Elon Musk Thread

Nonsense. There is literally no control over my life in the US as long as I have a valid driver's license, my vehicle is registered, my vehicle is insured, I have no warrants out for my arrest, I abide by our very lax and forgiving laws, I pay my taxes, I attend no J-6 style "protests" or Trump-style "rallies," and I don't run my mouth on controversial subjects in public. Yeah, maybe some people are experiencing deplatforming, demonitization, frozen bank accounts, and unwarranted arrests, but it's because they are out there attention whoring and "asking for it." Unfortunately, we no longer have free speech and the right to assembly in this country, but who cares when America has all these other fringe benefits (relatively stable society, the best currency, the greatest art, and though declining, still the great craftsmanship in automobiles, architecture, and roads, etc.).

If you live a simple life in America, keep your head low, and don't pay attention to any media and the "mainstream" then you are living in the freest country in human history where the electricity always flows and every time you punch your pin number into an ATM the almighty dollar comes pouring out. If your frame is one of dark cloud communism and "end times" then this is what you will experience. However, facts on the ground state nothing but prosperity with some unfortunate by-products (covid lockdowns, toilet paper shortages, stolen elections, illegal immigration, masculine women, trannies, unfettered porn access, etc.).

I have a small business and for the first time in my life I am succeeding. Don't get me wrong, it ain't easy, and I have spent years trying to succeed, but if things are so bad then why I am I finally succeeding now? Small businesses in America fail because they fail to be relevant and meet demands, not because of government overreach. If you have a good business that the people want then no amount of government redtape or regulations can stop you. "If you build it they will come." This doesn't mean that there are not evil big-government-rigged JQ forces that need to be dealt with, it just means that we must persevere in spite of this fact.
J-6 taught me that no loudmouthed right-winger is going to help you if you decide to go along with their complaining. They will continue to get rich in their grifting manner while supporters who can't afford to be cancelled or lose their job or go to jail end up being victims. I am continuing to keep my head down.
J-6 taught me that no loudmouthed right-winger is going to help you if you decide to go along with their complaining. They will continue to get rich in their grifting manner while supporters who can't afford to be cancelled or lose their job or go to jail end up being victims. I am continuing to keep my head down.

If that's all you took from J6 then you have been successfully defeated by the Talmuds. Be a good goy and keep working, slave.
I hope if anyone here is still paying for Elon's trash website that they cancel payment after this low class/low IQ post by the fraud.

You misread him, Elon is saying he has access to the devices and tech that these agencies use. This is most likely in spite of the fact that it's probably illegal for Elon to have them. I don't think Elon is saying he supports these agencies.
You misread him, Elon is saying he has access to the devices and tech that these agencies use. This is most likely in spite of the fact that it's probably illegal for Elon to have them. I don't think Elon is saying he supports these agencies.
Sorry, but I doubt that is what he is referring to. You can buy official mugs, caps, pens, and other "merch" with the CIA logo on it. I am almost certain that is what he means.
Don’t have an X account to view the exchange in context. This post alone comes off as a troll or sarcasm.
Except his company, which hires Mossad/CIA agents to control, what is not allowed, shut down the account for speaking too much truth on his platform. And he is making a joke about it. Hopefully the low IQ govt. thief, that steals my tax dollars, loses his butt on his twitter investment.
Elon Musk goes to Canossa
If you want a long read about his recent 'tourism' in Israel and Poland.
Also discussed are Kanye West and a relevant experience of Henry Ford a hundred years earlier.
Some mention of Aldous Huxley.

Does not sound like Elon Musk's tourism / pilgrimage was voluntary.

One wonders what level of threats of financial ruin were made to him to compel him to make those trips.