Nick Fuentes Thread

It's a common term from the military for a thing that exists to serve itself or circular logic.

Feel free to lable every term you don't like as boomer logic.

I'll henceforth reference your posts as doomer logic.

That is you sir. Every post.
Cool, and one of us is winning over the youth, and the other is falling into irrelevance and no longer taken seriously.
You're reposting clips made by guys who are apart of the Bronze age Pervert network, captive dreamer is a Canadian and Raw egg nationalist is British, Bap (Costin Alamariu) himself is jewish and the other two probably are too. Bap is backed by Peter Thiel, cofounder of paypal with Elon Musk, and a cofounder of Palantir with Alex Karp (jewish) a surveillance company that works for CIA, Mossad and every other notable intelligence agency.

Alex Karp credits Palantir with single handily stopping the rise of the far right in Europe.

These guys are all zionist and/or jews, they heavily attacked Thomas Massie or being against AIPAC for example.
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There is valid criticism of Fuentes but these guys attacking him shouldn't really make you dislike him.
Yes, the reason I am not a fan of Nick is because I am to the right of him and also, I watched him talk trash on "wignats" for years and now he steals their talking points and knowledge and passes off as his own.

These criticisms of Nick are from the left and from the uniparty. The whole "as long as we are replaced legally", and "Wall Street profits will trickle down" are the think tanks who prop up the BAP crew to try to entice young men back to the conservative plantations across the west. And it isn't going to work, which is why Nick is far more popular than BAP and that spread is growing.

I wouldn’t say it’s a hot take but it’s a conversation that needs to be had. Lot of problems in Europe, especially how Europeans barely maintain a standing army. The complete reliance they have on the States, constantly trying to outdo America on wokism and their unjustified snobbery.

I strongly disagree with the notion that Europe has some silent majority of right wingers. It’s true most of them don’t like migrants, I at least hope, but thats about it. This fact seems to be reflected in these so called right wing parties that solely exist due to this one issue.

I wouldn’t say it’s a hot take but it’s a conversation that needs to be had. Lot of problems in Europe, especially how Europeans barely maintain a standing army. The complete reliance they have on the States, constantly trying to outdo America on wokism and their unjustified snobbery.

I strongly disagree with the notion that Europe has some silent majority of right wingers. It’s true most of them don’t like migrants, I at least hope, but thats about it. This fact seems to be reflected in these so called right wing parties that solely exist due to this one issue.

What do you consider to be "not right wing" about Europeans, despite most of them wanting to keep immigrants out?

Maybe the unpopularity of gun ownership, but they do allow guns for hunting/farm tools. What else? I would support a national healthcare system over this horrible catastrophe we have in the USA where you can get laid off, then find out you have cancer, and after 30 years of following all the rules and paying all your bills on time, you have everything stolen from you and given to the healthcare bureaucracy .
... is it that the only reason you're here is to poison everything...
A distinct possibility.
I've honestly never been more confused by you and that is saying a lot.
I'm afraid that might be the entire purpose of the IIMT account.
On this forum he's changed his story...
Somehow he went from being not being able to form a family due to not having money into being a wealthy person that can retire before 50...
It's called lying and the IIMT account is guilty of this over and over again ad nauseum.

The only way to settle this is that the IIMT account should be banned unless he is willing to be vetted in person so that his existance can be verified.

@It_Is_My_Time are you willing to meet up with an established forum member in your area of the country so that this question can be resolved (please bring bank statements to verify your wealth and paycheck stubs from your multiple jobs verifying the hours you work)?
A distinct possibility.

I'm afraid that might be the entire purpose of the IIMT account.

It's called lying and the IIMT account is guilty of this over and over again ad nauseum.

The only way to settle this is that the IIMT account should be banned unless he is willing to be vetted in person so that his existance can be verified.

@It_Is_My_Time are you willing to meet up with an established forum member in your area of the country so that this question can be resolved (please bring bank statements to verify your wealth and paycheck stubs from your multiple jobs verifying the hours you work)?
The ultimate black piller, the person who comes here and says the satanic elites already control everything on the planet and there is no hope in stopping them, is saying I should be banned?

It doesn't matter how wealthy I am or am not, nor how wealthy anyone else here is. I don't even mention it, until I am told by other members that I must be poor and have no offline presence, which nothing is further from the truth. The fact is young men in the west are being destroyed and the conservative parties are doing nothing about it. And the shaming tactics and the boot strap talk is no longer working, as can be seen by Nick Fuentes' popularity increasing greatly. And this is the talking point of this thread, despite what boomer conservatives want to believe, Nick's growing popularity is proof they are wrong in their beliefs and need to come to terms with it and work to change their beliefs.
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He's right in some of his rhetoric, but also wrong on many things. The reason why European nationalists hate America is because, America to us is black and jewish, and unwanted. America is guilty of profiteering off of the first world war where the flower of European youth were wasted in places like the fields of the Somme, and they fomented the second world war that subjugated an entire continent under jewish control killing off our best stock leaving us defenseless to the present day. Of course there is going to be bad blood. The older Nationalists and Fascists know that it is not the American people but the power centers that are the problem, and Fuentes seems to think people don't know this.
Many many many of the best of Europe came here. The independent minded Scots, British, the Germans, ECT ECT. The shell of those left after the war is justifiably upset with the repercussions of their Empire wars.
When he starts talking about Washington as the seat of power, it's because the US foreign policy that basically strong-arms decisions by the limp-wristed EU is the "protection racket" mafia relationship that the US has with the EU. In four months it will be 80 years of US occupation in Europe (Japan as well) there is not going to be sheepish acceptance for 4 generations. The Bulgarians hate the USA the most, probably worse than the Russians do.

This was the agreement post WWII. Europeans don't need to have armies, but America gets to be the Empire. This was solidified when we told Brittan to open the Suez blockade or we were calling in our war bonds. After that, it was clear we ran the world order as it was going to be.
He has no understanding of the situation in Australia, which does not bow to US hegemony as willingly as Europe does. Other than being part of Five Eyes, Australia given its location is compromised more towards Chinese and other Asiatic interests, which is why the National Socialist Network there is more successful in recruiting than even Victoria Police is. Of course the tyrants will break out their big guns and go after them harder the more relevant the NSN become. They are not trying to co-opt any existing Right-Wing party. It is obvious that all "right-wing" parties answer to DC and are chock full of Mossad henchmen. He doesn't truly understand the third way.

He then segues into talking about the actual controlled opposition parties which he is right about, but the kind of Nationalists he must be dealing with must be pansies or cryptos if they are shilling those controlled op groups. He wouldn't last two minutes in a debate with Thomas Sewell or Jacob Hersant.

He also doesn't get that the reason why many Nationalists despise America's foreign policy that keeps them subjugated is America's own willing submission to israel. No other country is chock full of third temple nuts in power than America, willing obedient goyim who are ready to die for israel at a moment's notice.
You could argue the British aren't really differing from the US

There is hubris for anyone who thinks that not listening to a collective of voices in another land is a good policy. A wise leader hears all sides.
Thats fair. You hear what they say, but that doesn't mean you accept their theories as facts...

You must constantly Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act in a continuous manner (Boyds OODS Loop) The person who closed the OODA Loop fastest with the most complete view will always make faster and better decisions.

Nick does have points occasionally that are very valid. But he's got his own cult like following himself. And it's pretty well established when you get down to it, that he's been captured by Feds.

You're reposting clips made by guys who are apart of the Bronze age Pervert network, captive dreamer is a Canadian and Raw egg nationalist is British, Bap (Costin Alamariu) himself is jewish and the other two probably are too. Bap is backed by Peter Thiel, cofounder of paypal with Elon Musk, and a cofounder of Palantir with Alex Karp (jewish) a surveillance company that works for CIA, Mossad and every other notable intelligence agency.

Alex Karp credits Palantir with single handily stopping the rise of the far right in Europe.

These guys are all zionist and/or jews, they heavily attacked Thomas Massie or being against AIPAC for example.
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There is valid criticism of Fuentes but these guys attacking him shouldn't really make you dislike him.
It's a fact Fuentes is on camera telling people to go to the capital.

It's thusly accurate to assume he's been Fed Captured just like Baked Alaska.

And it's clear from his grifting behavior he exists to counter signal anything Trump does that is remotely good as a demoralization agent.
And it's clear from his grifting behavior he exists to counter signal anything Trump does that is remotely good as a demoralization agent.
To be fair though, is that a problem that needs addressing?

The Feds can't actually do anything at this point.

Nicks bizarre takes don't actually demoralise anyone, and there has been no infighting that actually matters, just people getting annoyed at Nick and being accused of being brown or Jewish.

I mean after all, Trump won?

Nick has no power, a lot of people have accused him of being a Fed, but do we actually know that he just submitted to their demands?

It's entirely possible that he's defied them in small ways, or that he thought he could trick them which given we know the Feds are retarded (they were trying to make Pepe the Frog gay), isn't unreasonable.

He's definitely compromised at some level, but most of his followers just make jokes about the situation, boast when it works, then accuse any detractors of being Jewish.

Frankly, they are just acting like kids.

Nick should be kept out of any serious place of power, until we find out the whole truth, but as far as I can tell, the Feds gig is completely nullified just by knowing that he's acting out.

There's also the possibility of it backfiring.

If Nick is seen publicly attacking Trump, then any time the left see him, they realise they have to chose between agreeing with an open National Socialist, or Trump.

On top of this, Nick's takes have opened the Overton Window.

While it has some minor demoralisation effects, and is annoying, notably, it brings up the appearance of Donald Trump in the middle, and a far right national socialist on the right.

Perhaps I am being overly optimistic here, but I've told by Americans that you can always trust the government to mess something up.

I think we should consider how best to utilise this information, to move towards Christian Nationalism and bringing truth to the world, now that we have an opening on X.

We should use this free speech while we can, and we can't let some glowies stop that.

The ultimate black piller, the person who comes here and says the satanic elites already control everything on the planet and there is no hope in stopping them, is saying I should be banned?

It doesn't matter how wealthy I am or am not, nor how wealthy anyone else here is. I don't even mention it, until I am told by other members that I must be poor and have no offline presence, which nothing is further from the truth. The fact is young men in the west are being destroyed and the conservative parties are doing nothing about it. And the shaming tactics and the boot strap talk is no longer working, as can be seen by Nick Fuentes' popularity increasing greatly. And this is the talking point of this thread, despite what boomer conservatives want to believe, Nick's growing popularity is proof they are wrong in their beliefs and need to come to terms with it and work to change their beliefs.
Bro, chill, I just feel that there is something "off" about your account. Prove me wrong. You are just acting "weird" but you make enough interesting posts to get likes from me and many others here. So what do I know? However, at bare minimum you seem to lack humility and introspection and seem depressed. If you have millions of dollars (which you must have if you are the wealthiest member here) then get the hell out of dodge. What are you waiting for? Go to this "shangri la" that you think existsts outside the United States and start your new life already.

You claim to be some "leader" of the American white-male youth. Who claims such nonsense? Gen Z American "men" are the worst, and you'll get no self-sacrificing soldiers out of the lot. They are some of the weakest, most selfish, most pussified men in American history and will fold at the slightest hint of adversity. Nick Fuentes is just one example of this pussified generation that is all talk and no action. There are some good Gen Z men for sure, but not enough to raise an army with a weirdo like you as their self-proclaimed "leader."

If you are real, and are not some weirdo with multiple accounts who talks to himself and gives likes to himself via those multiple accounts (which I suspect you do) then meet up with me and have lunch. I'll come to wherever you are. You just name the time and place. If after our meetup I find you to be a real and genuine guy who just comes off weird on the internet I will racant my accusation(s) and ask your forgiveness for my innacurate judgement(s) of your presence here.
Bro, chill, I just feel that there is something "off" about your account. Prove me wrong. You are just acting "weird" but you make enough interesting posts to get likes from me and many others here. So what do I know? However, at bare minimum you seem to lack humility and introspection and seem depressed. If you have millions of dollars (which you must have if you are the wealthiest member here) then get the hell out of dodge. What are you waiting for? Go to this "shangri la" that you think existsts outside the United States and start your new life already.

You claim to be some "leader" of the American white-male youth. Who claims such nonsense? Gen Z American "men" are the worst, and you'll get no self-sacrificing soldiers out of the lot. They are some of the weakest, most selfish, most pussified men in American history and will fold at the slightest hint of adversity. Nick Fuentes is just one example of this pussified generation that is all talk and no action. There are some good Gen Z men for sure, but not enough to raise an army with a weirdo like you as their self-proclaimed "leader."

If you are real, and are not some weirdo with multiple accounts who talks to himself and gives likes to himself via those multiple accounts (which I suspect you do) then meet up with me and have lunch. I'll come to wherever you are. You just name the time and place. If after our meetup I find you to be a real and genuine guy who just comes off weird on the internet I will racant my accusation(s) and ask your forgiveness for my innacurate judgement(s) of your presence here.
A few million dollars isn't much money in 2025. I know to those who don't have millions, it sounds like a lot, but when you look at the cost of childcare and the cost of living in the USA and the cost of healthcare, it isn't nearly as much as you might think that it is.

I'm not a leader or involved in any group. I just lay talking points that should young men there is a much better way that conservatism. Where they go afterwards is up to them, especially if they never ask. Nick Fuentes is a great place to start. There is a lot more potential than you give young men credit for. Like I said, I am getting old, I have no dog in this fight, I can only do what I can do to get young men to think differently. Either they pick up the mantel and fight forward or they die out and the Chinese take over. I have no control over it.

I assume if someone has multiple accounts here the Mods/Admins could tell and would ban them for breaking the rules? I honestly don't know, but I guarantee I don't have a 2nd account here. If people like my posts, great, if not, that is fine as well.

God bless.
A few million dollars isn't much money in 2025. I know to those who don't have millions, it sounds like a lot, but when you look at the cost of childcare and the cost of living in the USA and the cost of healthcare, it isn't nearly as much as you might think that it is.

Says the guy who doesn't have children to the men who do do.

It's not as much as you think.

I pay a shitload of money in child support with a special needs kids and still manage to have a large family and a stay at home wife.

You're acting like you need 6 gazillion dollars.
Says the guy who doesn't have children to the men who do do.

It's not as much as you think.

I pay a shitload of money in child support with a special needs kids and still manage to have a large family and a stay at home wife.

You're acting like you need 6 gazillion dollars.
Yea, as long as you don't lose your job, or get hurt, or your company doesn't go under, then you are fine. If it does, then having a gazillion dollars sure would come in handy.
Yea, as long as you don't lose your job, or get hurt, or your company doesn't go under, then you are fine. If it does, then having a gazillion dollars sure would come in handy.
The problem is, no matter how much you plan or prepare, God lays waste to the plans of men.

Your planning will never be enough, because God decides the result not man.

You might feel safer in a bunker as a member of a militia who you are friends with and can trust, or as perhaps of the actual President of the country, but in reality, if you want safety and security, you have to pray.

God provides.

It is no sin to fear, but courage is not the absence of fear, but the choice to act anyway.

The problem is, no matter how much you plan or prepare, God lays waste to the plans of men.

Your planning will never be enough, because God decides the result not man.

You might feel safer in a bunker as a member of a militia who you are friends with and can trust, or as perhaps of the actual President of the country, but in reality, if you want safety and security, you have to pray.

God provides.

It is no sin to fear, but courage is not the absence of fear, but the choice to act anyway.

My planning is to have enough to not work my full time job, for a lot of personal reasons I wish to not share publicly. If I can't make it to that point, then I sure as hell am not adding the stress of trying to raise children in this sick society on top of it. This is the right path for me.
If you are real, and are not some weirdo with multiple accounts who talks to himself and gives likes to himself via those multiple accounts (which I suspect you do)
Are you perhaps implying that I am an IIMT alt? I'm not sure what to say to that. Let me ask you this: Would a 45 year old man have THIS in his hard drive?

View attachment qDhdFRgRmuqgst8D.mp4

I also have AMVs and such. Only a Zoomer could be this much of a weeb.
Are you perhaps implying that I am an IIMT alt? I'm not sure what to say to that. Let me ask you this: Would a 45 year old man have THIS in his hard drive?

View attachment 17051

I also have AMVs and such. Only a Zoomer could be this much of a weeb.

This isn't the first time I've seen you put yourself down, stop doing that brother. You're a righteous Christian man a rarity in this nasty demented backwards world, hold your head up high with pride and strength.