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Irish Politics Thread

As a true Fighting Irish American whose father fought the Imperial Japanese on US Navy Diesel Electric Fleet Boat submarines and was called back for the Korean War and is buried in the Quantico National Veterans Cemetary...

It simply amazes me how completely the Fight has been Bred Out of the Modern Irish and how in two short generations they have been turned into Anti-Christian, Anti-White, Anti-US 2A, (((((Pro Marxist Socialists))))) Degenerate Conga Line Poofter Rainbow Trans Feminist loving yappy pink purse puppies.

This is even beyond (((((George Soros and Sons))))) degenerate hedge fund Open Foundation billions - something truly sinister at work here.

If it worked in Ireland as a Proof of Concept - then the USA is clearly their ultimate target.
After losing two votes on changes to the constitution, the President of the ROI has thrown teddy out of the pram, and resigned:

Fingers crossed for his replacement being more acceptable.

Simon Harris, set to become Ireland’s youngest ever taoiseach (Prime Minister), will hope his social media skills and fresh face can save his party’s flagging fortunes as elections loom.

Already dubbed by media the “TikTok Taoiseach” (pronounced “Tee-shock”), the 37-year-old beats the previous record holder, predecessor Leo Varadkar, who was 38 when he took the top job in 2017.

According to my late maternal grandmother, Harris in Ireland is a Jewish surname. The first name "Simon" certainly can be.

A quick inter web search uncovers Harris as a German Jew and a political name in 19 Century Dublin:

My grandmother was never far wrong.
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A fair assumption then that under ((((Harris)))) the trend of Anti-Christian, Anti-White, Anti-US 2A, (((((Pro Marxist Socialists))))) Degenerate Conga Line Poofter Rainbow Trans Feminist loving yappy pink purse puppies shall continue but with an improperly proper Tic Toc Spin.
As a true Fighting Irish American whose father fought the Imperial Japanese on US Navy Diesel Electric Fleet Boat submarines and was called back for the Korean War and is buried in the Quantico National Veterans Cemetary...

It simply amazes me how completely the Fight has been Bred Out of the Modern Irish and how in two short generations they have been turned into Anti-Christian, Anti-White, Anti-US 2A, (((((Pro Marxist Socialists))))) Degenerate Conga Line Poofter Rainbow Trans Feminist loving yappy pink purse puppies.

This is even beyond (((((George Soros and Sons))))) degenerate hedge fund Open Foundation billions - something truly sinister at work here.

If it worked in Ireland as a Proof of Concept - then the USA is clearly their ultimate target.

The attitude is the same of most post-war RCs I've come across and particularly millennials, North & South and even in England. My Aunt's husband who is of Irish descent and was raised RC in England is pro-everything. What's interesting to me (probably because they tend to have larger families and the Catholic education system) is that they usually have great social skills, so can argue at a domestic level but seem to be devoid of a deeper intellect at the same time.
Hating Palestine implicitly means supporting Israel. Not saying it's fair, but that's the reality. I'd rather support Palestine so more Muslims and chews destroy each other.
This video has nothing to do with that war. It's about Irish pride and not having another flag fly in your country.
This video has nothing to do with that war. It's about Irish pride and not having another flag fly in your country.

I agree it's not fair. But being anti-Palestine = pro-Israel. That's how it gets interpreted despite any intentions to the contrary.

I don't think I have ever read a more honest headline about an aim of multiculturalism.
I think Ireland is where this pops off first. The people there are more likely to fight, due to their history of being colonized by the English and their newfound freedom being destroyed by migrants creating a new tower of Babel.

I wouldn't call it an "immigrant camp", so much as an "offensive staging-area."
If the Gardai were to storm and search that site right now, I wonder how many illegal weapons and drugs they'd find...
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I wouldn't call it an "immigrant camp", so much as an "offensive staging-area."
If the Gardai were to storm and search that site right now, I wonder how many illegal weapons and drugs they'd find...On second thought, probably none, as some bleeding-heart Leftist Quisling in the Garda would probably tip off the invaders in advance.