Nick Fuentes Thread

Is that taken as a fact now? I mean, none of us really know. Frankly, the boss of the Secret Service being a shitlib woman who did diversity hires completely suffices for me to explain that some young tard could take a shot like that.

I mean, it would be a weird one, if in the past, Deep State murders were always conducted by professionals who left nothing up to chance and than now it's suddenly some bugman goofball without military experience.

I wouldn't put all my eggs into the "the Deep State conspired to kill him" basket, because it doesn't make sense to me that they wouldn't succeed in doing it.

The regime also isn't monolithic. There are weird globalist technocrats, there are shady, black magic Zionists and then there are some groups that overlap, such as the Palantir people. It's not beyond my imagination that some of them see value in infiltrating Trump's team as they did in the past, and others wanting him gone because he threatens to weaken some of their projects. Trying to take over both sides is what they usually do, but that doesn't mean that they control everything. I don't think they have full control over Trump and are more nervous about him than most Dems, but they tend to hedge their bets. It's what I would do if I had the means.

The point about Trump being that I am not under the impression that he really understands the fundamental problem of American politics, which is Talmudic subterfuge. If he doesn't recognize that, they will bamboozle him as they have done in the past.
Great post. Of those satanic elites, where does Roy Cohn fit in, and why did Trump have a very close relationship going back to the 1970's? You don't make billions of dollars in Manhattan, of all places, and not be aware of the fundamental problems, or for Trump's pocketbook, fundamental benefits.

I don't see why the deep state would want Trump gone, he has done little to nothing to stop them. In fact, he has let the real satanic elites, like Larry Fink and Lord Rothschild escape a lot of heat, while a mystery "deep state" of unnamed/unknown figures gets all the blame. I truly believe it was just another instance of our completely inept government not doing the very basics of the job they are assigned. I think we are all aware of how inept out government is, why would our secret service be any different. They messed up, they probably will again, they probably do more often than we realize. Like when the secret service was buying prostitutes in South America (can't remember which country) or when they let the fake hand signal guy on stage with Obama.

I think Trump went too hard in 2016, was told to reign it in, he has reigned it back in, and here we are, with George Bush running for president. I think Trump wins, simply because the other side is so bad. It is like the DNC is trying to lose, and they can't even get that right. Every day another White boomer that worships Trump passes away, and another libtard zoomer turns 18 and can't wait to vote for the first woman of color to be president. All bets are off, as far as I am concerned.
I haven't been following too much the last week, but it seems Nick is right,

Not gonna lie, when Trump talks that nonsense about Israel - "I will make sure Israel has more power", it's totally unforgivable.
The crazy thing is, that in 2016, Trump largely won by using new technology to his advantage. He crushed Hillary on social media, thanks to his loyal supporters, but also by being the king of twitter.

Now, his team is abandoning this strategy, he doesn't even post on Twitter, and worse yet, they are ignoring social media. And on social media, among young voters, Israel is extremely unpopular due to Tik-Tok and Twitter freedom of information.

I hope Nick and his team can get him back to some form that is closer to the 2016 Trump. I don't think he can, the Adelson and company donations are just too large to allow for it. But it is worth the fight to try.

EMJ is such a boomer tard.

All that wisdom from his Libido Dominandi and the jewish Revolutionary Spirit books is circling the drain of irrelevancy in the face of the clear and present racial dilemma, whether it's forced by the jews or not. The Catholicism that built and saved the west was inherently racial-conscious from the days of Charlemagne to the Siege of Vienna and the unifying of Italy under Garibaldi. It took over a millennia of the Church and its White adherents to build what we had before the jews destroyed it, not so-called "Catholic" Haitians who cook each other for breakfast. His universalist soothsaying reeks of Theodor Herzl's corruption.

Nick isn't much better, and the pajeet lover is the real loser out of all of them, but ultimately the most harmless to truth-seekers because most people are turned off by his heathen wife and his schlubby low-T appearance.

Thank God EMJ is not at the pulpit, though many priests are worse in ignoring the racial plight of Whites. There are very few men of the cloth who are just as savvy in the realm of history and genetic differences causing mayhem in a civilization to be able to tell the parishioners what they must or must not do.

His exposing of the jew will ultimately amount to nothing if he just tells everyone that the solution to their power is to become part of a nonhomogeneous glob of Catholics.

Nick on the other hand is uneducated as equally in much of Catholic history from the demographic perspective. All of the incredulous race-mixing that went on in South America by the sea-bound Marranos only gave us all a bunch of banana republics with goblin dictators in the present.

The racial struggle disguised as a religious struggle happening in the UK as well as all other White nations is being aroused by jews and Christian Zionists like Tommy Robinson. But do not be fooled, this is a race war.
His exposing of the jew will ultimately amount to nothing if he just tells everyone that the solution to their power is to become part of a nonhomogeneous glob of Catholics.

Nick on the other hand is uneducated as equally in much of Catholic history from the demographic perspective. All of the incredulous race-mixing that went on in South America by the sea-bound Marranos only gave us all a bunch of banana republics with goblin dictators in the present.
Yes, these are very uncomfortable topics for humans to deal with and consider the reality of the world going from different kinds of nations to other kinds of "nations" only some of which make much sense. I think that a smaller corner of the real world here that isn't particularly susceptible to kumbaya or the overdoing of christian universalism can look at history and just be honest about things. It's almost as if those with problems with race realists (racialists?) are pulling a type of communist schtick of "you're just not doing it right." Well, no shit Sherlock, no one ever really does. And that's not to say we shouldn't try but we should take note of some things that are pretty obvious.

The study and subject of race and language is completely disingenuous. You can't even get people to differentiate between the nations of Europe, let alone categorize the most basic elements of human race, like the caucasoid, negroid and mongoloid base types.

One could say we are entering a time in history where surroundings are so unnatural not much of this stuff matters. I think we've been fooled a bit in terms of the theoretical, in that we do need big cities to really proliferate population wise, and those same constructions lead to major societal problems as well as national political ones. It turns out that we can't get back to our roots without survival realities that are solved by technology and just like many were fooled by the "possible" world that did occur for 70+ years in the west, we'll be going back to closer to what was realistic, as the artificial monetary system is finally being exposed.

Coming back to EMJ, he suffers from the same boomer and older golden era thinking, focusing mostly on just the loss of religion. While this is accurate, you'll never hear him talk about places like Maine and Vermont, or formerly New Hampshire, who likely have also lost religion on similar timeline and trends but are all white and essentially have no real economic, cultural or safety issues.
Yes, these are very uncomfortable topics for humans to deal with and consider the reality of the world going from different kinds of nations to other kinds of "nations" only some of which make much sense. I think that a smaller corner of the real world here that isn't particularly susceptible to kumbaya or the overdoing of christian universalism can look at history and just be honest about things. It's almost as if those with problems with race realists (racialists?) are pulling a type of communist schtick of "you're just not doing it right." Well, no shit Sherlock, no one ever really does. And that's not to say we shouldn't try but we should take note of some things that are pretty obvious.

The study and subject of race and language is completely disingenuous. You can't even get people to differentiate between the nations of Europe, let alone categorize the most basic elements of human race, like the caucasoid, negroid and mongoloid base types.

One could say we are entering a time in history where surroundings are so unnatural not much of this stuff matters. I think we've been fooled a bit in terms of the theoretical, in that we do need big cities to really proliferate population wise, and those same constructions lead to major societal problems as well as national political ones. It turns out that we can't get back to our roots without survival realities that are solved by technology and just like many were fooled by the "possible" world that did occur for 70+ years in the west, we'll be going back to closer to what was realistic, as the artificial monetary system is finally being exposed.

Coming back to EMJ, he suffers from the same boomer and older golden era thinking, focusing mostly on just the loss of religion. While this is accurate, you'll never hear him talk about places like Maine and Vermont, or formerly New Hampshire, who likely have also lost religion on similar timeline and trends but are all white and essentially have no real economic, cultural or safety issues.
I can't find the video, but he was asked directly if he would rather live in a northern European country (might have been Norway) where the Christian population was around 25% or Zambia, where the Christian population is 95%. He laughed, and refused to answer.

The fact he was exposed by this one simple question, and yet returns back to the same flawed thinking, is damning of his true persona. Making mistakes is acceptable. Repeating the same mistake over and over, on purpose, and hurting people by doing so, is not.

Reading the comments/ratio under this tweet is also damning. If E. Michael Jones isn't too high on his ego, then he will accept he got torched for posting this.

Nick is the only person, with large influence, I know of right now trying to right the wrongs of Trump's shameful and embarrassing 2024 campaign. Most of the right-wing influencers have given up on him and are either politically null or even support Kamala for acceleration and/or simply to limit the possibility of war in Iran. Nick is both giving Trump a second change but using what little power he has to try to save his terrible campaign.
Nick is correct. There are millions of White working class people, who are hurting badly. They can't afford to see a doctor. They are under constant threat of layoffs or a DEI hire taking their place or even a H-1B visa worker taking their place. The schools they send their kids is becoming more violent. The ghetto is creeping closer. Colleges will not accept their kids due to race alone. WW3 is on the horizon, which means their kids will get drafted to fight in it. They have to constantly lie to their own kids and tell them if they "work hard, and follow the rules, they will have a good life", knowing it is no longer true.

And Trump is losing their support at a breakneck speed, by running a pro-crime/pro-war/pro-open borders campaign. Doing the 2000 Bush mud-slinging of "you can't vote for the other guy because he is a ____" isn't going to bring these people out to vote. Trump's campaign has been a miserable failure so far.

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Trump's campaign has been a miserable failure so far.
That's because its not his campaign. Nothing Trump has is "his." Everything Trump has he owes to the jews (including his grandchildren). Trump is a trust fund nepo baby and as a result he never had to develop any serious, 10,000 hour, world class skill sets. Golfing doesn't count. Start preparing for a Trump loss. The JQ writing was on the wall over a year ago for those who were willing to read it.

*In before the TLS sycophants claim Trump is the best golfer in the world. Oh wait, that already happened.
All Trump has to do to win is make this campaign the spiritual successor to his 2016 one. More or less the same issues and rhetoric. Simple as.
I don't think he will be allowed to do this. He can win the election but the campaign must stay within a certain boundary. I guess we have a little over 2 months to find out.
I don't think he will be allowed to do this. He can win the election but the campaign must stay within a certain boundary. I guess we have a little over 2 months to find out.
Trump may have run out of steam, as much as it pains me to say. It doesn't show all that much physically, but I think the reason he's not as quick on his feet is because the stress is getting to him. It had to, at some point, regardless of how much of a powerhouse he is. He's also not really a Christian in terms of practicing the faith. A steadfast believer can run out of energy, but will have the ability to keep on track, guided by Christ. Especially in these times, there is no such thing as a "casual/cultural Christian".

Old people generally get tired of conversations, let alone exhausting debates, which is every debate in America right now. Some people talk about how he's bought and paid for, but I think when you're involved in the political process and all the drama and intrigue around it, plus you don't have solid spiritual discernment, it'll break you down at some point. It would be difficult even if he had a spiritual father and sacramental discipline, which I think carries Putin a long way, and might for some years to come.

Imagine having a dozen Oyveys call you everyday and bother you about every single potential decision, making promises, making threats, always kvetching, the media hounding you, etc. Trump, being a boomer, is not really equipped for that, psychologically.

I think Nick was correct in analyzing the immediate aftermath of the attack on Trump, and that he either had to undergo spiritual renewal or lose his political grip on the base. It might still happen, who knows, but it better happen quick, because there is only little time.