I have gotten out there. I have been to 8 countries (9 if you include Australia). I have tried dating in various countries and what I say is me speaking from experience. I am not arm chair hypothesizing. Have you actually tried traveling abroad and dating women in other countries?
I’ve dated women from a lot of countries. At one point I tried to have a flag in each country of europe. Almost succeeded.
The dating sample you gather from meeting skanks on the street or clubs are not representative of the actual pool of women.
Cause that’s not how you meet quality women. Quality women have social circles. And you meet them through there or work and study. Doing like Roosh did in Poland. Was retarded. Integrating by meeting girls on nightclubs.
You also have your own worth. It’s not like you need to erase yourself just to get a woman. What do you want? Living in Serbia just for woman?
Quality woman will want men with ambition.
Retirement is bullshit. You don’t want to retire. It’s boring. Some people die when they retire. Women don’t want man retired. Men always need goals and challenges. Having money allows you to choose the ones you want. Instead of being forced into you. But nothing ends with having 1M. It just starts another level.
I made good income per year. But now I have to pay attention to my kids. A lot of rich people forget about their kids and they become drug addicts, fags, etc. When they go to university I will get into the business game again. Now I’m having fun understanding how construction works. Reinforcing wood beams with the roof still on was like marines training. The trick was you break the bricks on both sides and place the beam there and the other side. One side you need to break more so that it fits. Then put an iron stick holding the beam. And hammer it to the side where it goes down. This will make the beam and the roof go up. As you hammer the iron shit that’s holding the beam. It puts pressure on the beam and goes up. They said I had to take out all the shingles. Loooll. It took me and the robot russian 2 days. After we lock the beans with cement and broken tiles to hold. I could open a company just for reinforcing of ceilings. This wood roof was started in 2019. Nowadays I will never make another wood roof. All concrete.
Get out of your parents home. Today. How can you have respect or get any Australian quality girl if when she ask where you live your answer is :”my parents”.
There’s quality everywhere. Of course in Eastern Europe women are beautiful so it’s easier. It’s like walking around in a champagne store only with cuvée. And not worthless pieces of damaged grapes. But quality is everywhere. But you need to have quality also.
I am not a Christian so I could be totally wrong about this but my understanding is that god is not a magic genie where you just ask for things and god provides them to you because you prayed for it.
My problem with Christianity is that if Christianity really is the real deal then why did god not make it obvious to all and sundry? Instead we have an estimated 4000 - 10,000 different religions in the world and with an estimated 700 deities being worshiped currently. And that is not even talking about the vast number of agnostics and atheists. If god really is the god of the Christians that they claim he is why didn't he make it indisputably clear to all? Instead the god of the Christians deliberately chose to allow humans to continue living in confusion and doubt long after Christ returned to heaven. But for what purpose?
I’m not qualified to answer this. But there are many religions. Christianity specially catholic and orthodox are the right path. The God is the same but the way to reach God is through Christianity. The right language to speak with God is Christianity. Christians are the best people on earth. From the countries you visited most of them were Christian? Why? Why do you choose christian countries? Cause they have the best values. You cannot pretend this not to be true.
By being agnostic or atheist you are destroying beautiful women. It’s a moral obligation to anyone who wants beauty in society to be Christian. Because Christianity is beautiful. It’s something people voluntarily adhere. Anti Christians are ugly. And their values turn a society to shit (look at communist architecture).
Unfortunately Jewish cesspool has been infiltrating Christian society. Cause the big noses are envious leeches. Nothing wrong with Jews. But you can’t give them too much leeway. With time their paranoid greedy neurotic nature always f everything up. They have their role(comedy, banking, etc) But not much than that. Good traits and really bad traits.