Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

If anyone is hellbent in believing that man has the power to destroy the earth with the push of a button, and the only reason it hasn't happened is because of the coordinated geopolitical military arms standoff and the excuse of the notion of Mutually Assured Destruction, then I would reassess your faith.

They don't call it the Almighty Bomb for nothing. In this famous movie clip, the Bomb is worshipped as a religion.

My wife and I watched Dr.Strangelove recently.

I believe nuclear bombs are real...but that film is a great piece of propaganda with Stanley Kubrick (moon landing/the shining/eyes wide shut) all behind the camera.
Having read JFK And The Unspeakable, I think Dr. Strangelove accurately depicts the lunacy that was coming from some quarters, particularly with the notion of a first-strike 'win'. The mocking and ridicule that film gave them may have helped clear a few minds.
Having read JFK And The Unspeakable, I think Dr. Strangelove accurately depicts the lunacy that was coming from some quarters, particularly with the notion of a first-strike 'win'. The mocking and ridicule that film gave them may have helped clear a few minds.

General Ripper was the embodiment of Curtis Lemay.

But I suppose my point is that nothing made by a CIA asset (Kubrick) is released without motive. I think an element of the film was to give people a little fear to comply with the fear based mentality of the government.
These trolls are really getting sneaky. None of this stuff exists because it’s all a plot against faith and religion. Too bad your arguments are still idiotic. Cheers trolls!

I linked a clip from a movie.

Mods - please ban this troll.
Lol @GuitarVH is the biggest pussy on this board. He thinks space is fake, nuclear weapons are fake, satellites are fake. Aren’t you also the douche at who thinks viruses are fake? Well then just shimmy on down to your nearest gay club and have fun with a homosexual.

Man you are such a tool. Listen big boy, I’ll meet you any time and place and debate your ass. I’ll pay for all the flights and hotels myself. So let’s do this, you going to accept?

Or are you going to be a gigantic pussy and get the big boy mods to do your budding? Pussy!
Whoever you are... You need to be banned.

This is one of the stupidest posts I've ever seen.

@mods please ban or put this dude in the troll bridge so we can eviscerate there.
Lol @GuitarVH is the biggest pussy on this board. He thinks space is fake, nuclear weapons are fake, satellites are fake. Aren’t you also the douche at who thinks viruses are fake? Well then just shimmy on down to your nearest gay club and have fun with a homosexual.

Man you are such a tool. Listen big boy, I’ll meet you any time and place and debate your ass. I’ll pay for all the flights and hotels myself. So let’s do this, you going to accept?

Or are you going to be a gigantic pussy and get the big boy mods to do your budding? Pussy!

It's one thing to be a tool because you buy into psyops like space/nukes/satellites are fake, and another to go about being a total jerk...
Lol @GuitarVH is the biggest pussy on this board. He thinks space is fake, nuclear weapons are fake, satellites are fake. Aren’t you also the douche at who thinks viruses are fake? Well then just shimmy on down to your nearest gay club and have fun with a homosexual.

Man you are such a tool. Listen big boy, I’ll meet you any time and place and debate your ass. I’ll pay for all the flights and hotels myself. So let’s do this, you going to accept?

Or are you going to be a gigantic pussy and get the big boy mods to do your budding? Pussy!

Why are you so concerned with what I think? Who cares. I also think your brain is fake but that doesn't stop you from making new accounts and posting anyway.
Some say that Kubrick was exposing the "elite". Will we ever know? Don't think so, but he's created some incredible cinema undoubtedly and infinitely better than the trash televised today.

I know this name is probably nono for the most part on old forum and probably here but Owen Benjamin did a podcast with Kubrick's daughter talking about his involvement in making the production for moon landing. If we are to believe the daughter then there is a good chance any actual footage every shown to any mass population on Earth has been directed, edited, and produced to be "real".
Tactical nuke used on Yemen a few years ago -

I believe in nukes... But zero reason to believe this is a tactical nuke.

Read the below from the quote from the Twitter and post and tell me if it passes the credibility test:

According to some people even a 3rd generation tactical nuke was dropped on Yemen. Some experts claim its clearly a nuke because you can see the radiation/charged particles which interfered with the camera pixels in the videos of the explosion.
You're basing whether it's a tactical nuke on the comments?

The smoking gun here seems to be the unusually long unfurling intense burning glow. A normal TNT explosion is much more punctual.
You're basing whether it's a tactical nuke on the comments?

The smoking gun here seems to be the unusually long unfurling intense burning glow. A normal TNT explosion is much more punctual.
The smoking gun for me is the fact this was filmed very close and footage survived, and that part of Yemen is not a glassed over parking lot. If the photos of Japan are to be believe then a tactical "nuke" 70 years later from where that was filmed everything should be nonexistent

I will like to look into the first two generations of these bombs as well. Never even knew we could produce something like a bomb and make it tactical.
You're basing whether it's a tactical nuke on the comments?

The smoking gun here seems to be the unusually long unfurling intense burning glow. A normal TNT explosion is much more punctual.
You're basing the assumption off what you perceived to be an unusually long glow?

How many actually bomb and weapons explosions have you seen in your life?

Why do you think this was an unusually long glow?

What was the target that was hit?

Was this a primary or secondary detonation?

These are all factors that one needs to weigh when taking a video from an explosion.

I was in the Marines as an instructor at the Field Artillery school in Fort Sill when videos like this came out. I'm familiar with the sorts of claims with different explosions . Nuclear artillery used to be a I'm not doubting nuclear weapons. I just have zero concrete evidence to believe this is the case. We all viewed the video, all discussed... So refer to my above as to considerations as to the skepticism.

ETA: I've witnessed near instant secondary explosions after a 1000 lb JDAM struck a building that was being targeted as a weapons/fuel cache. After the initial flash, a longer lingering flame and smoke plum resulted. I'm sure if it was filmed I could post a video claiming it's a tac nuke and someone would go for it online.
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The smoking gun for me is the fact this was filmed very close and footage survived, and that part of Yemen is not a glassed over parking lot. If the photos of Japan are to be believe then a tactical "nuke" 70 years later from where that was filmed everything should be nonexistent

I will like to look into the first two generations of these bombs as well. Never even knew we could produce something like a bomb and make it tactical.
Check out the Davy Crockett that was emplaced in West Germany in case the cimmues came over post WWII

The argument is not so much if "nukes" are real, it's the quantum physics behind the atom-splitting theories and the fissile material which causes all the bait-and-switched and often doctored-up destruction and side effects that we are told to believe come from "plutonium or uranium derived nuclear bombs".

The videos of the explosions happening in Beirut, Yemen, even in Ukraine, and calling them "tactical nukes" is not what I and other detractors are contesting, it's the idea that these belong to the same class of boogeyman weapons that were allegedly derived from a bunch of jewish poindexters who wanted to vaporize Germany but finished too late just in time to demonstrate it on the Japanese, weapons that somehow manage to get smaller every decade, from the alleged tonnage dropped in the American deserts, the Pacific atolls, and the Arctic Circle north of Russia that can now fit into a suitcase and somehow cause more damage than an entire stockpile of primed ordinance.

Tactical nuclear bombs really should remove the word "nuclear," as it pertains to a wide variety of explosives, from ballistic trajectory bombs released from aircraft (without guidance systems), artillery shells, land mines, depth charges, torpedoes, SAMs, among other devices. Funnily enough the "nuclear ones" have never been deployed in combat so there are no forensic measurements to take from historical instances of their use. Calling something a tactical nuke does not mean it is a radioactive fire-breathing world-ender. This word "nuclear" has been injected into our combative lexicon like a forced vaccine and people fall for it too easily.

Deception is a huge part of warfare, many people forget that. There are so many ways to make giant explosions that are not derived from nuclear fission, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts. Anyone who believes that man has the ability to "end the world" with the push of a button does not know God. The jews, and the atheists of scientism, who have no God, readily accept this idea.
Nuclear weapons are a force/scale multiplier. Their destructive forces are orders of magnitude greater than TNT, similar to how much, much smaller quantities of uranium are used to generate the same amount of electricity it would take for truckloads of coal or oil. Mini-nukes have the same destructive power or larger than the most massive conventional bombs.

The real deception here is believing that nukes are fake, it's a psyop that belongs to the same families of psyops as flat earth, dinosaurs are fake etc. These psyops date from the Cass Sunstein era under Obama, they were put in place to counter the growing truth movement that grew in an era of relatively unregulated high-speed internet.

The main premise for your deception, the idea that nukes are fake and were created in order to scare people just doesn't make sense, because there has not been a concerted effort to build up public fear of nuclear war since the 1980s. To the contrary, the public is actually being primed to become pro-war and to ignore the growing risks of nuclear escalation, because the PTB view nuclear war as a great way to cull the populace.

The main goal of the nukes are fake psyop is to divide the truther community and make us look stupid to normies.