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Elon Musk Thread

This clip is a good example of why I remain skeptical about Elon.

Just looking at that quote I get a very good feeling from it. Musk has correctly identified the primary mechanism being used to smuggle in evil. This is the mechanism Israel and the jewish spirit has perfected.

However, in the clip he isn't using it towards that. He is trying to associate it with his supposed good works for the environment. It is a confused comparison. If Musk knows that his approach with trying to substitute electric vehicles is actually worse for the environment, then that is incredibly deceitful.

So either
1: He's figuring things out, and has at least partially drank the cool aid on everything that has to do with climate change/CO2/etc.
2: He knows what he's doing and he's using the power of being able leverage statements and concepts that are extremely powerful because of their deep truths for his own (and possibly others) benefit.


3: Some combination of 1 and 2

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Elon has done more for true conservatives during those time frames than the collective GOP has accomplished as a whole.

If you listen to Elon he's incredibly intelligent but an odd speaker, similar to Trump.
I just dont see it.
If one is inspired by someone like Elon Musk, or finds him truly intelligent, I am genuinely jealous, mostly because there's just no inspiring leader I can point to alive today (there are several intelligent people in philosophy, religion, health, etc but they are far from household names and zero leaders that would hold a candle to the typical political candidate from the 1990s. Heck, 1990 Joe Biden is more conservative than any politician I can think of today.

I guess if Musk is inspiring and brilliant to you, then enjoy him I guess. Guy does absolutely nothing for me, and I'm not sure how much of his rocket stuff he even understands (or how much of it is truly done outside the official government rocket programs, which were always military operations and it's laughable to think they not only made them civilian, but turned them over to a private company ie whoever wants to offer enough capital to "own" the technology. The truck thing was a ridiculous embarrasment. How could you not know the metal would dent? Too dumb to even fake it. Anyway, obeying a summons to Israel tells me this is not a guy I should ever listen to about anything. Totally owned and controlled. People talk about Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, etc. being Zioshills. But you don't see them being summoned to literally kneel at the foot of the devil.

The last tech leader to really understand technology was Steve Jobs.

Here's a real conservative, and a sharp mind:
I just dont see it.
If one is inspired by someone like Elon Musk, or finds him truly intelligent, I am genuinely jealous, mostly because there's just no inspiring leader I can point to alive today (there are several intelligent people in philosophy, religion, health, etc but they are far from household names and zero leaders that would hold a candle to the typical political candidate from the 1990s. Heck, 1990 Joe Biden is more conservative than any politician I can think of today.

I guess if Musk is inspiring and brilliant to you, then enjoy him I guess. Guy does absolutely nothing for me, and I'm not sure how much of his rocket stuff he even understands (or how much of it is truly done outside the official government rocket programs, which were always military operations and it's laughable to think they not only made them civilian, but turned them over to a private company ie whoever wants to offer enough capital to "own" the technology. The truck thing was a ridiculous embarrasment. How could you not know the metal would dent? Too dumb to even fake it. Anyway, obeying a summons to Israel tells me this is not a guy I should ever listen to about anything. Totally owned and controlled. People talk about Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, etc. being Zioshills. But you don't see them being summoned to literally kneel at the foot of the devil.

The last tech leader to really understand technology was Steve Jobs.

Here's a real conservative, and a sharp mind:

The thing about the rockets is this: If they (the government) already had the technology, why would they just gave it to him? Why him? How would they get the technology? They would have paid companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin to develop it. How else would they get it? It's not like NASA developed it. NASA is just a government bureaucracy for farming out development contracts to private industry. If Boeing or Lockheed Martin actually developed the technology, they would have it now. Those guys pay more in lobbying fees than SpaceX spent to develop the technology. They wouldn't just lay back and let it be taken away from them. They would have people killed to stop that.

SpaceX has the most advanced rocket technology on the planet. They can reuse their launch vehicles while everybody else has to throw the launch vehicle away after one use. They've perfected their first generation capability, and are now developing the next generation capability using the same approach that worked already. SpaceX started developing the reusable first stages about 15 years ago, and obviously made steady progress through that time, but nobody else has even started on this in any serious way.

SpaceX has launched 80% of all global mass to orbit in 2023, and is on track to launch 90% in 2024. SpaceX is hitting this level of monopoly because reusable boosters cost a fraction of the old fashioned throw away kind. Why haven't Boeing, or Lockheed Martin, or the European Space Agency, or Russia, or China even started on this? They are totally unable to do so. SpaceX is just that far ahead of the rest.

It doesn't make any sense to say that SpaceX was given this technology. It only makes sense to think that the incremental development that has been carried out publicly has led them to their current capability, and that they really are first in the world.

It's not so unusual. Industrialist entrepreneurs have been leading companies to a world class technological capability in one field or another since the start of the industrial revolution. This is just the latest. It won't last forever, but it's not reasonable to deny the achievement.
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This clip is a good example of why I remain skeptical about Elon.

Just looking at that quote I get a very good feeling from it. Musk has correctly identified the primary mechanism being used to smuggle in evil. This is the mechanism Israel and the jewish spirit has perfected.

However, in the clip he isn't using it towards that. He is trying to associate it with his supposed good works for the environment. It is a confused comparison. If Musk knows that his approach with trying to substitute electric vehicles is actually worse for the environment, then that is incredibly deceitful.

So either
1: He's figuring things out, and has at least partially drank the cool aid on everything that has to do with climate change/CO2/etc.
2: He knows what he's doing and he's using the power of being able leverage statements and concepts that are extremely powerful because of their deep truths for his own (and possibly others) benefit.


3: Some combination of 1 and 2

Elon is someone that understands leverage. It's clear even from this video. He is someone that is all about mass production, mass scale and efficiency - so it's not a stretch to think that flows over into any philosophy or ethics he has. To leverage the masses to his way of thinking.

It's a kinda great video though purely because nobody with that much attention or reach has ever had the balls to tell advertising executives to take a hike, much less in front of the New York Times.

Like always with Elon, you can admire the intermittent moments of goodwill or redpill, but are still left wondering how genuine this guy really is.
The thing about the rockets is this: If they (the government) already had the technology, why would they just gave it to him? Why him? How would they get the technology? They would have paid companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin to develop it. How else would they get it? It's not like NASA developed it. NASA is just a government bureaucracy for farming out development contracts to private industry. If Boeing or Lockheed Martin actually developed the technology, they would have it now. Those guys pay more in lobbying fees than SpaceX spent to develop the technology. They wouldn't just lay back and let it be taken away from them. They would have people killed to stop that.

SpaceX has the most advanced rocket technology on the planet. They can reuse their launch vehicles while everybody else has to throw the launch vehicle away after one use. They've perfected their first generation capability, and are now developing the next generation capability using the same approach that worked already. SpaceX started developing the reusable first stages about 15 years ago, and obviously made steady progress through that time, but nobody else has even started on this in any serious way.

SpaceX has launched 80% of all global mass to orbit in 2023, and is on track to launch 90% in 2024. SpaceX is hitting this level of monopoly because reusable boosters cost a fraction of the old fashioned throw away kind. Why haven't Boeing, or Lockheed Martin, or the European Space Agency, or Russia, or China even started on this? They are totally unable to do so. SpaceX is just that far ahead of the rest.

It doesn't make any sense to say that SpaceX was given this technology. It only makes sense to think that the incremental development that has been carried out publicly has led them to their current capability, and that they really are first in the world.

It's not so unusual. Industrialist entrepreneurs have been leading companies to a world class technological capability in one field or another since the start of the industrial revolution. This is just the latest. It won't last forever, but it's not reasonable to deny the achievement.

And, it also goes to show, at least at some level, there is ultimately accountability to the tax payer. Lockheed Martin and the other space companies are not much different than space X, they just did the bidding and developed the technology at the bequest of the gov't vs Elon going it alone with private money. Of course when you pay the piper you call the tune, so Elon's design can be said to be a lot more independent of gov't overreach. It's one thing to be given a billion dollars and then told to make a space ship, it's quite another to get a billion dollars of your own money and decide to bring a rocket to market.

Anyways, prior to space X commercial launches, the other guys had a pretty sweet gravy train. No bid, cost plus contracts, lobbying, and to even get a seat to bid you had to be in their special club, then Elon comes along and can do what they can at 10% of the cost? I'm surprised these big defence contractors didn't put out a hit on him.

It was one of the early "screw yous" to the big established military industrial complex who sucked at the tit of tax payers with zero accountability, oversight, or efficiency. This was one of the few times where it was so obviously much better and cheaper that they couldn't help but go with him.

That's what I think it's all about. Doing things better, more efficiently, more honestly. I'm for free speech and free discourse. I don't dislike Disney because they have different values, but because they want you to as well, and censor as much as the existence of alternative view points. I just don't get this mindset of everyone who advances the right's/red pill causes is ultimately a shill. What's your example of someone who isn't then? Everyone out side of the absolute fringe is either opposition if they disagree with you, or controlled opposition if they don't? Where does that get you? You see it everywhere. JBP, Gad Saad, Joe Rogan, anyone with mainstream enough views to be taken in by the masses, but get them asking questions is off the table. So who isn't? Change comes gradual. In 1950 a rumour that you went to a communist rally 20 years ago could have been as much a career ending move. Who would have imagined we'd have gone from that to where a video of you taking a rainbow sticker off your car could similarly get you fired? That took over half a century.

A far, far better life view I feel is to give people the benefit of the doubt. No one is perfect, and everyone has flaws - even within the like mindedness collective here. Until you have very solid reasons otherwise (he made a random symbol while holding his hands together, or his birth year divided by 3 + 9 is 666. And 9-3 = 6. ) I absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt. What's the alternative? Rally behind no ones who are so far outside of the acceptable views these days that even the most welcoming places wont platform them? Like the theory of global warming, the more accommodations, exceptions, and inconsistencies a theory has, the worse a theory it is. "He just told, on a major legacy media platform, one of the biggest companies CEOs championing the woke to F-off" "Yah but he did that thing with his hands 7 years ago once!"
Many fail to see the bigger picture here. What primarily motivates Elon? The answer, you might have guessed, is his ego. Similarly, Trump shares this characteristic in many aspects.

While money takes a back seat for Elon, his ego takes the forefront by a wide margin. This isn't the first time he's rejected institutions, having done so with journalists and even major entities like the SEC. It's a consistent trait, and his self-interest is undeniably linked to his ego.

In this context, I don't view him as "controlled opposition," but I also don't see him as infallible. Consider Trump, who faced blindsides and betrayals because opponents played to his ego. Whether you term it control or not, I perceive it differently.

Fortunately, for now, his self-interest aligns with ours. It's a straightforward situation, and we should view it as a temporary blessing, as such alignments can change.
The thing about the rockets is this: If they (the government) already had the technology, why would they just gave it to him? Why him?

SpaceX has the most advanced rocket technology on the planet.
So SpaceX independently developed rocket technology in a few years without government assistance? If it's that easy then I suspect we will see more space programs popping up. The US space program, for all its exagerations and lies, seems to be holding its lead mainly due to the accumulated decades of experience and achievements (which all originated from V2 scientists exported via Operation Paperclip, and it is no coincidence that the other nation with a strong space program is the other country that scouped up German scientists as fast as it could).

I find it highly suspicious that someone suddenly started achieving all these space discoveries. I haven't read any books on Musk or anything because frankly he never interested nor impresssed me, but perhaps some readers can enlighten us on his background and history. Was he shooting off homemade rockets into space as a kid? Was he reaching low earth orbit as a college hobbiest? Did he have a fascination with reading science and studying astronomy?

What is Elon Musk's background in aerospace engineering or physics or anything that allowed him to develop this?

That said, for what it's worth I am impressed by Tesla bringing a working car to market fairly quickly. Though he has been unable to capitalize on most of the promises, and I don't think the elusive $35,000 e-car is ever coming. Is Musk really responsible for making this car though? Does he have any automotive knowledge or expertise? I suspect that as with space, the achievements have come from accumulated knowledge and poached talent from those already in the industry. He personally comes off as a clueless tool in things like the truck demo, and his other missteps are numerous:

Getting fined $40m for tweeting something stupid by US regulators during a business offering, giving Amber Heard millions of dollars (after she dumped him) to help her defend herself on the bed pooping ordeal with Johnny Depp, buying Twitter for a ridiculous price, destroying the single most valuable asset of twitter, its name, responding to the summoning to Israel, allowing his son to be trannyfied (he has virtually unlimited resources and I've never even heard of his wife, surely he can take control and do something about his son's balls? ), and the latest is publicly cursing at his advertisers / customers:

(Take away the profanity and the whole thing is still idiotic--he says the public will blame advertisers for not doing ads on Twitter/X which will cause it to fail. News flash: No one likes ads nor wants to see them, and they surely preferred the pre-ad version of twitter. Twitter just got dropped by Walmart. So people are going to be mad at Wal Mart for not interrupting their tweets with intrusive ads? Huh? What is this dude smoking?)

Sorry but I'm missing the brilliance from this man.

Sorry but I'm missing the brilliance from this man.

All of this is true. And somewhat strange.

Elon is extremely good at numbers and engineering, and socially awkward. When you consider he is likely high on the autism spectrum , it becomes easier to understand. So much so that you can maybe consider he’s like a brilliant musician who conducts and creates music no one else can, you can say that person is a musical genius but inept in every other way.

Or an autist good at advanced mathematics but socially inept

Edit I didn’t know he gave amber heard millions of dollars for her divorce lawyers .
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I can't wait for Mr Musk to send me and all the based beasts on this forum to Mars and start a colony of trad chads and ortho wives.

Until then he's a stooge.
Unless we invent terraforming to change mars atmosphere and temperature no one could survive there
Not to derail the thread but Mars lost its electro-magnetic field, so the solar wind will just wipe out any atmosphere over time. It used to have an atmosphere.
Right, I’m saying we would need a planet creator like a garden of Eden creation kit from the video game fallout 2 to essentially make the planet hospitable, livable and living conditions such that people could walk around outside, grow crops, raise livestock, instead of endless barren frozen desert that is -200 degreees Fahrenheit all year round.

What I’m describing cannot be done right now . Maybe someday
All of this is true. And somewhat strange.

Elon is extremely good at numbers and engineering, and socially awkward. When you consider he is likely high on the autism spectrum , it becomes easier to understand. So much so that you can maybe consider he’s like a brilliant musician who conducts and creates music no one else can, you can say that person is a musical genius but inept in every other way.

Or an autist good at advanced mathematics but socially inept

Edit I didn’t know he gave amber heard millions of dollars for her divorce lawyers .

He's stated that he has Asperger's. Interestingly, Enoch Powell is thought to have had it, too. Perhaps their logical minds can simply not accept the spurious arguments pushed to advance demographic change in the West.

Free speech is hugely important and Twitter poses the biggest threat to the establishment, IMHO. When people can speak the truth publicly and anonymously, and community note lying politicians, it makes it that much harder, if not impossible, for them to maintain the illusion.

I signed up to Twitter this week. £2.50 per week it'll cost me. A very small price to pay, IMHO.