Nick Fuentes Thread

Could you point me to an example, if it's not too much trouble?
On the old forums he used to talk about how he works 80 hours a week, 7 times a day and how much he hated working and would blame the current US system for him being forced to work and how the time he spends working makes it impossible to for him to have a kids. People would point out to him that most people who have children do not work nearly as much he does and still manage to have a good life with the wife and kids (including quite a few people on the forums) but the advice would always be ignored.

On this forum he's changed his story and now talks about how he is actually super happy with his life and how he's a super outgoing Chad and that there's tons of women who desire him and how he is likely doing better then anyone on this forum financially.

#1) I am pretty well off financially from extremely hard work. Not many here will be able to say they can retire before 50. I have put in a lot of hours, some of them sick, missed out on a lot of things others just take for granted, and always looked for investment opportunities.

Somehow he went from being not being able to form a family due to not having money into being a wealthy person that can retire before 50, something most people who are working while supporting a family can't do.

Here's him claiming he's likely the wealthiest person on the forum and he has multiple women vying for his attention.

I'm not sure what your point is. I might be the most successful here financially. I have a lot of women interested in me; due to a few personal things I choose to not share here. I have the most amazing parents and family for support. I personally am doing amazing. I will likely be fully retired before 50, with a lot of residual income, and a large amount to pass on to my children/nieces/nephews, etc.

I have tons of women interested in me. I am tall, in great shape, and very well off financially. I have no interest in having kids in the USA. Why? Because I don't want them to live in such a disgusting society....

And how does a big baller high roller Chad enjoy all the fruits that he has planted? By saying he is glad the he'll be dead before everything hits the fan.

You are being outbreed by 70 IQ Africans and 80 IQ Indians. That is the world you kids will inherit, a world of crime, death, chaos and anxiety. I'm glad I will be gone by then.

Does someone who supposedly has all the qualities tend to write like this? Or could it be he shapes his backstory in whatever manner he needs to support the arguments he wants to make?

You should venture outside the political and culture forums more....there is a lot of good on this forum it doesn't have to be all consuming negativity.
Who is negative? I have never felt this excited. Seeing even Trump give a speech and seeing young men no longer falling for the act is one of the greatest things I have seen.
On the old forums he used to talk about how he works 80 hours a week, 7 times a day and how much he hated working and would blame the current US system for him being forced to work and how the time he spends working makes it impossible to for him to have a kids. People would point out to him that most people who have children do not work nearly as much he does and still manage to have a good life with the wife and kids (including quite a few people on the forums) but the advice would always be ignored.

On this forum he's changed his story and now talks about how he is actually super happy with his life and how he's a super outgoing Chad and that there's tons of women who desire him and how he is likely doing better then anyone on this forum financially.

Somehow he went from being not being able to form a family due to not having money into being a wealthy person that can retire before 50, something most people who are working while supporting a family can't do.

Here's him claiming he's likely the wealthiest person on the forum and he has multiple women vying for his attention.

And how does a big baller high roller Chad enjoy all the fruits that he has planted? By saying he is glad the he'll be dead before everything hits the fan.

Does someone who supposedly has all the qualities tend to write like this? Or could it be he shapes his backstory in whatever manner he needs to support the arguments he wants to make?
I have more money than probably most everyone here, but I would still consider myself poor. I consider anyone who has to work a job to pay their bills to be poor. I look at money differently than most everyone else. If you have to work for your money, then you are still poor in my book. You are one layoff or accident from being homeless. This is why I try to remember to use the term "working class" and not "middle class". The Middle class no longer exists, you either don't have to work and are free and wealthy or you are an oxen chained to your yoke.

And, are you trying to say there is a quality women for every quality man in the USA? You can't possibly be saying I am wrong in point out the number of good men out number the good women 5 to 1. This is just a known fact on this forum.

And if Whites do die out in the west, which they will without a major pushback, do you think the west will remain the same? You think a coalition of minorities who hate each other will hold this together and fend off the vastly superior Chinese?

This is why Nick is exploding in popularity and Trump's is already fading. Sure, Trump could beat Kamala, but in real popularity terms, he will crash quickly if he doesn't do some very drastic moves. And I don't expect that at all from him.
I have more money than probably most everyone here, but I would still consider myself poor.
So how do you square this with people here managing to have families while being poor under your own definition of poor? On the old forums your excuse for not having a family is because you thought the collapse of the US makes it impossible for anyone here to have a house and kids. How come now you are instead saying it's because there's not enough high quality women?

What you just said about what your standard for what poor is reveals a key to understanding why your posts are seen as divorced from reality and as coming from a terminally online type that has very little interaction with most of society: because your standards for things such as what poor means, what being successful means and such is completely out of whack. The vast majority of people that has enough money to retire before turning 50 would not consider themselves to be "poor". It's more evidence that a lot of your analysis about society doesn't so much reveal what society is actually like but instead is revealing what your own mental state is like. If I met someone who has OCD that feels the need to compulsively wash their hands because they view it as dirty I wouldn't see it as a sign of them having dirty hands but as a sign of his mentally state being warped to the point he'll look at his hands and think it's crawling with germs even after his 10th scrub in the last half hour.
So how do you square this with people here managing to have families while being poor under your own definition of poor? On the old forums your excuse for not having a family is because you thought the collapse of the US makes it impossible for anyone here to have a house and kids. How come now you are instead saying it's because there's not enough high quality women?

What you just said about what your standard for what poor is reveals a key to understanding why your posts are seen as divorced from reality and as coming from a terminally online type that has very little interaction with most of society: because your standards for things such as what poor means, what being successful means and such is completely out of whack. The vast majority of people that has enough money to retire before turning 50 would not consider themselves to be "poor". It's more evidence that a lot of your analysis about society doesn't so much reveal what society is actually like but instead is revealing what your own mental state is like. If I met someone who has OCD that feels the need to compulsively wash their hands because they view it as dirty I wouldn't see it as a sign of them having dirty hands but as a sign of his mentally state being warped to the point he'll look at his hands and think it's crawling with germs even after his 10th scrub in the last half hour.
How do I square what? There are hordes of illegal aliens living in shelters having kids. Are you asking me to explain the difference in r/K selection theory? We all plan differently, but what makes me uncomfortable is my own choice.

I probably have more interaction with society than most everyone here, but that is personal information I am not going to share. It leads me to have even less faith in our society than if I was online. The sheer number of adults who can only get by via some drug dependency is absolutely astounding. Whether it is prescriptions, illegal drugs, alcohol, pot, pain killers, sugar, almost every adult I know can only get by using these substances because of the extreme stress and unhappiness in their own lives. The number of women, who I think might be good women, who I see do some of the most disappointing things is nearly 100%. The number of men who are full of lust because they never get laid, so they put all their energy into trying to get laid, is nearly 100%. It is a very sad society.

You see a doctor with a million-dollar house, a new Mercedes, a trophy wife, and two kids as "successful". I see him as a prisoner with a slightly nicer accommodations, but these accommodations could be revoked at any second, so the stress just builds. I would rather have those things without every having to work again, knowing it is all paid for or just not have it at all.

Why do you think guys like Nick and many others like him are exploding in popularity, to the point they can ratio low IQ Elon on his own platform, and guys like Trump and Elon are dropping in popularity? Maybe it is that my points ring true for them and if conservatives want to survive they got to completely rethink how they see/do/plan things.

We are witnessing the definition of a self licking ice cream cone here.

How do I square what? There are hordes of illegal aliens living in shelters having kids. Are you asking me to explain the difference in r/K selection theory? We all plan differently, but what makes me uncomfortable is my own choice.

I probably have more interaction with society than most everyone here, but that is personal information I am not going to share. It leads me to have even less faith in our society than if I was online. The sheer number of adults who can only get by via some drug dependency is absolutely astounding. Whether it is prescriptions, illegal drugs, alcohol, pot, pain killers, sugar, almost every adult I know can only get by using these substances because of the extreme stress and unhappiness in their own lives. The number of women, who I think might be good women, who I see do some of the most disappointing things is nearly 100%. The number of men who are full of lust because they never get laid, so they put all their energy into trying to get laid, is nearly 100%. It is a very sad society.

You see a doctor with a million-dollar house, a new Mercedes, a trophy wife, and two kids as "successful". I see him as a prisoner with a slightly nicer accommodations, but these accommodations could be revoked at any second, so the stress just builds. I would rather have those things without every having to work again, knowing it is all paid for or just not have it at all.

Why do you think guys like Nick and many others like him are exploding in popularity, to the point they can ratio low IQ Elon on his own platform, and guys like Trump and Elon are dropping in popularity? Maybe it is that my points ring true for them and if conservatives want to survive they got to completely rethink how they see/do/plan things.
All this just says YOUR expectations are not normal for how a vast vast vast majority of men lead healthy and happy lives.

That is all.

You've made your point. We have noted it. But as I've said, it's not what most people consider reasonable or desirable when you look up the sacrifice made to give up the opportunity cost of starting a family while "poor" and growing over time in economic success and stability

We are witnessing the definition of a self licking ice cream cone here.

All this just says YOUR expectations are not normal for how a vast vast vast majority of men lead healthy and happy lives.

That is all.

You've made your point. We have noted it. But as I've said, it's not what most people consider reasonable or desirable when you look up the sacrifice made to give up the opportunity cost of starting a family while "poor" and growing over time in economic success and stability
You use this boomer term, "self lickng ice cream cone" and I don't think anyone here knows what it even means.

I don't know if they are happy or healthy, I just know what will make me happy and healthy. More importantly, I know that young men don't agree with you and conservatism and are ready for a new way and that is a great white pill.

Also, your economic model based on "growth and success" is based on previous generations. Temper those expectations, the growth and success isn't as readily available as it was for prevoius generations.
the houses you keep referring to that these working class bought and lived in back then, the 20 something year olds today wouldn't live in those houses for free. What you see on tv and Hollywood isn't real life, go take a look at those houses built in the 50's where working class people lived, not the nice charming houses that people fixed up and modernized, go look at the 1100 sq ft one bathroom for 3 bedrooms barely a kitchen to speak of house that 6 people lived in two or 3 to a room. There are lots of other glaring things that no 20 something year old would find unacceptable today but we can just stick to houses, hell sharing a room isn't even acceptable anymore. I think you're confusing upper class with "working class", they were very different from what they are today.

Those small mid century houses were built better than new houses today, in many cases. Entire neighborhoods of those houses still stand, all over the country. They weren't extravagant, but they had good bones, and those same exact houses that sold to young working class families back then now sell for $500,000+, mostly to middle aged people and older, or get hoarded by investment conglomerates.

Your perspective might be a little skewed if you think working class people living in apartments wouldn't be absolutely thrilled about owning and living in a single story mid century house like that. The problem is even that is out of reach for many.

In my city, white working class neighborhoods don't exist anymore. Those neighborhoods are 95% Mexicans now. You can blame the individual, but clearly there is more going on here, things did not just magically end up this way.

I agree that stewing on negativity is not beneficial. Too much doom posting is bad for you, unquestionably. With that said, I don't see how these problems are going to be fixed if people aren't even willing to acknowledge them.

I wish people would come together and help each other more. That's really what's needed here.
You use this boomer term, "self lickng ice cream cone" and I don't think anyone here knows what it even means.

I don't know if they are happy or healthy, I just know what will make me happy and healthy. More importantly, I know that young men don't agree with you and conservatism and are ready for a new way and that is a great white pill.

Also, your economic model based on "growth and success" is based on previous generations. Temper those expectations, the growth and success isn't as readily available as it was for prevoius generations.

How do you constantly use the term "boomer" as a negative connotation but then revere the lives they lived in the next sentence?
How do I square what? There are hordes of illegal aliens living in shelters having kids. Are you asking me to explain the difference in r/K selection theory? We all plan differently, but what makes me uncomfortable is my own choice.

I didn't bring up illegals and third worlders as counter examples. I was bringing up forum members here with children. Would they be r or k under your definition?

And yes I am aware we all plan differently. You seem to be someone who is so risk avoidant that even having enough money to not have to work past 50 years old would still be "poor" to you. If we use living healthily as a analogy, your approach isn't analogous to avoiding alcohol, eating right, and exercising as a means to maintain good health. Rather it's analogous to living in sealed bubble to avoid any exposure to germs.

I'm glad you actually brought up how you "plan differently what makes me uncomfortable is my own choice" because it's a good illustration of the point I was trying to make in my previous post: that you have an abnormal psychological profile that makes you highly unusual - and I'm talking about unusual compared to the typical 1st world white guy not a third worlder so don't try to sneak in any stuff about how you are a k-selected high IQ Aryan male and that's why you act differently. You are abnormal even when compared to other r-selected Heritage American types with your exceptionally high neuroticism and avoidance and risk aversion which is I think the advice you are supposedly giving out to people seeking your counsel in PMs is useless: because you simply aren't the typical person and don't relate to the world the way a mentally well-adjusted person would. Hence you are unable to give any advice that would help a man that doesn't have your quirks.
Those small mid century houses were built better than new houses today, in many cases. Entire neighborhoods of those houses still stand, all over the country. They weren't extravagant, but they had good bones, and those same exact houses that sold to young working class families back then now sell for $500,000+, mostly to middle aged people and older, or get hoarded by investment conglomerates.

Your perspective might be a little skewed if you think working class people living in apartments wouldn't be absolutely thrilled about owning and living in a single story mid century house like that. The problem is even that is out of reach for many.

In my city, white working class neighborhoods don't exist anymore. Those neighborhoods are 95% Mexicans now. You can blame the individual, but clearly there is more going on here, things did not just magically end up this way.

I agree that stewing on negativity is not beneficial. Too much doom posting is bad for you, unquestionably. With that said, I don't see how these problems are going to be fixed if people aren't even willing to acknowledge them.

I wish people would come together and help each other more. That's really what's needed here.

100% the old houses were built better but I don't know if I agree with the rest, in fact I know multiple young people that specifically chose to live in a nice apartment rather than buy one of the houses that someone would have raised a family in 5 decades ago. They are 130k houses not 500k, I would know I just sold one I had as a rental....but of course market prices have many variables. That's just my personal real world experience.

If you're going to tell me that NICE houses are too expensive, yea 100% agree as the rich got richer and anything premium has skyrocketed. But that has always been true just the scale of it has changed. If you want to say that people in general just can't afford a house I don't know if I agree, sure it's harder than it was but I think a very large factor is that people can't afford the house they PREFER. Also then if we're going to relate that to the past well then the only people who had nice houses were the wealthy, now even middle class people have nice houses. I guess a lot of it is a matter of perspective and the difficulty of comparing things with unlimited variables.
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You use this boomer term, "self lickng ice cream cone" and I don't think anyone here knows what it even means.

I don't know if they are happy or healthy, I just know what will make me happy and healthy. More importantly, I know that young men don't agree with you and conservatism and are ready for a new way and that is a great white pill.

Also, your economic model based on "growth and success" is based on previous generations. Temper those expectations, the growth and success isn't as readily available as it was for prevoius generations.
It's a common term from the military for a thing that exists to serve itself or circular logic.

Feel free to lable every term you don't like as boomer logic.

I'll henceforth reference your posts as doomer logic.

That is you sir. Every post.

He's right in some of his rhetoric, but also wrong on many things. The reason why European nationalists hate America is because, America to us is black and jewish, and unwanted. America is guilty of profiteering off of the first world war where the flower of European youth were wasted in places like the fields of the Somme, and they fomented the second world war that subjugated an entire continent under jewish control killing off our best stock leaving us defenseless to the present day. Of course there is going to be bad blood. The older Nationalists and Fascists know that it is not the American people but the power centers that are the problem, and Fuentes seems to think people don't know this.

When he starts talking about Washington as the seat of power, it's because the US foreign policy that basically strong-arms decisions by the limp-wristed EU is the "protection racket" mafia relationship that the US has with the EU. In four months it will be 80 years of US occupation in Europe (Japan as well) there is not going to be sheepish acceptance for 4 generations. The Bulgarians hate the USA the most, probably worse than the Russians do.

He has no understanding of the situation in Australia, which does not bow to US hegemony as willingly as Europe does. Other than being part of Five Eyes, Australia given its location is compromised more towards Chinese and other Asiatic interests, which is why the National Socialist Network there is more successful in recruiting than even Victoria Police is. Of course the tyrants will break out their big guns and go after them harder the more relevant the NSN become. They are not trying to co-opt any existing Right-Wing party. It is obvious that all "right-wing" parties answer to DC and are chock full of Mossad henchmen. He doesn't truly understand the third way.

He then segues into talking about the actual controlled opposition parties which he is right about, but the kind of Nationalists he must be dealing with must be pansies or cryptos if they are shilling those controlled op groups. He wouldn't last two minutes in a debate with Thomas Sewell or Jacob Hersant.

He also doesn't get that the reason why many Nationalists despise America's foreign policy that keeps them subjugated is America's own willing submission to israel. No other country is chock full of third temple nuts in power than America, willing obedient goyim who are ready to die for israel at a moment's notice.

There is hubris for anyone who thinks that not listening to a collective of voices in another land is a good policy. A wise leader hears all sides.
Clue you in on another trend with poster being refuted from both forums...

That's the common theme in allll threads which poster engaged in. It becomes side tracked.

But i'm sure you'll agree you do go after the bait quite often. It's easy enough to ignore. It makes for hard reading when it's just back and forth arguments. I only say that because it spills into other threads quite often, then people pile on @It_Is_My_Time

I don't disagree with the points raised or the arguments against the constant pessimism, but i'm sure we're all better than this. It's ultimately not that important.
I'm gonna post this here again to remind people that Fuentes is on camera telling people to go in the capital.

You're reposting clips made by guys who are apart of the Bronze age Pervert network, captive dreamer is a Canadian and Raw egg nationalist is British, Bap (Costin Alamariu) himself is jewish and the other two probably are too. Bap is backed by Peter Thiel, cofounder of paypal with Elon Musk, and a cofounder of Palantir with Alex Karp (jewish) a surveillance company that works for CIA, Mossad and every other notable intelligence agency.

Alex Karp credits Palantir with single handily stopping the rise of the far right in Europe.

These guys are all zionist and/or jews, they heavily attacked Thomas Massie or being against AIPAC for example.

There is valid criticism of Fuentes but these guys attacking him shouldn't really make you dislike him.
How do you constantly use the term "boomer" as a negative connotation but then revere the lives they lived in the next sentence?
Is this a serious question? The term boomer isn't a negative connotation towards people who are in their 60's and 70's, nor is it a negative connotation towards people who lived good lives. It is a negative connotation towards people who had it good, lived good lives and failed to pass it on to the next generation refuse to accept any accountability for failing to pass it on. Worse yet, they refuse to listen to any criticism against their outdated talking points and refuse to admit the country they had in the 1970's - 1990's is long gone and has been replaced with a disgusting satanic country full of sin.
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