And it's clear from his grifting behavior he exists to counter signal anything Trump does that is remotely good as a demoralization agent.
To be fair though, is that a problem that needs addressing?
The Feds can't actually do anything at this point.
Nicks bizarre takes don't actually demoralise anyone, and there has been no infighting that actually matters, just people getting annoyed at Nick and being accused of being brown or Jewish.
I mean after all, Trump won?
Nick has no power, a lot of people have accused him of being a Fed, but do we actually know that he just submitted to their demands?
It's entirely possible that he's defied them in small ways, or that he thought he could trick them which given we know the Feds are retarded (they were trying to make Pepe the Frog gay), isn't unreasonable.
He's definitely compromised at some level, but most of his followers just make jokes about the situation, boast when it works, then accuse any detractors of being Jewish.
Frankly, they are just acting like kids.
Nick should be kept out of any serious place of power, until we find out the whole truth, but as far as I can tell, the Feds gig is completely nullified just by knowing that he's acting out.
There's also the possibility of it backfiring.
If Nick is seen publicly attacking Trump, then any time the left see him, they realise they have to chose between agreeing with an open National Socialist, or Trump.
On top of this, Nick's takes have opened the Overton Window.
While it has some minor demoralisation effects, and is annoying, notably, it brings up the appearance of Donald Trump in the middle, and a far right national socialist on the right.
Perhaps I am being overly optimistic here, but I've told by Americans that you can always trust the government to mess something up.
I think we should consider how best to utilise this information, to move towards Christian Nationalism and bringing truth to the world, now that we have an opening on X.
We should use this free speech while we can, and we can't let some glowies stop that.