Nick Fuentes Thread

Maybe. I'm not sold on that.
It isn't that these elites don't support Israel, it is they believe Israel should be a humble little country in the Middle East, that mostly gets along with their neighbors and is a safe place for their people to live. Most likely, once they have attained enough power by hiding behind the curtain, then they would push for a Greater Israel boundary. Even in Israel, there is a good percent of Israeli citizens who do not support Netanyahu or the war against Hamas and Hezbollah.
It isn't that these elites don't support Israel, it is they believe Israel should be a humble little country in the Middle East, that mostly gets along with their neighbors and is a safe place for their people to live. Most likely, once they have attained enough power by hiding behind the curtain, then they would push for a Greater Israel boundary. Even in Israel, there is a good percent of Israeli citizens who do not support Netanyahu or the war against Hamas and Hezbollah.
Ever heard what Simon Dixon (the btc banker guy) has to say about this? Interesting take. He says it was a purposeful Rothschild atheist state creation with a great backstory/propaganda arm. Interesting.
Ever heard what Simon Dixon (the btc banker guy) has to say about this? Interesting take. He says it was a purposeful Rothschild atheist state creation with a great backstory/propaganda arm. Interesting.
I honestly have never heard of him. Hitler's predictions of what "Israel" would become, if the Zionists get their way, was 100% accurate.
Where does he list those or claim what will happen?
I can't find it, I know it was when he was in power and the discussion was to move the Jews in Germany back to their homeland in Palestine. It seemed like an easy fix, and Hitler basically said...

If we try to give the Jews a homeland in the Middle East, most of them will never move there. So, that alone makes it a futile effort. Furthermore, they will just use it as a base to commit crimes against their neighbors, to house their population that commits crimes in other countries, so they are not prosecuted, and also eventually use it to strong arm other nations into doing their bidding.
I can't find it, I know it was when he was in power and the discussion was to move the Jews in Germany back to their homeland in Palestine. It seemed like an easy fix, and Hitler basically said...

If we try to give the Jews a homeland in the Middle East, most of them will never move there. So, that alone makes it a futile effort. Furthermore, they will just use it as a base to commit crimes against their neighbors, to house their population that commits crimes in other countries, so they are not prosecuted, and also eventually use it to strong arm other nations into doing their bidding.
That's exactly what Dixon says the Rothschild central banking plan was, and it's ingenious because most of the people there are atheists, but they mix in the religious identity and have some faithful religious believers that are still at least trying to follow what they call YHWH. That way, they can fool the idiot protestant Zionist types and create some sort of historical religious sympathy while having a base of operations for global change.
That's exactly what Dixon says the Rothschild central banking plan was, and it's ingenious because most of the people there are atheists, but they mix in the religious identity and have some faithful religious believers that are still at least trying to follow what they call YHWH. That way, they can fool the idiot protestant Zionist types and create some sort of historical religious sympathy while having a base of operations for global change.
My argument to Protestant zionists: First you’re quoting genesis. God says those words to Abraham. He says “your seed.” Which includes way more than Jews. Basically the whole Arabic world and through the other tribes like Manasseh, Ephraim, and Dan his seed has blessed the Western world. Jews are just one branch of the seed of Abraham. That’s why his name means “father.” Many nations can trace their origin to Abraham from Ireland to Ancient Troy to Edom to Arabia. Not just the Jews. Check out my We Wuz Kangs thread.

Second, that promise was elaborated on at Mt. Sinai. God lets Moses know good and well that the Abrahamic Covenant is only valid if they keep Gods commandments and care about what he cares about. Being a money grubbing ethnocentric atheist isn’t part of the calculus bud. God does not owe them Zion for existing. God gives them Zion for being faithful and following him. Ever notice how god sends prophets to get the Jews and other Israelites to change in the Old Testament? And when they refuse, he likes to flatten Jerusalem… twice. First by Babylon and second by the Romans. Both times fulfilling everything the prophets warned about. How do we get our evangelical Christian friends to wake up?

A miracle that I would like to see is to prove his point, God flattens Jerusalem again… and only the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is left somewhat intact. Most people think this would mean end times but I think that’s just American nonsense. The world ends when God says it does.
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God lets Moses know good and well that the Abrahamic Covenant is only valid if they keep Gods commandments and care about what he cares about.
Exactly. They conveniently forget that multiple times in history they were given up and abandoned due to not being obedient or faithful to God. The lost 10 tribes? The few thousands that didn't kneel to Baal? Why wouldn't that also possibly be Judah after the Christ came as well? Seems to be par for the course for them. And in fact, God (according to them) left them with their ways. The Rabbinical Jewish story doesn't fit. But God's plan with Christ to bring back all people to Him totally does.

Some people who call themselves "jewish" now will likely come around as we approach the end. To act like this modern "country" called Israel has anything to do with the Israel of God is blasphemy.
“your seed.” Which includes way more than Jews. Basically the whole Arabic world and through the other tribes like Manasseh, Ephraim, and Dan his seed has blessed the Western world. Jews are just one branch of the seed of Abraham. That’s why his name means “father.” Many nations can trace their origin to Abraham from Ireland to Ancient Troy to Edom to Arabia. Not just the Jews. Check out my We Wuz Kangs thread.
It's also not clear to me that "seed" itself is to be understood as a purely genetic statement in the first place. It's very much a reading gentiles got from Liberal indoctrination, where faith and ancestry are viewed as decoupled, which it hasn't been for most of history.

No Jew/Israelite was formally considered part of the community without circumcision. Sure, most of them were tribally affiliated, but so was everybody else at the time, and why would anybody leave his tribe in ancient times and join a tribe were you have to cut your genitals and make amend for your sins all the time? The maternal-line-thing comes from a post-Christian Talmud view, so it's neither here nor there anyway. Jews just initiated their children at a young age, as did most cultures back then.
Likewise, Orthodox Christians practice infant baptism. Orthodoxy is coupled with ancestry, because we baptize our children and raise them in the faith. So there's clearly an ethnic/ancestral element to it. But if holiness were transferred via ancestry, then both baptism and circumcision would become obsolete.

Even if modern Talmudic Jews had more claim to genetic continuity with the ancient Israelites than all the other Levantine peoples, which definitely isn't the case, it wouldn't serve as a justification in any way.

One of the -if not the- core message of the Bible is that only following God in the proper manner justifies. Cain was as much of an heir to God's promises as Abel, but he fell away. Job wasn't an Israelite by ancestry, but God chose him specifically to emphasize the point about the faith, and because, in his wisdom, he viewed him as a holy man. Religious Jews sometimes semi-admit that that's how it actually works when they want to sound profound, but then they regress into the Pharisaic ancestor cult. They buy their way out of it with their neoplatonist "Jewish soul" concept, that makes mentally weak shabbes goyim like Jordan Peterson cry.

Race and ancestry are facts of life that are taken for granted in the Bible from Babel onwards, but I've never been aware of any extraordinary spiritual significance to it outside of a prophetic one. And even in prophetically significant bloodlines, there doesn't seem to be an exception to God's justice that is handed down.
A friend of mine was talking to me about "the battle of inside out 2" on nick's show, which was about a black kid yelling while nick was watching it with his mom. I lol'd thoroughly, maybe I should watch his show once or twice.
How you say they are winning is beyond me. The metrics don't suggest this.

He's going to win.

Fuentes is a fed plant.

The end.
Because, like I said, the Groyper's goal isn't to support Kamala or help Kamala win. Their goal is to get Trump supporters to break free of the cult and realize they can't vote their way out of this. The support for Nick's tweets and viewership of Nick's live streams continues to grow. I'm not even a big Nick fan, but his reach is really pretty remarkable.
These polls are too close to even be relevant.
The Harris signs are definitely in the yards in rural Michigan just like Biden in 2020.
I live in a very red area, in the burbs, and all I see is Harris signs. There are a lot of them as well. I think this is mostly because Trump supporters are scared to put a Trump sign in front of their yard. I think Trump still wins my district pretty easily. But the number of Harris signs is pretty shocking to me. Maybe the female BIPOC thing will bring in more votes than I expected.
Because, like I said, the Groyper's goal isn't to support Kamala or help Kamala win. Their goal is to get Trump supporters to break free of the cult and realize they can't vote their way out of this. The support for Nick's tweets and viewership of Nick's live streams continues to grow. I'm not even a big Nick fan, but his reach is really pretty remarkable.
I don't know that he is growing is the thing.

He's part of a fringe element, and.... I suspect the algos for the people following him now are just falling in line and seeing more of the same stuff they already liked already.
I don't know that he is growing is the thing.

He's part of a fringe element, and.... I suspect the algos for the people following him now are just falling in line and seeing more of the same stuff they already liked already.
It isn't "fringe" it is young. I have had this conversation with a lot of young men. No one appeals to them. Tax cuts don't help them. Legal immigration makes their lives worse. They will not fight for this disgusting country. They can't afford a home and a family with the out-of-control COL and lack of good jobs. They have just checked out. Trump 2016 reached these men, Trump 2024 doesn't.

Nick speaks for a majority of young White men in the USA. They will eventually stumble upon him in growing numbers and realize there is a path, but it isn't the GOP.