Finding a traditional wife abroad

I have a question: have u looked into Argentina? That country is mostly white. Not sure about the culture but it is South American.
Argentinian women are white with around
80 - 85% European genetics (mostly Italian, Spanish and German genetics) and they are extremely beautiful.

But Argentina has been infected with feminism and women in Argentina are very entitled and have a lot of attitude.

Also it’s a country where it’s always been known to be extremely difficult for a foreigner to get a girlfriend. It’s also a country where foreigners are not readily accepted (from what I have heard) but I have yet to visit Argentina so I can’t confirm for sure.
Argentinian women are white with around
80 - 85% European genetics (mostly Italian, Spanish and German genetics) and they are extremely beautiful.

But Argentina has been infected with feminism and women in Argentina are very entitled and have a lot of attitude.

Also it’s a country where it’s always been known to be extremely difficult for a foreigner to get a girlfriend. It’s also a country where foreigners are not readily accepted (from what I have heard) but I have yet to visit Argentina so I can’t confirm for sure.

IE bar isn't low enough there for him
IE bar isn't low enough there for him
I don’t get why you have an attitude towards him. Low bar is a good thing. Why would u want a high bar?

He posted something about European ages of consent (not sure if it was this thread) and some were as low as 14, I’m sure you’d turn your nose up at the strategy of pursuing naive teen girls as well (they’re a lower bar as well for obvious reasons).
I don’t get why you have an attitude towards him. Low bar is a good thing. Why would u want a high bar?

He posted something about European ages of consent (not sure if it was this thread) and some were as low as 14, I’m sure you’d turn your nose up at the strategy of pursuing naive teen girls as well (they’re a lower bar as well for obvious reasons).

Because the guy is a sex tourist getting upset because he can't pull any girls blaming it on the cultures. It's disgusting and wrong, coddling him and enabling him buying into his thinly veiled pursuit of debauchery doesn't help him.
Because the guy is a sex tourist getting upset because he can't pull any girls blaming it on the cultures. It's disgusting and wrong, coddling him and enabling him doesn't help him.
He’s looking for a wife. Can you quote where he says he is a sex tourist? I think that’s your suspicion, but turning suspicions into accusations is wrong.
He’s looking for a wife. Can you quote where he says he is a sex tourist? I think that’s your suspicion, but turning suspicions into accusations is wrong.

I think you missed the background story on this brother, which explains why you actually think you're helping him find a wife. He's not looking for a wife, he changed it to that after his first thread was deleted. He's not here for Christ is King he's here for RVF 1.0.

If he were here actually looking for a wife why would myself or anyone else have an issue with that?

Beyond even that, when he changed his tune to looking for a wife instead of "dates" I tried to give him the benefit of the severe doubt and played into his game. I tried to help him and he got upset because I didn't tell him what he wanted to hear....which of course he did because I was talking about finding a wife not finding "dates". Believe me you're taking up for the wrong guy here.
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I think you missed the background story on this brother, which explains why you actually think you're helping him find a wife. He's not looking for a wife, he changed it to that after his first thread was deleted. He's not here for Christ is King he's here for RVF 1.0.

If he were here actually looking for a wife why would myself or anyone else have an issue with that?

Beyond even that, when he changed his tune to looking for a wife instead of "dates" I tried to give him the benefit of the severe doubt and played into his game. I tried to help him and he got upset because I didn't tell him what he wanted to hear....which of course he did because I was talking about finding a wife not finding "dates". Believe me you're taking up for the wrong guy here.
Can you show me a quote by him which paints him in the bad light you’re painting him?
Can you show me a quote by him which paints him in the bad light you’re painting him?

The thread was deleted because it went against the values of a Christian forum and he has since changed the way he words what he's doing. If you believe i am for some reason making it up then so be it but I'm not the only one who saw it.

He's not a Christian, he's a leftover from rvf 1.0 that just never left and is still around for what that place was for. Would you go to an agnostic forum as a Christian asking how to find a "wife", I know you're not that naive brother. Being cordial doesn't mean we should play ourselves for fools.
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The thread was deleted because it went against the values of a Christian forum and he has since changed the way he words what he's doing. If you believe i am for some reason making it up then so be it but I'm not the only one who saw it.

He's not a Christian, he's a leftover from rvf 1.0 that just never left and is still around for what that place was for. Would you go to an agnostic forum as a Christian asking how to find a "wife", I know you're not that naive brother. Being cordial doesn't mean we should play ourselves for fools.

Thread wasn't deleted, two of them were locked, and the other one moved to the troll forum.

The thread was deleted because it went against the values of a Christian forum and he has since changed the way he words what he's doing. If you believe i am for some reason making it up then so be it but I'm not the only one who saw it.

He's not a Christian, he's a leftover from rvf 1.0 that just never left and is still around for what that place was for. Would you go to an agnostic forum as a Christian asking how to find a "wife", I know you're not that naive brother. Being cordial doesn't mean we should play ourselves for fools.
Thread wasn't deleted, two of them were locked, and the other one moved to the troll forum.

Ok but where specifically does he promote fornication? I’m not seeing it.
Ok but where specifically does he promote fornication? I’m not seeing it.

Yea okay no he didn't say "guys I'm out here looking for sex".....just day gaming, cockblockers, finding dates, a non Christian openly pining for the old days of rvf......who then turned it into looking for a wife the next day trying to cover his tracks.

You want to bury your head in the sand or just don't care and want to help the guy get laid then go enjoy yourself, not my place to tell you what to think but don't me we should all do the same with you.
Ok but where specifically does he promote fornication? I’m not seeing it.

He never did. I admit some of his threads were a little suspect, that was because he was doing a lot of approaches. The way some guys piled onto Australia was peak douchebaggery and cowardly. But hey everyone’s a big man on the internet. Like I said before, if he came back with a good wife it’d make certain guys here jealous so they might as well rag on him or claim getting a pure woman is impossible. Probably guys in miserable relationships, who want to bring others down to their level because their relationships are ‘hard work’
He never did. I admit some of his threads were a little suspect, that was because he was doing a lot of approaches. The way some guys piled onto Australia was peak douchebaggery and cowardly. But hey everyone’s a big man on the internet. Like I said before, if he came back with a good wife it’d make certain guys here jealous so they might as well rag on him or claim getting a pure woman is impossible. Probably guys in miserable relationships, who want to bring others down to their level because their relationships are ‘hard work’

Don't know why you keep pushing that, I've never seen one instance on here where a man wants to see another fail to make himself feel better this is not that kind of place at all. I personally genuinely tried to help the guy it just wasn't what he wanted to hear because what he wants isn't what he is claiming to want. You really need to stop pushing that false narrative just to try and be a contrarian.
Yea okay no he didn't say "guys I'm out here looking for sex".....just day gaming, cockblockers, finding dates, a non Christian openly pining for the old days of rvf......who then turned it into looking for a wife the next day trying to cover his tracks.

You want to bury your head in the sand or just don't care and want to help the guy get laid then go enjoy yourself, not my place to tell you what to think but don't me we should all do the same with you.
I’m not burying my head in the sand. The dude is willing to marry a virgin. On top of that there are probably a lot of members on this forum who are unmarried who struggle with porn/masturbation. Don’t try singling out Australia sucks for his supposed sexual immorality.
I’m not burying my head in the sand. The dude is willing to marry a virgin. On top of that there are probably a lot of members on this forum who are unmarried who struggle with porn/masturbation. Don’t try singling out Australia sucks for his supposed sexual immorality.

That isn't the issue I'm not a saint and it's not for me to tell anyone how to live their lives, the issue is the deceit.
2) I feel pursuing girls without intent of marriage is perfectly fair if the girl is a non virgin. But if the girl is a virgin and wishes to give me her virginity and commit to me then I will treasure her and marry her. But I don’t see why I should have marry a non virgin I should be free to merely date a non virgin and keep her as my girlfriend without ever intending to marry her. That’s her fault for not being a virgin (unless she was raped).

A direct quote which essentially amounts to “I can fornicate with whores but I should marry a virgin.” Combined with his thread on “Balkan Daygame” it is an enormous stretch to believe he was only ever seeking marriage from the start.

Australia’s defenders/sockpuppets in this thread either cannot read, or are being wilfully dishonest.