or whatever in 2016 all used to be tight with him and have him on. Greer had him on his podcast during the terror watch list airplane issue and he was debanked.

Again, its laughable to shit on people who've been consistent for 8 years with Trump as a vessel and say support Nick whose acting like a person seeking to demoralize support for Trump or any candidate that has some not 100 percent ideal vision of what Nick want. Meanwhile Nick was out there pushing Kanye who was absolutely a Trainwreck and controlled and probably used to discredit any criticism of the Jewish interests in media.

Nick has his points from time to time, but there's not really anything he adds that you're not able to get from people who've been consistent.
Greer is not a normiecon at all. He's pretty relentless in mocking the normie cons.

Beattie hardly some Netanjzionist. He's been called a white supremacist repeatedly (similar to Stephen Miller whose also Jewish and also called a white supremacist). He was part of the Bannon era populists that came in and helped the 2016 win with populist ideas and his speech writing. With out people like Beattie, there's be no Fuentes of prominence.

Look the people who have championed the same things Nick was supporting at age 18 or whatever in 2016 all used to be tight with him and have him on. Greer had him on his podcast during the terror watch list airplane issue and he was debanked.

Again, its laughable to shit on people who've been consistent for 8 years with Trump as a vessel and say support Nick whose acting like a person seeking to demoralize support for Trump or any candidate that has some not 100 percent ideal vision of what Nick want. Meanwhile Nick was out there pushing Kanye who was absolutely a Trainwreck and controlled and probably used to discredit any criticism of the Jewish interests in media.

Nick has his points from time to time, but there's not really anything he adds that you're not able to get from people who've been consistent.

If, as most agree here, that Trump is at best a speed bump to going off the cliff and will not fix or change anything that will make a drastic improvement, then is it better to rip off the band-aid and think/believe in a real fix, or is it better to psychologically still put full support into Trump.

What my point is, psychologically, is it better to defend Trump and push him, even if you know he will do little to no good, or is it better psychologically move past Trump and thing outside the box. Hold your nose and vote for Trump, because a speed bump is better than nothing at all, but still criticize Trump when he pushes ideas/beliefs that will destroy this country? Legal immigration is certainly one of these ideas that will destroy the country. We can discuss legal immigration after 10's of millions of illegal are deported.

I believe it is better to criticize Trump when he pushes destructive ideas, in hopes you may get him to sway off of it, or at the very least, get his supporters to start thinking outside the fake two-party system and start thinking about what steps it will take to save the west from third worldism. I like that Nick is getting people to truly realize the GOP and Trump isn't going to save them and bringing a number of young men with him. Once GOP members get boo'ed for saying "as long as they come legally" and once this brainwashing is toasted on social media, we will know a real change has been made.

Also, post October 7th and the fallout there after and AIPC openly bragging about winning elections with their full support in the high 90% range, I no longer trust people who use "GAE".
Beattie hardly some Netanjzionist. He's been called a white supremacist repeatedly (similar to Stephen Miller whose also Jewish and also called a white supremacist). He was part of the Bannon era populists that came in and helped the 2016 win with populist ideas and his speech writing.
Dang, he seems almost as based as this Bronze Age Pervert guy. If he says TND and Aryan Victory, I'll buy his book. He's very based and redpilled.

We could at least stick with anti-Zionist Christians over Talmudists with questionable ties who posts 90% about edgy culture wars nonsense. Also, like most people, I don't care about Stephen Miller.

Saying a based thing isn't really the mark that has to be hit. That's literally how movements are always infiltrated, by hijacking the memes they contain.
What counts is the actual position, and we know Miller's and Beattie's position. They believe they are a chosen tribe and the goyim are their slaves. Anything short of that, and their self-identification would become obsolete. That has to be their position, and obviously they wouldn't articulate that explicitly to the goyim, as the Talmud tells them not to.
Who gets called a White Nationalist/Supremacist is besides the point. Curtis Yarvin, Paul Gottfried, Gavin Mcinnes, Jordan Peterson, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and Ben Shapiro have been called White Supremacists at some point. It's meaningless. You cannot let retarded leftists define who's on your side, that makes zero sense. Conversely, it's the exact strategy that is always applied by Straussians. "Hey, those gosh darn leftists you don't like, well, I think they are low IQ and the West is the best, now subscribe to my channel", is that seriously all it takes?

Beattie's "Global American Empire" is just his pendant of Yarvin's "Cathedral" (obviously named that because he hates everything to do with Christ). It's a vague term that obfuscates the issue. America runs a global empire, duh. Nothing new here, the point has been made for the better half of a century now. But what is the problem with America being a global hegemon? What do they DO with it, and why? Do they force all the nations to respect Christianity? Or do they promote abortion, sodomy and around the clock police protection for abortion clinics and wars for Israel? If the latter, then why? What is the political root cause? Beattie won't tell you, outside of vague references to Marxism (which comes from his tribe).

If this is what's at the heart of the problem, then any political movement that doesn't address it is futile. Maybe it's just my radical faith speaking here, but if White people are the servants of Satan, than White genocide doesn't really make much of a difference to me. At least the hoards will openly protest it, in some cases. The goal has to be to turn White people back into what they used to be, which is the heart of Christendom. Putting Christianity into the backseat and focusing on narrow advantages for White people while they murder their own children and engage in degeneracy makes next to zero sense to me.

I don't really understand your point about whether to criticize Trump or not. Pressure has to be exerted somehow. Sticking to the lesser of two evils isn't the only thing a person can do, and Trump's current course simply isn't great. If anything, I think Nick's doing the Trump movement a favor by maintaining a focus on these issues. He's not blackpilling, he's fighting.
He writes articles and does a weekly podcast called highly respected.

He was kicked off of some Shapiro type newsrags for being too young and too conservative relative to the normiecon agenda. He's right with Frassen, beattie, and the other folks who were part of the 2016 movement.

He even had Fuentes on and was right with him until Fuentes pushed the J6 shit which Greer vehemently warned against.

You can absolutely use your friend Google to fuether investigate, but he's been doing this for about 10 years and is a young guy who's on the pulse.
Google isn't my friend. And I honestly don't care that much so I'll backtrack on my posting. I'll take this as a little sarcasm but with skepticism. Thanks.
@Get2choppaaa by the way, I hope I'm not sounding to snarky. You're a great commenter and I love interacting with you, but I do enjoy arguing passionately.

That being said, I maintain that the Groypers, sh*theads as they might be at times, are a far more promising movement under Nick than Trump, Vance, Greer, Malkin, Beattie or whoever. I'm not being a stan, but that's how the situation presents itself to me. If our position is (Orthodox) Christian Nationalism, then the finer points of loyalty and morality cannot be brushed aside.
I don't know what this is about, but it is an interesting tweet.

Beattie is a huge troll so I don't know what sort of actual dialogue he wanted.

At no point did Beattie say specifically all Christians are cattle. He spoke about retarded people regardless of race who are accepting the slop narrative of the media. Nick is trying to get relevance by sparking a fight because he's losing credibility and lashing out.

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If I'm Nick, I respond by saying...

"The west is collapsing, Whites are being put through a genocide across the globe, western tax dollars fund an invasion of the west and killing Christian Children in the Middle East, and this Neo-Con thinks I am playing gotcha games. This isn't a serious nor Christian man."
I continue to watch and admire Fuentes, although I was slightly taken aback during a recent show where he basically dismissed the Kosovo conflict and Serbia as trivial nothings (he said he can't relate to Eastern Europe sans Greece). It was tough to hear, even if it is technically in line with an America First, isolationist position.
I heard some guys talking and they mentioned some bad rumors about Nick that invloves tranny porn and still living with his parents and not being married etc and something about him turning on Trump and even going as far as endorsing Kamala?

They were not sure if the rumors were all true, anyone heard something along these lines?
I heard some guys talking and they mentioned some bad rumors about Nick that invloves tranny porn and still living with his parents and not being married etc and something about him turning on Trump and even going as far as endorsing Kamala?

They were not sure if the rumors were all true, anyone heard something along these lines?
I don't know much about him, what I think is true about these questions...

- No clue about his sexuality. He claims to be straight and saving himself for marriage. I'm not going to diss a guy that is fighting the sin of lust and winning, if he is telling the truth. I have seen no evidence contrary to this, and if there is evidence contrary to this, it will come out one day.

- No clue if he lives with his parents, it would be wise to do so, why waste money in this country if you can live with your parents and make good money. From what I know, he has done well for himself and has a decent enough net worth to live on his own.

- He isn't supporting Trump, but he isn't supporting Kamala. He was leading a charge to get Trump back to the 2016 version and was unsuccessful in doing so, so he said he cannot support Israel-first Trump.
I don't know much about him, what I think is true about these questions...

- No clue about his sexuality. He claims to be straight and saving himself for marriage. I'm not going to diss a guy that is fighting the sin of lust and winning, if he is telling the truth. I have seen no evidence contrary to this, and if there is evidence contrary to this, it will come out one day.

- No clue if he lives with his parents, it would be wise to do so, why waste money in this country if you can live with your parents and make good money. From what I know, he has done well for himself and has a decent enough net worth to live on his own.

- He isn't supporting Trump, but he isn't supporting Kamala. He was leading a charge to get Trump back to the 2016 version and was unsuccessful in doing so, so he said he cannot support Israel-first Trump.
Iv heard Nick a few times but have never been able to get into his stuff maybe he just isnt my style, maybe I must listen more? I have nothing against him, just heard these concerning things about him this week, the living with his parents Iv heard him say it years ago, the more comcerning were the others, I hope they are false, so where I heard this was on an Orthodox podcast with david patrick harry from the logos podcast with buck johnson from the counter flow podcast, two good guys with two good podcasts, they spoke about it for some time.