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Irish Politics Thread

I have great affinity for the Irish and their beautiful and ancient culture. I was just there a few weeks ago, and fell in love with the country all over again. But they have been neutered as a people and are far too docile and accepting of their destruction. Where is the old Irish spirit that fought the Vikings and the British?

An interesting aside I pulled from a Wiki article:

"Some Eastern Orthodox propose the theory that the Church in Ireland had experienced a long period of impaired communication and communion with the Holy See prior to the Great Schism of 1054. Some Orthodox thus assert the Celtic Church preached a form of Christianity that was free of Roman legalism. They conclude that the Church in Ireland was, in effect, a provincial form of the Orthodox Christianity as survives in Eastern Orthodoxy.[1][2][3][4] Followers of this theory note that while Irish Christianity was historically tied to Western Christianity and the Catholic Church, Celtic Christians were often at odds with Catholic practice. Bede noted in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People that the Synod of Whitby in 663-664 put Celtic Christians in opposition to continental Catholics and their ritual practices.[5] The Gregorian Reforms of the eleventh century were crystallised in Ireland following the synods of the twelfth century: Cashel I (1101), Ráth Breasail (1111), Kells-Mellifont (1152), and Cashel II (1172). Ireland's intense asceticism ceased with the introduction of Catholic orders of Latin monasticism. Communions including both the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church claim that pre-schism Ireland was therefore in communion with the Orthodox Church and in recognition of this sometimes include Irish saints in their commemorations. Some congregations have dedicated church buildings to Irish saints, particularly within Western Rite Orthodoxy.[6][7][8]"
An interesting aside I pulled from a Wiki article:

"Some Eastern Orthodox propose the theory that the Church in Ireland had experienced a long period of impaired communication and communion with the Holy See prior to the Great Schism of 1054. Some Orthodox thus assert the Celtic Church preached a form of Christianity that was free of Roman legalism. They conclude that the Church in Ireland was, in effect, a provincial form of the Orthodox Christianity as survives in Eastern Orthodoxy.[1][2][3][4] Followers of this theory note that while Irish Christianity was historically tied to Western Christianity and the Catholic Church, Celtic Christians were often at odds with Catholic practice. Bede noted in his Ecclesiastical History of the English People that the Synod of Whitby in 663-664 put Celtic Christians in opposition to continental Catholics and their ritual practices.[5] The Gregorian Reforms of the eleventh century were crystallised in Ireland following the synods of the twelfth century: Cashel I (1101), Ráth Breasail (1111), Kells-Mellifont (1152), and Cashel II (1172). Ireland's intense asceticism ceased with the introduction of Catholic orders of Latin monasticism. Communions including both the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church claim that pre-schism Ireland was therefore in communion with the Orthodox Church and in recognition of this sometimes include Irish saints in their commemorations. Some congregations have dedicated church buildings to Irish saints, particularly within Western Rite Orthodoxy.[6][7][8]"
A good friend of mine is an Orthodox priest in ROCOR and recently opened a mission church in Ireland. There are also already other Orthodox parishes and monasteries in Ireland and they all commemorate the pre-Schism Irish Saints as "Orthodox". A good book on this subject, albeit hard to find, is this:

Anyone living in Ireland that would like to contact my friend's parish, send me a PM.
A good friend of mine is an Orthodox priest in ROCOR and recently opened a mission church in Ireland. There are also already other Orthodox parishes and monasteries in Ireland and they all commemorate the pre-Schism Irish Saints as "Orthodox". A good book on this subject, albeit hard to find, is this:

Anyone living in Ireland that would like to contact my friend's parish, send me a PM.

If they would have been able stick to their roots instead of being infiltrated by the globalists, they would have been more resistant to this immigrant takeover. I pray the fighting Irish can garner this lost Spirit to drive away the evil they are currently facing. ☦️ 🍀
A good friend of mine is an Orthodox priest in ROCOR and recently opened a mission church in Ireland. There are also already other Orthodox parishes and monasteries in Ireland and they all commemorate the pre-Schism Irish Saints as "Orthodox". A good book on this subject, albeit hard to find, is this:

Anyone living in Ireland that would like to contact my friend's parish, send me a PM.
I believe Father Spyridon is now a priest in Northern Ireland (he was until recently in the midlands, England).

Gentle people..
Take it from a Celt.

Back in the days when in the troubles began in earnest (around 1971) and children, children .. were being shot in the back by snipers just walking down the street and in retaliation men were breaking into houses and shooting young civilain men sitting at their kitchen table minding their own business, there were the more proactive and investigative reporters going to Belfast and interviewing different sides.
One particularly revealing black and white interview was with a Catholic priest.

The British interviewer asked if it was true what he was hearing, that the Political IRA (who had been the main players in the 1916 rising and civil war and who were seen to represent Catholic interests in the North) were being elbowed out.
There was a new force in town called the "Provisional IRA" and behind the scenes they were, violently if necessary, cleaning house and turfing out the Old Guard. The Provisional IRA knew that the old guard were not fit to fight the new war against an experienced British occupying army and so they gutted them and took over behind the scenes.
The Catholic Priest's eyes lit up when he was asked this question and he could barely suppress his his smile. He kept saying "I don't know, I wouldn't know about that.." when it was clear that he did know and that he was stoked that finally somebody with a bit of gumption was defending his community and taking the fight to the British.

Well, where did the IRA get its guns from? Partly from Libya, partly through the Maltese connection.. the British MI6 knew ALL about it and did nothing to stop it.
They, the zoo-freemason elite, had set up the whole conflict in the first place. "Good King Billy" was part of a Zio-Freemason invasion of England and then Scotland and Ireland, that part's true. The freemason Orange Order in protestant Northern Ireland is a testament to that.
But what many don't know is that "Good King James" (whom my family over the centuries repeatedly fought for and died for and were harassed off the back of it) was ALSO a freemason. These people play both sides. My people throwing themselves at English guns and dying horribly for the Stuart cause had 10,000% the commitment that someone like the Old Pretender or the New Pretender ever had. It was by contrast a game for those elites.

The provisional IRA fought hard and even got elected to seats in Parliament in London through their political wing, Sinn Fein.
Well, who were those brave leaders of Sinn Fein and the Provos?
We all know about Freddie Scapaticci on the IRA ruling council and how he was actually codename "Stakeknife" warning the British and enabling them to take out IRA operations like Gibraltar.
But the reason that we are allowed to know about Stakeknife is because the infiltration went higher. Gerry Adams was working with and for British intelligence (they got to him through the pedophilia in his family) and Martin McGuinness was able to kill civilians, soldiers and VIPs with impunity (he was never even interned) as he was agent "J118" working for the British. Thats how controlled both sides of the conflict were.
And when the IRA put down their guns and came to the peace table then suddenly a new group, the Real IRA, popped up. Who do you think was managing them?
The senseless and cruel Omagh bombing happened at, suspiciously, just the right time to invigorate the burgeoning peace process.
These days Sinn Fein have a lot of power in Republic of Ireland politics and yet.. look at that.. the Irish people that they claim to defend are under a full blown attack from mass migration, censorship laws, and other WEF EU policies. Who runs Irish media? the jews. who runs the Irish economy through its Big tech sector? the jews. who runs Ireland? the jews through their obedient Sinn Fein and gay Indian sock puppets.

@It_Is_My_Time is right. This IS a blue-pilled forum these days. Let's not pretend it isn't.
The Aya Sophia still stands but, as of April this year the last of the red-pill posters like 911 suspiciously disappeared (and no-one on here, even to this day, even said word one about that) and in his place practically the only posting was about which movies people liked, or which Daily Wire commentator said what.
It got to the stage where Barbie the movie was being discussed ad infinitum and people were fighting it out as to which of their favourite Daily Wire jew talking heads had said what about "Barbie the movie" >by contrast, 911's disappearance didn't even get a couple of sentences.
They took down all the Orthodox icons in the Aya Sophia and whilst RVF 2.0 still stands blue pilled posts have gone up now on all the walls instead.
The Culture War truly IS an intelligence run psy-op and whilst I could have posted that and got agreement on a red pilled RVF a year ago, I would have a hard time convincing the constant Twitter/X up-daters and Daily Wire adherents on here now.

In response to this Mr @PurpleUrkel you will no doubt use your stock-in-trade, one-size-fits-all phrases "have you ever considered that not Everything is a conspiracy?" "Do you realise how many people would have to be involved in something like that?"
OR, as regards the bombing of the World Trade Centre "maybe it's (9-11) exactly what it seems too? Two planes flown by Muslims who trained at a Florida flight school flew into the Twin Towers and brought them down. Maybe the buildings didn't need extra explosives to collapse? It seems to me that the fire would have burned them to the ground eventually. There was no way they were going to put that fire out. Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Everything can't be a jewish false flag psy op planned and organized to such flawless perfection."
This is the new standard on here now. Believe the official 9-11 story. Don't question it. Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK etc.
If I tell people that jews like Jim Balsillie, Szemberg, Dongier were cultivating and shaping Jordan Peterson from the very beginning of his career when no-one had ever heard of him Mr Urkel's truth-test in response is: "when you state something about Jordan Peterson's past you need to say "I personally know Jordan Peterson and I was present when the jews approached him and forced him to sell his soul to the devil," or, "I'm ex-CIA and I saw the jewish file on Jordan Peterson with my own two eyes." otherwise it didn't happen.. and back we go to "wow! just in! Jordan Peterson really showed them with his latest video! I just wish he was a bit more nuanced on Christianity/Israel.guess we'll all have to
Tune in NEXT episode!
update from the Daily Wire, update from the Daily Wire again, more updates from Twitter,
if it isn't being told to us by jewish financed MSM then - did it ever really happen? "like their own thoughts come the thoughts of others"

I mean its fine, I get it, this is a blue pilled forum for middle aged normies who have conservative values and who don't like the current pace of change.
They can meet like minded types and share things they liked on the "X"-tweet-tele-whatsit-ma-thingy that they saw, then have cocoa...
Bad Skeletor thought he would get away with it but He-Man really put him in his place, >>>> Until next time...
Which is exactly what the agencies who curate our media-fare want us to be doing, Sitting here goggle eyed, following the celebrities they give us whilst they are always giving us just enough to keep us hopeful, hopeful that a bit more keyboarding will finally do the trick.
Whats that? Fed up with just keyboarding? Obviously this forum isn't the place to organise trips to the Ukraine front or Ireland or anywhere else but it seems the sentiment is there. People are serious.
After all Conor McGregor just did a tweet! people are putting up memes about the IRA! (The IRA who are run by British MI6 ultimately and whose political wing Sinn Fein is flooding Ireland with migrants and censorship laws right now..But who cares, Its on!)
Big arrests soon! Hilary will be indicted! Q foretold this..
And Im in! here we go!
Thats the problem here: a safe, comfortable, media-curated Un-Reality.
Candace Ownes just agreed with Tucker Carlson that "the cost of food keeps going up and yet the elites don't solve poverty, they just use their money to fund more wars...
Same as its ever been Tucker...

It sure seems that way Candace"
and THAT was the conclusion to Candace and Tucker's Groundbreaking name-the-jew discussion about (((Big Harvard Donors))).
Woah! Back up jews! Its mid-1917 Russia and people are Finally Naming the Jew! A little bit.. That should put off the coming Red terror.
Candace:"Im actually on really good terms with the CEOs of Daily Wire and Andrew Klavan and Michael Knowles and all those guys.. just, me and Ben need to work things out right now.." A Soap Opera. Tune in Next Time.
Its all divide and rule, always has been and it is all Very Comfortable for the elites.
So Conor MacGregor, from his hotel suite, says something (that I personally agree with) on Twitter/"X". then there's also a rowdy demo.
So what? The needle is not moving an inch.
Go to Ireland and the Gardai will have you surveilled within an inch of your life.
And ask yourself before you go, have people ever made serious efforts to kill you? how many times? have you been arrested before? how many times? Been up in court on serious charges? Been locked locked up? Or... is this just more fantasy larping?
This IS a blue pilled forum on account of the weight of blue-pilled posting BUT one that mercifully HAS freedom of speech - such that others (much smarter than me) will occasionally chip in a red pilled post.
So keep telling us that Alex Jones is The Man, that its all the moooslims, that Tommy Robinson isn't a deep state agent, that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, Jordan Peterson is 'just misguided', that 2 planes piloted by dumbs Arabs caused 3 buildings to spontaneously explode in New York, that We Need to Just Vote Harder for Donald Trump This Time.. and, maybe, some will even believe you.
But spare us the "guess what? I just remembered! Im 1/8 Irish! Hey Im catholic! Lets all go to Ireland!" roleplaying games.

The level of Fantasy and unreality on here is bad enough as it is..

I'm not really where to begin with this rant. Because there are threads about Tommy being a zio-con, Alex Jones is well-known to not name (((names))), people are pretty anti-Jordan Peterson thanks to Jordanetics and other coverage, nobody here promotes Daily Wire, etc.

I'll just chalk this one up as you having a bad day, because this is virtually the opposite of most posters' views.
MSM is scum.

I'm Catholic, 1/8 Irish by blood and if you include the other Celtic races it's north of 50%. I'm in

A drop goes a long way.

Several years ago when one of Ireland's favourite sons released a song, it was celebrated in the demented tabloid The Guardian as an anti-racist theme tune.

What they didn't realise until years later was the song's lyrics were the inverse of what they thought.

The lines,

I've been dreaming of a time when
To be English is not to be baneful
To be standing by the flag not feeling shameful
Racist or partial

were taken as meaning - England is basically rotten by racism and maybe one day it could not be. But the actual meaning is that one should be a nationalist and not have to be sorry for it.


@JosefBosch: If America has taught the world anything, it’s that European nations have an exceedingly slim period of time in which to explicitly define themselves before the black and brown hordes completely overrun them.

Is Ireland for the Irish or can creatures named Hazel Chu and Abdullah Al Jumaili simply declare themselves Irish?

These completely salvageable nations need to ask themselves that question, answer it loudly, and then fight like hell to destroy anyone or anything that disagrees with them.

America never asked itself this question and now we’re overrun with paper citizens and illegals who believe that mere geographic location make them heir to OUR inheritance.

Ireland can be saved, France can be saved, England can be saved, your small White community can be saved—they just have to ask and answer this question first.




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@JosefBosch: If America has taught the world anything, it’s that European nations have an exceedingly slim period of time in which to explicitly define themselves before the black and brown hordes completely overrun them.

Is Ireland for the Irish or can creatures named Hazel Chu and Abdullah Al Jumaili simply declare themselves Irish?

These completely salvageable nations need to ask themselves that question, answer it loudly, and then fight like hell to destroy anyone or anything that disagrees with them.

America never asked itself this question and now we’re overrun with paper citizens and illegals who believe that mere geographic location make them heir to OUR inheritance.

Ireland can be saved, France can be saved, England can be saved, your small White community can be saved—they just have to ask and answer this question first.




It's kind of funny and sad at the same time that White European nations need to "explicitly define themselves" like this. I would think with names like "England" (land of the English) and "Ireland" (land of the Irish) it would be pretty self-explanatory.
@JosefBosch: If America has taught the world anything, it’s that European nations have an exceedingly slim period of time in which to explicitly define themselves before the black and brown hordes completely overrun them.

Is Ireland for the Irish or can creatures named Hazel Chu and Abdullah Al Jumaili simply declare themselves Irish?

These completely salvageable nations need to ask themselves that question, answer it loudly, and then fight like hell to destroy anyone or anything that disagrees with them.

America never asked itself this question and now we’re overrun with paper citizens and illegals who believe that mere geographic location make them heir to OUR inheritance.

Ireland can be saved, France can be saved, England can be saved, your small White community can be saved—they just have to ask and answer this question first.




The arab account is a parody, surely?
Isn't Conor McGregor popular enough to run for president?

Ireland is changing fast as it was pretty much all white not that long ago.

They've got a parliamentary system, so McGregor's charisma and popularity alone won't do much. He would have to form his own political party, fill its ranks, write a comprehensive program and run against the mainstream. And even if successful, he could find himself trapped behind a firewall coalition.

Obviously, there's another way.

meanwhile in ireland.jpeg

But jokes aside, there's no quick fix solution: the next elections are scheduled for 2025, and rioting on the streets will only trigger a harsh government response. The Irish will have to play a long game: protests, strikes and other forms of non-compliance, if run for long enough time may force the government to step down as was the case in many Warsaw Pact countries at the end of the communist period.
I'm not really where to begin with this rant. Because there are threads about Tommy being a zio-con, Alex Jones is well-known to not name (((names))), people are pretty anti-Jordan Peterson thanks to Jordanetics and other coverage, nobody here promotes Daily Wire, etc.

I'll just chalk this one up as you having a bad day, because this is virtually the opposite of most posters' views.

You have to remember that the Elites are the past masters at containment, forcing through things that the commons detest but always giving them a pressure release valve with which to let off steam.
Twenty years ago the British ZOG government, dominated by jews, wanted to invade Iraq. The British public didn't want it to happen. So the British elites allowed the public to stage the biggest demonstration and protests in British history - 2 Million people thereabouts in the streets, letting off steam, to no avail.
Biggest demonstrations in history.
Still invaded Iraq.

If you've read E. Michael Jones' "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" he goes into the growth of freemasonry and the idea of being 'neither one side nor the other but controlling BOTH sides' the jewish-freemason symbol of the chessboard, black and white, neither black nor white but controlling ALL the squares on the board. And all, means all..
As this relates to Ireland the freemasons were very clear back in the 1500s - neither Protestant nor Catholic but worshippers of world power and holding onto power.

Did that go away?
Are these satanic-jewish elites no longer ruling us? The people who sank the Titanic, who masterminded the genocide of 10s of millions of Russians from their base in London and New York, the people who killed Kennedy, the people who slaughtered 1000s of Americans on 9-11.. did they suddenly cede their power? If the answer is No then, the same group is still in control and the same modus operandi is still being employed - successfully.
"When the Public needs a hero we shall provide him" - Albert Pike, 33rd level Freemason speaking 100s of years after Sir Francis Bacon had been saying the same thing.

In the Elon Musk thread (and I haven't wanted to wade into that one yet) someone said:
"For a while it looked like there was about to be some kind of showdown between Musk and the ADL. Seems to have fizzled out does anyone know what happened?
If I remember right there were a few events, the EFF party in South Africa chanting kill the boer, Elon tweeting about it, the ADL doing something to provoke an advertising revenue loss at Twitter, then threats of litigation for that.
Then the story seems to have vanished. Probably was just "hot air" all along.
To which the response came:
"That's what happens with gatekeepers.
Always a huge massively hyped up promise of some big event, disclosure, or showdown, but in the end nothing vital ever changes.
Same with Trump and Alex Jones.
You'd think that people would catch on eventually that they're all paid actors...

I think some people are beginning to get it. But we're all in the same boat. You say that what I am suggesting is blackballed. I am suggesting that it is the way things are - however red or black people deem that pill. I am dismayed at the way that the world has gone, as no doubt you are too.
It can be seen, in some ways, as a grieving process.
We oppose it, naturally, we look for people who will be our leaders, we look for people who will represent us and help us to organise our opposition.
"The best way to deal with the opposition is to lead it ourselves" Vladimir Lenin, Freemason and jewish servant of the international elites, saying the same thing decades after Albert Pike.
The opponents of the Bolsheviks put false hope in a group they believed were the Bolshevik's opposition - Operation Trust - but it turned out that that whole group was being run by the same people who were running the Bolsheviks. Just like Q and the 2020 Elections.
I knew a guy who sat at lunch in India in the 1950s with a relative, a freemason, a member of the ZOG British Secret Service, who confided in him that the recent spate of deadly intramural violence between Sikhs and Hindus and Muslims was entirely the work of his agents who had played all the groups off against each other with gruesome violence ensuing. Divide and Rule. Same playbook that John Dee and various Cabballa students had advised Queen Elizabeth 400 years before.

Now, we all get that. We all understand that. But I would suggest that we all like to imagine that wouldn't apply to our heroes, our role models, our leaders.
I know an American Filipino bartender, very political, nearly every day he posts updates of right wing MAGA pedophiles, no matter how low level their office, he posts the conservative Christian Right wing 'groomers' - of which their seems to be a never ending supply.
He is plugged in to the other side from us that the jews and freemasons also control - he gets his daily fix of right wing christian and MAGA pedios and groomers and firmly believes it is mostly a right wing problem.

You and I can look at university students being indoctrinated or Antifa or BLM members being indoctrinated and we can quite clearly see the puppet strings above them. But people are still reluctant to see the puppet strings extending down to our side.

Now you and others say that it is wrong and over-the-top to say that the contributions on here are 'blue-pilled'. I'm interested in what the reality actually is. The closer to reality, the more red pilled.

With Ben Shapiro we have seen that he is an actual Mossad agent, surprise surprise.
The other three that are mentioned here? People like Tommy Robinson and Jordan Peterson..?
For years on RVF it was Denial. Outright Denial. The first stage of the grieving process.
Now what I see is an attempt at bargaining. Trying to sugar the bitter pill. That is still the Blue pill.

Tommy Robinson is run and funded by the Israelis, this we all agree. But do we seriously think that Mossad isn't interested in someone as high profile as he is? Urban Scoop, his media operation, is a Mossad front.
Many in the first page of his thread say that he is doing his best and just 'naive' on the JQ... but very definitely harassed by the persecutory British government. Do we seriously believe that someone so important to the Israelis would be repeatedly locked up by the British Govt (because MI6 are so well known for defying the wishes of Israel and Mossad...).
There are people who I like and respect who insist that Tommy HAS been treated so badly by the UK Govt because it says so in his book..
In a country as unfree as Britain, where the police raided Historian David Irvings home while he was in prison and took away his life work of research and card indexes so he had no more reference material, in the same country someone who claims to be an "Enemy of the State" can publish a book entitled that and watch it rise up the bestseller charts on Amazon?
Ive even followed Purple Urkel's test because these are people I personally know who have been there when Tommy lets slip that he is working for the UK Govt.
What was the whole story at the Cenotaph recently? Everybody saying that the authorities were setting up a clash on Remembrance Day in order to bring in new crackdowns and with Tommy being the Pied Piper.
Its either A or B.
A. Tommy is just a regular Jack the Lad who, through initially football firm involvement and seeing injustice in Luton, gradually became a political figure and a leader of the political resistance, increasingly hounded and unfairly punished and jailed by British Authorities.
B. he works for those ZOG allies, British and Israeli agencies, and all trials and the prison stays are just a theatre. "Sheepdipping" the same thing that happened with Lee Harvey Oswald and many more. (See also Andrew Tate the jew who is also a glowie.. under "house arrest".)
A or B. Thats it.
For years people on RVF were facing Stage 1. Denial.
What do we get instead? Option C. Stage 2 - Bargaining. I checked the Tommy thread and now we are at the point where he is both Dominated by Israeli money and at the same time has genuinely been thrown in jail these many times and is really brave while he has a stack of cash and is gallivanting from country to country just like ex-Belmarsh prisoners always do and is just not aware, himself, of the JQ. Just an amazing mash up of the either/or A or B.

Same thing that we went through with Jordan Peterson.
For YEARS - this guy was cultivated by boss jews like Jim Balsillie, he was cultivate by Szemberg by Dongier LONG before he became famous. He wrote globalist documents for the flipping UN. This is what people were saying..
And in response Stage 1. Denial.
And then it got to the point where he was sitting down with Bibi Netanyahu and learning the 'true history' of Israel and crying every time he mentions "jews". Kind of hard to avoid.
So again we go back to Stage 2. Bargaining. It was his relapse in 2020 - yet he wrote globalist pieces and attended globalist conferences for his boss-jews back in 2004?
When the JP thread started on here I made sure to collate all the research from RVF and put it on the first page of the thread so that it was Unavoidable. JP was always the project of the jews.
What happened next? It was avoided.
Back on RVF he was lauded as this brave persecuted guy who told truth to power and argued with Kathy Newman. "When the Public needs a hero we shall provide him" Albert Pike.
NOW on CiK he was just so infuriating because he was so prideful, he was resisting Christianity. When I tagged and said to two people "At least finally factor in the facts that have been repeatedly laid out, namely, that he has always been the project of boss jews.
The response was: JCSteel telling me that he really wants to engage in a debate about this subject But he just doesn't "have the band width" to wade through pages and page of posts trying to collate all the information.
Funny that, because what I typed was Hal-Way Down the Very First Page of the Thread He Started.. but, he doesn't "have the band width" to read it.
Half a page down.
Then of course we got the classic Mr Urkel response: "I know you've heard this before, but not everything is a conspiracy and when you make such specific, detailed claims about a person you really need to back it up with something strong. For example, when you state something about Jordan Peterson's past you need to say someting factual and concrete like, "I personally know Jordan Peterson and I was present when the jews approached him and forced him to sell his soul to the devil," or, "I'm ex-CIA and I saw the jewish file on Jordan Peterson with my own two eyes."
So - when you say "General Custer lost the Battle of Little Big Horn" you need to say something factual and concrete like:
"I personally know General Custer and I was there when he turned and said to me, oops, looks like I'm losing.."
But oh no, it doesn't work with the official version.
The official version is sacrosanct and cannot be denied UNLESS and I am actually quoting:
"If Bin Laden didn't have anything to do with 911 then lets have the names and addresses of all the jews and CIA agents that did. Everyone seems to have every detail about every "false flag" event except the names and addresses of the people who actually do them."
Case closed. 9-11 was just a bunch of goat herders hot-wiring planes. Disagree? Were you there in the room with the jews, at the time? DO you have the art students adresses? No? Then its the official version then. Case closed.
Also: "God bless you and may your health improve." :) Nurse Ratchet style out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Now to some that might seem entirely reasonable .. whilst others might want to point out all the flaws in those arguments - but that would involve typing lots of words and then the other interlocutor, who has gone on record saying that all this JQ stuff is all new to him and it doesn't sit comfortably with him, will say - too many words, not enough 'band-width'.
Therein lies the rub.. Its an impasse. And lo and behold the thread has continued and the names of Jim Balsillie, Dongier and Szemberg were never ever mentioned again. Peterson has gone back to being infuriating.
And then we were told "I have no illusions about most of these media figures- they are just men trying to make money. (not a long term jewish project at all you understand) Their truth shtick is their bread and butter. I'll applaud when they're right, criticize when they're wrong," Bargaining. Blue Pilled.

So there we have it.
When Im told "but people do push back on Tommy Robinson/Zio-Con and Jordan Peterson and they don't share Daily Wire or MSM" some will see why I disagree and others wont.
Candace Owens pursued fame even as a teen and THEN she went to work as an Escort in LA under Israeli jew Ari Shaffir (along with Republican Israel Firster Lauren Boebert), all the talk about her initially being an engaged student was baloney. She was a jewish project.
The "conservatives leaving the Israel First sinking ship" thread is merely controlled opposition being controlled opposition.
Candace Owens is Daily Wire
Paul Joseph Watson is controlled as I have said before - so is the Babylon Bee, the Zio-Bee, run by jew Seth Dillon, that is running to the aid of Elon Musk right now.
They have to allow the public their 2 Million Man March while they just carry on ahead as before and we kid each other that "the tide is turning!" "we're winning!" Dostoevsky and Tsar Nicholas just called out the jew..
People sharing Critical Drinker in the Movie Thread - I pointed out that he is jewish before and that he works for child rapist Steven Spielberg. Colour me surprised if Critical Drinker has now started plugging Daily Wire movies and - hey presto! - now he's doing fawning interviews with Mossad ben Shapiro. They control both sides of our media fare...

There are, indeed, puppet strings on our side too.
I would that this phenomenon is also at work in the Tucker Carlson thread. People were, perhaps in-artfully, criticising Tucker and being told that no, tucker's our guy and he's doing his best. he has to steer close to the line..
My question is - Why?
When Joe Rogan went across to Spotify people said "bear in mind he will now get inter-generational wealth"
Joe Rogan will never be as rich as Tucker Carlson. Carlson is a Blue Blood. He has more money than he could ever spend. He owns an island. Plus his own media company.
Tucker left Fox - there is nothing holding him back any more. yet the guy we all said was "red-pilled on the Jewish Question" because "he studied modern Russian History" has even recently gone on shows recently saying - "people cannot handle too much change at once, the Russians experienced industrialisation and they (((embraced communism))) they went mad and killed (((10's of millions))" The Russians gulag tortured starved and genocided (((themselves))) did they tucker? very honest.
Truth telling Tucker with his Kabbalah bracelet.
He's not in danger. He has security. His Dad was a media mogul, a politician and CIA. Not a low level CIA operative - high level.
Tucker hangs out with Freemason Donald Trump.
I believe that Tucker is a CIA asset. Or did we think that it was just Mockingbird media nitwits like Brian Stelter and CIA badge Sean Hannity that the intel agencies ran?
The fact that this hasn't been mentioned on the Tucker thread is, I believe, a further sign that most are not comfortable with the fact that both sides are controlled, jewish freemason style. That to me Is Blue Pilled.

How does this relate to the Irish Question?
It seems that most people were unaware that the Northern Irish IRA were infiltrated and controlled at the highest level by their enemies - the British. Scapaticci, Adams and McGuninness are never mentioned.
They weren't aware that the political wing of the IRA are the Sinn Fein or that Sinn Fein are now one of the most cucked pro-diversity parties in the British Isles.
My knowledge of Northern Ireland and Eire runs out pretty fast - but it seems that others aren't that familiar at all with Irish politics.

So what, then, are we left with?
A succession of tweets and memes about "Yay, the IRA" "Let's Gooooo!" and the odd celebrity tweet of something 'based' is what is making this forum look blue pilled.

As is the resistance to really analysing what's going on and the structures of power and especially the resistance to considering that both sides of the divide are being fooled and manipulated by the exact same people.

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Reminder: this is a form of ethnic cleansing.

No one ever voted for this, majorities are consistently opposed to it, the media and government collaborate to silence voices of opposition.

Our identity and history is denied and deconstructed by foreign settlers using language given to them by neocolonial elites.

Irish people have every right to oppose this. 🇮🇪

Warning: Language.

Full text
According to the Sunday Times, @TheNotoriousMMA is being investigated by the Gardai for "online hate speech"

Disgraceful! Conor repeatedly condemned any illegal activity and is only expressing the view of the majority of Irish people on uncontrolled immigration.

This state is at war with its own people.

Archived article: https://archive.is/lcvFO

migrant-In response to the stabbings, Leo cracks down on anti-migrant hate speech and vows to hold the far-right accountable

-The day after the stabbings, Leo praises immigrants says that Ireland is a nation of immigrants despite that being completely false in a historical context

-Refers to a freed Hamas hostage as having been “lost” and now “found” without mentioning Hamas whatsoever

-Turned off all comments on X posts to hide the blowbackI know there is stiff competition out there right now, but Leo is working hard to be the worst Prime Minister in the European Union.

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You have to remember that the Elites are the past masters at containment, forcing through things that the commons detest but always giving them a pressure release valve with which to let off steam.
Twenty years ago the British ZOG government, dominated by jews, wanted to invade Iraq. The British public didn't want it to happen. So the British elites allowed the public to stage the biggest demonstration and protests in British history - 2 Million people thereabouts in the streets, letting off steam, to no avail.
Biggest demonstrations in history.
Still invaded Iraq.

If you've read E. Michael Jones' "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" he goes into the growth of freemasonry and the idea of being 'neither one side nor the other but controlling BOTH sides' the jewish-freemason symbol of the chessboard, black and white, neither black nor white but controlling ALL the squares on the board. And all, means all..
As this relates to Ireland the freemasons were very clear back in the 1500s - neither Protestant nor Catholic but worshippers of world power and holding onto power.

Did that go away?
Are these satanic-jewish elites no longer ruling us? The people who sank the Titanic, who masterminded the genocide of 10s of millions of Russians from their base in London and New York, the people who killed Kennedy, the people who slaughtered 1000s of Americans on 9-11.. did they suddenly cede their power? If the answer is No then, the same group is still in control and the same modus operandi is still being employed - successfully.
"When the Public needs a hero we shall provide him" - Albert Pike, 33rd level Freemason speaking 100s of years after Sir Francis Bacon had been saying the same thing.

In the Elon Musk thread (and I haven't wanted to wade into that one yet) someone said:
"For a while it looked like there was about to be some kind of showdown between Musk and the ADL. Seems to have fizzled out does anyone know what happened?
If I remember right there were a few events, the EFF party in South Africa chanting kill the boer, Elon tweeting about it, the ADL doing something to provoke an advertising revenue loss at Twitter, then threats of litigation for that.
Then the story seems to have vanished. Probably was just "hot air" all along.
To which the response came:
"That's what happens with gatekeepers.
Always a huge massively hyped up promise of some big event, disclosure, or showdown, but in the end nothing vital ever changes.
Same with Trump and Alex Jones.
You'd think that people would catch on eventually that they're all paid actors...

I think some people are beginning to get it. But we're all in the same boat. You say that what I am suggesting is blackballed. I am suggesting that it is the way things are - however red or black people deem that pill. I am dismayed at the way that the world has gone, as no doubt you are too.
It can be seen, in some ways, as a grieving process.
We oppose it, naturally, we look for people who will be our leaders, we look for people who will represent us and help us to organise our opposition.
"The best way to deal with the opposition is to lead it ourselves" Vladimir Lenin, Freemason and jewish servant of the international elites, saying the same thing decades after Albert Pike.
The opponents of the Bolsheviks put false hope in a group they believed were the Bolshevik's opposition - Operation Trust - but it turned out that that whole group was being run by the same people who were running the Bolsheviks. Just like Q and the 2020 Elections.
I knew a guy who sat at lunch in India in the 1950s with a relative, a freemason, a member of the ZOG British Secret Service, who confided in him that the recent spate of deadly intramural violence between Sikhs and Hindus and Muslims was entirely the work of his agents who had played all the groups off against each other with gruesome violence ensuing. Divide and Rule. Same playbook that John Dee and various Cabballa students had advised Queen Elizabeth 400 years before.

Now, we all get that. We all understand that. But I would suggest that we all like to imagine that wouldn't apply to our heroes, our role models, our leaders.
I know an American Filipino bartender, very political, nearly every day he posts updates of right wing MAGA pedophiles, no matter how low level their office, he posts the conservative Christian Right wing 'groomers' - of which their seems to be a never ending supply.
He is plugged in to the other side from us that the jews and freemasons also control - he gets his daily fix of right wing christian and MAGA pedios and groomers and firmly believes it is mostly a right wing problem.

You and I can look at university students being indoctrinated or Antifa or BLM members being indoctrinated and we can quite clearly see the puppet strings above them. But people are still reluctant to see the puppet strings extending down to our side.

Now you and others say that it is wrong and over-the-top to say that the contributions on here are 'blue-pilled'. I'm interested in what the reality actually is. The closer to reality, the more red pilled.

With Ben Shapiro we have seen that he is an actual Mossad agent, surprise surprise.
The other three that are mentioned here? People like Tommy Robinson and Jordan Peterson..?
For years on RVF it was Denial. Outright Denial. The first stage of the grieving process.
Now what I see is an attempt at bargaining. Trying to sugar the bitter pill. That is still the Blue pill.

Tommy Robinson is run and funded by the Israelis, this we all agree. But do we seriously think that Mossad isn't interested in someone as high profile as he is? Urban Scoop, his media operation, is a Mossad front.
Many in the first page of his thread say that he is doing his best and just 'naive' on the JQ... but very definitely harassed by the persecutory British government. Do we seriously believe that someone so important to the Israelis would be repeatedly locked up by the British Govt (because MI6 are so well known for defying the wishes of Israel and Mossad...).
There are people who I like and respect who insist that Tommy HAS been treated so badly by the UK Govt because it says so in his book..
In a country as unfree as Britain, where the police raided Historian David Irvings home while he was in prison and took away his life work of research and card indexes so he had no more reference material, in the same country someone who claims to be an "Enemy of the State" can publish a book entitled that and watch it rise up the bestseller charts on Amazon?
Ive even followed Purple Urkel's test because these are people I personally know who have been there when Tommy lets slip that he is working for the UK Govt.
What was the whole story at the Cenotaph recently? Everybody saying that the authorities were setting up a clash on Remembrance Day in order to bring in new crackdowns and with Tommy being the Pied Piper.
Its either A or B.
A. Tommy is just a regular Jack the Lad who, through initially football firm involvement and seeing injustice in Luton, gradually became a political figure and a leader of the political resistance, increasingly hounded and unfairly punished and jailed by British Authorities.
B. he works for those ZOG allies, British and Israeli agencies, and all trials and the prison stays are just a theatre. "Sheepdipping" the same thing that happened with Lee Harvey Oswald and many more. (See also Andrew Tate the jew who is also a glowie.. under "house arrest".)
A or B. Thats it.
For years people on RVF were facing Stage 1. Denial.
What do we get instead? Option C. Stage 2 - Bargaining. I checked the Tommy thread and now we are at the point where he is both Dominated by Israeli money and at the same time has genuinely been thrown in jail these many times and is really brave while he has a stack of cash and is gallivanting from country to country just like ex-Belmarsh prisoners always do and is just not aware, himself, of the JQ. Just an amazing mash up of the either/or A or B.

Same thing that we went through with Jordan Peterson.
For YEARS - this guy was cultivated by boss jews like Jim Balsillie, he was cultivate by Szemberg by Dongier LONG before he became famous. He wrote globalist documents for the flipping UN. This is what people were saying..
And in response Stage 1. Denial.
And then it got to the point where he was sitting down with Bibi Netanyahu and learning the 'true history' of Israel and crying every time he mentions "jews". Kind of hard to avoid.
So again we go back to Stage 2. Bargaining. It was his relapse in 2020 - yet he wrote globalist pieces and attended globalist conferences for his boss-jews back in 2004?
When the JP thread started on here I made sure to collate all the research from RVF and put it on the first page of the thread so that it was Unavoidable. JP was always the project of the jews.
What happened next? It was avoided.
Back on RVF he was lauded as this brave persecuted guy who told truth to power and argued with Kathy Newman. "When the Public needs a hero we shall provide him" Albert Pike.
NOW on CiK he was just so infuriating because he was so prideful, he was resisting Christianity. When I tagged and said to two people "At least finally factor in the facts that have been repeatedly laid out, namely, that he has always been the project of boss jews.
The response was: JCSteel telling me that he really wants to engage in a debate about this subject But he just doesn't "have the band width" to wade through pages and page of posts trying to collate all the information.
Funny that, because what I typed was Hal-Way Down the Very First Page of the Thread He Started.. but, he doesn't "have the band width" to read it.
Half a page down.
Then of course we got the classic Mr Urkel response: "I know you've heard this before, but not everything is a conspiracy and when you make such specific, detailed claims about a person you really need to back it up with something strong. For example, when you state something about Jordan Peterson's past you need to say someting factual and concrete like, "I personally know Jordan Peterson and I was present when the jews approached him and forced him to sell his soul to the devil," or, "I'm ex-CIA and I saw the jewish file on Jordan Peterson with my own two eyes."
So - when you say "General Custer lost the Battle of Little Big Horn" you need to say something factual and concrete like:
"I personally know General Custer and I was there when he turned and said to me, oops, looks like I'm losing.."
But oh no, it doesn't work with the official version.
The official version is sacrosanct and cannot be denied UNLESS and I am actually quoting:
"If Bin Laden didn't have anything to do with 911 then lets have the names and addresses of all the jews and CIA agents that did. Everyone seems to have every detail about every "false flag" event except the names and addresses of the people who actually do them."
Case closed. 9-11 was just a bunch of goat herders hot-wiring planes. Disagree? Were you there in the room with the jews, at the time? DO you have the art students adresses? No? Then its the official version then. Case closed.
Also: "God bless you and may your health improve." :) Nurse Ratchet style out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Now to some that might seem entirely reasonable .. whilst others might want to point out all the flaws in those arguments - but that would involve typing lots of words and then the other interlocutor, who has gone on record saying that all this JQ stuff is all new to him and it doesn't sit comfortably with him, will say - too many words, not enough 'band-width'.
Therein lies the rub.. Its an impasse. And lo and behold the thread has continued and the names of Jim Balsillie, Dongier and Szemberg were never ever mentioned again. Peterson has gone back to being infuriating.
And then we were told "I have no illusions about most of these media figures- they are just men trying to make money. (not a long term jewish project at all you understand) Their truth shtick is their bread and butter. I'll applaud when they're right, criticize when they're wrong," Bargaining. Blue Pilled.

So there we have it.
When Im told "but people do push back on Tommy Robinson/Zio-Con and Jordan Peterson and they don't share Daily Wire or MSM" some will see why I disagree and others wont.
Candace Owens pursued fame even as a teen and THEN she went to work as an Escort in LA under Israeli jew Ari Shaffir (along with Republican Israel Firster Lauren Boebert), all the talk about her initially being an engaged student was baloney. She was a jewish project.
The "conservatives leaving the Israel First sinking ship" thread is merely controlled opposition being controlled opposition.
Candace Owens is Daily Wire
Paul Joseph Watson is controlled as I have said before - so is the Babylon Bee, the Zio-Bee, run by jew Seth Dillon, that is running to the aid of Elon Musk right now.
They have to allow the public their 2 Million Man March while they just carry on ahead as before and we kid each other that "the tide is turning!" "we're winning!" Dostoevsky and Tsar Nicholas just called out the jew..
People sharing Critical Drinker in the Movie Thread - I pointed out that he is jewish before and that he works for child rapist Steven Spielberg. Colour me surprised if Critical Drinker has now started plugging Daily Wire movies and - hey presto! - now he's doing fawning interviews with Mossad ben Shapiro. They control both sides of our media fare...

There are, indeed, puppet strings on our side too.
I would that this phenomenon is also at work in the Tucker Carlson thread. People were, perhaps in-artfully, criticising Tucker and being told that no, tucker's our guy and he's doing his best. he has to steer close to the line..
My question is - Why?
When Joe Rogan went across to Spotify people said "bear in mind he will now get inter-generational wealth"
Joe Rogan will never be as rich as Tucker Carlson. Carlson is a Blue Blood. He has more money than he could ever spend. He owns an island. Plus his own media company.
Tucker left Fox - there is nothing holding him back any more. yet the guy we all said was "red-pilled on the Jewish Question" because "he studied modern Russian History" has even recently gone on shows recently saying - "people cannot handle too much change at once, the Russians experienced industrialisation and they (((embraced communism))) they went mad and killed (((10's of millions))" The Russians gulag tortured starved and genocided (((themselves))) did they tucker? very honest.
Truth telling Tucker with his Kabbalah bracelet.
He's not in danger. He has security. His Dad was a media mogul, a politician and CIA. Not a low level CIA operative - high level.
Tucker hangs out with Freemason Donald Trump.
I believe that Tucker is a CIA asset. Or did we think that it was just Mockingbird media nitwits like Brian Stelter and CIA badge Sean Hannity that the intel agencies ran?
The fact that this hasn't been mentioned on the Tucker thread is, I believe, a further sign that most are not comfortable with the fact that both sides are controlled, jewish freemason style. That to me Is Blue Pilled.

How does this relate to the Irish Question?
It seems that most people were unaware that the Northern Irish IRA were infiltrated and controlled at the highest level by their enemies - the British. Scapaticci, Adams and McGuninness are never mentioned.
They weren't aware that the political wing of the IRA are the Sinn Fein or that Sinn Fein are now one of the most cucked pro-diversity parties in the British Isles.
My knowledge of Northern Ireland and Eire runs out pretty fast - but it seems that others aren't that familiar at all with Irish politics.

So what, then, are we left with?
A succession of tweets and memes about "Yay, the IRA" "Let's Gooooo!" and the odd celebrity tweet of something 'based' is what is making this forum look blue pilled.

As is the resistance to really analysing what's going on and the structures of power and especially the resistance to considering that both sides of the divide are being fooled and manipulated by the exact same people.

You have a lot of interesting views, and I'd love to discuss them all but there's simply too many different topics being brought up and I don't have the time nor knowledge to respond to each of them. It's mostly off-topic, so I'd suggest creating a thread (or more accurately, multiple) in the Deep Forum so that other members can debate the truthfulness of individual points, because otherwise I can't take even small parts of the positions made like "Tucker Carlson is a CIA asset" or "Donald Trump is a freemason" seriously without the evidence and forum consensus backing it up.

I understand the general point however, that you're saying the globalist elite are playing both sides with virtually everything and members here are just now catching up. If you have evidence to share on these various individuals and events please do share them in more detail in the appropriate forum/thread, but for now let's get back to refocusing on the thread topic in here.