Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

This might be the most questionable example of instinctive "Russia good/America bad" thinking I've ever seen. What exactly about the Russian test footage do you find more convincing than the American footage? And supposing you're somehow right, would Chinese, British, French, Indian, etc. nukes be of the real Russian variety or the fake American variety?
The thing about the American nukes is they were tested near Las Vegas above ground for over a decade, and were used by Vegas as a tourist attraction. 100s of 1000s of people watched the skies light up followed by a mushroom cloud, with about 100 tests over more than a decade. Thousands actually worked at the test site. The tests were part of the cultural identity of that area for a generation. A forum member's father was present at a nuclear test.

Even if Hiroshima and Nagasaki were faked, the nukes in Nevada were real and public.

Also, I don't trust the accuracy of those sources claiming the WWII nukes didn't happen. I would class these sourcres with people providing evidence for bigfoot, ufos, and ancient aliens. I think it is made up.
Let us continue this thread with evidence.

I have read a couple books (not sure of their validity, this was in my more normie days) specifically The Dead Hand by David Hoffman and Command and Control by Eric Schlosser that were both lauding over the fact that the United States is tremendously lucky they did not nuke themselves in their race to arm the country.

Specifically there was the Damascus Incident: where an ICBM blew up in its silo and the warhead was left intact.

There were various other incidents where munitions were mishandled but this was the most glaring.
The thing about the American nukes is they were tested new Las Vegas above groud for over a decade, and were used by Vegas as a tourist attraction. 100s of 1000s of people watched the skies light up followed by a mushroom cloud, with about 100 tests over more than a decade. Thousands actually worked at the test site. The tests were part of the cultural identity of that area for a generation. A forum member's father was present at a nuclear test.

Even if Hiroshima and Nagasaki were faked, the nukes in Nevada were real and public.

Also, I don't trust the accuracy of those sources claiming the WWII nukes didn't happen. I would class these sourcres with people providing evidence for bigfoot, ufos, and ancient aliens. I think it is made up.
I agree with you, but I try to be open minded about pretty much every thing. For example, I think the argument from the guys who strongly believe nuclear weapons don't exist would be that those tourist attraction nuclear tests in Nevada were just powerful conventional bombs. To be fair, those can create impressive mushroom clouds. How they would explain the radiation I don't know, but there's always an explanation if you want to believe something. Remember how everyone on RVF was convinced that the Supreme Court would overturn Biden's win?

On the other hand, the idea that the Soviets would have been able to figure out making nuclear weapons but not the Americans for some reason is one of the least likely ideas I've ever heard. I get being a Russophile. I'm one myself. I'm conversational in Russian and have several Russian friends, and spent years living over there and love Russia, but the idea that Russians are vastly superior to Americans or anyone else to that extent is...keeping it civil here...highly doubtful.
The thing about the American nukes is they were tested near Las Vegas above ground for over a decade, and were used by Vegas as a tourist attraction. 100s of 1000s of people watched the skies light up followed by a mushroom cloud, with about 100 tests over more than a decade. Thousands actually worked at the test site. The tests were part of the cultural identity of that area for a generation. A forum member's father was present at a nuclear test.

Even if Hiroshima and Nagasaki were faked, the nukes in Nevada were real and public.

Also, I don't trust the accuracy of those sources claiming the WWII nukes didn't happen. I would class these sourcres with people providing evidence for bigfoot, ufos, and ancient aliens. I think it is made up.
What about Palmer's work seems made-up? These are accurate metrics of measurement and historical cataloguing surrounding the forced nuclear agenda, which was intended to be beefed up from the side of the early deep state against a shell-shocked world tired of fighting. The official narrative surrounding the construction of these bombs is full of holes and begets more questions similar to the other kooky theories you mentioned. Jew Oppenheimer replaces everyone and suddenly the Manhattan project becomes successful? The insiders wouldn't allow Einstein near this secret work because they knew he was a fraud.

Instead of saying that "the sources that say WWII nukes didn't happen" look at it as "the sources that provide a clearer picture of massive wartime events." I would never accept the posit that it is a lie simply because many other things are a lie. I need to see proof, or at least verifiable evidence of the opposing force. Most normal gentiles do not look to understand both the intricacies of physics, chemistry, in conjunction with government bureaucracy coupled with Khazarian nepotism.

Back to the scientific observations. The chain reaction in Nuclear Power plants runs slowly, the result is steady energy for a long time. A nuclear explosion is also possible. It delivers extreme heat for a short time. I t just doesn't destroy entire cities like they show in movies and radiation has only short lived effects. I suggest you visit Bakersfield California or the testing sites in Nevada. Also Ukraine Chernobyl is highly recommended. If radiation was truly to be a problem, then it would be a desert without vegetation.

The sources I provided do not dispute the existence of nuclear power plants. What is disputed are the Hollywood bombs that wipe out entire cities and radiate the environment for 10000 years. We are told on our textbooks that the chain reaction is so quick to produce energy, which then results in a nuclear explosion. I also do not dispute that. We saw what happened in Fukushima and Chernobyl. The reactors quickly overheated (fission) and they released nuclear material which then contaminated the local environment. I as well do not dispute any of this. All this can be scientifically proven.

What we did not see? Mass destruction. A hazardous wave of radiation. The die off of all vegetation and life for at least 10000 years, a significant increase in cancers and other ailments which are said to appear together with exposure of radiation. We also did not see mushroom cloud explosions. We did not see a heatwave burning everything to the ground within a 100mile radius. This is what made me wonder at the time the explosion in Fukushima happened. I was in Tokyo around that time. Friends of mine left the city. They were all non-Japanese foreigners. They panicked, while the Japanese didn't care at all. Japanese were talking about their failing economy and their worries about China becoming a greater superpower. This is what made me think and research. I then went to Bakersfield California, where Mexicans were farming oranges at a former nuclear testing site. The oranges were quite good and this raised further questions.

I then checked what it was about with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both cities were not contaminated at all. They returned to normal just 10 years after the explosion and there is a buzzing city in Hiroshima nowadays, and the site where the bomb was dropped is not a park inside the city. So what happened to 10000 yeas of contamination. Then I found Dr. Palmer's work and everything clicked. Another friend of mine travels to Chernobyl Ukraine every other year. He is a west German so he believes the propaganda (can't help everyone). But he couldn't explain to me, why there is lush vegetation and flourishing wildlife happening there instead of finding barren land as we can even see many years after a chemical plant has been broken down. Some contaminated areas take decades to show a recovering vegetation. I then began to wonder why is it that so called nuclear powers, countries which possess an arsenal of nuclear weapons are always the most populous nations. Why on the other hand most of these countries seem to have developed nuclear bombs but are unable to build their own nuclear power plants? China for example, North Korea, Pakistan. There are 2 nuclear power plants in China. One is in the City where my friend lives. It was built by the French. The other is new in Hong Kong and was built by the US. Why can't China built it's own to power Beijing? Why is Beijing still coal powered?

I really spent some time analyzing the topic. I also regularly went swimming next to the Haiyan power plant in Jiaxing. I also understand that when you eat Himalayan salt, they always have pieces of radioactive material in it. You can use a geiger-counter. I often ate a piece and nothing happened. I then also watched the video by Galen Windsor, a nuclear safety officer responsible for controlling nuclear fuel inventory for all major projects, who then confirmed that most what we see is just to develop a universal scare crow.

"Galen Windsor: The Nuclear Scare Scam"

My conclusion. Nuclear power is so cheap and so efficient, it could have been a game changer. Small reactors could locally supply cities and communities. Even permanently flying objects could be created with such an abundance of energy. Instead of making all this available, it is more lucrative to sell the fear of a nuclear war. If there were no threat, how could the Government deceptively justify such high taxes and such a high defense budget? Most of the money goes straight to military suppliers, which are Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and of course their financial managers Blackrock, Goldman Sachs and so on. This is a trillion dollar racketeering industry, collecting income based on fear.

As EMJ says, "The Manhattan Project was a totally jewish application of the quantum physics of the German physicist Werner Heisenberg."
Here’s a small list of all the jews involved in the Manhattan project. After reading this list, are there any of you who believe the nuclear story?
Atom bomb jews:
* J. Robert Oppenheimer [American jew] - Scientific Director - Project "Y"
* Frank Oppenheimer [American jew] - Brother of and Assistant to J. Robert Oppenheimer
* Albert Einstein [German born jew] - Consultant to the Project
* Niels Bohr [Danish born jew] - Consultant to the Project
* Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory
* Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born jew] - Worked with Franz Eugen Simon [German born jew] and developed a method of separating uranium 235 from raw uranium ore
* David Bohm [American jew] - Performed theoretical calculations for the Calutrons at the Y-12 facility in Oak Ridge
* Rudolf Peierls [German born jew] - British Mission
* Felix Bloch [Swiss born jew] - Worked under Hans Albrecht Bethe, performing nuclear fission research
* Eugene [Paul] Wigner [Hungarian born jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory
* James Chadwick [British born jew] - Chief - British Mission
* James Franck [German born jew] - Director - Chemistry Group
* Otto Frisch [German born jew] - British Mission
* Edward Teller [Hungarian born jew] - Thermonuclear Research
* Emilio Gino Segrè [Italian born jew] - Group Leader
* Hans Albrecht Bethe [German born jew] - Chief - Theoretical Division
* Klaus Fuchs [German born jew] - Theoretical Division [Communist Spy]
* Richard Phillips Feynman [American jew] - Group Leader - Theoretical Division
* Morris Kolodney [American jew] - Manager - DP Site
* Louis Rosen [American jew] - The "Father" of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
* Louis Slotin [Canadian born jew] - Critical Testing
* Jacob Beser [American jew] - Weapons firing and fusing
* Theodore Alvin Hall [American jew] - Youngest Scientist at Los Alamos
* Samuel T. Cohen [American jew] - Worked in the Efficiency Group
* Samuel Goudsmit - [Danish born jew] - Scientific Head of the Alsos Mission
* George Placzek - [Moravian born jew] - British Mission
* Eugene Rabinowitch - [Russian born jew] - Metallurgical Laboratory
* Joseph Rotblat - [Polish born jew] - Worked with James Chadwick [Communist Spy]
* Gregory Breit - [Russian born jew] - Predecessor of J. Robert Oppenheimer
* David Greenglass [American jew] - Manhattan Project Infiltration [Communist Spy]
* George Abramovich Koval [American jew] - Special Engineer Detachment [Communist Spy]
* Victor Weisskopf [Austrian born jew] - Theoretical Division
* Alvin Martin Weinberg [American jew] - Theoretical Physics under Eugene [Paul] Wigner
* Isidor Isaac Rabi [Polish born jew] - Consultant to the Project
* Stan Frankel [American jew] - Theoretical Division
* Enrico Fermi [Italian born Gentile] was married to a jewess - Group Leader - Theoretical Division

Listen to Galen's explanation in the video, and see the evolution of red tape that rose up over this "project" after the discovery of how efficient it could be used for renewable energy, essentially freeing people. Instead we get the hollywood bomb fear porn. With jews everyone always loses.

This newsreel from the Pacific in 1945 had some interesting dialogue they forgot to cut out:
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What about Palmer's work seems made-up? These are accurate metrics of measurement and historical cataloguing surrounding the forced nuclear agenda, which was intended to be beefed up from the side of the early deep state against a shell-shocked world tired of fighting. The official narrative surrounding the construction of these bombs is full of holes and begets more questions similar to the other kooky theories you mentioned. Jew Oppenheimer replaces everyone and suddenly the Manhattan project becomes successful? The insiders wouldn't allow Einstein near this secret work because they knew he was a fraud.

Instead of saying that "the sources that say WWII nukes didn't happen" look at it as "the sources that provide a clearer picture of massive wartime events." I would never accept the posit that it is a lie simply because many other things are a lie. I need to see proof, or at least verifiable evidence of the opposing force. Most normal gentiles do not look to understand both the intricacies of physics, chemistry, in conjunction with government bureaucracy coupled with Khazarian nepotism.

Back to the scientific observations. The chain reaction in Nuclear Power plants runs slowly, the result is steady energy for a long time. A nuclear explosion is also possible. It delivers extreme heat for a short time. I t just doesn't destroy entire cities like they show in movies and radiation has only short lived effects. I suggest you visit Bakersfield California or the testing sites in Nevada. Also Ukraine Chernobyl is highly recommended. If radiation was truly to be a problem, then it would be a desert without vegetation.

The sources I provided do not dispute the existence of nuclear power plants. What is disputed are the Hollywood bombs that wipe out entire cities and radiate the environment for 10000 years. We are told on our textbooks that the chain reaction is so quick to produce energy, which then results in a nuclear explosion. I also do not dispute that. We saw what happened in Fukushima and Chernobyl. The reactors quickly overheated (fission) and they released nuclear material which then contaminated the local environment. I as well do not dispute any of this. All this can be scientifically proven.

What we did not see? Mass destruction. A hazardous wave of radiation. The die off of all vegetation and life for at least 10000 years, a significant increase in cancers and other ailments which are said to appear together with exposure of radiation. We also did not see mushroom cloud explosions. We did not see a heatwave burning everything to the ground within a 100mile radius. This is what made me wonder at the time the explosion in Fukushima happened. I was in Tokyo around that time. Friends of mine left the city. They were all non-Japanese foreigners. They panicked, while the Japanese didn't care at all. Japanese were talking about their failing economy and their worries about China becoming a greater superpower. This is what made me think and research. I then went to Bakersfield California, where Mexicans were farming oranges at a former nuclear testing site. The oranges were quite good and this raised further questions.

I then checked what it was about with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both cities were not contaminated at all. They returned to normal just 10 years after the explosion and there is a buzzing city in Hiroshima nowadays, and the site where the bomb was dropped is not a park inside the city. So what happened to 10000 yeas of contamination. Then I found Dr. Palmer's work and everything clicked. Another friend of mine travels to Chernobyl Ukraine every other year. He is a west German so he believes the propaganda (can't help everyone). But he couldn't explain to me, why there is lush vegetation and flourishing wildlife happening there instead of finding barren land as we can even see many years after a chemical plant has been broken down. Some contaminated areas take decades to show a recovering vegetation. I then began to wonder why is it that so called nuclear powers, countries which possess an arsenal of nuclear weapons are always the most populous nations. Why on the other hand most of these countries seem to have developed nuclear bombs but are unable to build their own nuclear power plants? China for example, North Korea, Pakistan. There are 2 nuclear power plants in China. One is in the City where my friend lives. It was built by the French. The other is new in Hong Kong and was built by the US. Why can't China built it's own to power Beijing? Why is Beijing still coal powered?

I really spent some time analyzing the topic. I also regularly went swimming next to the Haiyan power plant in Jiaxing. I also understand that when you eat Himalayan salt, they always have pieces of radioactive material in it. You can use a geiger-counter. I often ate a piece and nothing happened. I then also watched the video by Galen Windsor, a nuclear safety officer responsible for controlling nuclear fuel inventory for all major projects, who then confirmed that most what we see is just to develop a universal scare crow.

"Galen Windsor: The Nuclear Scare Scam"

My conclusion. Nuclear power is so cheap and so efficient, it could have been a game changer. Small reactors could locally supply cities and communities. Even permanently flying objects could be created with such an abundance of energy. Instead of making all this available, it is more lucrative to sell the fear of a nuclear war. If there were no threat, how could the Government deceptively justify such high taxes and such a high defense budget? Most of the money goes straight to military suppliers, which are Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and of course their financial managers Blackrock, Goldman Sachs and so on. This is a trillion dollar racketeering industry, collecting income based on fear.

As EMJ says, "The Manhattan Project was a totally jewish application of the quantum physics of the German physicist Werner Heisenberg."
Here’s a small list of all the jews involved in the Manhattan project. After reading this list, are there any of you who believe the nuclear story?
Atom bomb jews:
* J. Robert Oppenheimer [American jew] - Scientific Director - Project "Y"
* Frank Oppenheimer [American jew] - Brother of and Assistant to J. Robert Oppenheimer
* Albert Einstein [German born jew] - Consultant to the Project
* Niels Bohr [Danish born jew] - Consultant to the Project
* Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory
* Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born jew] - Worked with Franz Eugen Simon [German born jew] and developed a method of separating uranium 235 from raw uranium ore
* David Bohm [American jew] - Performed theoretical calculations for the Calutrons at the Y-12 facility in Oak Ridge
* Rudolf Peierls [German born jew] - British Mission
* Felix Bloch [Swiss born jew] - Worked under Hans Albrecht Bethe, performing nuclear fission research
* Eugene [Paul] Wigner [Hungarian born jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory
* James Chadwick [British born jew] - Chief - British Mission
* James Franck [German born jew] - Director - Chemistry Group
* Otto Frisch [German born jew] - British Mission
* Edward Teller [Hungarian born jew] - Thermonuclear Research
* Emilio Gino Segrè [Italian born jew] - Group Leader
* Hans Albrecht Bethe [German born jew] - Chief - Theoretical Division
* Klaus Fuchs [German born jew] - Theoretical Division [Communist Spy]
* Richard Phillips Feynman [American jew] - Group Leader - Theoretical Division
* Morris Kolodney [American jew] - Manager - DP Site
* Louis Rosen [American jew] - The "Father" of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
* Louis Slotin [Canadian born jew] - Critical Testing
* Jacob Beser [American jew] - Weapons firing and fusing
* Theodore Alvin Hall [American jew] - Youngest Scientist at Los Alamos
* Samuel T. Cohen [American jew] - Worked in the Efficiency Group
* Samuel Goudsmit - [Danish born jew] - Scientific Head of the Alsos Mission
* George Placzek - [Moravian born jew] - British Mission
* Eugene Rabinowitch - [Russian born jew] - Metallurgical Laboratory
* Joseph Rotblat - [Polish born jew] - Worked with James Chadwick [Communist Spy]
* Gregory Breit - [Russian born jew] - Predecessor of J. Robert Oppenheimer
* David Greenglass [American jew] - Manhattan Project Infiltration [Communist Spy]
* George Abramovich Koval [American jew] - Special Engineer Detachment [Communist Spy]
* Victor Weisskopf [Austrian born jew] - Theoretical Division
* Alvin Martin Weinberg [American jew] - Theoretical Physics under Eugene [Paul] Wigner
* Isidor Isaac Rabi [Polish born jew] - Consultant to the Project
* Stan Frankel [American jew] - Theoretical Division
* Enrico Fermi [Italian born Gentile] was married to a jewess - Group Leader - Theoretical Division

Listen to Galen's explanation in the video, and see the evolution of red tape that rose up over this "project" after the discovery of how efficient it could be used for renewable energy, essentially freeing people. Instead we get the hollywood bomb fear porn. With jews everyone always loses.

This newsreel from the Pacific in 1945 had some interesting dialogue they forgot to cut out:

One thing that I believe is most likely true is that the dangers of radiation seem to be overblown. Even after Chernobyl within a few decades people were moving back there and growing crops. There were some elevated rates of cancer for some time but nothing like apocalyptical wasteland that (((hollywood))) sells.
One thing that I believe is most likely true is that the dangers of radiation seem to be overblown. Even after Chernobyl within a few decades people were moving back there and growing crops. There were some elevated rates of cancer for some time but nothing like apocalyptical wasteland that (((hollywood))) sells.

The exclusion zone is still there though. Only very few (older) people take the risk of living there and growing crops. It's probably a significant risk, but something that will gradually sneak up on you and not kill you outright of course.

I think it's probably true that Chernobyl could have been much worse, had things gone just a little differently. That's why I'm not a huge fan of NP. Better to use it for science related purposes like space exploration etc.

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The exclusion zone is still there though. Only very few (older) people take the risk of living there and growing crops. It's probably a significant risk, but something that will gradually sneak up on you and not kill you outright of course.

I think it's probably true that Chernobyl could have been much worse, had things gone just a little differently. That's why I'm not a huge fan of NP. Better to use it for science related purposes like space exploration etc.

Jeremy Wade got special permission to fish there for Wels. Far from irradiated giants, the fish were much smaller than average and, frankly, didn't look good.

Talking of irradiated giants, it looks like Tokyo is about to get another hammering:

I have come to the conclusion that nukes are fake.

For many people seems to be a red flag. "They could not lie about that?" Well I think they do.. They did lie about the flu for 2 years and locked you up right?
The lied about terrorists in planes brining down towers right?

I think Nukes are part of system of lies.

Why? The enemy having nukes is a great way to introduce fear to the population and claim unlimited amounts of resources from them.
So was Hiroshima fake? Yes they just firebombed it / conventional bombs.
So are China, Russia and the US lying? Yes, it's all the same system, they also do fake moon landings, lock people up for the flu, go after fake climate change, nukes are one of the tools of population control for the elite.

Material to check:

Check this book by Akio Nakatani

The elites across the world are bringing up the fear again so be prepared. Oppenheimer this summer.
Spreading iodine tablets. The evil Russians and Chinese are at in again.

You'll hear a lot more of it, so better be prepared for the next wave of nuke lies.

I am with you on this one and I am also in the minority side on the other big subject. I can see for some reason both subjects are taboo everywhere including the very best forums... Why did they need to quickly make a movie with Oppenheimer exactly this year? It's simple, they lose the narrative. Truth will prevail though.

The nukes are indeed fake and the earth is leveled and stationary. Space is fake and gay and also satellites are sateloons really.
Read Genesis (or reread it).

When they lose the grip they quickly lock people up with fake viruses and manufactured crisis & wars.
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I am with you on this one and I am also in the minority side on the other big subject. I can see for some reason both subjects are taboo everywhere including the very best forums... Why did they need to quickly make a movie with Oppenheimer exactly this year? It's simple, they lose the narrative. Truth will prevail though.

The nukes are indeed fake and the earth is leveled and stationary. Space is fake and gay and also satellites are sateloons really.
Read Genesis (or reread it).

When they lose the grip they quickly lock people up with fake viruses and manufactured crisis & wars.
Well that didn't take long. The forum has been going a few weeks and we're already playing parts in the Truman Show. Smh.
@Vas Incrementum

Let people have their opinions, I don't see their blanket statements as "poisoning the well" the way others do. I do see such simple conclusions as not as well-researched as my own take, but neither is the opposing argument that seems to be regurgitating the same videos over and over as the impetus of proof when these films were all made by Hollywood employees. The "bomb" is not the truth of nuclear power, but rather its energy and use as one form of unlimited energy. Until I started posting literary sources and deep dive explanations, both sides of this argument were basing their claims off of a solipsistic version of truth that stemmed from either the idea that to fake such an agenda would be too costly and involve too many actors and couldn't possibly be a hoax, or the opposite, that it is fake because of the collusion between nations and powers to keep people sedated in dread fear simply for that factor.

While both claims have philosophical merit, what is needed is ascertain our own arrival at what happened, what is happening, and what will likely happen surrounding nuclear energy must be based off of a collective analysis of its entire history, conception, and coverup. Which brings me to the following in understanding the side of those who automatically deny the weapons without doing the research I've done:

One thing is for sure, the post-WW2 "world" order is certainly no stranger to using fear to control its subjects, and it is the first time that jews have had such control over vast swathes of the earth's population with enough deceptive technology to reinforce their "rule". To work towards dissolving this unholy hegemon is the duty of every militant truthseeker, and ideally every Christian. One lie at a time, we must break their sorcerous hold over everyone.

The nuclear power issue is an extension of the Rockefeller's desire to keep the people living with metered energy, we must all be plugged in to that control grid just to simply use any means of power in this "civilization." It is the same for the technology that Nikola Tesla allegedly rediscovered. While I know that aetheric energy is real because people are tapping into it now, the patents from the early 1900s also showed its potential as an unlimited resource which every man, and essentially every family and nation, could use without end. "Where do you put the meter?" Rockefeller is infamously known to have said. When he was told there was nowhere because its all free, his pseudo-philanthropic shell almost cracked.

This discussion should be turning away from the Hollywood bomb and focusing on the energy aspect, as that is far more important, and liberating to our own endeavors in the future, and that of our progeny.
Well that didn't take long. The forum has been going a few weeks and we're already playing parts in the Truman Show. Smh.
It's ok I can handle the criticism on this one. Have you even bothered approaching these subjects seriously and open minded? Probably not..
I'll stop here though, I made my case, you know my opinion now on both.

edit: Oh I forgot, to say that viruses are also fake.
It's ok I can handle the criticism on this one. Have you even bothered approaching these subjects seriously and open minded? Probably not..
I'll stop here though, I made my case, you know my opinion now on both.

edit: Oh I forgot, to say that viruses are also fake.
No you haven't made your case.

I've got far more important things to do with my time. Even if all that you wrote were true, it would not profit me at all to be convinced of them. What then?

Here's an exercise you can do to help you to see the folly of such rabbit holes. Find someone or some people who you know had the gene jabs, wore the masks and bought into the whole caboodle, and try to reason with them why, based on a plethora of research, they have been not only misled, but probably injured. Have a stack of papers with you, it won't help.

If you cannot, and believe me I've tried, convince people that it is unwise to be injected with an experimental "therapy" that is highly toxic and with the LNPs was engineered to migrate around the body, or that masks have been conclusively shown to be completely ineffective, then good luck with the nukes are fake.

By their own free will people have chosen the broad highway. And I'm not even sure that I'm still not one of them, because I'm still worldly and disobedient. But I'm trying to do better with the time I've got left.
No you haven't made your case.

I've got far more important things to do with my time.
I don't owe you any explanation but you can check out facts and reality if you have an inclination for truth.
I can tell you one thing, the programming is strong in you and you're not prepared to let it go, yet.

Don't take me with injection wisdom pls. I left six figures in Germany and kids schools to not take the jab...Ignore me from now, thanks.
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Yeesh....all of a sudden there's an awful smell of unwashed socks in this thread.

I don't owe you any explanation but you can check out facts and reality if you have an inclination for truth.
I can tell you one thing, the programming is strong in you and you're not prepared to let it go, yet.

Don't take me with injection wisdom pls. I left six figures in Germany and kids schools to not take the jab...Ignore me from now, thanks.
Didn't ask for an explanation.

No crystal balls, this is a Christian forum.

Read the paragraph again...oh, forget it. 6 figures you say?