Nick Fuentes Thread

This isn't the first time I've seen you put yourself down, stop doing that brother. You're a righteous Christian man a rarity in this nasty demented backwards world, hold your head up high with pride and strength.
Do I do so often? Hadn't really noticed, honestly. I don't think I said that in a spirit of self-hatred, however. Just thought it'd be a funny thing to say, as well as an excuse to post a meme I like. And I'm glad that you see me in a positive light.
A few million dollars isn't much money in 2025.
It is A LOT of money.
A few weeks ago you claimed a 150k salary isn't enough to raise a family. It is more than enough to raise 5 kids or more if you are willing to sacrifice your own comfort.

I hear some Americans complaining that insurance is too high, as if anyone is putting a gun on your head making you participate in that Jewish scam against your will. Or as if anyone is making you live in a satanic city giving away your money to some landlord. Buy land in the middle of nowhere and raise a family in a homestead. There are 1000+ acre ranches in Montana/Idaho/Wyoming/Dakota costing less than a million.
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It is A LOT of money.
A few weeks ago you claimed a 150k salary isn't enough to raise a family. It is more than enough to raise 5 kids or more if you are willing to sacrifice your own comfort.

I hear some Americans complaining that insurance is too high, as if anyone is putting a gun on your head making you participate in that Jewish scam against your will. Or as if anyone is making you live in a satanic city giving away your money to some landlord. Buy land in the middle of nowhere and raise a family in a homestead. There are 1000+ acre ranches in Montana/Idaho/Wyoming/Dakota costing less than a million.
Here's a 65 acre property in the piney woods with a very very nice house for 1.9m.

Here's a 65 acre property in the piney woods with a very very nice house for 1.9m.

65 acres are plenty and that house is like a palace. A small tribe could be raised there.
If I was a multi-millionaire like IIMT I would make an offer post haste. Enough with the excuses.
Dude is taking care of his aging mother and has to choose between dumping her in a nursing home or living his life.

It’s your time. Pun intended.

I have two friends exactly in this same situation. One of them his living with his parents in a 2M apartment. With 4 bdr. And sometimes he helps them with money. He works in a shitty law office with a retard lawyer as boss. But can’t quit cause his parents need his financial support. Wouldn’t it be easier to just sell a 4bdr apartment an buy two 1 bdr apartment for him and his parents? And help him install himself. Why are they keeping a 4 bdr apartment? For himself? As inheritance? Let’s say his parents die when he is 55 what use will he make of it?

Yesterday went to play with my oldest virtual reality in a bowling center which has arcade games. We were killing zombies. They were coming from everywhere. Great fun. Don’t remember when I had so much fun. You have to shoot some blue circles to receive special skills. F zombies looked like communists.


Kids are great. Wives are like weather one day it’s sunny the other it’s a fucking storm. But kids. Always a joy.
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It is A LOT of money.
A few weeks ago you claimed a 150k salary isn't enough to raise a family. It is more than enough to raise 5 kids or more if you are willing to sacrifice your own comfort.

I hear some Americans complaining that insurance is too high, as if anyone is putting a gun on your head making you participate in that Jewish scam against your will. Or as if anyone is making you live in a satanic city giving away your money to some landlord. Buy land in the middle of nowhere and raise a family in a homestead. There are 1000+ acre ranches in Montana/Idaho/Wyoming/Dakota costing less than a million.
150K is enough, in some parts of the country, if you are lucky enough to not lose your job, or if you lose your job, you find another very quickly.

You must not live in the USA. Because your post is not based on reality. We are forced to buy insurance, or face millions in expenses as there is no social healthcare system here. Buying land in the "middle of no where" costs a small fortune these days. I know, I own land in the middle of no where and the prices went from "too high" pre-covid, to out of control during covid, to now only wealth land investors are able to purchase land in the USA. Unless you want some tiny plot, which isn't going to produce an income stream, and is just for recreation.

Since you are not from the USA, and you even get to cheat because I have mentioned it before, how much do health insurance companies charge for a family to insure per month? How much does it cost to put an elderly parent into a nursing home unit per month? You should come see how life is really like in this country.
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Here's a 65 acre property in the piney woods with a very very nice house for 1.9m.

Okay, lets say you buy that. Then you pay an additional $3,000 a month in expenses, between bills, insurance, simple cost of living, etc. You are right back where you were to start with, but now you live far enough away from an urban area that your work choices are severely limited, and the income in those areas is half of that in the urban areas in the Midwest alone.
Funny when even if you decide to believe the BS it doesn't make sense....
Then why are so many moving to the Christian Nationalist or White Nationalist movements, fi it "doesn't make sense"? Why is Nick's popularity soaring, and Trump's already tanking? I keep pointing out these facts and yet it is ignored by the boomer talking point conservatives.

BTW, if I remember correctly, you are in your late 30's or early 40's and don't have a family as well, correct? That is your choice, and that is totally fine, but are you trying to claim the cost of living and the environment here doesn't impact your decision making on this matter?
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Dude is taking care of his aging mother and has to choose between dumping her in a nursing home or living his life.

It’s your time. Pun intended.

I have two friends exactly in this same situation. One of them his living with his parents in a 2M apartment. With 4 bdr. And sometimes he helps them with money. He works in a shitty law office with a retard lawyer as boss. But can’t quit cause his parents need his financial support. Wouldn’t it be easier to just sell a 4bdr apartment an buy two 1 bdr apartment for him and his parents? And help him install himself. Why are they keeping a 4 bdr apartment? For himself? As inheritance? Let’s say his parents die when he is 55 what use will he make of it?

Yesterday went to play with my oldest virtual reality in a bowling center which has arcade games. We were killing zombies. They were coming from everywhere. Great fun. Don’t remember when I had so much fun. You have to shoot some blue circles to receive special skills. F zombies looked like communists.


Kids are great. Wives are like weather one day it’s sunny the other it’s a fucking storm. But kids. Always a joy.
Great point, I keep talking about the cost of raising a family. I never considered that if anyone in the USA has aging parents who didn't put away a lot of money and/or have good retirement insurance and nursing home insurance, that you now take on this giant burden as well.

I have a relative in an Alsheimer's unit. It is $11,000 a month. Lucky for their kids this person did have insurance to cover most the costs.

I don't think many here realize the numerous pitfalls there are in the satanic multi-cultural USA.
Wow, that's ridiculous. I really hope I never end up in a nursing home. These old people get treated like shit there, it's really depressing.
Yea, she has had things stolen, and a lot of bruising. The place is full of Caribbean-African immigrants. I mean, who else are they going to find to do all the dirty work of changing diapers and cleaning up puke/feces for $20 an hour. Her wedding ring is missing and so are some crystals her kids gave her when they were young to hang in the window. I guess the saving grace is she is far enough along she has no idea about any of this.

Luckily the insurance she purchased when she was in her 40's covers most of these costs. I don't how many have been around Alsheimer's patients, but to think a family with kids could keep up with someone like that 24/7 is beyond realistic. It is a full-time job, especially since they will often do sun-downing and get up in the middle of the night and wonder around.

Anyway, as dire as I know things to be, there are things like this I don't even consider since it doesn't impact me directly. Life for the working class in the USA is certainly at a breaking point. Which again, is why Nick Fuentes and others like him are growing in popularity. Jake Shields is another example. Patriot Front is growing by leaps and bounds.
Then why are so many moving to the Christian Nationalist or White Nationalist movements, fi it "doesn't make sense"? Why is Nick's popularity soaring, and Trump's already tanking? I keep pointing out these facts and yet it is ignored by the boomer talking point conservatives.

BTW, if I remember correctly, you are in your late 30's or early 40's and don't have a family as well, correct? That is your choice, and that is totally fine, but are you trying to claim the cost of living and the environment here doesn't impact your decision making on this matter?

Whatever keeps you going brother.

My story is much different from yours but I am going to get married and start a family, soon actually. Money had nothing to do with it and I have confidence in my ability to raise good children. It's the whole point of life.
Whatever keeps you going brother.

My story is much different from yours but I am going to get married and start a family, soon actually. Money had nothing to do with it and I have confidence in my ability to raise good children. It's the whole point of life.
Money has a lot to do with raising children, they are very expensive.

If you want to pretend things are fine and anyone complaining about things getting drastically worse is crazy, that is fine. But the young men reading will see the two sides and make their decision as to which is more reflective of their own personal experiences.
Who stays home to take care of the elderly then? I assume the wife/mother of the children assumes this burden? Then what jobs are the men working that pays them enough for their wives to stay home?

It's your parents so you figure it out, just like getting married and having kids.....the alternative isn't an option. Each of my parents has 10 siblings, that's 44 aging parents in my family tree....3 have passed this far God rest their souls. None of them live in homes, they all live with one of their kids except for the ones that can still take care of themselves.
It's your parents so you figure it out, just like getting married and having kids.....the alternative isn't an option. Each of my parents has 10 siblings, that's 44 aging parents in my family tree....3 have passed this far God rest their souls. None of them live in homes, they all live with one of their kids except for the ones that can still take care of themselves.
The way the economy is going, with jobs paying less and less per COL and forcing people to spread across the country to take up new jobs, this is simply going to get tougher and tougher. No one wants to inventory their parents in their last years. It is just a fact of life for many in this country. Most families require both parents to work, and run kids around, and do the chores at home. They simply cannot add on being a caretaker as well. As much as they want to, it isn't feasible for many of them. The person I know requires 24/7 supervision.
Money has a lot to do with raising children, they are very expensive.

If you want to pretend things are fine and anyone complaining about things getting drastically worse is crazy, that is fine. But the young men reading will see the two sides and make their decision as to which is more reflective of their own personal experiences.

Of course it does but you figure it out which many have done, many I personally know. Having kids changes you, it's changes your life and what you find to be important and what you need to get done. Just like you like to keep talking about all the "young men" you know "waking up", well I know more than you and they are getting married and starting families.

If you're looking for perfection you will never be happy and never do anything in life.
The way the economy is going, with jobs paying less and less per COL and forcing people to spread across the country to take up new jobs, this is simply going to get tougher and tougher. No one wants to inventory their parents in their last years. It is just a fact of life for many in this country. Most families require both parents to work, and run kids around, and do the chores at home. They simply cannot add on being a caretaker as well. As much as they want to, it isn't feasible for many of them. The person I know requires 24/7 supervision.

It has been entirely feasible for everyone I know. The internet isn't the real world