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Elon Musk Thread

oy vey.jpg

Musk's fear must be that he cannot become as defiant as Kanye and had to bend the knee in order to keep his wealth and power.

What needs to be found out is how strong the money creators/lenders are as a group. If they are influenced by Satan, then there is 100% a chink somewhere within the group.

Riddle me this,

In the valley of the serpent,

Of whom nobody spoke,

Their humble servant,

Cast back their smoke,

The pale one aghast,

The unoticed comes focused,

A new army amassed,

Revealed - a plauge of locust,

No sceptre for he,

Fists clenched 🥅 and 🍶,

Angered greatly little Bibi,

He told you the Jew who,

Oddly sprays musk.

Weren't Anglin and Nick Fuentes already banned? No doubt EMJ is shadowbanned/downranked also.

I hardly know who those people are tbh. (Fuentes and Anglin) EMJ seems to be doing well on Twitter though. Maybe the guys you mentioned where banned prior to the Elon takeover and they've never been let back in, or they've just chosen to stay off Twitter?
So the only way we can believe anything Musk does is if he got destroyed and wiped out of the public realm? I am sure that will help the right wing cause.

I believe he is a successful engineer and the powers that be were not against him with his earlier projects until the twitter war came about. He basically reacted to every important subject in the last few months as honest as a normie could do. From white identity to all the ADL revelations. How much more do you expect from a public figure?

I am sure it is not just revenue they are using against him.

I find it narcissistic to insist that everything is a plot and a set-up. No use living my life this way, the things we can prove are already dark enough.

What plot and set-up were proposed? (maybe I missed some posts) That implies that us who are critics of Musk are implying some coverup. Haven't people just been posting what Musk has been doing out in the open and been critical of some of those things?

What hope are we hoping for? In worldly things? I get that it's a blackpill without Christ. But our hope is in Christ and there are always surprise blessings through that.

I think it's great when Musk does and says things that are based. I think it's great to encourage that. But why not be critical? It's easy to see where compromises are made and easy to see possible motivations behind that (I can just look at my own heart and ask what compromises I'd likely make in his position with a normal-ish frame of reference). Iron sharpens iron.
I hardly know who those people are tbh. (Fuentes and Anglin) EMJ seems to be doing well on Twitter though. Maybe the guys you mentioned where banned prior to the Elon takeover and they've never been let back in, or they've just chosen to stay off Twitter?
They're very censored people who speak against the Jews. They both respect EMJ, and EMJ has uploaded content to Fuentes' website.

I'd say they are both a lot more prominent than EMJ, but maybe that's just my impression.

Anglin was unbanned after the Twitter purchase but was banned for no reason a couple weeks afterward. Fuentes was also unbanned for a whopping 1 day and then banned again, although he's since made some alts that have lasted a bit longer.
Why take a trip to Israel in the first place?

He's also taken trips in the last six months to meet with PMs of India, the UK, Thailand, and Turkey, in addition to the Pope, the second-in-charge in China, officials in the EU, and so on.

I really think he sees himself as a moderate. I imagine his thinking is somewhat like, "OK, these people are pressuring me or want something from me. Let me go in person, talk to them face to face, do the photo op, find out what they want, and see if we can find common ground."

Maybe that's a little naive, but he's finding that out in real time.

He runs what's probably the most politically influential social media platform on the planet, in addition to the largest and most important electric car manufacturer. If I were him, I would be out there kissing babies and shaking hands. It strikes me as smarter and more masculine to talk face-to-face, instead of slinging attacks at each other through the media, which loves nothing more than to distort and inflame whatever you're trying to say. That's what I would do in his shoes, anyway.
Feel I have to push back against this.

By buying Twitter and allowing relatively open speech, he has already done concrete good by shifting the Overton window several ticks away from the left.
You're not allowed to say anything on twitter that wasn't totally fine 3 years ago.
Where is this freedom on Twitter?
Can you point to any accounts?
I can name a bunch who were banned, and didn't do anything but tell uncomfortable truths...

It's true there is more criticism of Jews today than in recent memory, but when you go around gassing kids and killing premature infants in their cribs in hospitals and running tanks through peoples houses, that tends to get people noticing. In other words, criticism of Jews isn't up on twitter. It's up everywhere because of their genocidal and ridiculous behavior.
What plot and set-up were proposed? (maybe I missed some posts) That implies that us who are critics of Musk are implying some coverup. Haven't people just been posting what Musk has been doing out in the open and been critical of some of those things?

What hope are we hoping for? In worldly things? I get that it's a blackpill without Christ. But our hope is in Christ and there are always surprise blessings through that.

I think it's great when Musk does and says things that are based. I think it's great to encourage that. But why not be critical? It's easy to see where compromises are made and easy to see possible motivations behind that (I can just look at my own heart and ask what compromises I'd likely make in his position with a normal-ish frame of reference). Iron sharpens iron.
Thank you I agree with everything. Maybe check the previous page. I see a subtle difference between criticism and "he was controlled opposition from the start".
You're not allowed to say anything on twitter that wasn't totally fine 3 years ago.
Where is this freedom on Twitter?
Can you point to any accounts?
I can name a bunch who were banned, and didn't do anything but tell uncomfortable truths...

It's true there is more criticism of Jews today than in recent memory, but when you go around gassing kids and killing premature infants in their cribs in hospitals and running tanks through peoples houses, that tends to get people noticing. In other words, criticism of Jews isn't up on twitter. It's up everywhere because of their genocidal and ridiculous behavior.
I do not believe that you are willfully blind but perhaps you did not have time to check the ADL twitter threads, they predate the recent Hamas events by a few months. Under a Biden administration and a total leftist domination of the tech companies, Musk has been fantastic for the right. Nothing compared to Jack Dorsey. I even expect more people to be slowly reinstated as long as the pushback against ADL and left wing parties in Europe continues.

Additionally, people like Keith Woods have grown, they are just as "extreme" but instead of testing the algorithm they are speaking carefully and in calculated manner.
Pick a time frame. 12 months. Two years. Four years. Eight years.

Elon has done more for true conservatives during those time frames than the collective GOP has accomplished as a whole.

Certainly doesn't mean I agree with everything he says or does. But he has stood up against the machine more than all the republicans in office, combined.

Hell, the GOP can't even figure out how to come together and get a conservative youtube video which is censored, uncensored.

If you listen to Elon he's incredibly intelligent but an odd speaker, similar to Trump. He thinks out loud. He also while having his political beliefs, has multiple major international companies which do significant business across 55+ countries. Same people with all due respect, who could barely navigate posting on RVF without getting banned are quick to throw criticism at a guy who needs to somewhat toe the line to protect billions in business interests across major international lines and within active war zones.

An important element is to learn to decipher the strengths/weaknesses in someone and weigh them. Are they more a tool for good or bad. Everyone with a platform gets criticized. There is no mythical leader with a large platform, beholden to no one, only pushing true conservative values while bankrolling themselves completely, outside of the establishment.

When someone steps up into the forefront, the easiest thing to do is sit back and criticize. I propose however the real problem is all others who sit back doing nothing to fill the void. So why all the focus on Elon? Because everyone else by and large who you counted on, failed. The entire political system across the West and its participants. If I were the corrupt US government, GOP, House, Senate, or various right wing politicians/parties across Europe I would love for the focus to be on Elon.
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