Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

Agree with expect, and I'd actually extend that to a guy who's a virgin.

That said, regardless of your virginity or lack thereof you also shouldn't expect not to marry a virgin. As I've said before, I was no Roosh when I was single but I was pretty experienced with women and I married a virgin. We're very happy with each other and our children. It all depends on what God's got in the cards for you and if you're wise enough take the opportunity when it presents itself. When I met her, I seriously considered just continuing my wandering, semi-PUA ways. Going to art school in Europe or something stupid like that. "Enjoying the decline" as the terrible, terrible advice went in the manosphere back then. I'm so glad I didn't and I shudder to think what my life would be like now, past fifty, if I had passed her up.
I agree with this. I've met a couple of Christian virgins at bars. They'll stick out to me personally cause the interactions with them have always seemed more genuine and they're so much fun to be around. They seem so relaxed and comfortable in their own skin. I'm talking us locking arms while skipping up and down the street and singing levels of fun. But it all felt very natural. Not that you could force that kind of behavior anyway.

However, this isn't some regular occurrence. I'd say on average I've met them once every 2 years, but they always lived abroad. As you said, the opportunity to be in a long-distance relationship with them was there, but I passed...

We'll see if I get another opportunity.

And I'm not suggesting going to bars/clubs to meet virgins. I'm simply saying that over the course a couple of years you're likely to meet a virgin or high quality marriage material at some point, provided you're willing to interact with women.
I agree with this. I've met a couple of Christian virgins at bars. They'll stick out to me personally cause the interactions with them have always seemed more genuine and they're so much fun to be around. They seem so relaxed and comfortable in their own skin. I'm talking us locking arms while skipping up and down the street and singing levels of fun. But it all felt very natural. Not that you could force that kind of behavior anyway.

However, this isn't some regular occurrence. I'd say on average I've met them once every 2 years, but they always lived abroad. As you said, the opportunity to be in a long-distance relationship with them was there, but I passed...

We'll see if I get another opportunity.

And I'm not suggesting going to bars/clubs to meet virgins. I'm simply saying that over the course a couple of years you're likely to meet a virgin or high quality marriage material at some point, provided you're willing to interact with women.
Yes, exactly. This likely even happened to Roosh when he was in full PUA mode. He mentioned meeting (and deflowering) virgins occasionally, he just passed them by in favor of empty hedonism. When I met my wife, I was an agnostic and had no interest in going to church, but there was still enough of what i'd learned at church when I was younger that seeking out sex without intending to stay with the woman seemed somehow wrong in a way I couldn't quite explain to myself at the time.

I'd also caution against supposing that this woman God puts in your path must be a virgin. Maybe she will be, maybe she won't.
At this point most women are no longer virgin by age 18.

If you live in a country where the legal marriage is younger than 18 then you should consider looking at 16 year old women as the percentage of virgins is much higher and they have already passed puberty so they are not children.

In many countries in the world the age of sexual consent is 16 (and sometimes even lower) albeit usually with certain restrictions. And the age of marriage in many countries is 16 if parental consent and a magistrates approval are obtained.

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Tbh this brings up another point.

Why are young girls put in the education til 18? (Heck 22) They’re able to get pregnant by 14-15.

Some will say men have a “power imbalance” over teen girls but why is that a bad thing? Shouldn’t men lead women?

I know the average normie would want me crucified but I expect this forum to be different so I feel it’s worth it to address this topic.

Why aren’t teen girls being married off? It seems to be just another Jew scam.
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Tbh this brings up another point.

Why are young girls put in the education til 18? (Heck 22) They’re able to get pregnant by 14-15.

Some will say men have a “power imbalance” over teen girls but why is that a bad thing? Shouldn’t men lead women?

I know the average normie would want me crucified but I expect this forum to be different so I feel it’s worth it to address this topic.

Why aren’t teen girls being married off? It seems to be just another Jew scam.
When difficult to pull off nowadays. Even the most based Christian countries are barely cracking 25-28 as the mean age for women at the birth of their first child.

Most men/boys age 18 to 30 aren't financially set to support a family. Decades ago that wasn't an issue. So now you'd have to convince a 19 year old girl that her best bet is to wife a 37 year old, while also foregoing the "freedoms" we have now.

That said, of course, migrants, Latinos etc. have babies all the time with much less financial means. But the key here is that both the wife and husband fully accept living with their parents forever. Even in the 80s that would have been hard to sell to many western women.
When difficult to pull off nowadays. Even the most based Christian countries are barely cracking 25-28 as the mean age for women at the birth of their first child.

Most men/boys age 18 to 30 aren't financially set to support a family. Decades ago that wasn't an issue. So now you'd have to convince a 19 year old girl that her best bet is to wife a 37 year old, while also foregoing the "freedoms" we have now.

That said, of course, migrants, Latinos etc. have babies all the time with much less financial means. But the key here is that both the wife and husband fully accept living with their parents forever. Even in the 80s that would have been hard to sell to many western women.
The sad part is white people accept welfare for these people.

So these foreigners walk into our countries and leach off us.
You're being generous with the 1%. More like 0.1%. Or less.
1% sounds about right. Usually out of 100 girls that age about 10 have never been to a party. 5 of those is because they've been in a long term relationship since age 15 or 16 (make no mistake, it's precisely these girls who often times end up breaking up for seemingly no reason and then just go absolutely wild).

Anyway, the other 5 have very little contact with or interest in men/boys. And one of them is usually a virgin.
1% sounds about right. Usually out of 100 girls that age about 10 have never been to a party. 5 of those is because they've been in a long term relationship since age 15 or 16 (make no mistake, it's precisely these girls who often times end up breaking up for seemingly no reason and then just go absolutely wild).

Anyway, the other 5 have very little contact with or interest in men/boys. And one of them is usually a virgin.
I can tell that over the years I have spoken to many thousands of women in Australia and I would say maybe something like 10 of them at the absolute most seemed to be virgins. So 1% is definitely generous.
My wife was neither a virgin nor experienced in bed when we married. I didn't hold it against her that she was deflowered, since I had skeletons in my closet. Marriage taught us how to make things spicy. So....a marriage based on trust and respect means the virgin question is not important.
So now you'd have to convince a 19 year old girl that her best bet is to wife a 37 year old, while also foregoing the "freedoms" we have now.
I have been proposing this as an obvious solution for several years now, but realize it's completely theoretical and no one will listen to you. It's actually worse than that, since people don't just say no, they object in a way that shows contempt for the solution.

One of the reasons is that people, and particularly women, think in possibilities and not probabilities. They'd rather risk a poor future with some hope of having fun for several years, then trying to fool some beta bux into marriage rather than just taking the finished product and being content knowing (they don't) their window of attractiveness is crazy small anyway. They say women wait at the finish line but in reality, they wait at the finish line after losing a ton of value, which just shows you how absurd they'll become when bailed out and spoiled, or catered to.
One of the reasons is that people, and particularly women, think in possibilities and not probabilities. They'd rather risk a poor future with some hope of having fun for several years, then trying to fool some beta bux into marriage rather than just taking the finished product and being content knowing (they don't) their window of attractiveness is crazy small anyway. They say women wait at the finish line but in reality, they wait at the finish line after losing a ton of value, which just shows you how absurd they'll become when bailed out and spoiled, or catered to.
This is where I think culture matters a hell of lot. You need to be in a country where women are intelligent (as much as a woman can be intelligent) and somewhat red-pilled.

For example I think most Ukrainian, Russian or Belarussian women still like to party from aged 16 - 25 before looking to settle down, but if during that time period they meet a quality older guy that is serious a decent percentage of them are probably smart enough to cash in their chips and settle down even though it wasn't what they were originally looking for. A lot of them are smart enough to know when to call it quits (not all of them mind you but a decent percentage).
This is where I think culture matters a hell of lot. You need to be in a country where women are intelligent (as much as a woman can be intelligent) and somewhat red-pilled.

For example I think most Ukrainian, Russian or Belarussian women still like to party from aged 16 - 25 before looking to settle down, but if during that time period they meet a quality older guy that is serious a decent percentage of them are probably smart enough to cash in their chips and settle down even though it wasn't what they were originally looking for. A lot of them are smart enough to know when to call it quits (not all of them mind you but a decent percentage).
Where are these virgins and what country are you moving to to find them?

This thread is such a waste of time and intelligence.

If you're out there there engaging with the virgins .... You're not posting here.