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Irish Politics Thread

A man saying "This is war" who then capitulates to sponsors is definitionally a coward.
There is a saying going back to the soviet union: "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him" it meant that any person could be found guilty if the the powers that be desired so. I would change it a little and say "give me the man and I will give you his vulnerability" anyone has a weakness that can be exploited, and for celebrity figures like athletes/musicians/actors cancellation is the greatest fear. Goodbye sponsorships, goodbye wealth and fame, goodnight career.
I'm not defending his backpedaling, but I can understand what they could be using against him.
I think pampered stars like him are just starting to realize what they are up against and the battle is much bigger and harder than they ever imagined. So, he is probably second guessing things and going to play the long game.
The more people have to lose, the more vulnerable they become. It's one thing for You or me to find a new job, but it's something completely different for a cancelled star to do the same.
Firstly, it's speculation that he's done this because of pressure from sponsors. It may well be he fears legal repercussions, or perhaps he reflected upon it and thought it was a bit silly and posted when he was angry.
That's just the most obvious pressure point that he has. Remember how they went after bank accounts of Canadian truckers, and then imagine what they can do to a person whose livelihood is based on sponsorship deals.

Secondly, I think he's been very critical of the government and done a lot more than most folk with a similar status.

Why is it that as soon as somebody like him speaks out, their motives are immediately questioned and folk accuse them of being 'controlled opposition', etc?
I'm neither accusing nor defending him.
I can say that he used his high profile for the greater good - voicing his defiance against the multiculti madness, and waking up some people that haven't been awere. But, at the end of the day, his celebrity status is his weakness, and now he could be facing a challenge that he may be unable to overcome - not a clean fight in the octagon, but a boardroom blackmail.
Firstly, it's speculation that he's done this because of pressure from sponsors. It may well be he fears legal repercussions, or perhaps he reflected upon it and thought it was a bit silly and posted when he was angry.

Secondly, I think he's been very critical of the government and done a lot more than most folk with a similar status.

Why is it that as soon as somebody like him speaks out, their motives are immediately questioned and folk accuse them of being 'controlled opposition', etc?
There was a time, believe it or not, when people would say things and you knew where they stood.

If Twitter existed in the 1700s, maybe one day you see Patrick Henry's account saying "Give me liberty or give me death!" and then the next day you see "Tweet deleted."

His celebrity is his weakness and he maybe didn't know what he was getting in to. Sure. But brave men stand by their words. He made the original tweet, and then deleted it, and to say that I can't criticize that behavior is exactly why we're in this situation as a society.
The jews have been tired of Ireland for some time. They have worked overtime to put their death values of abortion, fag marriage, fag worship, and secularism upon a thoroughly spiritual people. From their wayward origins in druidism, to early Christianity to Catholicism to its split and paralleling Protestantism, the Irish were never meant for an atheistic life, but these rats are determined to siphon the God out of every believing race on earth. When they hit a brick wall, like they did with Ireland, then they ramp up the dissection of their people's faith, history, and traditions. They relentlessly spread their armchair-bourgeois trickled leftism, through the universities and the already-corrupted British, and when that is not enough they castrate the Celtic tiger that was the old IRA which would not have allowed this through infiltration and subversion, and then when even that is not enough, they ramp up their importation of their biological weapons and the expected reactions to enforce their dialectic through the current prostitute legislation of Ireland.

The jews knew this Celtic race was particularly strong even eons ago, when they had their servants in the British empire enslave them and forcibly miscegenate them with African slaves to create the mulatto race, a hybridized lamentation which has eternally plagued mankind as a miserably confused and self-hating wreck, which is to be the end-goal for all pure European countries by their jewish enslavers.

Now you cannot speak out against your own destruction as a Celt with these new laws, just as the formula predicted. Just like how the Germans have still been enslaved and can't even speak about their own oblivion, how the UK became the same, and now how Ireland, a country that never had any "colonies" or ever asserted itself over darker races, must now be consumed by the maws from the dark corners of the earth chaotically unleashed in seething parallel hatred with the turncoat women all on a jewish leash.

Who will come after the Europeans? When all European blood has been exhausted on this earth, there will be no utopia for the liberalized masses. They will eat each other, likely, and often, literally speaking. Another people betrayed, put in a deeper dungeon locked in chains while the pigs feast above on the fruits of their labors in their own castle. Were I an Irishman, I'd rather die than live such a way. To live, fight, and die for a cause there is nothing greater than is an honorable life. In this situation there will be no fighting, the controllers are so determined to keep them all as slaves, ever fearful. The back of the system must be broken before the European can rise once more and claim his blood and soil.

“Should the jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his Crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through the ether, without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago.”
The more people have to lose, the more vulnerable they become. It's one thing for You or me to find a new job, but it's something completely different for a cancelled star to do the same.

If people with the wealth to fall back on won't fight then who will? It might rather be that the type of personality you need to have in order to get rich is not the type that has any principles that they won't break for fame and money etc. In general that seems to be the rule. It's extremely rare to see a wealthy person willing to sacrifice anything substantial.
A man saying "This is war" who then capitulates to sponsors is definitionally a coward.
Whatever else McGregor is, and I don't particularly like what I've seen of him, a coward he is not. He's had to face fear many times as a fighter and push through it. Anyone who has had a fight or two knows this.

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Incredible exchange where MSM journalist challenges Gript editor for releasing the nationality of perpetrator of stabbing incident to the public.

Journalists are typically midwit social climbers with unimpressive credentials - they like to feel part of ruling caste set apart from the ignorant masses they educate.

Most don't even hide anymore that they value suppressing "racism" over reporting the truth.



EMJ is controlled opposition. Full stop.

The powers that be spend a lot of time trying to convince Whites that they are evil and then that they are not White when their kids get stabbed but then they are White when it comes to slavery and they have a whole lot of shills that help them out.

I never see arguments for why Hatians aren't really Black or how Chinese aren't really Asian.

EMJ is controlled opposition. Full stop.

The powers that be spend a lot of time trying to convince Whites that they are evil and then that they are not White when their kids get stabbed but then they are White when it comes to slavery and they have a whole lot of shills that help them out.

I never see arguments for why Hatians aren't really Black or how Chinese aren't really Asian.

It's hard to label someone who argues against the Holocaust and is on the ADL's hitlist as controlled opposition. This statement might have been misunderstood. I'm not entirely sure what he meant to be honest.
The fightback continues. Hats off to these people for making a stand:


Residents of villages in Ireland have resorted to establishing barricades and road checkpoints around their communities to prevent the government from relocating asylum seekers to the area.

Locals of Dromahair in County Leitrim took the drastic measure to cordon off the village on Friday amid rumors the Department of Integration was planning to bus in dozens of foreign nationals without prior agreement by community leaders.

According to the Irish Examiner, three checkpoints were erected on roads around the village and members of the Dromahair Concerned Residents Association manned the roadblocks and checked cars as they sought to enter the area.

Protesters have expressed their discontent in recent days at the possibility of new arrivals to the town, citing security and the saturation of public services as their primary concerns.

The Irish government did not attempt to relocate the migrants on Friday and the citizens’ association in the village confirmed on Monday they had received written confirmation from Integration Minister Roderic O’Gorman that no new arrivals would descend on the town without sufficient engagement among the local residents.

It's hard to label someone who argues against the Holocaust and is on the ADL's hitlist as controlled opposition. This statement might have been misunderstood. I'm not entirely sure what he meant to be honest.
They will let you be countersemitic if it lets them reach a broader audience.

EMJ, a supposed Christian, is not showing sympathy for people that had children stabbed. He's saying they shouldn't identify as White. The only way to come to that conclusion while being as smart and well-read as Mr Jones, is to be controlled opposition.

If, as suggested above, he simply "doesn't see race", then let's see the demographics of the ZIP code he lives in.

Or even better, maybe someone who "doesn't see race" shouldn't be persuading people who just had their children stabbed that they aren't White. You know, because he doesn't see race, and children being stabbed by invaders is just something that happens and the important thing is to make it about race even though it isn't and besides he can't see it anyway.

EMJ is controlled opposition. Full stop.

The powers that be spend a lot of time trying to convince Whites that they are evil and then that they are not White when their kids get stabbed but then they are White when it comes to slavery and they have a whole lot of shills that help them out.

I never see arguments for why Hatians aren't really Black or how Chinese aren't really Asian.
I think what EMJ, an American, is getting at is that the Irish were not generally considered White in the US until the 20th century. Nor were Italians, Russians, Greeks, etc. Mainly the "White" label was reserved for Germanic peoples and perhaps Scottish/Welsh and the French.

During the industrialization of the late 19th and early 20th century, various ethnic groups would move up in the ranks over time. In Chicago for example, first the Germans would control the factories and the Irish would do the grunt work. The Irish were seen as having lower social status, and the factory jobs were extremely unpleasant and dangerous back then. Then the Irish moved up the ranks into management and politics, and Poles or Lithuanians replaced them on the factory floor. Eventually the Poles and Lithuanians would elevate their social status and today you have mostly Latinos doing the grunt work.

But generally in America, the Irish had a tough time until a certain point because they were not seen as White. I think that is what EMJ is trying to say. I can in no way see how he is controlled opposition because he has red-pilled so many on the JQ.