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Elon Musk Thread

Looks to me that Musk is endorsing a video against keyboard warriors saying "Hitler was right". I thought it was fully compliant with the narrative. He did make a follow on post about how the AD,L is not targeting the real countersemites, but again this is supporting the narrative.
No, the first tweet is...

To which the guy responds and answers as to why so many Whites are becoming countersemitic. And then Elon agrees with the man for the reasons he stated being true.
No, the first tweet is...

To which the guy responds and answers as to why so many Whites are becoming countersemitic. And then Elon agrees with the man for the reasons he stated being true.

In that video, the dad berates his son. He has seen his son posting "Hitler was right". Dad is angry and ashamed of his son. Dad never taught him that. They are parked in front of a synagogue, with a variety of wholesome looking Jewish people coming out, including a mixed race couple for maximum political correctness. Dad tells his son to go tell them to their faces that Hitler was right. The son just hangs his head in shame.

This woke message is what Musk says is the truth.
In that video, the dad berates his son. He has seen his son posting "Hitler was right". Dad is angry and ashamed of his son. Dad never taught him that. They are parked in front of a synagogue, with a variety of wholesome looking Jewish people coming out, including a mixed race couple for maximum political correctness. Dad tells his son to go tell them to their faces that Hitler was right. The son just hangs his head in shame.

This woke message is what Musk says is the truth.
No, Musk is replying to a guy, who explains why countersemitism is increasing, and agrees with it. Which is the behavior and political activities of zionists/ADL causing countersemitism to increase.

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No, Musk is replying to a guy, who explains why countersemitism is increasing, and agrees with it. Which is the behavior and political activities of zionists/ADL causing countersemitism to increase.

OK, the way Twitter displays the posts is confusing. It looked to me that Musk was responding to the "say it to their faces" tweet.

The tweet by Artist Formerly Known is based.


Elon is on the war path. Hamas kicked off the great awakening. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Love him or hate him but Musk just illuminated the battle terrain for a lot of people that didnt even know there was a war raging

“Wait….Jews arent white?”

Thats the sound of millions of minds being led to the “ gates” and pointed to whats beyond the threshold.
Right now the media is on a full blast Elon Musk shaming campaign, calling him racist and countersemite 24/7. Looks like this will exceed the campaign against Kanye by several orders of magnitude.

Totally worth supporting Elon if for no other reason he's a major headache for Mr. Talmud.
Love him or hate him but Musk just illuminated the battle terrain for a lot of people that didnt even know there was a war raging

“Wait….Jews arent white?”

Thats the sound of millions of minds being led to the “ gates” and pointed to whats beyond the threshold.
Yes, the step from calling them "self-hating white liberals who need to wake up" and realizing they are a multi-thousand-year enemy hell bent on destroying your country, your family, your religion and your life, really sums up what the red pill is.
Right now the media is on a full blast Elon Musk shaming campaign, calling him racist and countersemite 24/7. Looks like this will exceed the campaign against Kanye by several orders of magnitude.

Totally worth supporting Elon if for no other reason he's a major headache for Mr. Talmud.
This will be a true test of the F U money concept.

My guess is that he doesn’t cave and msm quickly decides its best to just turn the spotlight off of him.

What he does after that is REALLY going to be interesting
Musk did a second launch of the Starship rocket today. This one also blew up, but it went much farther than the first. He'll probably get one into orbit in the next year or so, a super heavy lift rocket system with a reusable first stage booster and reusable orbiter.
Right now the media is on a full blast Elon Musk shaming campaign, calling him racist and countersemite 24/7. Looks like this will exceed the campaign against Kanye by several orders of magnitude.

Totally worth supporting Elon if for no other reason he's a major headache for Mr. Talmud.
You mean we should go buy a Tesla to support Elon because sone are saying he’s anti Jewish? I’ll pass
You mean we should go buy a Tesla to support Elon because sone are saying he’s anti Jewish? I’ll pass
I'd be very hesitant of jumping on his bandwagon.
He has "liked" a few memes online but so what? Memes are funny. Where is the action?

In real life, when he was pressed on this issue last month, he went on tv with Ben Shapiro and talked about how much he loves Jews, his friends are basically all Jews, and he wishes he were Jewish himself.
I'd be very hesitant of jumping on his bandwagon.
He has "liked" a few memes online but so what? Memes are funny. Where is the action?

In real life, when he was pressed on this issue last month, he went on tv with Ben Shapiro and talked about how much he loves Jews, his friends are basically all Jews, and he wishes he were Jewish himself.

He disagrees with chews on strategy, which is easy to do because their strategy genuinely sucks, however, even the most mild criticisms will trigger the antisemtic backlash. This is why it doesn't matter what Elon actually believes and yet it behooves us to support him. He want to offer mild criticism of chews and it will make him into the next Hitler.

This overreaction will push normies into our camp.

In terms of strategy, it makes perfect sense to support Elon right now.