Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

Nuclear weapons are a force/scale multiplier. Their destructive forces are orders of magnitude greater than TNT, similar to how much, much smaller quantities of uranium are used to generate the same amount of electricity it would take for truckloads of coal or oil. Mini-nukes have the same destructive power or larger than the most massive conventional bombs.

The real deception here is believing that nukes are fake, it's a psyop that belongs to the same families of psyops as flat earth, dinosaurs are fake etc. These psyops date from the Cass Sunstein era under Obama, they were put in place to counter the growing truth movement that grew in an era of relatively unregulated high-speed internet.

The main premise for your deception, the idea that nukes are fake and were created in order to scare people just doesn't make sense, because there has not been a concerted effort to build up public fear of nuclear war since the 1980s. To the contrary, the public is actually being primed to become pro-war and to ignore the growing risks of nuclear escalation, because the PTB view nuclear war as a great way to cull the populace.

The main goal of the nukes are fake psyop is to divide the truther community and make us look stupid to normies.
You're opening up another can of worms with the Dinosaurs piece. ;)

Are we now saying people who deny Darwinism and dinosaurs are the same group as flat eartherd and No nukes?

What about the below?

Nukes are real. Earth is Round. NASA is a scam. Evolution is a lie.
The real deception here is believing that nukes are fake, it's a psyop that belongs to the same families of psyops as flat earth, dinosaurs are fake etc. These psyops date from the Cass Sunstein era under Obama, they were put in place to counter the growing truth movement that grew in an era of relatively unregulated high-speed internet.

The main premise for your deception, the idea that nukes are fake and were created in order to scare people just doesn't make sense, because there has not been a concerted effort to build up public fear of nuclear war since the 1980s. To the contrary, the public is actually being primed to become pro-war and to ignore the growing risks of nuclear escalation, because the PTB view nuclear war as a great way to cull the populace.

The main goal of the nukes are fake psyop is to divide the truther community and make us look stupid to normies.
I think it's time we have a proper echo chamber on this subject, more so than any other particular look at the various topics which you allege to be psyops.

You are vastly confusing one set of tactics (theoretical cognitive infiltration) with another set of tactics (alphabet agency badges aka 1811's actively infiltrating dissident groups to steer them to commit crimes in order to keep funding their own existence). There are other sets of tactics as well, like Israeli/Mossad presence on websites which expose their crimes and lies in order to calm people down from going full 1488, and SEC agents posing as dupes with the intention of tripping people up into committing financial or white collar crimes (like what almost happened to Coach red pill). In regards to what you are talking about, it does not check out to be something that leads people away from truth, but rather towards it. Why are people supposed to accept this entire corrupted system and all of its tenets at face value? The system itself is putting out these narratives of cosmology, physics, and prehistory, all of which are full of holes. To look in to them is not to do Cass Sunstein's bidding, but to verify that we are surrounded by a web of lies. A psyop, or psychological operation, is something like Project Mockingbird, Project MK Ultra, Qanon.

Do you think the mere discussion of these topics, and the presentation of evidence against the mainstream narrative is pushing Cass' agenda? If so, it is proof you have not comprehended his work, and is not a valid argument. The concept of cognitive infiltration, as described in the academic paper "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures" that he co-authored with Adrian Vermeule, involved the idea of government agents or third-party individuals engaging with online communities where conspiracy theories are discussed. The goal, in theory, would be to introduce alternative information or arguments to challenge and disrupt what the authors perceived as potentially dangerous conspiracy beliefs. I believe that this has taken place, but it is specifically in regards to concurrent social and political ordeals. There is incredible cognitive infiltration in right-wing conservative groups in America, and in right-wing anti-immigration parties in western Europe. Many times these are not paid government agents but other actors who have a vested interest in the status quo. Here are some quotes from his paper:

"We aim here to sketch some psychological and social mechanisms that produce, sustain, and spread these theories, to show that some of them are quite important and should be taken seriously; and to offer suggestions for governmental responses, both as a matter of policy and as a matter of law."

"We address several dilemmas of governmental response to conspiracy theories, such as the question whether it is better to rebut such theories, at the risk of legitimating them, or to ignore them, at the risk of leaving them unrebutted. Conspiracy theories turn out to be especially hard to undermine or dislodge; they have a self-sealing quality rendering them particularly immune to challenge. We suggest several policy responses that can dampen the supply of conspiracy theorizing, in part by introducing diverse viewpoints and new factual assumptions into the hard-core groups that produce such theories. Our principal claim here involves the potential value of cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, designed to introduce informational diversity into such groups and to expose indefensible conspiracy theories as such."

"Here we suggest two concrete ideas for government officials attempting to fashion a response to such theories. First, responding to more rather than fewer conspiracy theories has a kind of synergy benefit: it reduces the legitimiating effect of responding to any one of them, because it dilutes the contrast with unrebutted theories. Second, we suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity."

Sunstein claims that conspiracy theorists suffer from "crippled epistemology" meaning that they know very few things and what they know is wrong, and that they only hear the conspiratorial accounts of government behavior. He does not provide any footnote or evidence that conspiracy theorists are more likely than others (mainstream believers) to get their news from one source, but he uses this false premise as his justification to rationalize his authoritarian proposals.

All three of the topics you mentioned predate the notion of cognitive infiltration as defined by Cass Sunstein and I know this because I discussed all of them with people even in the 90s, although it was not as prevalent as today given the internet expansion. The ideas and debates surrounding the shape of the Earth, the authenticity of nuclear weapons, the existence of dinosaurs, and other conspiracy theories have been present for a much longer period than the timeframe associated with Cass Sunstein's role as the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs under the Obongo administration. While Cass Sunstein's paper addresses conspiracy theories in the context of modern communication, it does not serve as the origin point for debates about Earth's shape, nuclear weapons, or the existence of dinosaurs. These discussions are multifaceted and have roots in manifold historical, scientific, and ethnic contexts.

The topics that Cass Sunstein had in mind were specifically involved in America's Foreign Policy, the 9/11 conspiracy, and the ever-growing battle to take away gun rights and eventually guns from the citizens in the chaotic dialectic of government-funded mass shootings, or completely fake mass shootings with a revolving set of crisis actors like Sandy Hook, because these are critically dangerous to the power of the vultures and shareholders in DC, and their cousins in Tel Aviv.

Discussing the geometry of the earth, the physics and chemistry of explosives, and the biological reality of species in a timeline that doesn't reflect the history books are viewed as fringe topics. And as one who has studied them all, I will say, yes they are fringe! But that is the level of information one needs to know before embarking on discovering these truths, not everyone can do it. People can easily take time out of their day to say yes or no to deadly jewish vaxxes, or swindling jewish taxes, but to entirely re-investigate the laws of nature themselves is a daunting task that not every truth-seeker is equipped to embark upon.

In each thread, the cosmology thread, this thread about nukes, and the dragons/dinosaurs thread, there is bound to be someone who cannot see the distinctions between the different tactics of those who push the mainstream narratives and the different philosophical and historical mores which are implicated in the reality of those who see these narratives as complete lies. These people simply wants to believe that a fed is lurking behind every corner. The feds and fed-friendlies that were on the RVF usually told people to keep voting Trump their way out of all their problems, and would sometimes occasionally and erroneously chime-in something that just came down the pipeline from Langley, whether it be referring to a tranny as its "preferred pronouns" or feeding alleged updates about new changes being introduced in regards to the corona scam. Most feds are not high-earners, they are simply cops with an extra set of privileges, and because an 1811 cannot be sued like a normal cop can, they can engage in more risky behavior, sometimes condoned, other times just like a child would if given too much freedom.

Also there are only so many hours in a week, in a month, in a year. There is not enough time for a federal agent to co-opt people discussing "earth not round" and "nukes are fake" for any foreseeable and acceptable goal. People will be questioning the first forever, and the latter until either armageddon or Kingdom come. To have a classical education, to come from landed gentry, to have lived through several decades of changing times, to be fluent in multiple languages, and have an incredibly high IQ to put to a functioning purpose describes very few people in this world, let alone a sizeable demographic of the enforcers of the tyrannical judeo-masonic military industrial complex and its proxy governments as employed by the familiar alphabet agencies we all know of (even the ones we do not know of).

There are plenty of psyops which I never see you chiming in on, perhaps those are the ones you should be rooting out the Sunstein agents in. Voting for one. The complete control of the medical mafia over health and wellness and ultimately our survival is another. Exposing the murders committed to and abetted by federal law enforcement agencies on behalf of the hegelian dialectic of power is another. Qanon was a complete glowing biomass. These are areas in which "alternate and misleading information" are purposefully introduced to keep people in their bubbles without autonomy.

So I say this in good earnest, after much research, that I do not believe atom-splitting occurred, and neither did Werner Heisenberg in 1945 when he heard about the bombings of Japan. The reactions in demolitions from introducing various elements can and do create intensely larger explosions, but what an unlearned man doesn't know he cannot dispute. The abstract community of quantum physics is a nebulous void where most of its attendees are lost in their own delusions. The idea that we men, fallen creatures of fallen flesh, are manipulating the building blocks behind the veil of creation and can destroy ourselves and our world entirely with our discoveries is some inverted Promethean hubris and a direct affront to having true faith in a Creator God with all of His power. There are some barriers that can never be broken in this existence, because ultimately we are not in control of it. There are biblical implications for studying these topics, because the enemy is in charge of these mainstream narratives, but the enemy will not inherit the earth. The entire schema of the mainstream has us living in a fake "reality" where they are writing the script and editing it every day.

There is no word for coincidence in Hebrew.

"Cognitive Infiltration Called Out!"

For all I know, this is a cognitive infiltrator calling out cognitive infiltration.

"The mainstream exists to attack the internet"

Just listen to the talking heads with their state-approved mouth time, they know what's best for the goys.

Here is a bit of a long podcast, but Michael Collins Piper is talking specifically about how the aftermath of Sandy Hook is an example of a cognitive infiltration psyop:
"Michael Collins Piper - Sandy Hook and the Cognitive Infiltration of the Truth Movement"

I will agree with you that there is a lot of flak out there, but to make the truther community look bad is entirely the point of the mainstream. This is war. They will fight to the bitter end to see their worldview prevail, and I will fight to the bitter end to see that theirs does not prevail. These topics need to be looked at deeper by more people.
It's one thing to be a tool because you buy into psyops like space/nukes/satellites are fake, and another to go about being a total jerk...

I will approach this topic and the members here with more humility from now on. I just strongly disagree with some of the conclusions proposed here regarding flat earth, and nukes being fake. I believe it is a pysop to make religious people seem like fools. But you are correct and my tone was not called for.
I believe it is a pysop to make religious people seem like fools.
Where do people get this idea from? The purpose of psyops, or a cognitive infiltration is to steer a search for truth or change in a direction of false results. Read what I posted above please. Here is an example:

2015: Right-wing populism resurges in the United States. Donald Trump at the forefront. Big talk of taking the country back, draining the swamp, jailing the Clintons, taking military out of foreign countries, building up the border, cleaning up the morals. Enter the (then unconfirmed cognitively-infiltrated) groups like Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, as well as the Qanon phenomena, and there was a sentiment building in the USA that things were finally going to change for good. The moral majority of America was content and ready to rebuild.

Come the end of 2020, beginning of 2021, all of this hopium had been smoked to the last puff. Trump is shown to be a true zionist stooge, Qanon is revealed to be an incredibly-mediocre-layered intelligentsia farce, and the militia-type groups have all been shown to be monitored and infiltrated and subverted and coopted by federal agencies and undercover rats with criminal histories. The entire movement to save America, and potentially the west, was a complete ruse, this is a successful cognitive infiltration, a psyop, and a honeypot all in one (J6). To add insult to injury and salt into the fresh cuts, new "laws" are written to prop-up the ever-growing trannification of children at the abuse of the state, the unending influx of genetic sludge into the country, and the further blossoming of the anarcho-tyrannist dialectic where citizens are at the mercy of corrupt law enforcement and criminals are given free-reign to run amok.

That is the result of not understanding what a psy-op is. People are still confused as to what happened in America the last 9 years. Meanwhile we can all go laugh at and ridicule everyone who wishes to truly understand the realities our world by undertaking their own examination of the laws of nature and scripture into account because they are somehow making the rest of us look like dopes.

Discussing the cosmology of the earth and the existence of hollywood nuclear weapons to be a fraudulent conspiracy between the criminals-in-arms who took control after WW2 is not a psyop and never has been, and it never will be.

There has never been one cohesive truther community, there have always been fractures and multiple takes on everything. There will never be a single cohesive movement where everyone agrees on all truths and all realities. To act like there is a single cohesive movement without disagreements and then to say something chiding like "ABC theory divides truthers" while "XYZ theory unites truthers" is a trick, and those of you posting this should re-evaluate the argument in itself. There will always be a division of some degree. The same goes for the enemy. The left eats itself most of the time, the victim totempole narrative crumbles the minute the only straight white male leaves a room full of the other 31 flavors. To simply call other fringe viewpoints a psyop for the purpose of either A) dividing the truther community, or B) to make Christians and those with religious beliefs seem like dunces and perpetuating this memetic is doing far more harm to truth-seekers than Cass Sunstein probably ever envisioned (who he called "crippled epistemologists"). In a way, this sentiment, here and in the cosmology thread, is by design a programmed reaction to cognitive infiltration, and is thus enforcing the idea of everything being a psyop, therefore how can anything ever be discussed if we simply do a "goyim know shut it down" style conversation-stopper on something we don't like?

Have the detractors considered that the cosmological concepts and the difference in physics, both representative of different subsets of laws of nature that we have essentially created to understand our own world, are not psyops designed to make religious people seem foolish? Delving into these topics have not convinced a majority of people about the truth of WW2, Vietnam, 9/11, and all the other unnecessary wars and shootings that still took place, but it has shown to those with eyes to see that this system is full of lies, from the moment we are born into it until the moment we die in it. There is much more we do not know about both the cosmology of the earth and the heavens, and the nature of atoms and their reactions that can be weaponized.

I will be the first to humble myself and say that I do not know the complete picture, for any of these discussions, but I know a lie when I see it, and I will expose it to the best of my articulation.
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@Deepdiver getting ready to enter the chat

stretching lets go GIF

The CIK readership

On the previous forum I posted how my grandfather saw nuclear tests done.

I got a photo scanner for Christmas and found those pics, so I'll share them here. These are the photographs he got from the experience.

His response when he saw them explode? "Unbelievable" as he just gravely shook his head when he told me.

Look at the width of the water cylinder compared to the ships next to it.

If these aren't nuclear bombs/blast, what was it?
On the previous forum I posted how my grandfather saw nuclear tests done.

I got a photo scanner for Christmas and found those pics, so I'll share them here. These are the photographs he got from the experience.

His response when he saw them explode? "Unbelievable" as he just gravely shook his head when he told me.

View attachment 3512View attachment 3513
Look at the width of the water cylinder compared to the ships next to it.

View attachment 3514
If these aren't nuclear bombs/blast, what was it?
It doesn't take (((nuclear fission))) to create explosions that appear like this. Simply trusting a photograph is not merit enough to prove something completely true.

The faked powerful energy weapons for public consumption are the "nuke weapons." The real, secret, black energy weapons are DEWs. There are known applications of directed energy both military and private. There are no known usages of nukes or "mini/micro nukes" or "suitcase nukes" that are well known or credible.

Fission and fusion atomic science is jewish science: smoke and mirrors. German scientists bailed on the A bomb because they knew it wasn't going to work, but the jews knew it could work because they knew creating an effect and controlling response to it would manufacture post facto consent.

Consider this. How many people at least doubt the nuke bomb theory? How many doubt the 9/11 story? In late 2001, 10% of Americans polled disbelieved the official story of 9/11. 15 years later in 2016, 70% of Americans disbelieved the official story. So how many today world-wide at least doubt the validity of nuclear bombs?

Let us not fall into the logic trap of thinking consensus or majority belief confers validity. In fact, as I think we all can agree, on some topics majority belief confers falsehood, given the entire mass media deception industry. 99% of the "scientific community" may believe in nuclear weapons, but 97% of that same community also believe in (((climate change))).

We are ruled by dark magicians, illusionists with centuries of practice at dazzling their audience with cheap tricks and flashy stories. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the intergenerational judeo-masonic mafioso clans running our governments are willing to tell grand lies; grander perhaps than most of us care to appreciate.

This Nordic guy here has been doing much more research than me, and anyone else on this thread, or forum on this entire matter. I would look into his work (those of you who are not lazy and don't just like to repeat what you've been told to believe):

"My Atomic Bomb Findings
The grand manipulation 1945-2024
Anders Björkman - Heiwa Co - European Agency for Safety at Sea"
It doesn't take (((nuclear fission))) to create explosions that appear like this. Simply trusting a photograph is not merit enough to prove something completely true.

The faked powerful energy weapons for public consumption are the "nuke weapons." The real, secret, black energy weapons are DEWs. There are known applications of directed energy both military and private. There are no known usages of nukes or "mini/micro nukes" or "suitcase nukes" that are well known or credible.

Fission and fusion atomic science is jewish science: smoke and mirrors. German scientists bailed on the A bomb because they knew it wasn't going to work, but the jews knew it could work because they knew creating an effect and controlling response to it would manufacture post facto consent.

Consider this. How many people at least doubt the nuke bomb theory? How many doubt the 9/11 story? In late 2001, 10% of Americans polled disbelieved the official story of 9/11. 15 years later in 2016, 70% of Americans disbelieved the official story. So how many today world-wide at least doubt the validity of nuclear bombs?

Let us not fall into the logic trap of thinking consensus or majority belief confers validity. In fact, as I think we all can agree, on some topics majority belief confers falsehood, given the entire mass media deception industry. 99% of the "scientific community" may believe in nuclear weapons, but 97% of that same community also believe in (((climate change))).

We are ruled by dark magicians, illusionists with centuries of practice at dazzling their audience with cheap tricks and flashy stories. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the intergenerational judeo-masonic mafioso clans running our governments are willing to tell grand lies; grander perhaps than most of us care to appreciate.

This Nordic guy here has been doing much more research than me, and anyone else on this thread, or forum on this entire matter. I would look into his work (those of you who are not lazy and don't just like to repeat what you've been told to believe):

"My Atomic Bomb Findings
The grand manipulation 1945-2024
Anders Björkman - Heiwa Co - European Agency for Safety at Sea"

You seem to be conflating things between 911 climate change and nuclear weapons. Some say that tactical nukes were used in that attack, jet fuel doesn't melt metal beams after all. It's one thing to use that kind of power vs the threat of using it.

I don't want to go off topic, but there is more proof that nukes are real than that they're not. The videos of those gigantic undersea explosions would've taken an insane amount of fakery (in the 50's).

Please show us the fakery before we move on from the "lots of TNT" excuse. Nuclear submarines can stay submerged for months on end with a few kilos of Plutonium so the energy that can be used is something that can't be matched. To release that kind of energy at once would be catastrophic.

There's a reason why nuclear energy is banned in places like Australia and that has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with controlling the power grid.
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It doesn't take (((nuclear fission))) to create explosions that appear like this. Simply trusting a photograph is not merit enough to prove something completely true.

The faked powerful energy weapons for public consumption are the "nuke weapons." The real, secret, black energy weapons are DEWs. There are known applications of directed energy both military and private. There are no known usages of nukes or "mini/micro nukes" or "suitcase nukes" that are well known or credible.

Fission and fusion atomic science is jewish science: smoke and mirrors. German scientists bailed on the A bomb because they knew it wasn't going to work, but the jews knew it could work because they knew creating an effect and controlling response to it would manufacture post facto consent.

Consider this. How many people at least doubt the nuke bomb theory? How many doubt the 9/11 story? In late 2001, 10% of Americans polled disbelieved the official story of 9/11. 15 years later in 2016, 70% of Americans disbelieved the official story. So how many today world-wide at least doubt the validity of nuclear bombs?

Let us not fall into the logic trap of thinking consensus or majority belief confers validity. In fact, as I think we all can agree, on some topics majority belief confers falsehood, given the entire mass media deception industry. 99% of the "scientific community" may believe in nuclear weapons, but 97% of that same community also believe in (((climate change))).

We are ruled by dark magicians, illusionists with centuries of practice at dazzling their audience with cheap tricks and flashy stories. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the intergenerational judeo-masonic mafioso clans running our governments are willing to tell grand lies; grander perhaps than most of us care to appreciate.

This Nordic guy here has been doing much more research than me, and anyone else on this thread, or forum on this entire matter. I would look into his work (those of you who are not lazy and don't just like to repeat what you've been told to believe):

"My Atomic Bomb Findings
The grand manipulation 1945-2024
Anders Björkman - Heiwa Co - European Agency for Safety at Sea"
So fusion and fission are Jewish if I read this correctly. By defacto making reactors and the sun Jewish. How are you proposing energy comes from the reactor plants then? If I read correctly it's from Jewish magic. I've worked both weapon side and reactor side so I can tell you it's not coal magic making that much energy. Gas might get you closer but you'll notice a lack of emissions towers at the plants required for burning things. So if it's not burned it must be reacted in some fashion to not have emissions beyond heat as evidenced by the cooling towers. If you check out energy Northwest just north of Richland you'll see towers but no stacks. Although I'll admit Google maps is fairly Jewish as evidenced when it works completely different for my wife than 99% of the rest of the population and we get lost if she navigates. I think the real moral of the story here is don't let women navigate.

Chernobyl was the biggest story of 1986, possibly eclipsing the Challenger disaster. It too helped bring down the USSR and spur Ukrainian independence. The truth is that it was destroyed by a large bomb, possibly nuclear. No other explanation is possible. Nuclear reactors aren't weapons grade, they don't "explode." The Hasidic Chabad organization calls it "their Chernobyl miracle," having occurred on Purim, 1986.
Probably it was just theater.

Walked around there a few years ago, Chernobyl is a great natural reserve nowadays.

What I found funny to learn is that there were 4 reactors on the terrain, and the day after the explosion the employees went to work normally to the other 3 reactors. especially #3 is just a 100 meters from nr 4. It kept operating for 15 more years.


This is all within 100s of meters of each other.

I think the US and the USSR were done with the Cold War theater.

Probably it was just a controlled demolition with a great well planned propaganda operation like 9/11 or Hiroshima.
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"If I would be looking at you now I would see all your bones"

Lampshade territory.

Let's just say that basic nuclear physics is above your pay grade.

A typical nuclear weapon detonation can produce a huge number of X-rays, which heat the air around the detonation to extremely high temperatures, causing the heated air to expand and form a large fireball within a small fraction of a second.

An exploding nuclear weapon instantly vaporizes itself. What was cold, solid material microseconds earlier becomes a gas hotter than the Sun’s 15-million-degree core. This hot gas radiates its energy in the form of X-rays, which heat the surrounding air. A fireball of superheated air forms and grows rapidly; 10 seconds after a 1-megaton explosion, the fireball is a mile in diameter. The fireball glows visibly from its own heat — so visibly that the early stages of a 1-megaton fireball are many times brighter than the Sun even at a distance of 50 miles. Besides light, the glowing fireball radiates heat.

This thermal flash lasts many seconds and accounts for more than one-third of the weapon’s explosive energy. The intense heat can ignite fires and cause severe burns on exposed flesh as far as 20 miles from a large thermonuclear explosion. Two-thirds of injured Hiroshima survivors showed evidence of such flash burns. You can think of the incendiary effect of thermal flash as analogous to starting a fire using a magnifying glass to concentrate the Sun’s rays. The difference is that rays from a nuclear explosion are so intense that they don’t need concentration to ignite flammable materials.


LMAO that's just a bunch of masons agreeing there on the unspoken truth, not saying the "bomb" isn't real though.

Everyone involved with these tests were masons.

Is their guilt real? Maybe, but it will never outweigh the importance of the 'club'.
This hot gas radiates its energy in the form of X-rays, which heat the surrounding air.
The retina does not function like X-ray film. You cannot see X-rays to distinguish their presence from their absence.

Assuming the veracity of the account, the effect of seeing someone's bones would come from intense visible light penetrating soft tissue and getting blocked by bones.