Elon Musk Thread

Establishment is upset with him. Tesla stock is going downhill from ATH and he keeps trying to prop his "Tony Stark" status by posting stuff like that.

Now he's pushing EnergyX. You invest $1000 minimum and get shares of this company who supposedly invented a method of extracting lithium 300%more efficiently. Since the government worldwide is pushing EV, it could be profitable. But I rather not invest in endeavors that go against my beliefs.
Establishment is upset with him. Tesla stock is going downhill from ATH and he keeps trying to prop his "Tony Stark" status by posting stuff like that.

Planting computer chips in someone’s brain to let them control computers or smart devices sounds like a terrible idea, the conspiracy theorist in me foresees all sorts of ways this can be misused. From controlling someone’s brain to monitoring people to God knows what else
Planting computer chips in someone’s brain to let them control computers or smart devices sounds like a terrible idea, the conspiracy theorist in me foresees all sorts of ways this can be misused. From controlling someone’s brain to monitoring people to God knows what else
Agreed. Even if you could imagine some Sci Fi scenario where a neural link would allow you to mainline internet content straight into your mind, the reality is that you could never trust it. The brain implant would be under the control of the people who made it, not you. You'd be under the control of the people who made the brain implant.

It's the same with digital personal assistants. Sci Fi presents the idea of something like Jarvis from the Iron Man movies. However, in practice it's like Amazon Alexa, a spy for the giant soulless Amazon corporation, the government and the police.
Agreed. Even if you could imagine some Sci Fi scenario where a neural link would allow you to mainline internet content straight into your mind, the reality is that you could never trust it. The brain implant would be under the control of the people who made it, not you. You'd be under the control of the people who made the brain implant.

It's the same with digital personal assistants. Sci Fi presents the idea of something like Jarvis from the Iron Man movies. However, in practice it's like Amazon Alexa, a spy for the giant soulless Amazon corporation, the government and the police.
I can imagine another future project by a man like Elon, perhaps it will be called ForceField, a revolutionary technology that will create an electromagnetic shield once it senses you’re in distress or perhaps it senses danger itself. It will be able to keep you locked, pinned and secure in a electro bubble until the arrival of law enforcement or perhaps you may even be evacuated by a drone. This will make any form of self-defense obsolete which will help us reduce gun violence we desperately need so much.

Just for record, not speaking to anyone in particular, I’m ready to be the man to make this happen. Anybody who wishes to fund this project can PM me, we’re looking for about 300 million to start, and access to classified information, I also have a Jewish friend who wants to go partners so you know I’m legit.
Agreed. Even if you could imagine some Sci Fi scenario where a neural link would allow you to mainline internet content straight into your mind, the reality is that you could never trust it. The brain implant would be under the control of the people who made it, not you. You'd be under the control of the people who made the brain implant.

It's the same with digital personal assistants. Sci Fi presents the idea of something like Jarvis from the Iron Man movies. However, in practice it's like Amazon Alexa, a spy for the giant soulless Amazon corporation, the government and the police.
There definitely wouldn't be small startups who would create an implant that would allow you to interface and control technology in the reverse of what the sheep get.
Definitely not.
He decreased the amount of woke garbage. All other social networks are weaponized government propaganda. I don't like the guy. But I'm glad he bought Twitter.
It's all part of the "False Light" Luciferian deception brother. He's part of the Masonic illuminated club.

X Is just more Masonic symbolism.

They control both sides of every narrative.

Elon's turn to play Good cop by going against the "Woke agenda".
The reality is the total opposite. Wee have a centralized government which controls every aspect of our lives, record high tax rates, in all industries we have seen the forming of mega-corporations that spread the same state progranda like BLM, women in top positions or whatever is the state hype of the day and everywhere small businesses are pushed out.

We live in Soviet communism, while we believe we live in a free market because we can choose our cereal and we believe a guy with a good idea can become a bibillionaire.
Nonsense. There is literally no control over my life in the US as long as I have a valid driver's license, my vehicle is registered, my vehicle is insured, I have no warrants out for my arrest, I abide by our very lax and forgiving laws, I pay my taxes, I attend no J-6 style "protests" or Trump-style "rallies," and I don't run my mouth on controversial subjects in public. Yeah, maybe some people are experiencing deplatforming, demonitization, frozen bank accounts, and unwarranted arrests, but it's because they are out there attention whoring and "asking for it." Unfortunately, we no longer have free speech and the right to assembly in this country, but who cares when America has all these other fringe benefits (relatively stable society, the best currency, the greatest art, and though declining, still the great craftsmanship in automobiles, architecture, and roads, etc.).

If you live a simple life in America, keep your head low, and don't pay attention to any media and the "mainstream" then you are living in the freest country in human history where the electricity always flows and every time you punch your pin number into an ATM the almighty dollar comes pouring out. If your frame is one of dark cloud communism and "end times" then this is what you will experience. However, facts on the ground state nothing but prosperity with some unfortunate by-products (covid lockdowns, toilet paper shortages, stolen elections, illegal immigration, masculine women, trannies, unfettered porn access, etc.).

I have a small business and for the first time in my life I am succeeding. Don't get me wrong, it ain't easy, and I have spent years trying to succeed, but if things are so bad then why I am I finally succeeding now? Small businesses in America fail because they fail to be relevant and meet demands, not because of government overreach. If you have a good business that the people want then no amount of government redtape or regulations can stop you. "If you build it they will come." This doesn't mean that there are not evil big-government-rigged JQ forces that need to be dealt with, it just means that we must persevere in spite of this fact.
There's some interesting commentary in this one, worth reading the whole thing but will post a few quotes :

The background of Musk’s visit is simple: Last year, the tech billionaire got himself into serious – and well-deserved – trouble by retweeting and endorsing an anti-Semitic tweet on X, the powerful social media platform (formerly known as Twitter) that he took over in 2022. Since then, he has been on what the New York Times gloatingly calls his “rehabilitation” (as in criminal) and “penitence” (as in sinner) tour.

For Musk could easily have shown a true and genuinely compassionate understanding of what the lessons of the Holocaust are. Imagine the richest man in the world, who also has a lot of cultural (in the wider and more important sense of that word) and political influence, going to Auschwitz and saying one simple and (moderately) courageous thing: “The lesson of the Holocaust is indeed ‘never again’. And that never, actually, means never: never and to no one and by no one. Hence, the best – and, really, the only – way to honor the memory of the victims of the German genocide of the Jews is to now stand with the victims of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians.”

And the third big lie Musk is supporting now is that the memory of the Holocaust is the property of Zionists to do with as they please. And what they want is always the same: Namely, use it to shut down any resistance to their own agenda.

On two occasions when in the region I have visited some of these camps (not that one) out of boredom or as someone else suggested. It is however not my tourist attraction of choice. It's not like he was just driving around Poland in a Tesla, getting bored and thought, nothing to do today I'll go to Auschwitz, form my own opinion. It was more likely he landed somewhere nearby in a private jet for a very deliberate display so that various characters would not take steps to make his business activities more difficult and less profitable. The richest man in the world probably is not just out there driving around the countryside or taking regular passenger flights with Easyjet.
I agree with EM on space exploration, but the Neuralink stuff is BS. If people would bother to do some research and actual thinking they would know that interacting with a mind can't be done at the neuron level. It's and insult to neurons really.

You're dealing with something that's incredibly more profound and that runs much deeper than that. The neural network theory of consciousness is a stupid joke, and AI can't be realized without very sophisticated control of the quantum world via quantum computing, which is so difficult that it will probably never happen! ORCH-OR-Microtubules is definitely that only game in town, and people should learn some real science for once, including EM;

It was more likely he landed somewhere nearby in a private jet for a very deliberate display so that various characters would not take steps to make his business activities more difficult and less profitable. The richest man in the world probably is not just out there driving around the countryside or taking regular passenger flights with Easyjet.

You mean to say that his well-arranged, much publicized and pre-planned tour where the whole world press was invited, and where he met various Jewish leaders and Rabbis - wasn't just a random spur of the moment thing? Holy cow!
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It's all part of the "False Light" Luciferian deception brother. He's part of the Masonic illuminated club.

X Is just more Masonic symbolism.
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View attachment 4488

They control both sides of every narrative.

Elon's turn to play Good cop by going against the "Woke agenda".

I can assure you the cross on the chest is not from freemansonry, Christians have been using it before, communion for example, for centuries.

Freemansonry is just a pagan cult trying to psuedo-LARP as Christians, hence why they copied the chest cross. It has since spread to other pagan cults. But simply making the sign is not evidence of anything, do not be deceived.
I can assure you the cross on the chest is not from freemansonry, Christians have been using it before, communion for example, for centuries.

Freemansonry is just a pagan cult trying to psuedo-LARP as Christians, hence why they copied the chest cross. It has since spread to other pagan cults. But simply making the sign is not evidence of anything, do not be deceived.
Fair point. But you're not going to convince me that Elon Musk or Alistair Crowley are or were Christian men.
I've been scrolling through my twitter feed and it is very spicy tonight. Lots of posts critcal of immigration, feminism, the jews, US foreign policy, and multiple posts saying Christ is King. It's pretty much a mirror of thought here.

I'm sure Twitter's algorithm has responded to the kinds of things I click on, but clearly this content is being allowed through and not blocked.

I know some stuff is being blocked, but I'm seeing some really based content.
I can assure you the cross on the chest is not from freemansonry, Christians have been using it before, communion for example, for centuries.

Freemansonry is just a pagan cult trying to psuedo-LARP as Christians, hence why they copied the chest cross. It has since spread to other pagan cults. But simply making the sign is not evidence of anything, do not be deceived.

Of course but there's context involved here. Obviously no one here is going to assume the Knights Templar are Christians or the order of Malta are Maltese.