Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

I have discussed this with other dudes on other areas of the internet and get met with this “hypocrisy” response.

The sentiment is “Chad gets to spend his 20s engaging in pleasurable fornication, and still get plenty of dates and get a virginal wife”, so unfair!!!!!!!!

It all stems from envy. The idea that men who aren’t socially successful (and I hate to be blunt, but us men on this forum aren’t the coolest dudes,) get little women, while “degenerate chads” get to sleep around and aren’t discriminated by even the most chaste women, causes resentment in many Christian men, as they feel like things aren’t “evening out” for them.

It doesn’t work that way. Being an adult means you accept the truth you were given when young.

Life isn’t fair.
In the old RooshV forum many dudes accepted this truth and then worked on themselves to become a chad so they too get sleep around and then go for a chaste woman after they were done sleeping around. If you can’t beat them join me.

The other thing is we all have to live with our own sins. The chad dude who has slept with 50 women for example is more likely to get bored in marriage, cheat on his wife which will damage the relationship if he is caught. He is also more likely to feel dissatisfied during marriage and not appreciate what he has compared to the chaste beta male.

Women are more negatively affected by fornication than men are but it does not mean that men are completely unaffected.
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I feel like God is shit testing us
King Of The Hill No GIF
Now as a Christian this is one of the things that I hate most. It is absolutely unfair that Thundercocks get to repent after they had their fun, and then God allows them to have their share of virgins for marriage.

Instead of a loyalty program where God rewards those that are true to him, God gives preference to the "lost sheep", "prodigal son" and "missing coin".

I feel like God is shit testing us by purposefully making statutes that if disobeyed, grants those who are alpha enough to disobey abundance in blessings.

As the red pill taught us, we cannot change the conditions that we live in, but we can change ourselves to adapt to the reality. After seeing that life is unfair to men that tried their best to remain faithful to God's teachings and maintain purity, I decide that I will not care about purity and other virtue like that anymore.

The examples of St. Mary of Egypt and St. Augustine does not apply to me, since despite my own weakness I never physically fornicated at all in my life. Instead I will follow in the examples of King Mongkut, he showed that it is never too late to have fun and have the blessings of God at the same time.
Yes it is very tough.

The sexual revolution was a mistake and I know that last post likely was something that struck at the core at a lot of people but I needed to say it to break the “men = women” illusion.

Me and @Blade Runner were the only ones saying it and I felt like it needed more attention.
Now as a Christian this is one of the things that I hate most. It is absolutely unfair that Thundercocks get to repent after they had their fun, and then God allows them to have their share of virgins for marriage.

Instead of a loyalty program where God rewards those that are true to him, God gives preference to the "lost sheep", "prodigal son" and "missing coin".

I feel like God is shit testing us by purposefully making statutes that if disobeyed, grants those who are alpha enough to disobey abundance in blessings.

As the red pill taught us, we cannot change the conditions that we live in, but we can change ourselves to adapt to the reality. After seeing that life is unfair to men that tried their best to remain faithful to God's teachings and maintain purity, I decide that I will not care about purity and other virtue like that anymore.

The examples of St. Mary of Egypt and St. Augustine does not apply to me, since despite my own weakness I never physically fornicated at all in my life. Instead I will follow in the examples of King Mongkut, he showed that it is never too late to have fun and have the blessings of God at the same time.
You are blaspheming God and allowing your envy to take control of you. You're literally willing to sell your soul for sexual pleasure, and I suggest you take good moment to think about that.

Do you know how rare it is for these "thundercocks" to repent? Guys like Roosh are the exception, not the rule. Most of them will eventually get sick of fornication and will just settle down with another promiscuous, worldly woman. But they will not think about God because they are so prideful. There is nothing to envy. Few repent because it is so difficult to repent after such a life of iniquity. Every instinct they have goes against that.

So other guys are getting virgin wives and you feel left out. So do I, so do a lot of us. We work on ourselves and on our faith and that's all we can do. God helps those who help themselves. Those who get the best wives will mainly be those who are the most spiritually advanced. But God does not care about your past, He cares about who you are right now. Is that "fair" in our lowly human understanding? Who cares man, none of this is going to matter after you are saved. Or you burn in hell for eternity, the choice is up to you. Either way, you're not going to care about "fair" then.
Shaquilleoatmeal's post before really struck a chord with me.

I have an old friend since middle school, which on July 2023 last year managed to marry a pure virgin.
  • In high school he slacks off in his studies, and he only managed to complete exams and assignments mostly by cheating.
  • He continues his study in a university in Germany. But instead of studying he spends most of his time slacking off. He smokes weed, drinks, parties hard, and even once hired a Polish escort.
  • He dropped out from the German University due to bad grades, and enrolled in a University in Malaysia. Once again he slacks off and do only the bare minimum amount of work in his studies. He even regularly visited "massage parlors" and continued hiring escorts.
  • Now he is back in our home country, and he still likes visiting "massage parlors". He also likes going to clubs and drinking to the point where he sleeps in his car until dawn because of being too intoxicated.
  • He regularly used dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble to get laid. He once bragged that he had sex five times in a day until he can't take it much more.
Now his wife is the exact opposite of him:
  • She is a woman with good upbringing who never had any sexual relationships.
  • She is family oriented and have good relationship with her parents.
  • She is feminine and attractive, with long hair to the lower back, fair skinned, tall and slim.
  • She is highly intelligent and possess at least three degrees. One undergraduate degree, one masters and one professional degree.
  • She is a lecturer at one of the country's elite university.
  • She works at a high-paying careers, and she earns more than my friend.
And do you know where this couple met? They met at a Catholic church's event. God has a sense of humor better than Jerry Seinfeld, so it seems.

I have in the past (before his marriage) asked my friend with questions such as "do you know any good massage parlors after Covid?", and he answered that he stopped doing that thing anymore. So it looks that he has finally become a saint.

This totally pisses me off, someone who recently repents got to be best buddies with God and get his heavenly rewards. It is unfair compared to Hinduism or Buddhism where yes it is good if someone repents, but they still need to pay for their past wrongdoings.
In the old RooshV forum many dudes accepted this truth and then worked on themselves to become a chad so they too get sleep around and then go for a chaste woman after they were done sleeping around. If you can’t beat them join me.

The other thing is we all have to live with our own sins. The chad dude who has slept with 50 women for example is more likely to get bored in marriage, cheat on his wife which will damage the relationship if he is caught. He is also more likely to feel dissatisfied during marriage and not appreciate what he has compared to the chaste beta male.

Women are more negatively affected by fornication than men are but it does not mean that men are completely unaffected.

This. Aside from spiritual consequences people dont realize Chads are creating their own hell by sleeping around in the hundreds, whether they realize it or not. I do think most won't realize it in the end, in the sense that they will end up in broken relationships and marriages when they are older without realizing why they are unhappy.
If you read Roosh's latest posts you can see how it affected him and he had the God's gift to realize it ultimately.

It's not good for your mental health and I don't care how many incels claim sleeping with large amount of women was normal back in the day and (((alpha))).
Shaquilleoatmeal's post before really struck a chord with me.

I have an old friend since middle school, which on July 2023 last year managed to marry a pure virgin.
  • In high school he slacks off in his studies, and he only managed to complete exams and assignments mostly by cheating.
  • He continues his study in a university in Germany. But instead of studying he spends most of his time slacking off. He smokes weed, drinks, parties hard, and even once hired a Polish escort.
  • He dropped out from the German University due to bad grades, and enrolled in a University in Malaysia. Once again he slacks off and do only the bare minimum amount of work in his studies. He even regularly visited "massage parlors" and continued hiring escorts.
  • Now he is back in our home country, and he still likes visiting "massage parlors". He also likes going to clubs and drinking to the point where he sleeps in his car until dawn because of being too intoxicated.
  • He regularly used dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble to get laid. He once bragged that he had sex five times in a day until he can't take it much more.
Now his wife is the exact opposite of him:
  • She is a woman with good upbringing who never had any sexual relationships.
  • She is family oriented and have good relationship with her parents.
  • She is feminine and attractive, with long hair to the lower back, fair skinned, tall and slim.
  • She is highly intelligent and possess at least three degrees. One undergraduate degree, one masters and one professional degree.
  • She is a lecturer at one of the country's elite university.
  • She works at a high-paying careers, and she earns more than my friend.
And do you know where this couple met? They met at a Catholic church's event. God has a sense of humor better than Jerry Seinfeld, so it seems.

I have in the past (before his marriage) asked my friend with questions such as "do you know any good massage parlors after Covid?", and he answered that he stopped doing that thing anymore. So it looks that he has finally become a saint.

This totally pisses me off, someone who recently repents got to be best buddies with God and get his heavenly rewards. It is unfair compared to Hinduism or Buddhism where yes it is good if someone repents, but they still need to pay for their past wrongdoings.
Also I just want to point out your friend didn’t exactly get a top prize. If a woman has three degrees and she is a lecturer she can’t be that young, and her best years are already behind her. She is probably late 20s or something like that. In my book that is not a top prize
Also I just want to point out your friend didn’t exactly get a top prize. If a woman has three degrees and she is a lecturer she can’t be that young, and her best years are already behind her. She is probably late 20s or something like that. In my book that is not a top prize
Spot on you are right. At the time of their marriage my friend is 30 years old and his wife is 29 years old.

But in this case despite her education and working a high powered career, she does not look like a stressed out woman who hit the wall. She still looks like a family-oriented beautiful young woman.

If I recall correctly Samseau once said in a thread that a high SMV women will remain fertile much longer than average, they will even experience menopause much later until many years. In my friend case, after marriage his wife immediately gets pregnant, and not even a full one year of marriage they already have a daughter together. So it can be said that she is still in her prime, and my friend indeed won a prize.
Shaquilleoatmeal's post before really struck a chord with me.

I have an old friend since middle school, which on July 2023 last year managed to marry a pure virgin.
  • In high school he slacks off in his studies, and he only managed to complete exams and assignments mostly by cheating.
  • He continues his study in a university in Germany. But instead of studying he spends most of his time slacking off. He smokes weed, drinks, parties hard, and even once hired a Polish escort.
  • He dropped out from the German University due to bad grades, and enrolled in a University in Malaysia. Once again he slacks off and do only the bare minimum amount of work in his studies. He even regularly visited "massage parlors" and continued hiring escorts.
  • Now he is back in our home country, and he still likes visiting "massage parlors". He also likes going to clubs and drinking to the point where he sleeps in his car until dawn because of being too intoxicated.
  • He regularly used dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble to get laid. He once bragged that he had sex five times in a day until he can't take it much more.
Now his wife is the exact opposite of him:
  • She is a woman with good upbringing who never had any sexual relationships.
  • She is family oriented and have good relationship with her parents.
  • She is feminine and attractive, with long hair to the lower back, fair skinned, tall and slim.
  • She is highly intelligent and possess at least three degrees. One undergraduate degree, one masters and one professional degree.
  • She is a lecturer at one of the country's elite university.
  • She works at a high-paying careers, and she earns more than my friend.
And do you know where this couple met? They met at a Catholic church's event. God has a sense of humor better than Jerry Seinfeld, so it seems.

I have in the past (before his marriage) asked my friend with questions such as "do you know any good massage parlors after Covid?", and he answered that he stopped doing that thing anymore. So it looks that he has finally become a saint.

This totally pisses me off, someone who recently repents got to be best buddies with God and get his heavenly rewards. It is unfair compared to Hinduism or Buddhism where yes it is good if someone repents, but they still need to pay for their past wrongdoings.
None of this is your business or concern.

If this bothers you, end your friendship with the dude and don't contact him.

Apparently this is only a problem for you as he doesn't seem to care and his wife doesn't either apparently.
Found this article in my Roosh archive:

7 Things I Require In The Future Mother Of My Child (Oct 26, 2015)

1. She must be between 18-25 years old
2. She must have less than three prior sexual partners, though I prefer a virgin
3. Her physical attractiveness should hover around the 7 range
4. Her skin tone should be within two shades of myself
5. She must be feminine
6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother
7. She must believe in a god
Found this article in my Roosh archive:

7 Things I Require In The Future Mother Of My Child (Oct 26, 2015)

1. She must be between 18-25 years old
2. She must have less than three prior sexual partners, though I prefer a virgin
3. Her physical attractiveness should hover around the 7 range
4. Her skin tone should be within two shades of myself
5. She must be feminine
6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother
7. She must believe in a god
Keep in mind this was prior to his conversion and should be considered such, although in itself its not a bad list. Can't say I blame him, I think many fornicators at that time would have preferred Christian women.
What would be more in line with the forums thinking [url].
If you destroy your sexual purity and later repent, that’s enough for God, but will it be enough for a virgin partner to accept you as a spouse? Look at me as an example. What percentage of female Orthodox virgins with a proper upbringing would select me as a husband? Would their fathers allow me to marry their daughters? If I had a pure daughter, and she brings home a middle-aged man who went on a decades-long sex bender around the world, I would chain her up in the basement until she changed her mind, because while that man is a Christian now, I do not want to be anxious that he will simply go back to his old ways and harm my lovely daughter.

Such a shame he deleted all his posts after finding Christ. There's a lot of wisdom to be found.
This totally pisses me off, someone who recently repents got to be best buddies with God and get his heavenly rewards. It is unfair compared to Hinduism or Buddhism where yes it is good if someone repents, but they still need to pay for their past wrongdoings.

This is where your theology is wrong.

In Christianity, we definitely incur debts with God based on our past sins. Even though we all sin, not all of us sin the same amount. Those with large sins take more repentance and demonstration of faith to God to earn salvation. This is called penance, which a lot of people forget about.

The parable of the shrewd manager comes to mind:

Luke 16

He also said to the disciples, “There was a rich man who had a steward, and charges were brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. 2 And he called him and said to him, ‘What is this that I hear about you? Turn in the account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be steward.’ 3 And the steward said to himself, ‘What shall I do, since my master is taking the stewardship away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg. 4 I have decided what to do, so that people may receive me into their houses when I am put out of the stewardship.’ 5 So, summoning his master’s debtors one by one, he said to the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ 6 He said, ‘A hundred measures of oil.’ And he said to him, ‘Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.’ 7 Then he said to another, ‘And how much do you owe?’ He said, ‘A hundred measures of wheat.’ He said to him, ‘Take your bill, and write eighty.’ 8 The master commended the dishonest steward for his shrewdness; for the sons of this world[a] are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light. 9 And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous mammon,[b] so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal habitations.

10 “He who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and he who is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much. 11 If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon,[c] who will entrust to you the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own? 13 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Now, this parable works on many levels, but rather than go into detail on its metaphorical level we can just stick to it's literal interpretation.

In this case, the steward is being called to account by the manager (God) because he has sinned. Thus the steward realizes he is screwed because he was a bad man, and so forgives the debts others owed to him in an effort to find kindness from those who will soon be above him.

The manager then commends the steward for his forgiveness (as Jesus tells us, as we forgive, we shall be forgiven), since the people the steward forgives will someday be called to testify on the steward's behalf on judgement day. Because the steward gives up the chance for more worldly wealth or gain, and instead shows mercy to those under him, the manager also shows mercy to the steward.

And then Jesus finishes the parable by restating that no man can serve God or Money - he must choose one. Thus in this case, the steward gave up money in exchange for God.

This shows that our sins are likewise measured in debts with God, and to be forgiven we will be forced to atone for them by forgiving in other ways at some point in our life.

Another parable with the same theme: The parable of the unforgiving manager.

Matt 18

23 “Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. 24 When he began the reckoning, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents;[b] 25 and as he could not pay, his lord ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. 26 So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, ‘Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ 27 And out of pity for him the lord of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. 28 But that same servant, as he went out, came upon one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii;[c] and seizing him by the throat he said, ‘Pay what you owe.’ 29 So his fellow servant fell down and besought him, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ 30 He refused and went and put him in prison till he should pay the debt. 31 When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their lord all that had taken place. 32 Then his lord summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you besought me; 33 and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ 34 And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers,[d] till he should pay all his debt. 35 So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”

So in this parable, we see the opposite occur as the story of the manager in Luke - the manager refuses to forgive, and as a result, is punished severely by God.

Thus, the sins we rack up in this life must be repaid, in one form or another, and we should never envy those who "get away with their sins," because they don't. You don't know what God has in plan for the sinner. The sinner may repent, and may be forgiven, but God expects big things in return from that sinner. He expects that sinner to forgive and give back to His Neighbors around him, as much as possible.

So to bring this back to your friend you are jealous of, who got the virgin wife, you simply have no idea what is in store for this man's future:

- His wife may end up cheating on him, and he may be required to forgive her.
- He may succumb back into his old sinful ways, in which case he will be punished even harder on judgement day unless he repents even more.
- His wife may go through a long period of suffering, and he will be required to care and tend for her.
- His children may turn out to be demons, of which he will be required to bear their sins.

The bottom line is, you don't know what God has in store, nor can you see the inner details of these other people's lives. That is why you should not judge these people without knowing all the details, and more importantly, you should not judge or question God's judgement, who is responsible for giving us all good things according to His Great Mercy.

You should instead pray to the Lord for mercy, confess to your priest of your envy and harsh judgement, so that you can be quickly forgiven. You should thank God for saving your friend from a life of sin, and that his marriage with the virgin woman be blessed and fruitful.

Be loving and kind as our God is kind and loving, and then God will give you the things you need in your due time as well.
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Those who get the best wives will mainly be those who are the most spiritually advanced.
Again, it must be stressed that this does not necessarily include looks, so it can be a bit of a confusing topic without contemplation.
Who cares man, none of this is going to matter after you are saved.
Exactly. Envy is stupid. I will occasionally suffer from frustration, and I imagine it has something to do with ego, but I don't envy others (I don't think). I'm happy for others that get good things, generally. What I focus on, and that saddens me, is that much of what I see in women is foolishness in their decisions. And we can't decide for them or force them, at least at the current juncture. We can't even really influence them all that much, which is the real tragedy. But notice implicit in this is that I am aware of have a lot of good gifts and have received a lot in life in other ways. When you want to have sex (in general) you tend to forget being grateful about all the other things God has given you. I'm speaking for myself, but apart from hard works, skilled tasks, and other fruits of testosterone, one might consider sex drive as the highest among them in terms of at least dominating your mind. Realists and/or cynics would say that you're doing the other things ultimately to get the sex which is hard to argue against.
Be loving and kind as our God is kind and loving, and then God will give you the things you need in your due time as well.
The more important point for the simple among us is that if he doesn't give you what you "need" (since that is our human perception, and also why I frequently don't like phrasing things this way, since in the end we will have crossed a finish line regarding of what was "needed" or not, it's all retrospective is my point), it doesn't matter; He is the master, you are the servant. While we do know what the master is doing, we don't know all the details, and we certainly don't understand many of them.
Now as a Christian this is one of the things that I hate most. It is absolutely unfair that Thundercocks get to repent after they had their fun, and then God allows them to have their share of virgins for marriage.

This type of thinking is quite harmful to your spiritual development in my opinion. Many a man has tried to decipher the will of God and why God allows certain things. Beyond that, from a practical and psychological aspect, your view is incorrect.

You seem to be making an assumption that these men simply repent and it’s all smooth sailing. I assure you it is not, they will have to answer for their sins even if it’s not obvious to outsiders when and how.

Multiple times a year we read stories of famous men or women committing suicide. These people have what all of society tells us will make us content. Fame, fortune, women, yet they sometimes off themselves. While we can not know for sure why, maybe we can speculate that they have gone too deep into an evil lifestyle and never made it right with God.

The fornicators can’t just flip a switch. Even after repentance, there is a lot of work to do.

Instead of a loyalty program where God rewards those that are true to him, God gives preference to the "lost sheep", "prodigal son" and "missing coin".

This thinking is viewing God like a genie, granting our wishes and rewarding us on earth for following him. I assure you if you keep looking for fairness and reward in this world, you will be disappointed.

I feel like God is shit testing us by purposefully making statutes that if disobeyed, grants those who are alpha enough to disobey abundance in blessings.

As the red pill taught us, we cannot change the conditions that we live in, but we can change ourselves to adapt to the reality. After seeing that life is unfair to men that tried their best to remain faithful to God's teachings and maintain purity, I decide that I will not care about purity and other virtue like that anymore.

So you’re going to engage in a life of fornication and sin because you feel things are unfair?

The examples of St. Mary of Egypt and St. Augustine does not apply to me, since despite my own weakness I never physically fornicated at all in my life. Instead I will follow in the examples of King Mongkut, he showed that it is never too late to have fun and have the blessings of God at the same time.
Now as a Christian this is one of the things that I hate most. It is absolutely unfair that Thundercocks get to repent after they had their fun, and then God allows them to have their share of virgins for marriage.

Instead of a loyalty program where God rewards those that are true to him, God gives preference to the "lost sheep", "prodigal son" and "missing coin".

I feel like God is shit testing us by purposefully making statutes that if disobeyed, grants those who are alpha enough to disobey abundance in blessings.

As the red pill taught us, we cannot change the conditions that we live in, but we can change ourselves to adapt to the reality. After seeing that life is unfair to men that tried their best to remain faithful to God's teachings and maintain purity, I decide that I will not care about purity and other virtue like that anymore.

The examples of St. Mary of Egypt and St. Augustine does not apply to me, since despite my own weakness I never physically fornicated at all in my life. Instead I will follow in the examples of King Mongkut, he showed that it is never too late to have fun and have the blessings of God at the same time.
What about yourself? How is your search going for a pious and chaste woman in Indonesia?
Now as a Christian this is one of the things that I hate most. It is absolutely unfair that Thundercocks get to repent after they had their fun, and then God allows them to have their share of virgins for marriage.

Instead of a loyalty program where God rewards those that are true to him, God gives preference to the "lost sheep", "prodigal son" and "missing coin".

I feel like God is shit testing us by purposefully making statutes that if disobeyed, grants those who are alpha enough to disobey abundance in blessings.

As the red pill taught us, we cannot change the conditions that we live in, but we can change ourselves to adapt to the reality. After seeing that life is unfair to men that tried their best to remain faithful to God's teachings and maintain purity, I decide that I will not care about purity and other virtue like that anymore.

The examples of St. Mary of Egypt and St. Augustine does not apply to me, since despite my own weakness I never physically fornicated at all in my life. Instead I will follow in the examples of King Mongkut, he showed that it is never too late to have fun and have the blessings of God at the same time.
It seems to me that you are struggling with covetousness. You don't need to act out on your covetousness, the state of being covetous is sinful in itself. The devil is painting a false picture in your head, and it is causing your passion to be inflamed. Be thankful that God does not pay each of us what we deserve and trust in His will and give thanks for all of your circumstances, for nothing happens without God. The temporal things are fading away, the gift of God is forever. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.