Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

Sarmaticus has been given a 1-point warning for insulting another member. Furthermore bringing up a banned topic, flat earth, in an off-topic irrelevant manner, has earned him a 1-week ban from this thread.

Stay on topic, stay polite. I'm not really sure what the "truman show" reference was supposed to mean, but it didn't sound like an insult. That said, if someone brings up off-topic nonsense just hit the report button.
The Truman Show was a psyop movie that had the premise of one man's life being continually broadcast from birth until adulthood and he slowly unravels that his entire world is a movie set, including the sky and its a dome and such. The only aspect of the nuclear agenda which can parallel a "truman show" comparison is that of the Lookout Mountain studio sets, where yes, many "films" were faked using an array of practical effects and camera tricks. The Truman Show is more akin to mainstream media comparisons, and how absolutely everything they do is fake, whether it is scripted or staged.

Just when the thread was starting to get somewhere to a true discussion it became derailed. Funny how that always happens to these topics.
@Vas Incrementum

Let people have their opinions, I don't see their blanket statements as "poisoning the well" the way others do.
How am I not? Is it that what you mean, as seems to be the case, that people can simply post any old belief, no matter how fringe and controversial, offering nothing in support of said belief, without challenge? OK the Truman show reference was a bit mocking, but it's hard to take someone seriously who, just a few posts in, dumps that kind of post on us. If mods want to slap my wrist for that, I'll take it.

And as for FE, Roosh astutely called that one correctly in my opinion.

Something else I'm observing, those who hold such beliefs are often tightly wound. I went back over this thread after Paternos flounced and couldn't find one post that was malicious or even that insulting. I don't think it's healthy to be that invested in such ideas.
The nukes are fake psyop is another wicked Cass Sunstein cognitive infiltration psyop, these people are pretty good at this, got to give them some credit here.
If it smells like a jew, looks like a jew, and is talking like jew, chances are its a jew. Mr. Sunstein only got into Harvard because of faked testing scores anyhow. His premise of infiltrating "conspiracy-minded groups" predates him by about 91 years to one Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov who began this dialectic with the sentiment of "the best way to control the opposition is to lead it." Sunstein and his colleagues simply took a more subtle approach to defining a protocol for agencies to assist in corralling the narrative into their box away from others that threatened their house of cards. This tactic you speak of was required for damage control on 9/11 because word was getting out and the narrative was not held together as well in the early years as they thought it was.

"Nukes are fake" is not a psyop. It is a statement in direct defiance to this system. A power plant is not a nuke, a fission reactor is not a nuke, a radioisotope battery is not a nuke, yet these things all have practical, albeit limited usages. The jewish bomb isn't real. Hollywood jews even got everyone speaking their "nukes" lingo, just like how they got tens of millions of people to use Christ's name as a curse word every time they stub their toe or are late for a dermatologist's appointment.

Have you read Dr. Palmer's work? Did you look at any of the sources I posted? Have you considered the timeframe of this particular expose? People were questioning and ridiculing this concept in 1945, it is not new. You are making a statement without discussing what has been posted. This is not the same as JFK, 9/11, or the most recent (((January 6th))) nonsense, as it predates American government strategy for countering their narrative by almost an entire generation. Their only tactic back then was mass murder and covering it up after-the-fact. Kill anyone who questioned the narrative. Therefore it deserves more of an introspective view because it basically set the course for all the latter events to "not be questioned."

If anything, I am seeing a heavy presence of triggering the more facts get posted on this thread. I think I will post some more. The jewish mind that became a consultant to the overall project was known to be a phony everywhere, here another character weighs in on that:


This is Oppenheimer (white hat) at the 'Trinity' test site a few weeks after the alleged atomic test. This is supposed to be one of the legs of the tower where they planted the "device". None of them are afraid of radiation, the only protection these people are wearing are these little white booties. Look at the ground, it is cracked clay, it did not glass over. Mr "Become Death Destroyer of Worlds" was a fraud, like all jews. They put a bunch of TNT on a platform, set it off, made a mushroom cloud, and used their Hollywood scare tactics just like in everything else to distract people from understanding what the energy truly is used for, or to look beyond nuclear for even more powerful forms of free energy.

Think of places that would be ideal for nuclear energy like Hawaii who needs to import all fuel, and also Antarctica, both places have zero nuclear plants. Hawaii needs to import all its fossil fuels just for normal operation, not for any nuclear plants that it doesn’t have, but obviously it would be an ideal place to have nuclear plants because it would be far less expensive for them, like those bases in Antarctica that need to ship tons and tons of coal just to survive, a nuclear plant would be perfect there, but for some strange reason they are absent.

So since none of the proponents for the jewish hollywood bomb have provided any clear-cut explanation of natural sciences, I will do so myself.

Nuclear energy is real, but not all energy can be turned into a "bomb". Wood and coal are sources of energy, but they don't make bombs. TNT is a great bomb, because it is a solid that when ignited has a rapid chemical reaction that releases heat and the chemical reactions turns into a rapidly expanding gas. It's that rapidly expanding gas that create the "explosion".

In nuclear fission, you get heat, but you get no pressure wave, because there is no addition of gas being added to the air. If nuclear fission all occurred within a split second, which is false, because you need to reflect neutrons back into the mass of uranium/plutonium to continue the fission process. So with the fission - you get light, heat, and ionization. But the heat comes from such a small piece of matter, that that heat quickly dissipates in the surrounding air. For example we are told the "atom bombs" detonated at a height of 1800 yards. It is said the uranium/plutonium in the bombs reached temperatures of 100 million degrees celsius. Well one can calculate what the temperate would be at the ground 1800 yards away, about 2C. So it could never have lit anything on fire.

For a powerplant, you don't want a solid rapidly turning into gas, you want heat to boil water to drive a turbine. It's why we don't use TNT as fuel for power plants. Enriched uranium creates a chemical reaction that boils water, thats the steam one can see from the “reactors”.

In a TNT blast, the fuel (TNT) reacts with the oxygen in the air in a chemical reaction from a small input of energy that produces heat and new gases. In nuclear fission, there is no oxidizer, the uranium doesn't do anything with the air, there is no denser gas that displaces the air mixture in the surrounding atmosphere. So again, fission - very useful for boiling lots of water over a long period of time for turbines - exactly what you want for power plants, not so good for a bomb.

Anyone who posts claims without facts or evidence for either side of this exploration is clearly not looking deep enough.
I've never understood this "anti-space" attitude that some Christians seem to harbour. Didn't God create the heavens? And here you have some people saying that space is gay, in other words God's creation is gay! If the moon is a real place, which is basically scriptural, then what's the problem with believing that man can travel there? (and send satellites into space etc.)
If it smells like a jew, looks like a jew, and is talking like jew, chances are its a jew. Mr. Sunstein only got into Harvard because of faked testing scores anyhow. His premise of infiltrating "conspiracy-minded groups" predates him by about 91 years to one Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov who began this dialectic with the sentiment of "the best way to control the opposition is to lead it." Sunstein and his colleagues simply took a more subtle approach to defining a protocol for agencies to assist in corralling the narrative into their box away from others that threatened their house of cards. This tactic you speak of was required for damage control on 9/11 because word was getting out and the narrative was not held together as well in the early years as they thought it was.

"Nukes are fake" is not a psyop. It is a statement in direct defiance to this system. A power plant is not a nuke, a fission reactor is not a nuke, a radioisotope battery is not a nuke, yet these things all have practical, albeit limited usages. The jewish bomb isn't real. Hollywood jews even got everyone speaking their "nukes" lingo, just like how they got tens of millions of people to use Christ's name as a curse word every time they stub their toe or are late for a dermatologist's appointment.

Have you read Dr. Palmer's work? Did you look at any of the sources I posted? Have you considered the timeframe of this particular expose? People were questioning and ridiculing this concept in 1945, it is not new. You are making a statement without discussing what has been posted. This is not the same as JFK, 9/11, or the most recent (((January 6th))) nonsense, as it predates American government strategy for countering their narrative by almost an entire generation. Their only tactic back then was mass murder and covering it up after-the-fact. Kill anyone who questioned the narrative. Therefore it deserves more of an introspective view because it basically set the course for all the latter events to "not be questioned."

If anything, I am seeing a heavy presence of triggering the more facts get posted on this thread. I think I will post some more. The jewish mind that became a consultant to the overall project was known to be a phony everywhere, here another character weighs in on that:

View attachment 1145

View attachment 1146
This is Oppenheimer (white hat) at the 'Trinity' test site a few weeks after the alleged atomic test. This is supposed to be one of the legs of the tower where they planted the "device". None of them are afraid of radiation, the only protection these people are wearing are these little white booties. Look at the ground, it is cracked clay, it did not glass over. Mr "Become Death Destroyer of Worlds" was a fraud, like all jews. They put a bunch of TNT on a platform, set it off, made a mushroom cloud, and used their Hollywood scare tactics just like in everything else to distract people from understanding what the energy truly is used for, or to look beyond nuclear for even more powerful forms of free energy.

Think of places that would be ideal for nuclear energy like Hawaii who needs to import all fuel, and also Antarctica, both places have zero nuclear plants. Hawaii needs to import all its fossil fuels just for normal operation, not for any nuclear plants that it doesn’t have, but obviously it would be an ideal place to have nuclear plants because it would be far less expensive for them, like those bases in Antarctica that need to ship tons and tons of coal just to survive, a nuclear plant would be perfect there, but for some strange reason they are absent.

So since none of the proponents for the jewish hollywood bomb have provided any clear-cut explanation of natural sciences, I will do so myself.

Nuclear energy is real, but not all energy can be turned into a "bomb". Wood and coal are sources of energy, but they don't make bombs. TNT is a great bomb, because it is a solid that when ignited has a rapid chemical reaction that releases heat and the chemical reactions turns into a rapidly expanding gas. It's that rapidly expanding gas that create the "explosion".

In nuclear fission, you get heat, but you get no pressure wave, because there is no addition of gas being added to the air. If nuclear fission all occurred within a split second, which is false, because you need to reflect neutrons back into the mass of uranium/plutonium to continue the fission process. So with the fission - you get light, heat, and ionization. But the heat comes from such a small piece of matter, that that heat quickly dissipates in the surrounding air. For example we are told the "atom bombs" detonated at a height of 1800 yards. It is said the uranium/plutonium in the bombs reached temperatures of 100 million degrees celsius. Well one can calculate what the temperate would be at the ground 1800 yards away, about 2C. So it could never have lit anything on fire.

For a powerplant, you don't want a solid rapidly turning into gas, you want heat to boil water to drive a turbine. It's why we don't use TNT as fuel for power plants. Enriched uranium creates a chemical reaction that boils water, thats the steam one can see from the “reactors”.

In a TNT blast, the fuel (TNT) reacts with the oxygen in the air in a chemical reaction from a small input of energy that produces heat and new gases. In nuclear fission, there is no oxidizer, the uranium doesn't do anything with the air, there is no denser gas that displaces the air mixture in the surrounding atmosphere. So again, fission - very useful for boiling lots of water over a long period of time for turbines - exactly what you want for power plants, not so good for a bomb.

Anyone who posts claims without facts or evidence for either side of this exploration is clearly not looking deep enough.
MFtP, I'm interested in what you're saying and I'm not writing you off. I generally don't feel sure that things are true that I haven't seen with my own eyes and since I wasn't in Japan during the nuke attacks or on the Moon when the Apollo crafts landed, I can't say for sure that those things happened although I think they almost certainly did. The fact that a lot of guys here don't believe in those things doesn't bother me and I find their reasoning interesting, especially if detailed and well thought out like yours is.

I haven't had time to read through all the replies to this thread from the last day or so, so hopefully no one has responded to my main objection to the idea that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks were done with conventional incendiary weapons yet. That objection is that destroying a city with such weapons back during WW2 required attacks involving hundreds of planes. In the conventional narrative, the nuke attack on Hiroshima was the work of three airplanes. I think it was supposedly the same for Nagasaki, but I wasn't able to find exact information. If both cities were largely destroyed with conventional weapons there must have been hundreds of planes in the air over them on those days and survivors must have noticed that, but I've never heard a claim contradicting the narrative that those attacks were carried out by a small handful of planes. Are there any such claims?
The thing about the American nukes is they were tested near Las Vegas above ground for over a decade, and were used by Vegas as a tourist attraction. 100s of 1000s of people watched the skies light up followed by a mushroom cloud, with about 100 tests over more than a decade. Thousands actually worked at the test site. The tests were part of the cultural identity of that area for a generation. A forum member's father was present at a nuclear test.

Even if Hiroshima and Nagasaki were faked, the nukes in Nevada were real and public.

Also, I don't trust the accuracy of those sources claiming the WWII nukes didn't happen. I would class these sourcres with people providing evidence for bigfoot, ufos, and ancient aliens. I think it is made up.

Not sure if you mean me, but my grandfather was at a test in the Pacific. I still have the photograph of the event.

His words when he saw the explosion? "Unbelievable", as he shook his head showing me picture...
Not sure if you mean me, but my grandfather was at a test in the Pacific. I still have the photograph of the event.

His words when he saw the explosion? "Unbelievable", as he shook his head showing me picture...
Actually it wasn't you. I can't remember if the other member posted it on Matrix or here, but I don't want to name him in case he doesn't want to be drawn into my arguments. That makes two on the forum that know a trustworthy witness closely.
The next step on the side that says nukes are fake is going to be discount the grandfather saying that he was either in on the scheme or that he was shown something fake as part of the deception. It's going to start getting into personal territory and people accusing each other's eyewitnesses as being unreliable or compromised. The people saying that nuke are fake will say homersheineken's grandfather was either lying or fooled with the people saying nukes are real will say the witnesses and experts quoted in the Dr. Palmer book that MusicForThePiano brought up are unreliable or just being skeptical for the sake of being skeptical.

It seems like the best way to continue the debate is to focus on the science behind radiation, nuclear fission, and to see if nukes are at least theoretically possible. Concerning specifically the bombs in Japan, what needs to be debate is what was observed during the bombing and the after-effects of the bombing such as the radiation sickness and fallout and seeing if it lines up with what we know about the science. MusicAtThePiano had some points that related to that and I think it would be the best course to debate those.
The next step on the side that says nukes are fake is going to be discount the grandfather saying that he was either in on the scheme or that he was shown something fake as part of the deception. It's going to start getting into personal territory and people accusing each other's eyewitnesses as being unreliable or compromised. The people saying that nuke are fake will say homersheineken's grandfather was either lying or fooled with the people saying nukes are real will say the witnesses and experts quoted in the Dr. Palmer book that MusicForThePiano brought up are unreliable or just being skeptical for the sake of being skeptical.

It seems like the best way to continue the debate is to focus on the science behind radiation, nuclear fission, and to see if nukes are at least theoretically possible. Concerning specifically the bombs in Japan, what needs to be debate is what was observed during the bombing and the after-effects of the bombing such as the radiation sickness and fallout and seeing if it lines up with what we know about the science. MusicAtThePiano had some points that related to that and I think it would be the best course to debate those.
I wouldn't go that far as to call someone's grandfather a liar simply for saying they saw an explosion. Many times we see things and are given an explanation and it is not a 100% match in terms of a proper truthful description of what actually happened by those giving the information. The event and the memory happened, there were many explosions where witnesses were present to view it, but it was not of explosive fissile material, it was a large gathering of conventional TNT. The films produced by Disney in the 1950s are highly suspicious, as is the "footage" of the early desert tests where they make these claims about the epicenter being hotter than and the flash being brighter than the sun by a hundred-fold lumen measurement. As for the two films posted earlier, there were no cameras at the 150m underwater detonation, which people make all kinds of excuses for what happened in the water as to why there are no waves. If that film is 100% real the way the explosive cloud released from the water is similar to a depth-charge also combined with TNT. The one with all the boats also appears to be on some kind of grainy 16mm roll, when they clearly had 35mm available that would have shown the models much clearer. That reminds me of the difference in depictions between actual footage and artist renderings, like in the event of the USS Maine, where the cartoon rendition showed all these sailors being thrown around like rag dolls after the explosion, when the real pictures it was just some old piece of flotsam from some former boat sitting in the water.

People have a very hard time distinguishing what is real and what is a special effect. Let's take a look at this aspect.

People are hyper-focusing on the films and witnesses and not the explosions themselves. Mushroom clouds existed long before uranium was ever enriched. There is too much deception with the collusion of the US Government, Hollywood, and the jewish nepotistic "Manhattan Project" for me to take their official without a serious investigation into all components of this agenda.

Here are some other mushroom clouds we have all seen that look more ominous than the test-site detonations where witnesses were allowed to view, either from up-close or far away:

The Beirut Lebanon bombing:

Russians blowing Kherson's Antonovsky bridge during withdrawal:

Massive mushroom cloud after Russians strike on AFU weapons depot:

Even the 9/11 post-collapse had a mushroom-cloud shape, though its highly doubtful controlled-demolition could do this just by itself, there had to be additional explosive material to further clutter the evidence that could be discovered by investigations that took place afterwards:

Now compare these actual mushroom clouds to the ones witnesses were allowed to attend in the US, starting with the Nevada events:

This is taken from downtown Las Vegas, between the Golden Nugget and the Hotel Fremont. This is either a MOAB or a blockbuster bomb that was used in WW2 to take out entire neighborhoods. This is a conventional warhead, it does not compare to anything we see in the propaganda.

The description also says that it is "larger than Hiroshima," Is it? Hmm, let's take a look at the alleged Hiroshima bombing:
I don't know about you, but that one looks definitely larger than the one in the Nevada desert. It also is photoshopped. The mushroom cloud breaks in the middle and the stalk looks strange.

People used to go buy tickets to witness the "nukes" at the atomic sites. Lets see them from the witness viewing area:
This is a conventional device. It looks nothing like the propaganda images of fiery dragon-breath mushroom caps illuminating the clouds like this one:

Was any of the public invited to watch this one? Of course not. This is straight from Hollywood, from Lookout Mountain Studios in California. This was seen on TV. "People saw real nukes," is derived from a confusion of the live explosions crossed with what they saw on television.

Here is yet another one seen from Las Vegas:
You've got the cowboy, the pioneer club, and a small little cloud in the distance. What is that? Another kind of conventional device going off, yet they had an artist come in and make a post card rendition of this, look at the not-so-subtle differences:

Nice massive inferno mushroom-cloud touch, nothing like the real image. And where are all the streamers? Look at this one, which was only on TV:


This happened on an alleged military base that was really a film production set, all the witnesses are controlled. The image itself is also a layering, the people in the ditches are not even on the same set as the explosion effect. Look at the streamers, all the televised nuclear events had streamers going up and down, yet none were at the publicly-witnessed Nevada events. Here is another example:


The public bought a ticket and went out to see a 'nuke'. Where are the streamers? Where are all the fire-breathing magical special effects? There are none, because this is a conventional device going off. These people got duped and bought a ticket to go watch a bunch of dynamite blow up.

Again another televised / filmed explosion with no witnesses:

Notice the streamers yet again here, as well as the infernal effect of the mushroom cloud. This is a special effect here, this is not a real mushroom cloud. Also brought to you by Lookout Mountain Studios in Hollywood, California.

Now let's look at the Yucca Flat test site itself where all these alleged explosions happened, the test site near what people call 'Area 51':
This is where they let off all those "nukes" one could see from Las Vegas, see the craters, that's where they detonated all the TNT. They have people down in the crater, there is no radiation here. And look in the corner, the base is right there, people work there every day amongst all these radioactive craters? There's no radioactive fallout, the real secret of this area is because they don't want people taking their geiger-counter out there and seeing how its all bs. 900 Nuclear tests? Most irradiated area ever, and never evacuated anyone? The American propaganda always tricks you with the artists renditions and the magnificent fire-breathing clouds, while all the public displays were standard ordinary conventional warheads going off making a small mushroom cloud that is unimpressive. That is the difference, and that's what the witnesses saw in and around Las Vegas.

Don't be fooled by the movies, every time one turns on the TV they're watching one, especially if its the news.
The next step on the side that says nukes are fake is going to be discount the grandfather saying that he was either in on the scheme or that he was shown something fake as part of the deception. It's going to start getting into personal territory and people accusing each other's eyewitnesses as being unreliable or compromised.
When I read this my first thought was the later: what was witnessed will be explained through a no nukes filter. And Music for the Piano didn't let me down. Grandpa couldn't discern the difference between the explosive power of a whole bunch of TNT, an explosive he likely witnessed many times in battle, and something of a whole other scale of bang.
^The Beirut explosion was an Israeli micronuke attack. It was meant to send a signal to Hizbollah and other Arab nations. The fertilizer stored provided a perfect cover for their attack, they had complete deniability. We also know it was a bomb because Trump revealed it in one of his more notable moments of Washington outsider candor.

The twin tower explosions also might have been Israeli micronukes, 1 in each tower. The buildings were loaded with nanothermite, but that alone wouldn't have created the symmetrical mushroom explosion pattern in which large steel beam flew out, projected at very high speeds.

Another very strong argument for the existence of nuclear weapons is that they have been a remarkably good tool for dissuasion, the reason why conventionally stronger countries like India don't invade Pakistan, or why the US didn't dare attack Russia back in the 00s when it was a lot weaker than today.
I wouldn't go that far as to call someone's grandfather a liar simply for saying they saw an explosion. Many times we see things and are given an explanation and it is not a 100% match in terms of a proper truthful description of what actually happened by those giving the information. The event and the memory happened, there were many explosions where witnesses were present to view it, but it was not of explosive fissile material, it was a large gathering of conventional TNT. The films produced by Disney in the 1950s are highly suspicious, as is the "footage" of the early desert tests where they make these claims about the epicenter being hotter than and the flash being brighter than the sun by a hundred-fold lumen measurement. As for the two films posted earlier, there were no cameras at the 150m underwater detonation, which people make all kinds of excuses for what happened in the water as to why there are no waves. If that film is 100% real the way the explosive cloud released from the water is similar to a depth-charge also combined with TNT. The one with all the boats also appears to be on some kind of grainy 16mm roll, when they clearly had 35mm available that would have shown the models much clearer. That reminds me of the difference in depictions between actual footage and artist renderings, like in the event of the USS Maine, where the cartoon rendition showed all these sailors being thrown around like rag dolls after the explosion, when the real pictures it was just some old piece of flotsam from some former boat sitting in the water.

People have a very hard time distinguishing what is real and what is a special effect. Let's take a look at this aspect.

People are hyper-focusing on the films and witnesses and not the explosions themselves. Mushroom clouds existed long before uranium was ever enriched. There is too much deception with the collusion of the US Government, Hollywood, and the jewish nepotistic "Manhattan Project" for me to take their official without a serious investigation into all components of this agenda.

Here are some other mushroom clouds we have all seen that look more ominous than the test-site detonations where witnesses were allowed to view, either from up-close or far away:

The Beirut Lebanon bombing:

Russians blowing Kherson's Antonovsky bridge during withdrawal:

Massive mushroom cloud after Russians strike on AFU weapons depot:

Even the 9/11 post-collapse had a mushroom-cloud shape, though its highly doubtful controlled-demolition could do this just by itself, there had to be additional explosive material to further clutter the evidence that could be discovered by investigations that took place afterwards:

Now compare these actual mushroom clouds to the ones witnesses were allowed to attend in the US, starting with the Nevada events:

View attachment 1161
This is taken from downtown Las Vegas, between the Golden Nugget and the Hotel Fremont. This is either a MOAB or a blockbuster bomb that was used in WW2 to take out entire neighborhoods. This is a conventional warhead, it does not compare to anything we see in the propaganda.

The description also says that it is "larger than Hiroshima," Is it? Hmm, let's take a look at the alleged Hiroshima bombing:
View attachment 1162
I don't know about you, but that one looks definitely larger than the one in the Nevada desert. It also is photoshopped. The mushroom cloud breaks in the middle and the stalk looks strange.

People used to go buy tickets to witness the "nukes" at the atomic sites. Lets see them from the witness viewing area:
View attachment 1163
This is a conventional device. It looks nothing like the propaganda images of fiery dragon-breath mushroom caps illuminating the clouds like this one:

View attachment 1164
Was any of the public invited to watch this one? Of course not. This is straight from Hollywood, from Lookout Mountain Studios in California. This was seen on TV. "People saw real nukes," is derived from a confusion of the live explosions crossed with what they saw on television.

Here is yet another one seen from Las Vegas:
View attachment 1165
You've got the cowboy, the pioneer club, and a small little cloud in the distance. What is that? Another kind of conventional device going off, yet they had an artist come in and make a post card rendition of this, look at the not-so-subtle differences:

View attachment 1166
Nice massive inferno mushroom-cloud touch, nothing like the real image. And where are all the streamers? Look at this one, which was only on TV:

View attachment 1167

This happened on an alleged military base that was really a film production set, all the witnesses are controlled. The image itself is also a layering, the people in the ditches are not even on the same set as the explosion effect. Look at the streamers, all the televised nuclear events had streamers going up and down, yet none were at the publicly-witnessed Nevada events. Here is another example:

View attachment 1168

The public bought a ticket and went out to see a 'nuke'. Where are the streamers? Where are all the fire-breathing magical special effects? There are none, because this is a conventional device going off. These people got duped and bought a ticket to go watch a bunch of dynamite blow up.

Again another televised / filmed explosion with no witnesses:

View attachment 1169
Notice the streamers yet again here, as well as the infernal effect of the mushroom cloud. This is a special effect here, this is not a real mushroom cloud. Also brought to you by Lookout Mountain Studios in Hollywood, California.

Now let's look at the Yucca Flat test site itself where all these alleged explosions happened, the test site near what people call 'Area 51':
View attachment 1170
This is where they let off all those "nukes" one could see from Las Vegas, see the craters, that's where they detonated all the TNT. They have people down in the crater, there is no radiation here. And look in the corner, the base is right there, people work there every day amongst all these radioactive craters? There's no radioactive fallout, the real secret of this area is because they don't want people taking their geiger-counter out there and seeing how its all bs. 900 Nuclear tests? Most irradiated area ever, and never evacuated anyone? The American propaganda always tricks you with the artists renditions and the magnificent fire-breathing clouds, while all the public displays were standard ordinary conventional warheads going off making a small mushroom cloud that is unimpressive. That is the difference, and that's what the witnesses saw in and around Las Vegas.

Don't be fooled by the movies, every time one turns on the TV they're watching one, especially if its the news.

Please reply to the underwater tests posted by me and another member which you haven't replied to.
^The Beirut explosion was an Israeli micronuke attack. It was meant to send a signal to Hizbollah and other Arab nations. The fertilizer stored provided a perfect cover for their attack, they had complete deniability. We also know it was a bomb because Trump revealed it in one of his more notable moments of Washington outsider candor.

The twin tower explosions also might have been Israeli micronukes, 1 in each tower. The buildings were loaded with nanothermite, but that alone wouldn't have created the symmetrical mushroom explosion pattern in which large steel beam flew out, projected at very high speeds.

Another very strong argument for the existence of nuclear weapons is that they have been a remarkably good tool for dissuasion, the reason why conventionally stronger countries like India don't invade Pakistan, or why the US didn't dare attack Russia back in the 00s when it was a lot weaker than today.
Yes, the Beirut event was certainly a missile carrying a payload of considerable firepower, but who is to say that there weren't explosives at the storage already which merely amplified it? I think we are in agreeance on 9/11, for the most part, however when you say "micronuke" are you implying that these are explosive warheads based off of quantum mechanics involving splitting the atom, or another type of ordinance? There is no question that the powers that be have ballistics with tremendous explosive capacity, but there are so many different possibilities for creating explosions of incredible destructive magnitude. The British RAF alone manufactured over 40 "Grand Slam" bombs, each one weighing 22,000 lbs and having the destructive power of 10 tons of TNT combined with Amatol. These explosions were enormous in themselves. It seems like its time to explain these other types of bombs. I will go into more than just the "bundle of TNT" because I think more details are needed here, even from my standpoint.

The first that comes to mind is ANFO, or ammonium nitrate fuel oil, widely used in mining, produces a large volume of gas when detonated. This one is possible for Beirut and "nuke" testing. C-4, or composition-4 a plastic explosive made of RDX (don't be googling this or you'll be under surveillance for sure) aka cyclo-trimethelyene-trinitramine, plasticizer, and sometimes rubber, which results in a precise explosion for demolition work (definitely 9/11 applicable). C-4, if in a controlled setting, could create a mushroom-cloud shape with the right shaping and containment.

Then there's Semtex, made from RDX & PETN, also with plasticizers and stabilizers, which is more 9/11 applicable than C-4 because it's known to be less prone to accidental detonation (in which case it could have been installed weeks or months earlier). Semtex could be molded and shaped to create a visually-striking explosion resembling a mushroom cloud.

Then there's regular dynamite, but also tannerite, a binary explosive made from ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder, but requires a high-velocity impact, like a bullet or some kind of pressure trigger, to detonate. It does have a blast but not the shockwave effect, so unlikely for Beirut or 9/11 or "nuke" testing. There is also Hexogen, which is primarily used by militaries and non-military groups for shape charges, enough of this could produce the shockwave seen in the Beirut event.

Then you have one that no one ever seems to mention, and this is where the demolition specialists come in. Utilizing a combination of certain high explosives, like ammonium-nitrate based mixtures, which produce large fireballs and plumes of smoke, as well as Fuel-Air Explosives (FAEs) which disperse a cloud of fuel that is either liquid or powder into the air and ignite it resulting in significant fireballs and shockwaves, together would produce a visually impactful and impressive explosion. For the public viewings, in the pictures I posted it is clearly non-nuclear, but for the effects on the films, they used pyrotechnics. The visuals one can create with this artform are endless.

For those who don't know, FAEs are also known as thermobaric weapons, a type of explosive that relies on the atmospheric oxygen to enhance the blast effect.

I can think of a dozen other explosive materials but none of them would apply to the scenarios of duping the public or creating a singular collective blast powerful enough to either display the alleged heat, light, and shockwave capabilities which are erroneously given to the Hollywood bomb.

Your geopolitical analysis is inquisitive, but it falls short of understanding the world order set up in 1945. Nothing has been the same since before then. This is one world order, one world government, even in its still ongoing birthing pangs of assimilating cultures and erasing borders, and because it was built on the bodies of billions, it is as representative of corruption and deception on the outside as it is of rotten flesh and soulless husks on the inside. There is one money system that runs this world at the top, and one tribe that benefits from the collective misery of all, and the actions of all state actors ultimately serve the end goals of this small group.

From the Titanic to 9/11 the public has been fed one pantomime after another. If one accepts that FDR had foreknowledge of the bombing at Pearl Harbor, that maybe one might want to leave room for the possibility that his propaganda machine, the largest at that time, might have created the myth of atomic bombs. After the war, Operation Dominic in the Yukon, as well as Operation Greenhouse were all heavily built up as part of this propaganda.

The next time one hears a politician justifying the invasion of a country based on the idea that they supposedly have weapons of mass destruction, which we may hear again soon, realize that they are not only lying about the other country possessing weapons of mass destruction, they also may be lying about the very existence of weapons of mass destruction, which they know nothing better of. The military-industrial complex finds it convenient to perpetuate the myth of nuclear weapons to exploit the American people. Does anyone here expect the ransacking of trillions of dollars from the American people is to cover up something legitimate and true?

What needs to be debated now is the idea of atom splitting. This has not been addressed yet. What is apparent from Heisenberg's own statements after hearing about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was that the (((Manhattan Project))) team encountered fundamental limitations in their understanding of quantum physics. The theoretical predictions of nuclear fission reactions deviated significantly from experimental results, preventing the successful development of a working atomic bomb.

And with the evidence from Dr. Palmer's work, it is apparent that this endeavor faced insurmountable technical challenges in the construction of the necessary components for a bomb. Critical technologies, such as the development of a reliable detonator or the production of fissile material, proved far more difficult than anticipated, as they did not have the enriched uranium ready until 1947.

If anyone is hellbent in believing that man has the power to destroy the earth with the push of a button, and the only reason it hasn't happened is because of the coordinated geopolitical military arms standoff and the excuse of the notion of Mutually Assured Destruction, then I would reassess your faith. Man, if given that power, would have already ended all life in our own folly. The idea that all supposedly nuclear-armed nations fear their own nuclear destruction too much to try to destroy another, and so we live in perpetual nuclear peace in a world of continuous conventional war begets questioning. When convincing your enemy or your public, you've got them achieving the same ends. It's both out in the open and contained at the same time. They are so secretive about all their other weapon systems, HAARP, Directed Energy, Rails, Coils, and other Kinetic weapons, "Rods from God" weapons. 'Nuclear weapons' are for sure weapons of propaganda, designed to fill the public with fear. The Hollywood bomb hoax thrives on secrecy, one of its main purposes is to create an apparent need for extreme secrecy within the government and the MIC.

One of the main purposes for the creation of the myth of nuclear weapons was the rise of the secret services. FDR's additional $500 million dollar budget he bestowed upon the project in 1942 also was a huge profiteering venture, but to what end? Huge industrial facilities were commissioned and built without any significant evidence a deliverable bomb was possible. There always was doubt that nuclear fuel could be produced in sufficient quantities whilst maintaining a pure product. Though Plutonium may exist in theory, it is likely that it can only be produced in trace quantities but not in sufficient quantity or purity to establish what it's attributes are, knowing that would be required for a bomb. The qualities of plutonium are highly convenient, not only is it highly fissionable, but also castable and machinable, qualities that were improved by alloying plutonium with gallium, although other elements were tried (gallium also supposedly lowers the susceptibility of plutonium to corrosion).

The explosions were mostly created using large towers of hundreds to thousands of tons of TNT. A short time before the trinity test, they detonated one such tower of 108 tons of TNT, the trinity test was a larger test of around 1,018 tons. How big is this explosion? How big one perceives it to be depends on how far the perception of its distance is to the viewer, and what there is to compare it to. The myth of the blinding light that supposedly makes nuclear bombs different from conventional bombs is achieved using floodlighting, mirrors, or burning magnesium within the explosion itself. Most witnesses were never actually seeing these blinding lights, as they were often told to cover their eyes and turn their backs. Often the illusion was reinforced with protective goggles and clothing. The footage is generally put together using footage of smaller explosions without anything in the shot to provide size comparison, mixed with footage of the sun, sunsets, and clouds using time-lapse photography. There is little to no unedited footage provided to the public, and almost all of the footage has cuts, to shots of observers or shots illustrating the supposed destructive force, and back again to footage of the developing aftermath of the explosion, and then away again, and back again. So the public does not see a nuclear explosion, complete as one continuous sequence. The FAEs could easily be mistaken, up close or from far away, for much larger or mythical nuclear bombs.

@RedLagoon Yes, as for the underwater tests, for "Operation Crossroads" it was first Abel, and for the video earlier in the thread, it was specifically Baker at Bikini Atoll, a similar but slightly different explanation can describe the effects we are seeing in the video, provided that the video is not a production of Lookout Mountain Studios. The supposed purpose of Operation Crossroads was to "test the effect of nukes on military hardware". I will first go with the premise that the video is a real explosion for this explanation, but what we are seeing is not the result of an Mk-3 plutonium bomb, which is what allegedly detonated underwater there. The first test, Abel, supposedly dropped from a plane, was likely a large conventional bomb. Baker, the much larger explosion, was large amounts of submerged explosives, and the effects seen could be achieved by the following:

The way in which the Baker explosion was likely done was with a large enough amount of tonnage of a mixture of TNT and ammonium nitrate to create an explosion with a shockwave large enough to vaporize the water. The explosive device would need to be designed to initiate a symmetrical explosion placed at a specific depth beneath the water surface. This explosion would create a shockwave that travels through the water, and as this wave interacts with the water, there would be an upward movement of water, the formation of a visible cloud or plume, and the creation of a gas cavity would appear. The collapse of the gas cavity, simulating the bubble pulse, results from the dynamic interaction of the explosion with the water.

Understanding the properties of explosives, shockwave dynamics, and its interaction with water is not a very simple ordeal, to those without the experience. Other than TNT & ANFO, the other two possibilities for creating this kind of large blast would involve using either large quantities of "Composition B" (basically just TNT & RDX) or augmenting it with amounts of Detonation Cord, a flexible explosive cord consisting of a core of high explosives.

The second explanation surrounding the footages, both Operation Crossroads, among the other US ventures, as well as the Soviet films, would be involving the methods used by Lookout Mountain Studios, which I could describe in vivid detail and accurate film terminology but would have to be another post as it will be quite lengthy.
Actually it wasn't you. I can't remember if the other member posted it on Matrix or here, but I don't want to name him in case he doesn't want to be drawn into my arguments. That makes two on the forum that know a trustworthy witness closely.
I think you are referring to my previous post in this thread.
Yes my Dad was at the British tests in the Pacific.

Whats interesting about that is that there is still a lot of division between the people that were there - as I pointed out in that post.
If people have any familiarity with the services they won't be surprised to find out that there can be a lot of enmity and division between people in different service arms or even different people in the same regiment.
See how many Navy engineer ratings get on with ship's Navigators... usually they don't.

The issue for my father was that he went to see (edit - Sea) at 15 and initially enlisted in non-combatant roles as part of Britain's auxiliary forces, which was a relief to those he left behind.
But military planning being what it was, he soon found himself in Britain's small wars around the globs and, basically, getting shot to sh*t by people who really, really did not want British soldiery in their land. As a young teenager that had a profound effect on him.

The issue with the nuclear tests was that many of the manpower sent were from auxiliary arms and unused to things like combat operations.
Some others had just come from fighting in-theatre elsewhere.
So there was a big split between those for whom it would be one of the most spectacular events that they would attend/witness and those for whom it was quite easy and risk free and glad of the pay but they wanted to get home and didn't care for how easily impressed by things the auxiliary types were.

I've never seen a nuclear explosion so what do I know? I just inherited my dad's disdain for those without combat experience who later said that they were "x-rayed" and could see all the bones in their body .. or those who claimed later that it was like "sitting inside the sun" (see previous post)
I could see the test had an effect on my father all the same, just as many military experiences affect people who don't wish to talk about them that much thereafter.
Others may have family who expressed a different take on those tests, Im not here to dispute or counter the in-person experiences of anyone else's relative.
I hope that my previous post pointed out there is controversy and disagreement even amongst those who were there and who do not even think to question the reality of nuclear weapons.

As far as MFTP's posts go - I find them interesting. I try and read them with an open mind. I don't have a strong view on the subject. I don't feel that they belittle experiences within my own family. or anything like that
He's claiming people mistook the origin of a huge quantity of explosive force. The might be a mistaken theory but I don't find it offensive.
Let people discuss and see what they think, within a container of frank and respectful opinions.
I think the strongest case for the nukes are fake argument would be the things such as enriched uranium apparently not being available until after the war was over or if the physics/chemistry of the time allowed for something like the atomic bomb being created. I was also going to add the question about whether mass dynamite is capable of the destruction that was done in Japan but then I recall someone earlier in the thread brought up there would have to be a mass amount of US planes to be able to drop the amount of dynamite and it seems like no one is saying that there was eyewitnesses saying that there was a large amount of planes spotted dropping bombs in the same way we saw with other firebombings during WW2. The quote is below:

For the guys who are more on the side of nukes not existing, are there any accounts of from survivors at Hiroshima and Nagasaki that contradict the official narrative that only three planes were used in the attack against Hiroshima? I think it was a similar number against Nagasaki, but I couldn't find exact information. Hundreds of B-29s dropped incendiary bombs on Tokyo during Operation Meetinghouse to achieve destruction similar to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Seems like it would be impossible to note the difference between three planes and almost 100x as many, and hard to completely suppress accounts of a such a massive raid from survivors when supposedly just a few planes were used.

As for the photos MusicForThePiano posted above, I'm not convinced that the photos of the civilians watching the bombs go off is convincing proof of how those explosions were just regular conventional bombs. The photos are way lower quality compared to the photos that are screenshots of the explosions and it's also not indicated in those black and white photos what stage of the explosion we are seeing - could be something early on hence why the cloud don't look as big. In the Las Vegas bomb picture, it looks like explosion was being seen from 60,000 feet away in downtown Las Vegas so of course the cloud is going to look smaller there.

There's also the additional issue of why the US govt would bother allowing people to attend these public viewings of the bombs exploding if there is going to be such an obvious difference what these people are seeing live and what they would have been able to easily watch on TV later. If the government was faking everything about the atomic bomb, it seems illogical to allow large groups of people to be able to view one of those bombings live and compare it to something shown on TV later on if the government already knows there's going to be a huge difference between what his shown on TV and what is being viewed live.
All of the public viewings could have been fake propaganda, I don't rule it out. They may have just used TNT because it was cheaper than a nuke, and it was open to the public to make the public believe in the US military as well as inspire fear abroad.

None of this means nukes are fake, however, and still no one has bothered to explain the Russia Tsar Bomb test footage or the underwater nuke explosions.

Just because the US Gov lies about tons of things doesn't mean the entire world is lying about nukes.
Was flipping through the posts without reading (not curious enough) but noticed this:
In a TNT blast, the fuel (TNT) reacts with the oxygen in the air in a chemical reaction from a small input of energy that produces heat and new gases.
It does not react with oxygen from the air or anything else from the air everything it needs to explode is contained within itself.
It is a decomposition of sorts, as detailed here: