Elon Musk Thread

kill those who insist on murdering civilians and re education as musk says can also be applied to israelis
I am looking at him thinking is there nobody to help him fight this. Nobody to at least stand by his side during the reeducation sessions? Who could that person be? Some billionaire from abroad probably? Some oil money Sheikh? But it seems that even at that level people sell out, whether to money or intimidation.

Interesting. Seems like a good chance Musk will see this, and based on previous posts he's made when he seems more based, he will recognize that Ritter is right.

I have a hard time believing Musk is truly a fake persona put up by the system as controlled opposition. However, it's very hard to see what's happening. I think he is trying to be based and fight the woke narrative but 1) He still accepts too much of the modernist secular narrative and is insufficiently based, and 2) They have enough power over him to force him to bend the knee and say things he doesn't believe. To the extent 2 is correct, he is controlled opposition, but I think he is trying to be true opposition and is clearly driving his handlers crazy.

This current situation shows the conflict that seems to be going on in his mind and behind the scenes with whatever pressure they used to make him kowtow like this.
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I don’t get why he even went to Israel at all? Much less kissing their feet? He’s not a world leader. Did (((someone))) threaten to turn off twitter ad revenue? I didn’t think they had ads?
Individual tweets don't have ads, but if you go on Twitter and scroll down through a lot of tweets something like 1 in 4 posts is an ad for something.
Interesting. Seems like a good chance Musk will see this, and based on previous posts he's made when he seems more based, he will recognize that Ritter is right.

I have a hard time believing Musk is truly a fake persona put up by the system as controlled opposition. However, it's very hard to see what's happening. I think he is trying to be based and fight the woke narrative but 1) He still accepts too much of the modernist secular narrative and is insufficiently based, and 2) They have enough power over him to force him to bend the knee and say things he doesn't believe. To the extent 2 is correct, he is controlled opposition, but I think he is trying to be true opposition and is clearly driving his handlers crazy.

This current situation shows the conflict that seems to be going on in his mind and behind the scenes with whatever pressure they used to make him kowtow like this.
No offense brother, but it's posts like this that just scream of NPC rationalization.

This forum and the old RVF are experts at calling out the "Normies and muh Leftists".

Yet, here we are coming into 2024 and most of you guys are still in denial of what's happening.

This is not a personal attack brother, we have been through the wars on RVF. It just frustrates the life out of me that most of you guys can't see the deception.
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He got told. He's just a puppy on the world stage like many have already said on RVF.
Do you believe he's a legitimate Billionaire? Do you believe he took the snake oil and a booster to travel to work? (his words).

I personally do not.

Masterful actors on the worlds stage.
Do you believe he's a legitimate Billionaire? Do you believe he took the snake oil and a booster to travel to work? (his words).

I personally do not.

Masterful actors on the worlds stage.
If I’m honest, I think Elon will say or do whatever he has to do to protect his money/ guard his investments/ companies.

Except this I don’t understand, the get woke go broke mentality applies. That said I don’t have access to his books/numbers, to see what he is seeing. he clearly was convinced that a trip to Israel and pandering to Israel is in order to keep his companies in order and keep the money flowing? (I’m guessing)?

I just cannot fathom how, he has fu money, is the richest man in the world, other people and countries should be pandering to him and not the other way around?
If I’m honest, I think Elon will say or do whatever he has to do to protect his money/ guard his investments/ companies.

Except this I don’t understand, the get woke go broke mentality applies. That said I don’t have access to his books/numbers, to see what he is seeing. he clearly was convinced that a trip to Israel and pandering to Israel is in order to keep his companies in order and keep the money flowing? (I’m guessing)?

I just cannot fathom how, he has fu money, is the richest man in the world, other people and countries should be pandering to him and not the other way around?
If things don't make sense (logical rationality) then it's lies.

Billionaire getting coerced into get jabbed.

Billionaire impregnates crazy woman with a hexagram on her stomach while pregnant.

Billionaire promotes and endorses "space travel" with his fake rockets and going to put roads on Mars, even though the Bible tells us we live under a firmament.

Billionaire is on camera, regularly doing the Illuminated Masonic triangle and wears a Baphomet costume to mock Christ and all of us.

Takes a trip to Israel to please his ((masters)).

Yet most can't fathom out his motives.

If he's a "Billionaire" then I'm a Chinaman - He gets a wage just like the rest of us.
Takes a trip to Israel to please his ((masters)).

Yet most can't fathom out his motives.

If he's a "Billionaire" then I'm a Chinaman - He gets a wage just like the rest of us.

I dont get you. Controlled by who exactly? Gets a wage from who? He owns the companies, but that said, don’t assume that all billionaires are on the same page, get along well, like each other etc, the Carnegie and Rockefeller or Gates and Mark Cuban

Or for that matter that all jews like each other, but my question is , who is controlling Musk and how?
Do you believe he's a legitimate Billionaire? Do you believe he took the snake oil and a booster to travel to work? (his words).

I personally do not.

Masterful actors on the worlds stage.
Who are the stage directors? Are they mortal humans like us? Is it Soros, the Rothschilds, Bill Gates, etc., or are they just puppets too, for the secret cabal that really runs everything?

Do the stage directors already have advanced technology in secret, which enables them to stage manage the release of this technology into society, using masterful actors as the figureheads for the staged integration of the new technology into society? Do the stage managers really have insight into the future development of humanity, technology, and society that enables them to guide and control the events that we see playing out?

When did the stage directors acheive their status? I have heard it was when the Jewish Bankers began to lend to European governments as the middle ages were transitioning into the Enlightenment, but I've seen some speculation that it is lizard people who have been managing things since the time of the ancient Egyptians. This would be saying they are not mortal humans like us.

Personally, I don't believe there is a group of mortal humans who have been playing stage director, putting up figures like Napoleon, Lenin, JFK, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk as masterful actors. I think Satan provides a sort of malevolent anti-providence, that makes leading figures in world events appear to act as if under a unified control. Each of these major players are mortal humans, living out their lives, reacting to events, trying to make plans and execute strategies, which sometimes work, and often end up with unexpected results. Of course God's true Providence allows Satan's machinations to occur, and then uses them for his ultimate glory.

There are certainly things that happen behind the scenes. Someone made Musk bend the knee. Someone made Russia and China go along with the Covid hoax. However, I don't think mortal humans are actually stage managing everything, to the point that Elon Musk is just an actor. I think the big power players in this world have the limitations of mortal humans, and a lot of what appears to be coordinated action is really Satan.
I dont get you. Controlled by who exactly? Gets a wage from who? He owns the companies, but that said, don’t assume that all billionaires are on the same page, get along well, like each other etc, the Carnegie and Rockefeller or Gates and Mark Cuban

I posted something like this in the Conspiracy thread. Here is the frame: We live in a world that specifically rewards vices, not virtues. We live in a secular world, which could also be called "Christianity-lite" or "instead-of Christian world". It's basically a world based on a notion of a Christian moral substructure but also has a subtle twisting of Christian virtue (in particular: care for the victim > this is the one being used to smuggle in all the degeneracy).

It's not too difficult to see the basics of who the money controllers are, the history of how that was set up (formation of central banks,etc), and how the Western order is now set up: it's based on debt and usury. The system or "order" rewards you based on your vices: pride, greed, mammon, etc. Mammon, in particular, is not only love of money but love of your reputation, your standing, your prestige. If you are successful in this "world order" (especially to the extent Musk is) it means you've integrated extremely well by cooperating with the way you succeed in our world.... and that is primarily by vice. The more you cooperate, the more you succeed.

Yes, these notable figures may not get along but they are all following the same spirit, the same rules. Only a truly humble person, who does not care about his reputation or prestige could avoid being controlled. This is not something most of us can achieve (not saying we shouldn't try). What you really want is someone who doesn't want reputation and prestige to be put in a position like Musk or these others (which would be absurdly miraculous). Or, if Musk could truly throw it all away, or be stripped of it all, then we could say with a pretty good certainty he's not controlled.
So the only way we can believe anything Musk does is if he got destroyed and wiped out of the public realm? I am sure that will help the right wing cause.

I believe he is a successful engineer and the powers that be were not against him with his earlier projects until the twitter war came about. He basically reacted to every important subject in the last few months as honest as a normie could do. From white identity to all the ADL revelations. How much more do you expect from a public figure?

I am sure it is not just revenue they are using against him.

I find it narcissistic to insist that everything is a plot and a set-up. No use living my life this way, the things we can prove are already dark enough.
So the only way we can believe anything Musk does is if he got destroyed and wiped out of the public realm? I am sure that will help the right wing cause.

I believe he is a successful engineer and the powers that be were not against him with his earlier projects until the twitter war came about. He basically reacted to every important subject in the last few months as honest as a normie could do. From white identity to all the ADL revelations. How much more do you expect from a public figure?

I am sure it is not just revenue they are using against him.

I find it narcissistic to insist that everything is a plot and a set-up. No use living my life this way, the things we can prove are already dark enough.

A more straightforward outlook would be that Musk's and most billionaires' worth is dependent on Jewish money. Most of the high-profile assets in the Western world have links to Jewish money.

Musk's fear must be that he cannot become as defiant as Kanye and had to bend the knee in order to keep his wealth and power.

What needs to be found out is how strong the money creators/lenders are as a group. If they are influenced by Satan, then there is 100% a chink somewhere within the group.

However, currently, those that oppose the group have to either be as powerful as Putin (even he cannot fully escape the Satanic influence) or be patient and act as smartly as possible.

Moreover, to change or overhaul the system, one likely needs to have wealth like Elon's, be the leader of a very powerful country, and be able to easily wipe out Western assets with soft power. I don’t think such a person exists right now.
I don’t get why he even went to Israel at all? Much less kissing their feet? He’s not a world leader. Did (((someone))) threaten to turn off twitter ad revenue? I didn’t think they had ads?

Who are the stage directors? Are they mortal humans like us? Is it Soros, the Rothschilds, Bill Gates, etc., or are they just puppets too, for the secret cabal that really runs everything?

Do the stage directors already have advanced technology in secret, which enables them to stage manage the release of this technology into society, using masterful actors as the figureheads for the staged integration of the new technology into society? Do the stage managers really have insight into the future development of humanity, technology, and society that enables them to guide and control the events that we see playing out?

When did the stage directors acheive their status? I have heard it was when the Jewish Bankers began to lend to European governments as the middle ages were transitioning into the Enlightenment, but I've seen some speculation that it is lizard people who have been managing things since the time of the ancient Egyptians. This would be saying they are not mortal humans like us.

Personally, I don't believe there is a group of mortal humans who have been playing stage director, putting up figures like Napoleon, Lenin, JFK, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk as masterful actors. I think Satan provides a sort of malevolent anti-providence, that makes leading figures in world events appear to act as if under a unified control. Each of these major players are mortal humans, living out their lives, reacting to events, trying to make plans and execute strategies, which sometimes work, and often end up with unexpected results. Of course God's true Providence allows Satan's machinations to occur, and then uses them for his ultimate glory.

There are certainly things that happen behind the scenes. Someone made Musk bend the knee. Someone made Russia and China go along with the Covid hoax. However, I don't think mortal humans are actually stage managing everything, to the point that Elon Musk is just an actor. I think the big power players in this world have the limitations of mortal humans, and a lot of what appears to be coordinated action is really Satan.
Have you or other members done research in Freemasonry, the occult, Jesuits, signs and symbols, numerology and the Elite bloodline families? I have, because I wanted to know how and why the World is so evil. And how could they fool the entire World as they did with Covid.

The lizard people narrative came from Icke - another Masonic deceiver.

I have to disagree on that point. Once you understand the machinations of the "one big club" it kind of makes sense.



Always comes back to this


When you try and explain to the "Normies" about ZOG, vaccines, pandemics, Climate Change is all fake they can't accept it.

Many are not ready to accept any evidence presented in front of them and have their World view broken.
A more straightforward outlook would be that Musk's and most billionaires' worth is dependent on Jewish money. Most of the high-profile assets in the Western world have links to Jewish money.

Musk's fear must be that he cannot become as defiant as Kanye and had to bend the knee in order to keep his wealth and power.

What needs to be found out is how strong the money creators/lenders are as a group. If they are influenced by Satan, then there is 100% a chink somewhere within the group.

However, currently, those that oppose the group have to either be as powerful as Putin (even he cannot fully escape the Satanic influence) or be patient and act as smartly as possible.

Moreover, to change or overhaul the system, one likely needs to have wealth like Elon's, be the leader of a very powerful country, and be able to easily wipe out Western assets with soft power. I don’t think such a person exists right now.

Good point.

In terms of Musk being mega-rich, my understanding is that he is asset rich and cash poor (or relatively cash poor). His worth depends on his main assets which are his companies. If his companies drop in value massively because of the (((stock market))) and he is met with new (((regulations))) or gets large (((contracts))) and (((grants))) pulled, then he fails. He is all-in on his companies.

Viewed from that light, it's not hard to see that he'd have to make some effort to play ball with Israel. Israel and dual US-Israeli citizens are tied up in Silicon Valley, in all the banks, in state and federal government.