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Irish Politics Thread

It's mostly off-topic, so I'd suggest creating a thread (or more accurately, multiple) in the Deep Forum so that other members can debate the truthfulness of individual points
@BarrontheTigerCat apart from the one point I cross-posted I've got about 2 other points from somewhere in the rants to continue discussing in a new thread. There are various potential threads but one title which may cover it be Investigation of the concept of 'controlled opposition'.
On the Ireland topic, there is quite a good summary and discussion of the proposed "hate" speech laws here -
It shouldn't happen at all but worse that they should be working on it simultaneously as there are all these attacks.
They've got a parliamentary system, so McGregor's charisma and popularity alone won't do much. He would have to form his own political party, fill its ranks, write a comprehensive program and run against the mainstream. And even if successful, he could find himself trapped behind a firewall coalition.

Obviously, there's another way.

meanwhile in ireland.jpeg

But jokes aside, there's no quick fix solution: the next elections are scheduled for 2025, and rioting on the streets will only trigger a harsh government response. The Irish will have to play a long game: protests, strikes and other forms of non-compliance, if run for long enough time may force the government to step down as was the case in many Warsaw Pact countries at the end of the communist period.
It would seem Macgregor is acting more like an intel asset to rile up the Irish men to go out and play their part in a federal dialectic than he would be willing to do something lasting and impactive. I don't believe he is an active asset but the way he dialed back his comments after the riot just struck me as odd. He is already emotionally charged, why backpeddle? The media spin on the Irish defending their way of life by painting them as "terrorists" while dark mutants are stabbing and raping their people should have the opposite effect on anyone awake enough these days. The idea of claiming the throne is valid in the Christian tradition, but there are so many pozzed-out British-jewish assets in Ireland that he, or any legitimate dictator, would have to purge all of these functionaries and offices, gut everything existing from 1921-onwards and put his own people in.
You have a lot of interesting views, and I'd love to discuss them all but there's simply too many different topics being brought up and I don't have the time nor knowledge to respond to each of them. It's mostly off-topic, so I'd suggest creating a thread (or more accurately, multiple) in the Deep Forum so that other members can debate the truthfulness of individual points, because otherwise I can't take even small parts of the positions made like "Tucker Carlson is a CIA asset" or "Donald Trump is a freemason" seriously without the evidence and forum consensus backing it up.

I understand the general point however, that you're saying the globalist elite are playing both sides with virtually everything and members here are just now catching up. If you have evidence to share on these various individuals and events please do share them in more detail in the appropriate forum/thread, but for now let's get back to refocusing on the thread topic in here.
I'm crossposting as we speak.

@stadtaffe and you Valentine, the problem with Deep Lounge abstract topics - like the one that Samseau clipped and created with the Structure of Global Power - is that nobody engages and all momentum is lost. I don't like derailing topics but at the same time if what is going on before our eyes is silo'ed off to the Deep Forum - the discussion loses all interest.

Stadtaffe, its entirely up to you but,, can we quit calling everything I type a rant (or something silly to be dismissed)?
If people post what, in my view, are incredibly blue pilled comments about 9-11 being the official story or that 'you have to be in the room at the same time with the people who plotted Jordan Peterson's career or else it didn't happen' .. it doesn't even draw comment. Not one comment.
And yet, when I, in response, put forward my arguments these are automatically called "rants".
I will accept "criticism" or, at a push, "polemic" :) .. I thank you.

Rather than "deep forum" threads what this forum needs is someone to start a September the 11th thread so that we can compare and collate all our knowledge, something seldom done.
What this forum also needs is a "Freemasonry thread" as Freemasonry control is playing out right now before our eyes and has a long history.
The one on the last forum I felt was fairly lacking in detail - it just seemed to be Michael Witcoff talking about his experiences.

Freemasonry architecture and control applies to what we are discussing vis a vis Irish politics, Northern Ireland, British politics, Asian politics, you name it. Like the jewish question, once you see the Freemasonry pattern it is hard to unseen it.

Back on topic, it seems that the danger isn't Nigerian gangs or homicidal Kalergi migrants - its Conor MacGregor.
Off the Ball is a jewish run, jewish dominated sports channel that saturates Irish sports reporting as it has the money to broadcast almost 24/7 online. Its extremely globalist.in its agenda.
here is a fluff piece about woman boxing where promoter is asked repeatedly (starts at around 04:24) about the safety of spectators (they mean against rioting "white men" ) and to comment on Conor macGregor. Conor MacGregor is the issue it seems.
Like MI6 asset Tommy Robinson being the issue around the cenotaph and Remembrance Day here it is bad (fellow coke-head) Conor Macgergor..
About 9 User comments showing some of the fault lines in Irish society.
User comments are heavily censored on jewish OTB but you'll see a comment about "fake news" and comments about "Dublin not being Ireland" as it represents the interests of jewish Big tech and champagne liberals.
Whilst others are talking about the need to protect "our Ireland" against these rioting racist thugs.

It would seem Macgregor is acting more like an intel asset to rile up the Irish men to go out and play their part in a federal dialectic than he would be willing to do something lasting and impactive. I don't believe he is an active asset but the way he dialed back his comments after the riot just struck me as odd. He is already emotionally charged, why backpeddle? The media spin on the Irish defending their way of life by painting them as "terrorists" while dark mutants are stabbing and raping their people should have the opposite effect on anyone awake enough these days. The idea of claiming the throne is valid in the Christian tradition, but there are so many pozzed-out British-jewish assets in Ireland that he, or any legitimate dictator, would have to purge all of these functionaries and offices, gut everything existing from 1921-onwards and put his own people in.

I think he's been "told". Anyone with the public stature like Macgregor has to answer to someone unfortunately. Willing or not.
I think he's been "told". Anyone with the public stature like Macgregor has to answer to someone unfortunately. Willing or not.
Maybe, maybe not.

Probably underselling the impact and potential to fight the system in a country the size of Ireland. These smaller Euro countries can see change much quicker than in a country the size of the US.

I've seen it first hand in Bulgaria.

I also would never count out a fighter. McGregor is a combination of a former world class fighter with supreme confidence, who also has varying connections throughout Ireland, both above and below ground.

And that latter part is important to recognize, the "below ground" connections.

It goes back to why change can happen in these smaller countries, because the ruling class can feel pressure/threats on a much more real and personal level. That is not me suggesting anything will/would happen, just speaking on the reality of that being there. And all sides would know that.

Ireland is the type of country ripe for a few car bombs to make a point. It is the type of country primed for a mafia war behind the scenes. Only vs the government.

And frankly, McGregor looks like a likely figurehead for the resistance.
I am actually starting a church retreat today and will be away from the internet for a while, and also off of this forum.
Lets ll set our watches two years from now and see if a celebrity led uprising against the base of Big Tech in Europe and a bastion of EU control has taken place.
I want to believe.. and would be very glad if it happened.
If it turns out that TPTB have been playing both sides, its all been contained and the needle didn't move very much - then I wouldn't be surprised.
I've been wondering the same.

Where is 911? Is there anyone on CIK/RVF that was in contact with him offline/on other platforms that could send him a message to see if he's OK?
Yeah about that.
I was in touch with 911 away from this forum and messaging him on my phone. April of this year he just disappeared, from RVF from other forums and channels and off any phone messaging.

It's creepy.

It also creeped me out that someone can devote so much time to an online "community" and then when they disappear there is barely even a ripple.
I mentioned it umpteen times on the RVF forum and nobody ever took me up on it publicly.
I did get one or two DMs about it but people seemed uncomfortable talking about it on the forum, in the open, so to speak.
Just.. Omertà
A Mainstay disappears in Stalinist Russia and everybody stays silent, making attempts not to notice and to instead look busy.
Then he was mentioned on the Matrix and straight away the answer was words to the effect of "There are some things that we will never know about, best not to ask" ?? But I've seen more people speaking about 911 and asking, via Dm and in the forum - where he is..?

I mean maybe he just decided there was a life outside of trying to redpill people over the internet. Maybe he has all this time on his hands and his heart feels lighter.
But why would he not even see messages sent to his phone any more? and the more light hearted forums as well? He just disappeared.

there's a couple of uncomfortable aspects there.
On the Old Forum one of the posters who spoke a lot about being part of the Fed networks and in discord groups with military officials etc. etc. would, at times, show an uncanny prescience for what was coming down the pipe. Which lent legitimacy to the idea that he was, as he said, part of a Fed network. he advised on RVF that he had been informed that there was a big censorship wave coming across the internet and it wasn't long after that that 911 disappeared. Not long after that too that the zeitgeist of RVF began to change as well to something more celebrity-focused and hostile to the kind of deep dives that 911 liked to do.
It was like 911 disappeared and the tone and timbre of RVF started changing at the same time.

One thing 911 and I disagreed on was China, which he thought was some Gollum that had got free and was going to defeat World Jewry, whereas I felt that its a lot more complicated and that the jews are still using China to their ends.
911 was never big on the whole freemason architecture of power as I recall, wasn't his wheel-house.
But.. wanna talk to a guy whose own ancestors were covert Isis worshippers going back generations in France and who knows the occult satanic roots of the French Revolution? He brought some unique insights.

What was interesting was, he was also on Michael de la Broc's Buhanka Watch channel - under some name or another.
The same thing happened there.
He disaapeared in april and so did all the more interesting posters at the same time. Nothing was said, nothing was broadcast, but all the furniture got rearranged and the whole place was different.
What also started happening there was there was a lot of piling on of the more truther sort of people. All these accounts would appear and lay into them. Or even spoof THEIR accounts and you'd have multiple, 3 or 4, (for instance) 911s picking fights and trying to get themselves banned.
Its a good tactic to drive people nuts and drive them off a forum/channel..
It seemed organised.
So basically a purge took place across the disident/truther/conservative internet in April of this year.
When I messaged a few of the more norm types saying that the truther sphere had just been purged they responded saying, "but there was nothing on YouTube about that.. But my favourite internet celebrities haven't said anything.." Oblivious.

I just got fed up with it, The Buhanka Watch channel just got so.. boring. In place of the real characters came all these guys from the Goolag channel. They were/are funny enough but they didn't have anything to offer - just crappy humour. And personally they all smelt a bit like feds.
I quit. Which I was glad of.
Sooner or later more people started messaging me saying that they had also quit.
Serb Dolphin. Robert whathisface the German. They all had the same complaint. the place had become taken over, and was now norm-fied, compliant and sterile.
Such a shame.
Robert was great at German history and telling people who liked Greek Mythology that they were worshipping Demons. I asked Serb about Srebrenica and he left me about an hour of voice messages talking me through his theory of what happened. There was a guy who was in the Russian HomeGuard in Moscow who was telling me about their battle with fake infiltrators and influencers in Russian politics.
They all got purged. Same time (roundabout) as 9-11. The authorities fought back with censorship, silently, and they won, silently.

With 911 I can only guess that he definitely got the tap on the shoulder, and probably that he was arrested. No internet in jail.
Sad to think about. What we are doing, trying to have free and unfiltered discussions, gets targeted and taken down - but it is done by stealth.
He told me something about RVF before he disappeared but I like to think that the two are unrelated..

Michael de la Broc is a funny cove. Michael Brooks. Nor'n Irish. Proddy Orange Order freemasonry. Part of some tragic group called the XXVII or 37 group that seems an obvious Fed trap.
Brooksy is actually the guy that told me that Paul Joseph Watson is a controlled op. All of those guys, Count Dankula, Leo kearse, Carl Binyamin/Sargon and his crew, New culture Forum, all Zionist controlled Ops.
Notice that in a country as un-free as the UK is he runs a 'free speech' channel where people are free to kvetch about the jews to their hearts content - but you'll notice that he only likes a certain 'anti semitism' that is racist and therefore 'naughty'. Any time people start talking about J-ish control and going into the granular nitty gritty he gets noticeably impatient and unhappy. He says that there is no jewish conspiracy, just "misguided western liberal elites" embracing a "fundamentally misguided western liberal ideology" and he sticks to that - then trumpets when his zionist friend Leo Kearse calls out the jews! Its happening chat! Lets Goooo!
You see how controlled opposition works.

Which is why I don't hold out much hope for Ireland because every instrument of Big tech Surveillance and Zio-5 eyes-intelligence will be made available to the Irish Govt and the Gardai .
They always follow the same pattern. Notice that Timothy McVeigh was a decorated soldier who went in for special forces training and who then "dropped out.." (then turned up as a glowie Neo-nazi terrorist in a false flag bombing).
Michael "de la Broc" signed up for UK Army Officer training at Sandhurst ...then he just "dropped out".. and turned up later as an edgy online right wing leader.
Tucker Carlson said that he sent out a paper application to the CIA but that he "got tuned down" - wait a second, his Dad is there at Langley CIA headquarters.. high up on the wall, the Hall of Fame wall ..as one of their all stars.. and he had to send in an anonymous paper application by mail but they just wrote back, flat "no" and then the next minute he was parachuted into a presenting role at the head of America's media - a role that he had to spend a long time adjusting to while he was dismissed by many as a blue-blood "bow-tied dork". But he paid off in spades 2016 - 2020.
Tommy Robinson said that he was approached by MI6 to become an asset of the state.. "but he said No", then he turns up etc etc.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is out there buying up any and all books and reporting that he was 'gay for pay' and cultivated by a group of rich gay realtors in Venice Beach, he greased the kosher wheels and then found himself Big in jewish Hollywood and at the same time he releases a book saying that in his early days (gay for pay) he was approached by a rich gay man to accept cash, help and accommodation in return for.. "But I said NO!" etc etc.
Thats why I can't get behind this idea that some celebrity or other, like a cokehead who punches pensioners, like Conor MacGregor, initially promoted by mafia connected jews like Dana White, is going to legitimately risk it all and throw it all away and get killed quick time in any insurrection.

Ive sat with ex war time IRA soldiers (who pitied me as a nobody) who let on that the IRA and the Sinn Fein have totally betrayed the Irish people. They HATE the current IRA/Sinn Fein leadership.
I understand that that is a widely held sentiment amongst the war time veterans.
The peace time IRA have presided over a huge rise in crime, gangs and drug taking amongst the young, just as the jews would have wanted.

Ach its just a shame. How these things get astro turfed, how these things get stolen, and usually they tell us, but the one time they decide to stay silent - like this last April - they can Totally Change the online landscape - and nobody even notices it happened.

I would like, as a suggestion, for there to be a "911 thread" - maybe we will never know what happened to him but we could ask the questions anyway, also the RVF is being wiped on Saturday, I don't know maybe some could cut and paste his all time best posts.
Just such a shame that he seemed to get taken out and the very message he pushed is being submerged and forgotten.

We did all that work on exposing the Arnold Schwarzenegger gay for pay scene and someone just popped up and said "why didn't you just say he's a Hollywood star? same thing" echoes of "yeah, exactly!"
The Russell Brand thread and people were encouraging the idea "he's a thorn in the side of the elites who cant handle the questions that he's asking" and then when people brought up the Rothschild connection. Rothschild network, Freemasonry connections, "33" Tattoos etc etc the same person said "ah well, if you're going down that route you should have said.."
You go to a used car dealership, the guy tells you all about this new sate of the art car he has right off the assembly lines. You start talking about the parts being disparate and the wrong make, mismatched colours, soldering joins, serial numbers filed off, that its out of a stolen car chop-shop and the guy says "oh, well, if you're going down that route.." ??? And nobody even notices...
All water under the bridge now.

But as the old RVF slips under the waters, lets raise a glass to our missing friend - 911. He wasn't forgotten (as some wished). And he should be remembered.

If one doesn't understand that globohomo is top-down initiated from the central bank owners as part of their long-term goals, actions like this will never make sense. “Democracy” is a fiction and a lie.

Getting mad at the Muslim immigrants or the politicians is a waste of time and energy. Direct one's ire at the initiators of this system or it feeds into the central bank owner's framing...
If one doesn't understand that globohomo is top-down initiated from the central bank owners as part of their long-term goals, actions like this will never make sense. “Democracy” is a fiction and a lie.

Getting mad at the Muslim immigrants or the politicians is a waste of time and energy. Direct one's ire at the initiators of this system or it feeds into the central bank owner's framing...
That's because "Democracy" is fake. It's the biggest illusion that many can't break free from.

Two wings of the same bird.
Looks like Dublin has been betrayed as badly as London has.

The problem is that London has mostly been more populated than all of Ireland and it took decades for the British (and Irish) to use its London majority. Things can swing like a pendulum in Dublin very quickly. Despite what cuckservatives say about Ireland not being part of the British colonial venture, it was deemed the second city of the British Empire so cucking and victimhood won't save it from "decolonisation".
Slightly off-topic, but there used to be a based Irish political forum which I occasionally read during lockdown. However, it seems to have vanished into the ether. I wanted to browse it during the incident last week in Dublin and there seems to be no trace of it. It's not politics.ie by the looks of it.
A man saying "This is war" who then capitulates to sponsors is definitionally a coward.
Firstly, it's speculation that he's done this because of pressure from sponsors. It may well be he fears legal repercussions, or perhaps he reflected upon it and thought it was a bit silly and posted when he was angry.

Secondly, I think he's been very critical of the government and done a lot more than most folk with a similar status.

Why is it that as soon as somebody like him speaks out, their motives are immediately questioned and folk accuse them of being 'controlled opposition', etc?