Finding a traditional wife abroad

A direct quote which essentially amounts to “I can fornicate with whores but I should marry a virgin.” Combined with his thread on “Balkan Daygame” it is an enormous stretch to believe he was only ever seeking marriage from the start.

Australia’s defenders/sockpuppets in this thread either cannot read, or are being wilfully dishonest.
Technically speaking he never said he would fornicate. You’re just grasping at “come on now”
Good catch. That's some pretty insane entitlement in that post.
what “entitlement”?
I don’t think the average man loathes marrying a virgin.

I honestly can't figure out if you're being serious about all this, that was very obvious sarcasm. But if you are serious that would explain why you have decided to give the OP the benefit of the severely glaring doubt. I know another person who takes everything only on the surface as the direct literal interpretation of it, it was incredibly difficult to explain things to them and changing their mind was nearly an impossibility.
I honestly can't figure out if you're being serious about all this, that was very obvious sarcasm. But if you are serious that would explain why you have decided to give the OP the benefit of the severely glaring doubt. I know another person who takes everything only on the surface as the direct literal interpretation of it, it was incredibly difficult to explain things to them and changing their mind was nearly an impossibility.
Sarcasm is lame. What goes around comes around.

OP shouldnt be given crap for seeking a virgin, even if he isn’t one himself.
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what “entitlement”?
So I actually agree with AS about trying to find a traditional virgin. But it would be incredibly entitled to demand a woman like this, then go out and "date" other women in the meantime. Traditional women need a traditional man. The decision needs to be made to avoid any time of modern dating, especially after making all these threads about finding virgins, traditional women, etc.

It's participating in the same behavior that's ruining the non-virgins in the first place.
Technically speaking he never said he would fornicate. You’re just grasping at “come on now”

what “entitlement”?

I think he's still flexible on the question of sex with non-virgins he happens to meet. The quote below is from earlier this month, long after he was first called out on sex tourism and denied it. According to the rules he claims, he would first have to determine she is not a virgin, which means he considers himself free to screw her. Then he has to apply Game, and get her in the sack.

It's not hard to conclude this is his primary strategy, and if he managed to find a virgin and establish a courtship it would be by accident.

Just because you are looking for a wife most men are still only human and if on this wife hunting endeavour an attractive woman offered herself up for a night of fun how many men on this forum in all honesty would turn her down? Of course a lot of men here can be keyboard warriors and say they would never partake in a one night stand but we know it’s a lie.
I think he's still flexible on the question of sex with non-virgins he happens to meet. The quote below is from earlier this month, long after he was first called out on sex tourism and denied it.
That’s your opinion. But did he explicitly state he was gonna do it?

The answer is he wasn’t, but we haven’t caught him red handed.

But most people want to assign him some guilt. It reminds me of trump being found “guilty” of sexual assault in that civil case.
So I actually agree with AS about trying to find a traditional virgin. But it would be incredibly entitled to demand a woman like this, then go out and "date" other women in the meantime. Traditional women need a traditional man. The decision needs to be made to avoid any time of modern dating, especially after making all these threads about finding virgins, traditional women, etc.

It's participating in the same behavior that's ruining the non-virgins in the first place.
I don’t like the word demand here because where is his “demand” directed to? No one. Virgins are difficult to find considering, to be extremely blunt, teenage jailbait girls are off limits for adult men and those girls dress like whores and fornicate with boys their age.
That’s your opinion. But did he explicitly state he was gonna do it?

The answer is he wasn’t, but we haven’t caught him red handed.

But most people want to assign him some guilt. It reminds me of trump being found “guilty” of sexual assault in that civil case.
Well, perhaps I read it differently than you. I read that as claiming a willingness to have a one night stand. It's not like you fall in bed with a woman by accident. He is claiming a willingness to game a woman after he determines she is not marriage material, making it ok to fornicate with her.

He says it's only human if he accepts her offering herself for a night of fun, a one night stand. According to him, you're lying if you say you wouldn't do the same.
Well, perhaps I read it differently than you. I read that as claiming a willingness to have a one night stand. It's not like you fall in bed with a woman by accident. He is claiming a willingness to game a woman after he determines she is not marriage material, making it ok to fornicate with her.

He says it's only human if he accepts her offering herself for a night of fun, a one night stand. According to him, you're lying if you say you wouldn't do the same.
Whether I would do the same is irrelevant.
A direct quote which essentially amounts to “I can fornicate with whores but I should marry a virgin.” Combined with his thread on “Balkan Daygame” it is an enormous stretch to believe he was only ever seeking marriage from the start.

Australia’s defenders/sockpuppets in this thread either cannot read, or are being wilfully dishonest.

Oh please now go cast the first stone. I’ll wait.

Are you a virgin? Have you EVER dated or been with a woman who you didn’t intend on marrying? We’re you seeking marriage with every woman you dated?

All the pure sinless males on the forum please raise your hands. Come on guys, not all at once.

Fact is, you’re calling out potential behavior that many guys do here themselves. But some of you rationalize adultery and sex before marriage because “Well I intend on marrying my girlfriend so it’s ok.” Well according to church teaching, it isn’t.

What if Australia ended up liking the nonvirgin and then marriage became in the cards? Guess that can never happen.

It’s also weird behavior to go and dig up quotes from an anonymous forum member.
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So I actually agree with AS about trying to find a traditional virgin. But it would be incredibly entitled to demand a woman like this, then go out and "date" other women in the meantime. Traditional women need a traditional man. The decision needs to be made to avoid any time of modern dating, especially after making all these threads about finding virgins, traditional women, etc.

It's participating in the same behavior that's ruining the non-virgins in the first place.

I agree with you in theory and ideally, but the facts in the dating jungle don’t support it. In that, yes we would like a traditional pure man to marry a traditional pure woman. But, being a man with a past absolutely doesn’t disqualify you from getting a virgin or close to it. Thinking it does falls into the fallacy of men and women being equal. We’re not, and while lack of chastity and promiscuity damages men and women, the detrimental effect is far far greater on females.
I agree with you in theory and ideally, but the facts in the dating jungle don’t support it. In that, yes we would like a traditional pure man to marry a traditional pure woman. But, being a man with a past absolutely doesn’t disqualify you from getting a virgin or close to it. Thinking it does falls into the fallacy of men and women being equal. We’re not, and while lack of chastity and promiscuity damages men and women, the detrimental effect is far far greater on females.
I'm not saying a man's past disqualifies us. I'm talking about how we as men behave now in the present, while we look for a traditional woman.
Oh please now go cast the first stone. I’ll wait.

Are you a virgin? Have you EVER dated or been with a woman who you didn’t intend on marrying? We’re you seeking marriage with every woman you dated?

All the pure sinless males on the forum please raise your hands. Come on guys, not all at once.

Fact is, you’re calling out potential behavior that many guys do here themselves. But some of you rationalize adultery and sex before marriage because “Well I intend on marrying my girlfriend so it’s ok.” Well according to church teaching, it isn’t.

What if Australia ended up liking the nonvirgin and then marriage became in the cards? Guess that can never happen.

It’s also weird behavior to go and dig up quotes from an anonymous forum member.

Please read the post you quoted, nothing of what you spoke to was in that post from @Rodion. He didn't cast any stones at all he called out the obvious situation at hand.

You're working really hard to create a false narrative strawman even putting things into quotes that were never said or insinuated, nobody here is saying they are saints and did not have sex before marriage.....not one man has claimed that. The issue is asking for help pursuing sex and then trying to shamelessly deceive us about it, this is not the venue for such things in any way.
Oh please now go cast the first stone. I’ll wait.

Are you a virgin? Have you EVER dated or been with a woman who you didn’t intend on marrying? We’re you seeking marriage with every woman you dated?

All the pure sinless males on the forum please raise your hands. Come on guys, not all at once.

Fact is, you’re calling out potential behavior that many guys do here themselves. But some of you rationalize adultery and sex before marriage because “Well I intend on marrying my girlfriend so it’s ok.” Well according to church teaching, it isn’t.

What if Australia ended up liking the nonvirgin and then marriage became in the cards? Guess that can never happen.

It’s also weird behavior to go and dig up quotes from an anonymous forum member.

We do not promote sin on this forum - doesn't matter if we are sinners. The point is to strive towards holiness and sainthood. If you have trouble understanding this concept then please read and post more in the Christian section.
We do not promote sin on this forum - doesn't matter if we are sinners. The point is to strive towards holiness and sainthood. If you have trouble understanding this concept then please read and post more in the Christian section.

Ok I don’t have trouble understanding this concept.

Here’s what bothered me:

People calling Australia an autist, insinuating he was a loser, and making fun of him nonstop. Was that representative of Christian behavior?

Or was it more representative of a bunch of losers on the internet and peak hypocrisy? Because they know if they pulled that stuff in real life they’d get hit, but I’m sure all the ‘real alpha men’ here know that.

Some people’s responses were in good faith trying to nudge him in the right direction, but certain members turned into a mob and went after him. Whether he was being disingenuous or not, this is not the correct approach.
Ok I don’t have trouble understanding this concept.

Here’s what bothered me:

People calling Australia an autist, insinuating he was a loser, and making fun of him nonstop. Was that representative of Christian behavior?

Or was it more representative of a bunch of losers on the internet and peak hypocrisy? Because they know if they pulled that stuff in real life they’d get hit, but I’m sure all the ‘real alpha men’ here know that.

Some people’s responses were in good faith trying to nudge him in the right direction, but certain members turned into a mob and went after him. Whether he was being disingenuous or not, this is not the correct approach.
No offence but this is concern trolling. I don’t really keep track of what Australia says but I don’t really care either way, even he’s trying to get laid under false pretences, it’s very common behavior.

Usually when people get bullied they’re asking for it. You’re suggesting if people hold his hand and try to reason with him he will turn into some kind of humble student and change his behavior. It doesn’t work like that.

First of all there is no solidarity amongst losers. You’re never going to find a group of faggots who have full tolerance for your faggotry. We all want to be better. So it’s already a mistake to try to do that. If you’re a loser your only option is not to be. There is no safe space.

Second losers struggle with pride. If you’re trying to get laid because you feel you’re missing out or whatever, some priestly figure telling you you’re going down the wrong path will probably embolden you even more.

The only lesson here for Australia is you’re clearly doing something wrong. This is a humbling moment for him. If Australia believes that other members are “haters” then he needs to ask himself why his behavior triggers them so much. Is it because he’s such a cool guy or is it because he’s being a faggot that serves as a punching bag for self-resentment that gets projected onto him? You have to remember men love faggots like Andrew Tate who project “success”so it’s not envy. The things we care about is how they reflect back onto us.

All men know what being a faggot is. Last thing we as men want is to be associated with some faggot who embraces it.