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Irish Politics Thread

^ Re: Confusions and discussions related to EMJ posts. I believe he is talking about this - i.e., (((Hello, my fellow white people))):


If this is his point, he has thus far done a terrible job in explaining it.

Further he offers no solution/alternative. Ok, so Jews invented the term "White" to refer to Irish people. What should they do with this information? Further, how does stopping referring to myself as "White" help remove violent immigrants who stab kids?

Do we need to debate each other, or is the time for debate really over? I don't think the two sides can argue their way out of this.
I wonder how he could not, though.

He knows Jews inside and out. Writes plenty of books and opinions that are academically researched. But BLM burns down America in 2020 while our (((Corporations))) fund it and our (((Government Officials))) do nothing about it and he can't figure out 2+2=4?

Jews help found and fund the NAACP and MLK and EMJ just ignores those data points because race is an abstract idea?


EMJ apparently went on Strike and Mike a few years ago and they did confront him about race and he wound up saying that the conversation was "tiring him out". I'm repeating what I heard them say about it recently; I've not seen that episode myself.

I still come back to: 3 kids are stabbed and he's talking about whose White and who isn't. Clearly something's wrong here.
We have to remember, he is only a biblical scholar, so outside the realm of religion, he is likely to be stunted.

His belief is the difference in Whites and other races is the fact Whites had Christianity longer, so we learned to adhere by the rules dictated in Christianity. Of course, that would completely ignore the great history of Europe before Christianity, but when pushed on it once, I heard him say that not adhering to a Christian life would have left outcasts without children, thinning out bad genetics. But then this would be a form of evolution, so there the cracks start to show itself in his message.

My feeling on EMJ is his work has been extremely valuable. But when it comes to advice on how to fight the satanic elites or the world outside religion, he is of little to no help, so just take him with a grain of salt. Religion plays a big role in our work to overcome the satanic elites, but there are big steps outside of religion that must be addressed as well. And if we were all magically the same, outside of religion, then the whole situation in Ireland would have never taken place because they would learn and behave just like Irish when landing on their soil and going to their church.

The weird thing is EMJ recommending us to read Noel Ignatiev, who is not Christian and not White, and listen to his opinions on it.
We have to remember, he is only a biblical scholar, so outside the realm of religion, he is likely to be stunted.

My feeling on EMJ is his work has been extremely valuable. But when it comes to advice on how to fight the satanic elites or the world outside religion, he is of little to no help, so just take him with a grain of salt. Religion plays a big role in our work to overcome the satanic elites, but there are big steps outside of religion that must be addressed as well. And if we were all magically the same, outside of religion, then the whole situation in Ireland would have never taken place because they would learn and behave just like Irish when landing on their soil and going to their church.

The weird thing is EMJ recommending us to read Noel Ignatiev, who is not Christian and not White, and listen to his opinions on it.

This is exactly my point, which is why I would even debate a man of the cloth if they were to presume to tell us how to beat back the devil's servants just with faith. God works through all of us by our actions that play out in the physical realm, and the spiritual consequences, as well as causes, go both ways. Any future leader who will have the ability to fight back against the hordes of immigrants and their jewish enablers will be questioned by the EMJ types, perhaps even have rocky relations with church officials, but that's just the way it is. There is no making everyone happy all the time. Removing the genetic and racial component of Christian heritage, or at least being cognizant of its history, is a huge mistake and has also only lead to soften the underbelly of the great foundations of the Churches.

Every single man who has a voice and uses it against White Christian Europeans is our enemy. Especially in these times.

I don't regret pirating a copy of EMJ's Holocaust Narrative book now rather than buying it. To what end is he trying to push his victim version of history? He's basically taking a jewish myth and putting a Catholic spin on it based on two alleged written accounts that also buy into the original propaganda. This man has written volumes on jews but he never acknowledges the jews for what they acknowledge themselves as: a race. Indeed they have a revolutionary spirit, they are intrinsically antichrist, among a plethora of other negative personality traits, but they are not genetically the same either, and this is where many people get lost or just get irritated and refuse to look into the bloodlines.
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A disturbing article from The Daily Sceptic:

If the speed at which London's ethnic "revision" took place is anything to go by despite its population being more numerous than Ireland's, the prognosis would not be good.

I hope Irishmen don't take Conor McGregor for granted and assume that his wealth and fighting ability means that he does not need support.

He will.

Not only because of the cosmopolitan elites who run formerly white nations but because libertarian conservatives will try to sell him out to appease their enemies.

Correspondingly, I hope McGregor doesn't go to the Wailing Wall to hedge himself against the inevitable charge that he is a Celtic Hitler.
Ireland may be in the process of being conquered and colonized by foreign invaders, but at least this is all being done legally.

Example of someone running for political office in Ireland, and if you think she should go back to where she came from, well, Paddy, that's just hate speech and you could go to prison for it:

Ireland may be in the process of being conquered and colonized by foreign invaders, but at least this is all being done legally.

Example of someone running for political office in Ireland, and if you think she should go back to where she came from, well, Paddy, that's just hate speech and you could go to prison for it:

Well, come on, bigots! She's lived there for almost two decades!

Where I live, all three levels of government (municipal, provincial and federal) are occupied by people of foreign origin who, suffice to say, are not too keen on white people. I firmly believe that one thing Western nations need to do is enact laws that make it mandatory for someone running for public office to have been born in the country in question.
Imagine we live in a world where Connor McGregor tweeted "Kill. Them. All."

He'd be suspended indefinitely, right? It'd be huge news, right?

Well, what about when the *actual* man in Florida with all the power does it?


He gets his account back and likely an apology from Twitter and he's going to work with them to ensure that it doesn't happen again.


See, some of us have actual, free speech. The rest of us don't.

Hope this isn't deemed too off topic. Irish journalists silenced Ryan Casey by not printing his quotes. It really is scary how much power we give to so few people who always seem to use it against us.
Ireland may be in the process of being conquered and colonized by foreign invaders, but at least this is all being done legally.

Example of someone running for political office in Ireland, and if you think she should go back to where she came from, well, Paddy, that's just hate speech and you could go to prison for it:


From Zimbabwe.

A country invented after the British Conservative Party handed the Rhodesians* over to the North Korean trained (and unfortunately Roman Catholic-educated) Robert Gabriel Mugabe who swiftly massacred the rival Matabele tribe and caused the European population to collapse from circa 300,000 to a few 1,000. Now Zimbabweans are moving to Europe's soft touches having destroyed Rhodesia to continue the war of decolonialisation and the gradual replacement of white governance.

*Rhodesians: a group of mostly middle and working class British, Irish and Dutch who founded the only self-governing colony within the British Empire which had the highest volunteer rate for the Empire's WW2 effort. They excelled in the British Malayan insurgency and they formed their own SAS unit (C-Squadron [Rhodesian] Special Air Service), which exists to this day in name in their honour. Forced to declare UDI when the UK's Conservative Party tried to implement one-man-one-vote (once) owing to contrary demographic upsurges, they finally had to accept UK, US and UN demands to install an African dictatorship. Their dollar used to match the US dollar and their country was more prosperous during a civil war under UN sanctions.

Lessons learnt: Never trust conservatives who have conserved nothing.
Discussion of possible Irish "hate speech" laws with Irish journalist Gemma O'Doherty and Dr E.M. Jones
..worth a listen.
Does say in the podcast that if the hate speech laws happen, everyone should go out and break them as much as possible if they don't want to lose all free speech.

There is discussion of pattern we are seeing across western countries where "hate speech laws" is the step which tends to follow "legalising gay marriage".

Publication aimed at waking up Irish normies :

Irish youtuber Baron Strawberry :

In 2018 there were constitutional changes in regards to abortion in Ireland
Very disturbingly Soros funded NGOs had something to do with it.

Hope that the Irish wake up to what is going on, it is a relatively pristine place compared to many other places in Europe and bad stuff may be heading their way.