Finding a traditional wife abroad

I do not really care about Australia's motives, whether he only wanted to have sex or wanted to marry a virgin it is his business. His motives aside for sure he is not a sex tourist because if he is one then he will just easily do some P4P. Judging by his actions he is more of a love tourist.

I supported Australia in his efforts because by sharing knowledge it can possibly help many members who are still looking for a future spouse. The way it works is he cannot possibly know everything, and other forum member should contribute their own knowledge to the existing datasheets to make it whole and bring value to the forum. But instead of standing together and helping each other, sadly many members attacked him and demonized him. So the discussions cannot proceed and there is no more knowledge to be learned.
In the nature of things, how does anybody get experienced in finding virgins to marry? You only do it once. I suppose you could meet several virgins, and date them chastely, before finding the one, and marrying her.

However, how many Christian men who met and married a virgin actually accumulated the kind of experience that would go into a data sheet?

I think most Christian men meeting and marrying virgins have one-off experiences that are hard to generalize.
I do not really care about Australia's motives, whether he only wanted to have sex or wanted to marry a virgin it is his business. His motives aside for sure he is not a sex tourist because if he is one then he will just easily do some P4P. Judging by his actions he is more of a love tourist.

I supported Australia in his efforts because by sharing knowledge it can possibly help many members who are still looking for a future spouse. The way it works is he cannot possibly know everything, and other forum member should contribute their own knowledge to the existing datasheets to make it whole and bring value to the forum. But instead of standing together and helping each other, sadly many members attacked him and demonized him. So the discussions cannot proceed and there is no more knowledge to be learned.

I think his motives do matter because the conversation is being tailored to those motives. As I've said more than once I initially tried to help him understand why he was having issues infiltrating these foreign cultures but because he didn't like what I had to say because it wasn't helping him get laid he decided to "ban" me from his new thread, go read it for yourself it's all right there. I didn't initially attack him I tried to help but the help I offered wasn't what he actually was looking for.

Would a thread about finding a good woman help the men here, yes absolutely it would. Would a thinly veiled PUA thread help the men here? Is that the knowledge and discussion we are seeking?
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In the nature of things, how does anybody get experienced in finding virgins to marry? You only do it once. I suppose you could meet several virgins, and date them chastely, before finding the one, and marrying her.

However, how many Christian men who met and married a virgin actually accumulated the kind of experience that would go into a data sheet?

I think most Christian men meeting and marrying virgins have one-off experiences that are hard to generalize.
Of course. Did anyone say otherwise?
I honestly want to know why AS and Shaq are tag-team excusing sinful behavior on a distinctly Christian forum. There are tons of other forums and websites out there where they can go hog wild with all their questions, tips, excuses, and duplicitous posts about gaming virgin girls. The rules and parameters of this forum are well defined and clearly posted. The only reason for them to stick around is either to troll us out of boredom, thinking they are funny, or more insidiously to corrupt and twist the minds and behavior of others, so they feel better about their own path. Christians are called to sharpen iron with iron and not infiltrate with rot. I hope the mods start putting a stop to this nonsense, or this forum is going to go downhill and people will leave.
I’m not burying my head in the sand. The dude is willing to marry a virgin. On top of that there are probably a lot of members on this forum who are unmarried who struggle with porn/masturbation. Don’t try singling out Australia sucks for his supposed sexual immorality.
People aren't going after Australia Sucks for fornicating but rather than he's posting about his attempts to fornicate. If someone was posting about looking at porn and making multiple threads about the best way to acquire the porn he would get called out on it.
I honestly want to know why AS and Shaq are tag-team excusing sinful behavior on a distinctly Christian forum. There are tons of other forums and websites out there where they can go hog wild with all their questions, tips, excuses, and duplicitous posts about gaming virgin girls. The rules and parameters of this forum are well defined and clearly posted. The only reason for them to stick around is either to troll us out of boredom, thinking they are funny, or more insidiously to corrupt and twist the minds and behavior of others, so they feel better about their own path. Christians are called to sharpen iron with iron and not infiltrate with rot. I hope the mods start putting a stop to this nonsense, or this forum is going to go downhill and people will leave.
I think it is mainly caused by two different viewpoints regarding Australia.

One is people who thinks he is a bad faith poster who mask his dissolute intentions by posting threads about finding a virgin wife abroad to ward off suspicions. Members like Francis and Chopper falls into this category.

The other one is people who thinks he is a good faith poster who is sincere in his posts. He goes abroad to find a traditional wife because women in his country is kind of broken. Members like Shaquille, Rational, and me falls into this category.
No offence but this is concern trolling.

None taken.

I don’t really keep track of what Australia says but I don’t really care either way, even he’s trying to get laid under false pretences, it’s very common behavior.


Usually when people get bullied they’re asking for it.

I don’t agree with this. Lots of bullying happens at younger and teenage age ranges, and unless the kid is some type of social reject and acting that way, you can’t make the argument they are asking for it. That makes no sense.

You’re suggesting if people hold his hand and try to reason with him he will turn into some kind of humble student and change his behavior. It doesn’t work like that.

No I’m not. I’m suggesting that mockery and attacking him is useless. Let’s say that he was being disingenuous and going against forum guidelines. Telling him not to do it and mocking him would make him double down on his behavior. The fact that some posters think it would work makes me question any real world experience they have. Trying to induce behavioral change, first and foremost requires the person in question to want to change. On that note, if Australia was living in sin, and decided to keep at it, nothing we can do would help. If, he was say on the fence and seeing the error of his ways, piling on him and mocking him would fail. This is no different than any other addiction or self sabotaging behavior.

Second losers struggle with pride. If you’re trying to get laid because you feel you’re missing out or whatever, some priestly figure telling you you’re going down the wrong path will probably embolden you even more.

That’s what I just stated above. I’d argue everybody struggles with pride though.

The only lesson here for Australia is you’re clearly doing something wrong. This is a humbling moment for him. If Australia believes that other members are “haters” then he needs to ask himself why his behavior triggers them so much.

I think the main reason is people thought he was a fraud. Some of his posts were suspect, and he seemed to have changed from wanting to date casually, then get married once the threads were locked or he was accused of trolling. I didn’t see it as that black and white. I saw him as a guy who was ok with just having a girlfriend and if he happened to marry her so be it, if it didn’t work out he was fine with that too. He clearly wanted more than what a western woman would give him.

On this point, the hypocrisy and ‘advice’ was too much. It reeked of do as so say and not as I do. Some of the same guys attacking him have posted they were in relationships or had girlfriends who they weren’t married to, but Australia can’t pursue that, cause he has to know right away he’s going to marry her or he’s a terrible sinner. But the other guys can, then they get on their high horse. I’m sure the married guys also never touched their wives before marriage either. Some of the posters have even talked about how their relationships with their girlfriends sucked, but here they are attacking a guy who’s trying to do better. People like to dish out advice when they have no business doing so.

Is it because he’s such a cool guy or is it because he’s being a faggot that serves as a punching bag for self-resentment that gets projected onto him? You have to remember men love faggots like Andrew Tate who project “success”so it’s not envy. The things we care about is how they reflect back onto us.

I have no idea how anyone can admire Tate.
To the degree that seeking a trad wife is obeyed in a honest manner, advice will be allowed in this thread.

As for Australia's quest for a virgin, it is ridiculous, if not outright trolling, and I have no problem with others calling him out on it.

However, no rules are specifically being broken, since there Australia isn't insulting others or trying to post past the rules.

That said, this thread is beating a dead horse at this point - the topic is finding a trad wife.

Australia, I don't want to hear about your preferences for a virgin anymore nor will you be allowed to ask how to find one. I've specifically asked you how it wasn't trolling, and you couldn't defend or justify yourself. So now the topic is banned and I will update the global rules at some point to reflect on this.
I saw him as a guy who was ok with just having a girlfriend and if he happened to marry her so be it, if it didn’t work out he was fine with that too.

Go read Australia's posting history, he has repeatedly argued in favor of only marrying a virgin. He's not interested in maybe working out something with a girlfriend. That's why men here criticize him so much. We know he's being unrealistic and making an error of judgement.
These type of goals. A virgin. Are just a manifestation that you are not ready yet to have a real relationship and you are putting extreme goals. But clock is ticking. And you should cut the bullshit.
As for Australia's quest for a virgin, it is ridiculous
Australia, I don't want to hear about your preferences for a virgin anymore nor will you be allowed to ask how to find one.
Go read Australia's posting history, he has repeatedly argued in favor of only marrying a virgin. He's not interested in maybe working out something with a girlfriend. That's why men here criticize him so much. We know he's being unrealistic and making an error of judgement.
@Australia Sucks wtf is wrong with you..

This is what is triggering people here so badly. Well, some are triggered by the quest to fornicate but apart from that you have a peculiar misplaced goal.

It's not necessarily an extreme goal as magoo puts it, but it is the wrong goal. It's just the wrong thing to filter for. If you really filtered for that above all else you may be able to find some kind of young outcast girl or older spinster woman type, fat perhaps, who was that.

The thing is, you may even find some virgin girls and women inadvertently without having that at the front of your mind. I did on some occasions along the way. Was a small novelty but could never get that excited about it. Would you rather a fat virgin or a woman with a small number of notches who has a good body? Even personality wise and compatibility, with that ridiculous requirement of yours. The saying cart before the horse comes to mind..
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I’m not burying my head in the sand. The dude is willing to marry a virgin. On top of that there are probably a lot of members on this forum who are unmarried who struggle with porn/masturbation. Don’t try singling out Australia sucks for his supposed sexual immorality.
What do you mean "willing to marry a virgin" like there some Herculean act? Like it's some great sacrifice.

Go re-read all his threads and why he got shat on. It should be clear.
Argentinian women are white with around
80 - 85% European genetics (mostly Italian, Spanish and German genetics) and they are extremely beautiful.

But Argentina has been infected with feminism and women in Argentina are very entitled and have a lot of attitude.

Also it’s a country where it’s always been known to be extremely difficult for a foreigner to get a girlfriend. It’s also a country where foreigners are not readily accepted (from what I have heard) but I have yet to visit Argentina so I can’t confirm for sure.

I think posts like this have merit; I see some objective observation and analysis there.

I don't have anything invested in this discussion one way or the other. I hope @Australia Sucks becomes the kind of man that a good, traditional woman would want to marry. That's the only hope for those of us who are still single.
As for Australia's quest for a virgin, it is ridiculous, if not outright trolling, and I have no problem with others calling him out on it.
It’s trolling to seek a virgin?
What do you mean "willing to marry a virgin" like there some Herculean act? Like it's some great sacrifice.

Go re-read all his threads and why he got shat on. It should be clear.
Wasn’t claiming that. I didn’t know him seeking a virgin was so bad. Perhaps it’s rare to find a virgin, sure.
. So now the topic is banned and I will update the global rules at some point to reflect on this.
Well dang.
It’s trolling to seek a virgin?
What do you mean “seek a virgin”.

Everyone is born a virgin. So there are virgins out there. If he’s “seeking” a virgin then I have to say he’s pretty bad at his at job. How long does it take? If this guy was the Steve Irwin of virginity hunting I probably would just flip the channel. The question he should be asking is “how come when show up somewhere I don’t have the pick of the litter?”. So at the very least he’s trying to cheat the system where he’s asking “where do I go to get the best of both worlds; remain the same person and get treated like royalty”.

I empathize with men. I want men to be happy. I don’t want men to be with a whore or a nagging spinster. At the same time though if you’re a man making some kind of demands you’re going to have to take a leap of faith as is customary. You’re going to have to do things you’ve never done before. Things that are truly scary, travel isn’t scary. I can’t sympathize with this “I’ve determined I deserve…” mentality. We all know this is not the masculine way.
You're trolling now too. Would you like to explain how to produce data sheets on finding virgins?
I’m not claiming to be an expert on this subject. If u wanna ban it then fine, I just don’t see how asking how to seek a virgin is such a big deal.
What do you mean “seek a virgin”.

Everyone is born a virgin. So there are virgins out there. If he’s “seeking” a virgin then I have to say he’s pretty bad at his at job. How long does it take? If this guy was the Steve Irwin of virginity hunting I probably would just flip the channel. The question he should be asking is “how come when show up somewhere I don’t have the pick of the litter?”. So at the very least he’s trying to cheat the system where he’s asking “where do I go to get the best of both worlds; remain the same person and get treated like royalty”.

I empathize with men. I want men to be happy. I don’t want men to be with a whore or a nagging spinster. At the same time though if you’re a man making some kind of demands you’re going to have to take a leap of faith as is customary. You’re going to have to do things you’ve never done before. Things that are truly scary, travel isn’t scary. I can’t sympathize with this “I’ve determined I deserve…” mentality. We all know this is not the masculine way.
I’m not sure where he said he deserves anything. We’re all trying to get the best deal, none of us are entitled. That’s the simply how this world works.
I’m not claiming to be an expert on this subject. If u wanna ban it then fine, I just don’t see how asking how to seek a virgin is such a big deal.

Who's an expert on finding virgins? How would such a thing even be possible? If you don't know, then why are you replying? What are you adding to the thread other than defending trolls?