Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

No one questioned his sanity because of his views on nukes. They questioned his sanity because he was making lists of those who disagreed with him. That is plain weird if not concerning, no matter how you slice it.
My response won't be able to be all-encompassing on this issue but I believe there are some things to bear in mind here.

1. Take the example of Zelcorpion. He was a prolific poster on the old forum and did a lot to red-pill people. I never met him but spoke to people who had. They said he was a guy who genuinely cared and who had a big heart, but that he had his challenges. I mean okay, right?
But then how would we feel if Zelcorpion WAS struggling AND putting out stuff that most of the then forum thought was bonkers (the first time I ever read the words "chipped and pinned population" was a Zelcorpion post) AND THEN he met with a fair degree of ridicule..
Not 'robust debate', ridicule..

2. This is not something that just blew up overnight. This IS a new forum.. but at the same time it is the continuation of the old forum. And this has been building for some time (months at least) on the old forum.
I used to go into schools and do some sports coaching. You see it in playgrounds all the time. A bunch of kids pick one individual and just needle him or her over a long period of time.. flicking their ear, pinching them, finger under the ribs, half hearted attempts to trip them, burping in their face.. and I would say to teachers etc. "they're ganging up on that kid, they've been doing it the last 2 hours, I don't have the power but you can tell them to quit" to which the 'playground monitors' would say "it all looks fine.." and it was all fine, until said little kid went absolutely postal and attacked all his harrassers, who were smart enough to stand back and say "woah, what's going on?1?! this kid's crazy!" - I used to do it to other kids when I was at primary school, and I also got a kick out of said kid raging with tears in his eyes whilst middle aged women stood over him "Toby! What is wrong with you!". Sly grins and winks all round from my playground buddies..

3. NOW - I am NOT saying that Paternos was targeted as some kind of evil 'conspiracy' but if anyone is reading this thinking "hey! that's not fair!" well then just look up this thread alone and assess your own posts. Some were people pretty annoyed by the subject matter and said so, and others were just ad hominems ridiculing Paternos with the retrospective excuse "well, he started it" - well, maybe he didn't help himself but I get the impression that Paternos was very much on his own.
And I think that the playground analogy is apt. This wasn't some high point of intellectual debate.

4. If people want a comparison with how these subjects (and the whole Fed issue) were dealt with in the past when there were similar debates...
Other posters raised this same subject "Nukes are Fake" and in came 911 sharing all this info on how boss-jew Cass Sunstein of the Obama White House had published a federal paper stating that he would use 'cognitive infiltration' techniques to persuade 9-11 truthers of Flat Earth, Dinosaurs being Fake, and Nukes being Fake and thus 'poison the well'.
911 came in, educated people on all this federal counter propaganda that was afoot and then advised people to be wary. Sober and educational.

5. I get on with Paternos, I like to think I get on with the people that Paternos fell out with, or at least most of them.
Paternos had a habit of keeping lists, this is true. He also kept a list of the reasons given for his many warnings and suspensions that he sent me screenshots of, which were certainly interesting.
He kept being suspended for, I quote, "Excessive pride" "Getting into multiple debates", "Low quality posting" "Possibly a previously banned member." "Not making attempts to fit into the community."
People would be forgiven for getting a little paranoid when on the end of multiple suspensions that seem a little.. subjective, shall we say.
People's experience of moderation on the previous forum was wildly varying, it might have been fair and just for the vast majority (and I personally quite liked Daniel H) but I knew nearly each week or each month that the ban hammer was about to fall on me, yet again, and all for quite specious reasons* ie: 'language use' 'grammar' 'punctuation' (*or so it seemed to me.)
But I was never getting warnings for things like 'excessive pride' nor was I aware that being an engaged poster "getting into multiple debates" was actually even an offence on the forum.
Given that, and the amount of bad blood there was between him and various other members (who did like taunting him) Paternos could be forgiven for getting a little paranoid over the long months that this was going on. I think he felt like he wanted to grapple with big questions of truth, and that was what the forum was for, but at the same time was getting flak from all sides and barely holding on to his place in the forum itself.

6. We come back to the Zelcorpion issue, maybe Paternos was a little fragile and a bit annoying for others, but posters like him are (I believe) more of a boon to a forum than something to be jettisoned. Zelcorpion had his strengths.. and his flaws. Same for Paternos.
I understand the criticisms etc. and I can see how his posting style and content may have annoyed others but when Paternos finally went postal in the school yard and started posting lists and all the rest that transpired, I can't help but thinking that the whole conflict could have been handled differently.

7. @abraham - there WAS a thread in the old forum that was titled something like "The Cold War was a stage managed Conflict" and I think that there is a lot of material out there to justify at least a discussion, I believe @stadtaffe said previously that he didn't want to see threads on the forum entitled "Moon Landings were Faked" etc. as he felt that it would lower the tone of the forum.
The problem is that governments and the military industrial complex have lied so much and there does seem to have been collusion in the Cold War, a Mutually Acknowledged Deception between the Cold War Powers that they kept from the masses.
How far that deception went is up for debate.
I wouldn't turn up in someone's foxhole and lecture them that the Cold War was fake whilst they endured mortar fire or got over run.

In short, this had been building for some time, and > I believe < it could have been handled differently.

And there will always be a variance as to how much official reporting and world-view is actually true, given the amount that we have been lied to.
This thread is producing nothing of value, and is simultaneously bringing out the feminine style drama queens in a lot of people.

Moderators, please close this thread so we can all move on like men.
That's unfortunate, I was hoping for an intellectual discussion on nuclear weaponry. I don't see discussing a conspiracy theory to have much value if the facts aren't discussed along with the theories. The most bizarre part to me is having so much emotion invested in it. I don't particularly care of they're fake or not, even though it's a field I'm familiar with, but the "science" involved is fascinating. However I'm not really here for feelings.
That's unfortunate, I was hoping for an intellectual discussion on nuclear weaponry. I don't see discussing a conspiracy theory to have much value if the facts aren't discussed along with the theories. The most bizarre part to me is having so much emotion invested in it. I don't particularly care of they're fake or not, even though it's a field I'm familiar with, but the "science" involved is fascinating. However I'm not really here for feelings.
I think a thread on the history, science, and political considerations of nuclear weapons would be very interesting. You could certainly start one. That's quite a different topic than Nukes are Fake.
I have come to the conclusion that nukes are fake.

For many people seems to be a red flag. "They could not lie about that?" Well I think they do.. They did lie about the flu for 2 years and locked you up right?
The lied about terrorists in planes brining down towers right?

I think Nukes are part of system of lies.

Why? The enemy having nukes is a great way to introduce fear to the population and claim unlimited amounts of resources from them.
So was Hiroshima fake? Yes they just firebombed it / conventional bombs.
So are China, Russia and the US lying? Yes, it's all the same system, they also do fake moon landings, lock people up for the flu, go after fake climate change, nukes are one of the tools of population control for the elite.

Material to check:

Check this book by Akio Nakatani

The elites across the world are bringing up the fear again so be prepared. Oppenheimer this summer.
Spreading iodine tablets. The evil Russians and Chinese are at in again.

You'll hear a lot more of it, so better be prepared for the next wave of nuke lies.

Glad to see this revived. It's interesting to see how triggering this is for some folks especially after the covid hoax.

I started the Nukes are fake thread on RooshV.

I got nuked.

Nukes are totally fake. Also dangers of radiation are way over rated. Trying to dig up an old bitchute video on a Nuclear Researcher who used to swim in plant cooling water and lived into his eighties. He called out the scam.

Oh yeah forgot (((Einstein))) and (((Oppenheimer))). Every single time.
Another greatest hit from the above poster

Can we not ban Flat Earth?

I'm not saying I believe the world is a plane but the fact remains the 'Round Earth' has been pushed very heavily by the globalists to the point where it almost seems like they are hiding something. The fact remains that the sphere earth has only entered the common human belief system in the past 50-100 years through globalist poison like 'National Geographic' and Government 'Space programs'.

Maybe we can find create a respectful thread where folks can ignore it if they choose.

Edit: Please don't respond with other FE posts pro or con.
Is this not just a harmless topic of discussion?
No it's not. It's a dangerous topic as it threatens to distract the whole forum away from what is really important.

It is a fringe interest and belongs on the fringe, or censored. It has however found its way into the centre of the forum.

Paternos was previously denying wars which he sees on the screen on RVF. That is more verifiable if you really want to know, travel to the war zone and see if people really are shooting each other. Or if a hospital really has been blown up. Since there have been no nuclear tests for years, I don't think since the French set some off in the Pacific in the 1990s, you could not really go and see one. If one were announced again and you badly enough wanted to watch it, maybe you could get yourself invited or buy a ticket or something. Talk your way into a journalist's pass.

You can make this kind of claim about anything you can't directly observe - "Are there really lions in Africa?" , "polar bears are fake" . Anything which is not something you can easily get right in front of your face during your day to day, by this same logic you can try to deny exists.

It's bad enough that clown world has safe spaces for people who want to make various wild claims such as being of some 3rd or 5th gender rather than just male or female. Then people who are so badly triggered by Donald Trump that they need a safe space. Lesbian safe spaces, safe from the nasty patriarchy.

Now it seems that within our community, the leftist concept of "safe space" is evolving - don't be nasty to the nuke denier!

I was not nasty to Paternos, I just pointed out the need to be careful about one's own sanity, it really is more of a caring thing. Everyone can lose it under certain conditions we have to all make sure that we and those around us, don't.
This thread is producing nothing of value, and is simultaneously bringing out the feminine style drama queens in a lot of people.

Moderators, please close this thread so we can all move on like men.

No it's not. It's a dangerous topic as it threatens to distract the whole forum away from what is really important.

It is a fringe interest and belongs on the fringe, or censored. It has however found its way into the centre of the forum.

Paternos was previously denying wars which he sees on the screen on RVF. That is more verifiable if you really want to know, travel to the war zone and see if people really are shooting each other. Or if a hospital really has been blown up. Since there have been no nuclear tests for years, I don't think since the French set some off in the Pacific in the 1990s, you could not really go and see one. If one were announced again and you badly enough wanted to watch it, maybe you could get yourself invited or buy a ticket or something. Talk your way into a journalist's pass.


There is worth in discussing what aspects of nukes are real and what is exaggerated. Clearly if Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been rebuilt then oft-repeated ideas about them leaving regions a nuclear wasteland for hundreds of years are overblown myths. Not having gone down the nuclear tech rabbit hole I went off of popular myths such as this which I now recognise isn't so black-and-white.

He did have one good point about that early US nuke test video being fake and gay, but the extensive atomic tests that have been recorded since are far less deniable. The ones we have video and photo evidence of show absolutely massive explosions, so I'm not sure how these can be proven false when there's none of clear fakery that videos like the US nuke test or moon landing videos demonstrate.

I'm against expanding the list of banned topics, but I am in favour of giving individual posters a timeout if they refuse to engage a discussion with rational, well-argued points. If you're just going to dismiss without any reasoning yet continue to beat the drum and rile people up then you're not producing a high-quality intellectual environment for your fellow man. Address the points people make, and be open to admitting that for certain points your real answer may be just "I don't know".
Glad to see this revived. It's interesting to see how triggering this is for some folks especially after the covid hoax.

I started the Nukes are fake thread on RooshV.

I got nuked.

Nukes are totally fake. Also dangers of radiation are way over rated. Trying to dig up an old bitchute video on a Nuclear Researcher who used to swim in plant cooling water and lived into his eighties. He called out the scam.

Oh yeah forgot (((Einstein))) and (((Oppenheimer))). Every single time.
Plant cooling water as in cooling tower water or reactor pool water? There's several systems considered cooling water and most wouldn't have suspect rad designation. I think you'd need to swim near the rods to get a decent exposure but that's not generally accepted practice.
The type of radiation would also be important in the discussion since there's several types. Empirically you can see the skin burn from sunlight which is electromagnetic radiation. The long term damage I suppose is debatable. I quit using sunscreen as I'm pretty sure it contributed to basal carcinoma but I still don't turn myself into a lobster since that sucks.
Hopefully we can all agree x-rays (radiation) aren't fake and gay yet. As an experiment you could go x-ray your man jubblies for several hours to see if any damage occured. The evidence should be a lowered sperm count. Just kidding, don't do that.
My response won't be able to be all-encompassing on this issue but I believe there are some things to bear in mind here.

1. Take the example of Zelcorpion. He was a prolific poster on the old forum and did a lot to red-pill people. I never met him but spoke to people who had. They said he was a guy who genuinely cared and who had a big heart, but that he had his challenges. I mean okay, right?
But then how would we feel if Zelcorpion WAS struggling AND putting out stuff that most of the then forum thought was bonkers (the first time I ever read the words "chipped and pinned population" was a Zelcorpion post) AND THEN he met with a fair degree of ridicule..
Not 'robust debate', ridicule..

2. This is not something that just blew up overnight. This IS a new forum.. but at the same time it is the continuation of the old forum. And this has been building for some time (months at least) on the old forum.
I used to go into schools and do some sports coaching. You see it in playgrounds all the time. A bunch of kids pick one individual and just needle him or her over a long period of time.. flicking their ear, pinching them, finger under the ribs, half hearted attempts to trip them, burping in their face.. and I would say to teachers etc. "they're ganging up on that kid, they've been doing it the last 2 hours, I don't have the power but you can tell them to quit" to which the 'playground monitors' would say "it all looks fine.." and it was all fine, until said little kid went absolutely postal and attacked all his harrassers, who were smart enough to stand back and say "woah, what's going on?1?! this kid's crazy!" - I used to do it to other kids when I was at primary school, and I also got a kick out of said kid raging with tears in his eyes whilst middle aged women stood over him "Toby! What is wrong with you!". Sly grins and winks all round from my playground buddies..

3. NOW - I am NOT saying that Paternos was targeted as some kind of evil 'conspiracy' but if anyone is reading this thinking "hey! that's not fair!" well then just look up this thread alone and assess your own posts. Some were people pretty annoyed by the subject matter and said so, and others were just ad hominems ridiculing Paternos with the retrospective excuse "well, he started it" - well, maybe he didn't help himself but I get the impression that Paternos was very much on his own.
And I think that the playground analogy is apt. This wasn't some high point of intellectual debate.

4. If people want a comparison with how these subjects (and the whole Fed issue) were dealt with in the past when there were similar debates...
Other posters raised this same subject "Nukes are Fake" and in came 911 sharing all this info on how boss-jew Cass Sunstein of the Obama White House had published a federal paper stating that he would use 'cognitive infiltration' techniques to persuade 9-11 truthers of Flat Earth, Dinosaurs being Fake, and Nukes being Fake and thus 'poison the well'.
911 came in, educated people on all this federal counter propaganda that was afoot and then advised people to be wary. Sober and educational.

5. I get on with Paternos, I like to think I get on with the people that Paternos fell out with, or at least most of them.
Paternos had a habit of keeping lists, this is true. He also kept a list of the reasons given for his many warnings and suspensions that he sent me screenshots of, which were certainly interesting.
He kept being suspended for, I quote, "Excessive pride" "Getting into multiple debates", "Low quality posting" "Possibly a previously banned member." "Not making attempts to fit into the community."
People would be forgiven for getting a little paranoid when on the end of multiple suspensions that seem a little.. subjective, shall we say.
People's experience of moderation on the previous forum was wildly varying, it might have been fair and just for the vast majority (and I personally quite liked Daniel H) but I knew nearly each week or each month that the ban hammer was about to fall on me, yet again, and all for quite specious reasons* ie: 'language use' 'grammar' 'punctuation' (*or so it seemed to me.)
But I was never getting warnings for things like 'excessive pride' nor was I aware that being an engaged poster "getting into multiple debates" was actually even an offence on the forum.
Given that, and the amount of bad blood there was between him and various other members (who did like taunting him) Paternos could be forgiven for getting a little paranoid over the long months that this was going on. I think he felt like he wanted to grapple with big questions of truth, and that was what the forum was for, but at the same time was getting flak from all sides and barely holding on to his place in the forum itself.

6. We come back to the Zelcorpion issue, maybe Paternos was a little fragile and a bit annoying for others, but posters like him are (I believe) more of a boon to a forum than something to be jettisoned. Zelcorpion had his strengths.. and his flaws. Same for Paternos.
I understand the criticisms etc. and I can see how his posting style and content may have annoyed others but when Paternos finally went postal in the school yard and started posting lists and all the rest that transpired, I can't help but thinking that the whole conflict could have been handled differently.

7. @abraham - there WAS a thread in the old forum that was titled something like "The Cold War was a stage managed Conflict" and I think that there is a lot of material out there to justify at least a discussion, I believe @stadtaffe said previously that he didn't want to see threads on the forum entitled "Moon Landings were Faked" etc. as he felt that it would lower the tone of the forum.
The problem is that governments and the military industrial complex have lied so much and there does seem to have been collusion in the Cold War, a Mutually Acknowledged Deception between the Cold War Powers that they kept from the masses.
How far that deception went is up for debate.
I wouldn't turn up in someone's foxhole and lecture them that the Cold War was fake whilst they endured mortar fire or got over run.

In short, this had been building for some time, and > I believe < it could have been handled differently.

And there will always be a variance as to how much official reporting and world-view is actually true, given the amount that we have been lied to.

These points are mostly moot, because no admin action was taken against Paternos. I didn't see Paternos as a bad poster, as much as I saw this as a bad topic that clearly brings out some poor behavior. That's why I threatened to ban the topic, not the poster. Not worth losing a solid poster over nonsense like this.

The Apostle Paul made a similar point once. He said he could eat meat, or could not eat meat, and it made little difference to him. But if not eating meat caused fewer people to sin, then he would never eat meat again.

Likewise, if having the "nukes are fake topic" means people will get warnings or bans because they sin against another, then it's better not to have the topic rather than ban people because of it.

This is also why I wore a black mask (that was only 1-ply because I cut out the insides) during COVID, so it would stop people from sinning against me by telling me how not wearing a mask was endangering them and all the other lies for masks. Rather than fight someone over something so small, I just avoid the trap Satan sets and yield to the tiny evil of wearing the mask to prevent the dumb and gullible from sinning against me.

Likewise, when it came to the Q topic back in the Trump era, I politely told people it was a waste of time and moved on. That didn't stop people from believing in the Q pysop, and many of them went to Jan 6th believing it was part of the plan. The same is true for the "nukes are fake" topic, it's almost certainly a pysop to make people not fear the prospect of WW3.

Even if nukes are really fake, it's still better for people to believe they are real because it will help deter the public from supporting WW3. I'd love to meet the cia/fbi/mossad team who creates pysops to fool and divide the right, which serves a larger .gov purpose.
And right now the reason I haven't taken any action on this topic is so that people can air out grievances, plus Paternos did not make any additional posts yet.

Probably at some point I'll move this topic to the off-topic section. I prefer a bit of a "fight club" environment, where people can be real, instead of bottling up grievances for long periods of time. I think this is less comfortable in the short run, but stronger for the forum in the long run.
What this thread needs is solid research and evidence, not conjecture and theories, for both sides of the argument. Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance and arrogance.

The conclusion I have arrived at is that while nuclear energy is real (similar to how atmospheric aether can be harnessed and used to limitless potential, which would essentially make nuclear vestigial), the use of a crude device to be a world-shattering bomb is particularly embellished to the point where questioning the post-WW2 "world order" is absolutely necessary.

In the old forum I posted much of the literature surrounding Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Let us take a look there, and at least recognize that the two incidents were not exactly what we were told. At least acknowledging that there were lies back then is the first step:

This is a complete study undertaken and written of in a book called "Hiroshima Revisited" by Michael Palmer. In it he discusses the concepts of radioactivity, the chemical analysis of the two sites, measurements of isotopes, thermoluminescence, and more. What conclusions we can come to when viewing all of this material, in terms of 'what happened?' differs greatly from any of the textbooks found in grade school, or even in most online forums.

Most of the pertinent details come down to the lack of bomb-derived radioactivity, analysis of the "black rain" which allegedly carried the fallout which contained natural uranium (U-238) and only 0.2% of bomb-uranium (U-235). as well as lack of radioactivity in soil depth.

Arthur Compton, Physicist and director of the Manhattan project, gave a presentation on may 31st, 1945, before the secret "Interim Committee" in Washington, where he admitted they had not succeeded in purifying plutonium, only converting some and letting reactor fuel go critical inside a reactor, producing a radioactive waste, but they did not extract any significant quantity of it. He estimated it would take two years until they would be ready to purify it, and at least a year to obtain the required amount.

The summary of alleged nuclear fallout at Hiroshima and Nagasaki (from Palmer's presentation):

Hiroshima (alleged uranium bomb)
-artificial radioactivity is detectable only in minuscule amounts
-no evidence of highly enriched bomb uranium
-isotope mixture consistent with weakly enriched reactor material

Nagasaki (alleged plutonium bomb)
-fallout concentrated in one spot far from the hypocenter
-deposited not at the time of the bombing but only two years after

-bomb-grade uranium and plutonium were both unavailable in 1945
-inadequate but determined efforts to fake bomb fallout in both cities

Evidence of Bomb Radiation from indirect measurements:
-the nuclear bomb should have released both y-radiation and neutron radiation
-energy from y-radiation can be captured by ceramic materials (bricks and roof tiles) and released at a later time as thermoluminescence by heating the sample
-neutrons are captured by atomic nuclei on the ground, which may thereby become radioactive-- this induced radioactivity can likewise be measured later

The full pdf is freely available here, where I will be citing sources:
Dr, Palmer also has come out with work against the MRNA vaxxes, so he seems to be a credible sort.

Here is a video interview of him discussing the work:

The takeaway from Palmer's work, the bottom line, is that there were no atomic bombings of these two cities. Therefore we only have the "tests" to cite as possible references for real explosions of these devices.

Here is a video that begins by talking about the differences in the types of bombs carried per aircraft. Then it goes into the bombing campaigns and decisions of the US brass to bomb certain cities. Note that the city of Hiroshima was mostly made of wood. Other cities in Japan are compared. The design and arrangement of the towns present an identical post-bombing pattern to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The downtown centers of Hiroshima were still structurally intact after the alleged detonation and explosion, apparently right below the epicenter. It resembled a replica of Osaka and Yokohama, all burned out after incendiary carpet bombing.

Then it goes into General Crawford Sams interview where he believed the "power" of the atomic bomb was greatly exaggerated, and many of the deaths in Hiroshima after the bombing, even up to six months later, even if a man fell off a bicycle and died, was attributed to the atomic bomb. Then the video goes into the chronology of bombing on Japan cited in the Army Air Force campaign volumes, and connects some dots to how the cities were firebombed within multiple sorties by the missing bombers from a mission to Ube where a refinery was destroyed in August. You guys need to get into the textbooks and the historical literature to sniff out these lies, they're not going to reveal themselves.

"The damage on the ground does not justify the firepower in the air."

He goes into a simple calculation based on wartime logistics to show how this is possible:

For the amount of destruction done at Tokyo, and that done at Imabari, it would take roughly 89 B-29s to do the same at Hiroshima.
Where would these 89 B-29's come from? The mission to Ube which was mentioned in the mission catalogue but never expanded upon is the most likely source.

Then he offers an explanation for Nagasaki as well. There are discrepancies in the timetable. He does another calculation, 65 B-29's would be needed to destroy Nagasaki, and 65 were used for the Saga air raid on August 5th, only 42 miles away. It was also bombed on August 1st, 1945, and 4 times before that in the previous year. Even 'eyewitness' accounts are reporting errors as early as 1946 because of the planes exchange with another plane called "The Great Artiste," which was intended to be the plane to carry the "bomb" and required specific scientific instruments. Then it shows the interview of Major Sweeney, the alleged pilot of the 'Bockscar', and Captain Behan the pilot of the 'Artiste' where they didn't even know the name of the plane.

"Were Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombed by atomic weapons?"

Now onto the more conspiratorial aspect of this whole project, part of it is overlaid with Operation Mockingbird.

This here is a video that begins with Lookout Mountain Airforce Station, a US military film studio in the hollywood hills. I don't think we have any cinematographers on membership here, but there are clever tricks like lens flares and overlays that are put into all of these "old films" showcasing the explosive power of the atomic bomb. The amount of employees who worked in Hollywood working on these films is staggering. This guy deconstructs it very simply:

The Smith-Mundt act, originally attempted to pass before FDR kicked the bucket in early 1945, was passed in 1948 under Truman's administration, and was revised in 2018. It essentially has given the government full legal authority to produce fake stories within the U.S. targeted at it own citizens.

No one knows a "survivor" of these bombings. For any event or act of carnage, whether real or deep-state-contrived, there is a response in the ready wing. The controllers make whole documentaries with survivor stories to shape their hoaxes and also utilize crisis actors. It’s all theatrics. They’re a movie production company. Many of us who are partially awake are not quite fully awake yet if we haven't considered the scope of these prostitute thespians. As far as the bombings of Japan, they were indeed firebombed which is verifiable, all other details were fabricated as was 99% of any history we were indoctrinated with in school.
Continued, the findings from Hiroshima Revisited suggest the presence of Mustard gas (sulfur mustard) - Cl-CH2-CH2-S-CH2-Ch2-Cl a battle gas used by both sides in WW1 with a smell likened to garlic, onions, rotten eggs, has an oily fluid with a high boiling point, can persist in the environment for months, and causes radiation-like damage to bone marrow, hair follicles, and intestines, as well as chemical burns to the skin, and to the lungs when inhaled.

The conclusion from this for the type of bombs used for these two cities, for detail, are as follows:
-fireworks of sorts for creating a flash, a bang, and a cloud
-the bang likely involved multiple large bombs detonated in the air, above different parts of the cities
-in-air detonation of napalm bombs, with burning napalm raining down on the cities
-in-air detonation of sulfur mustard bombs

Further witness testimonies:

"To my utter astonishment, Hiroshima from the air looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities I had observed! For two days I examined Hiroshima. I looked for the bald spot... it wasn't there. I searched for other traces of phenomena that could reasonably be tagged 'unusual.' I couldn't find them." - Alexander P. de Seversky, aeronautical engineer, an early expert witness, on the signs of destruction in both cities.

"It is... difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects ina number of people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation." - Colonel Ashley Oughterson, MD, who headed the medical "Joint Commission" that investigated the aftermath of the bombings. A short time after writing down these words, he died in a plane crash in Colombia. Three of the other six American MDs who served on the commission also died before their time.

"My nose detected a peculiar odour unlike anything I have ever smelled before. It is something like sulphur, but not quite... [The Japanese] believe it is given off by the poisonous gas still issuing from t eh earth soaked with radioactivity." - Wilfred Burchett, Australian Journalist.

"It's got nothing to do with atoms." - Werner Heisenberg, upon learning of the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The amount of money and deception that went into the agenda and the narrative surrounding these world bombs was painstakingly crafted to prop up the emergence of a one-world government post WW2. So in Paternos original assessment, though I wish he included more of the details because most of us will not sit through 3-hour videos, his ultimate conclusion is correct, though his reasoning is not entirely coordinated enough for everyone else to understand. I arrived at nearly the same conclusion as him, although I mostly studied Galen Windsor's testimony on the usefulness of nuclear energy and how it isn't as dangerous as we're told.

The first thing I always do is 'step back' in every scenario. I also know that ultimately it doesn't truly matter for my own survival whether they are fake or not because the same amount of destruction can be done conventionally, and much worse spiritually if we do not guard ourselves The doomsday armageddon-style nukes are fictitious and prey upon all our worst fears, just like the virus hysteria, or what they have mediocrely failed to do with the space alien agenda.

The next step shouldn't be, "we can take on the system because they can't destroy us with weapons that don't exist," nor should it be the fearmongering opposite "we have to be careful in making a family and children in the future because they all could get vaporized any second the jews lose control in DC" but rather to keep prodding and awakening others to see what is real and what isn't, for there are many more dangerous weapons out there than jewish nukes. There is enough danger in the RF-EMF spectrum being deployed on all of us daily that could potentially make every living thing extinct, on a timeline comfortable enough for the self-appointed elites, but slow enough for us not to notice it.

I live my life and make my decisions based on the knowledge and the faith that I have to see that God would not allow these deceptions to overcome me. I knew it in the beginning with the fake virus hoax and MRNA plus EMF angle, I knew when I was younger and I saw the chaos of 9/11 unfolding in front of me and going to visit NYC in the early weeks after it happened, and I knew it in school when they were brainwashing the multitudes of us with their poor-propaganda of history. What attributes and strengths I lacked in other areas of my life, I always had a more attenuated antenna to the truth, and could always tell a liar when I heard them soothsay out of their mouth.

Paternos is not a liar, and neither am I. In the very least, what we all have been told about nuclear weapons is not the case, whether from an academic institution, a government agency, or a branch of the military, and there is considerable agendas put in place to perpetuate a world order run by fear. If any of us have not recognized that in the last three years and 10 months, then we might have other issues to sort out before even discussing these topics deemed fringe by many.
I don't have a dog in this fight but I'd like to see the discussion allowed to continue, and to return to a civilized matter of fact based conversation absent of emotional reactions.

This topic appeals to my natural skepticism of "the world as we know it", but I just don't know enough about it to say one way or another.

Arthur Compton, Physicist and director of the Manhattan project, gave a presentation on may 31st, 1945, before the secret "Interim Committee" in Washington, where he admitted they had not succeeded in purifying plutonium, only converting some and letting reactor fuel go critical inside a reactor, producing a radioactive waste, but they did not extract any significant quantity of it. He estimated it would take two years until they would be ready to purify it, and at least a year to obtain the required amount.


Very detailed and interesting reply, and thanks additionally for the videos and book posted.

I'd like to draw attention to this segment - he estimated that atomic bombs would be ready in a few years, but not in time for the end of the war. Doesn't that mean that the existence of atomic weapons from the 1950s onwards is still possible, as would be implied from the various nuclear tests that have been done since then?
Very detailed and interesting reply, and thanks additionally for the videos and book posted.

I'd like to draw attention to this segment - he estimated that atomic bombs would be ready in a few years, but not in time for the end of the war. Doesn't that mean that the existence of atomic weapons from the 1950s onwards is still possible, as would be implied from the various nuclear tests that have been done since then?
I was thinking this. Very interesting and specific quotes that MftP has in his last few posts. Seems like there could be something there. Even staying within the conventional narrative, whenever I hear a normie go on about Hiroshima while being entirely unaware of the Tokyo firebombings, it's a sure sign that this is someone who knows very little about WW2 in general and the final defeat of Japan in particular. It certainly would have been possible to damage a city to the extent Hiroshima and Nagasaki were damaged with conventional weapons at the time. It happened several times.

For the guys who are more on the side of nukes not existing, are there any accounts of from survivors at Hiroshima and Nagasaki that contradict the official narrative that only three planes were used in the attack against Hiroshima? I think it was a similar number against Nagasaki, but I couldn't find exact information. Hundreds of B-29s dropped incendiary bombs on Tokyo during Operation Meetinghouse to achieve destruction similar to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Seems like it would be impossible to note the difference between three planes and almost 100x as many, and hard to completely suppress accounts of a such a massive raid from survivors when supposedly just a few planes were used.

Another question, am I right that you (the guys who don't believe in nukes) would say that the massive explosions in the test footage from the 1950s and 1960s we have are just very powerful conventional bombs? I suppose it's possible. Although people associate mushroom clouds with nuclear weapons, any extremely powerful explosion can create one.

You make the case that the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not nucular. Good book and investigation you've posted there too. It certainly looks legit, and it sways me to believe those cities weren't nuked.

That said, it doesn't mean nukes are fake. That is a massive jump in logic. Again, the Russian Test footage has been posted. It looks legit as a film can be. Perhaps America's nukes are fake, but Russians have real nukes. America would need to keep up the bluff lest their enemies become emboldened, but again, none of this means "nukes are fake."
-Nuclear power generation is more difficult really, hence it came later, but it's in both cases splitting the atom. If you believe in NP there's no reason to doubt the bomb.

-All footage and accounts must be have been faked, by diverse nations and cultures for fake nukes to be true.

-All conflicts between major nation states/races could all of a sudden be put aside, replaced a close cooperation.

-Almost 80 years of keeping this hidden, involving probably millions of people, and no real leaks or anyone who's spoken out etc.

-Major wars stopped after Japan events, which has never been the case prior in human history. (for this long)

-Hard to find any purpose of all this. If peace was the goal then the idea that nukes are fake already has total trust between nation leaders and races baked into the conspiracy cake. Fake nukes are not necessary in other words. All in all, extremely illogical and against all evidence.
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...the Russian Test footage has been posted. It looks legit as a film can be. Perhaps America's nukes are fake, but Russians have real nukes. America would need to keep up the bluff lest their enemies become emboldened...
This might be the most questionable example of instinctive "Russia good/America bad" thinking I've ever seen. What exactly about the Russian test footage do you find more convincing than the American footage? And supposing you're somehow right, would Chinese, British, French, Indian, etc. nukes be of the real Russian variety or the fake American variety?
I wouldn't mind this discussion continuing if it's going to be along the lines of it is going now. I wasn't in favor of this topic being banned instead I was critical of the reasoning being out forth which seemed to be among the lines of 'if one thing is a lie then everything else must be a lie' with no further arguments brought forth to support it. If we're instead going to talk about things like radiation remaining and the chemistry/physics behind it then that is perfectly fine to me.