Elon Musk Thread


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Orthodox Inquirer


To be fair, Wikipedia is one of the very few mainstream websites without 1 single advertisement on any page, so I think it's fair they ask for donations.

Elon is just being a troll here.
From his post, it appears that he disagrees with something on the Wikipedia page about him. I think this is good, high quality trolling!

It would be hilarious for them to rename to Dickipedia and take the $billion. That's still quite a bit of money!
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I’m about 1/2 way thru the Rogan/Musk Podcast from the other day. Around the 10 min mark, he talks about how Soros funded/put in DAs in major cities in US to not enforce laws and help deteriorate our cities (because Soros hates humanity was his claim). Said it’s much easier/less costly to manipulate the enforcement of laws at the lower levels than to try to change laws at the President/Congressional level. Makes sense I suppose for a evil puppet master.
I think after a year of Musk as head of twitter, we can put him firmly into the "Gatekeeper" category, without too many doubts

Meaning a person who seems to be against globohomo, and allows SOME free speech, but in reality never crosses certain lines, and certainly doesn't pose any real threat to the elites.

Same as Alex Jones.
I think after a year of Musk as head of twitter, we can put him firmly into the "Gatekeeper" category, without too many doubts

Meaning a person who seems to be against globohomo, and allows SOME free speech, but in reality never crosses certain lines, and certainly doesn't pose any real threat to the elites.

Same as Alex Jones.
Yes, exactly, same as Tucker Carlson, unfortunately. But Musk is telling everyone exactly who he is: his profile photo for a long time, like over a year, was himself in a Satanic Bahomet costume. This post goes into how Musk and Carlson are compromised: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/how-trustworthy-are-elon-musk-and