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Irish Politics Thread

This whole saga is actually a white pill, including the clamp down.

The sad reality is white people deserve a political solution as much as some neckbeard in a basement deserves to be CEO with Mila Kunis at his side. When I’m around random whites I get the sense that nothing is wrong at all. How is something suppose to be done if we can barely articulate a grievance? This on the contrary is the black advantage. No black person is confused about where they stand as far as self-interest. They have a concise position, like not cooperating with police because they know black incarceration will eventually effect them too. Despite what people claim this is their advantage, this is why they can consistently uphold their ghetto lifestyle. They don’t need to prove it makes sense or it’s for everyone benefit. It works for them and they’re going to impose it on you. Whites do nothing of the sort.

The fact that the Irish were willing to go out at all is a good sign. Unfortunately when your starting point is defending yourself for the first time in your life, you’re going to get every bully trying to punish you severely for the “audacity”. This is how power dynamics work. It’s kind of like prison, once you’ve been made a punk it’s an uphill battle to earn anything back. Why white people let themselves be put in this position is a mystery.

So our journey is going to be very unpleasant and unfortunately the bullying is going to have to continue until white men figure out they need to form gangs and not support the system that humiliates them. In that the Irish are further along then the rest of our brethren.

@EMJ if he ever were to read this forum, I'd have a few things to say to him:

"jews import nonwhites into Ireland as a form of genocide"

Convents and monasteries being plundered all over again, this time in the very place where St Patrick planted a yew tree - the symbol of immortality:

"destroy all remnants of Christianity: the jewish game plan in action"

Migrants staying in palaces in Ireland:

"Total invasion orchestrated by jews is about to hit small communities in Ireland"

I don't believe Ireland is completely controlled by jews. It is targeted for extermination by them one way or another, and pretty soon these Celtic politicians won't be able to speak out against Israel because its "countersemitic".

"Evidence that at least some Irish politicians are not controlled by jews"

I hesitated about posting this one, but it doesn't actually show whoever is being killed, and I can't find the corresponding story for it, from June 2023. But I think its best perhaps to see this as the ultimate fruit of jewish deception.

Warning: footage of a murder happening out of camera
"Welcome to ireland, where n***ers chop people up in broad daylight."

How many of EMJ's 22 grandchildren are mixed-race?
@EMJ if he ever were to read this forum, I'd have a few things to say to him:

"jews import nonwhites into Ireland as a form of genocide"

Convents and monasteries being plundered all over again, this time in the very place where St Patrick planted a yew tree - the symbol of immortality:

"destroy all remnants of Christianity: the jewish game plan in action"

Migrants staying in palaces in Ireland:

"Total invasion orchestrated by jews is about to hit small communities in Ireland"

I don't believe Ireland is completely controlled by jews. It is targeted for extermination by them one way or another, and pretty soon these Celtic politicians won't be able to speak out against Israel because its "countersemitic".

"Evidence that at least some Irish politicians are not controlled by jews"

I hesitated about posting this one, but it doesn't actually show whoever is being killed, and I can't find the corresponding story for it, from June 2023. But I think its best perhaps to see this as the ultimate fruit of jewish deception.

Warning: footage of a murder happening out of camera
"Welcome to ireland, where n***ers chop people up in broad daylight."

How many of EMJ's 22 grandchildren are mixed-race?

What's with the white soy boys just looking at it and walking away though? I know it's all part of the plan.
Sorry mate, it was a long time ago that I listened and I can't remember. But to summarise, EMJ doesn't believe there's any such thing as race.

Yes, it's based on his biblical views. He says the same thing about the Jews vs the Israelis. Of course I disagree with that, but I still think he's someone worth supporting for his work on other things, especially challenging the gassing story regarding the Holocaust.
I think what EMJ, an American, is getting at is that the Irish were not generally considered White in the US until the 20th century. Nor were Italians, Russians, Greeks, etc. Mainly the "White" label was reserved for Germanic peoples and perhaps Scottish/Welsh and the French.
Except we live in 2023, not 1892, and he's not talking about 1892.

EMJ is controlled opposition. Full stop.

The powers that be spend a lot of time trying to convince Whites that they are evil and then that they are not White when their kids get stabbed but then they are White when it comes to slavery and they have a whole lot of shills that help them out.

I never see arguments for why Hatians aren't really Black or how Chinese aren't really Asian.
White is a US centric term so why is EMJ projecting that on Ireland anyway?

But even if we were to go along with him, Irish have been classified as White in US censi since at least 1790.

This man has an agenda and it isn't anything good.
White is a US centric term so why is EMJ projecting that on Ireland anyway?

But even if we were to go along with him, Irish have been classified as White in US censi since at least 1790.

This man has an agenda and it isn't anything good.

Agreed. I learn a lot from EMJ's academic conservatism but my back is not completely safe from a knife from him like it isn't from Anglo libertarians.

Maybe he has a gripe against Anglo and Dutch (maybe Scots-Irish) Protestant founding American groups regardless if they were loyalist or republican in the War of Independence?

White is a British Empire term too. In my father's day the Empire consisted of the White Commonwealth and the black and brown empire. The Spanish Empire had a more precise classification system in its census but so-called Latin America is far less white than the US and the British Commonwealth is.

I can't help notice that during the rare moment when a global minority (i.e. white people) in Ireland wake up to the fact that multiculturalism and diversity is exclusively implemented in formerly white countries that EMJ is one of the first to provide the academic knife in the back.
I can't help notice that during the rare moment when a global minority (i.e. white people) in Ireland wake up to the fact that multiculturalism and diversity is exclusively implemented in formerly white countries that EMJ is one of the first to provide the academic knife in the back.
So in my mind there are two possibilities: He's either stupid/clueless, or he's a bad actor.

Even if it came down to he hates Protestants so much that he's using this for a personal reason, that puts him firmly in the bad actor category. And we know EMJ, of all people, is neither stupid nor clueless.

What you are basically looking at is state sponsored ethnic cleansing and wanton demographic change. These people cannot be argued with, they need to be removed from power if the Irish people want to have a future for their children. So strange that they are letting this happen after finally becoming independent after centuries of British rule.
All of Europe should unite and fight the barbarians as "white European Christians". EMJ has no right to criticize the white Europeans while sitting in his mansion around all his fellow white Americans. Even though I'm not of Irish blood I do stand with them as a white European.

"...during that oppression, we still maintained our invisibility cloak of White privilege."

Yeah, obviously they had so much privilege that a quarter of the Irish died or left during the Famine. Nothing demonstrates White privilege and an "invisibility cloak" as much as being starved out by the Brits.

It's shocking how deranged these "leaders" have become.
I think what EMJ, an American, is getting at is that the Irish were not generally considered White in the US until the 20th century. Nor were Italians, Russians, Greeks, etc. Mainly the "White" label was reserved for Germanic peoples and perhaps Scottish/Welsh and the French.

During the industrialization of the late 19th and early 20th century, various ethnic groups would move up in the ranks over time. In Chicago for example, first the Germans would control the factories and the Irish would do the grunt work. The Irish were seen as having lower social status, and the factory jobs were extremely unpleasant and dangerous back then. Then the Irish moved up the ranks into management and politics, and Poles or Lithuanians replaced them on the factory floor. Eventually the Poles and Lithuanians would elevate their social status and today you have mostly Latinos doing the grunt work.

But generally in America, the Irish had a tough time until a certain point because they were not seen as White. I think that is what EMJ is trying to say. I can in no way see how he is controlled opposition because he has red-pilled so many on the JQ.

This isn't true. Irish and Italians were both considered White, even founding father Patrick Henry was of Irish descent. They may not have been welcomed everywhere, but they were considered White.

As for EMJ, when he goes on White Nationalist podcasts, they always treat him with kid gloves and never talk on the topic in great detail. The reason being they don't want to cause an unneeded argument with a guest who has done so much valuable research and whose opinions on race are very misguided and not worth arguing over. Unfortunately for EMJ, this allowed him to think too highly of his opinion on race and he is burning down his own reputation because he never put any research into it.
Unfortunately for EMJ, this allowed him to think too highly of his opinion on race and he is burning down his own reputation because he never put any research into it.
I wonder how he could not, though.

He knows Jews inside and out. Writes plenty of books and opinions that are academically researched. But BLM burns down America in 2020 while our (((Corporations))) fund it and our (((Government Officials))) do nothing about it and he can't figure out 2+2=4?

Jews help found and fund the NAACP and MLK and EMJ just ignores those data points because race is an abstract idea?


EMJ apparently went on Strike and Mike a few years ago and they did confront him about race and he wound up saying that the conversation was "tiring him out". I'm repeating what I heard them say about it recently; I've not seen that episode myself.

I still come back to: 3 kids are stabbed and he's talking about whose White and who isn't. Clearly something's wrong here.