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Elon Musk Thread

Does not sound like Elon Musk's tourism / pilgrimage was voluntary.

One wonders what level of threats of financial ruin were made to him to compel him to make those trips.

Remember Bill Ackman doing public threats during the Harvard incident (students in favor of Palestine)? I can imagine Klaus Schwab and Larry Fink calling him and saying that they’re going to withdraw investments from Tesla, tanking the stock.

- Look Elon, I think what you’re doing to the environment is great and all but your public views are creating an unsafe environment for us Jews. We might have to withdraw investments from Tesla and that would be very unfortunate for all of us…

- Tell me what to do. I’ll do an Apology Tour if necessary!
I don't understand why some people here expect EM to all of a sudden become someone else! He's head over heels a much better "red-pill leader" than is Putin and Trump put together, just the way he's behaving currently. But he won't change his game and all of a sudden become someone else. He's taken on everything from the media, covid agenda, Jewish interest groups, anti-white agenda, pedo's etc, etc.

He might shake some Jewish hands, but unlike Putin and Trump he most likely does that just to maintain a neutral stance. Putin no doubt actually believes the KGB version of WWII and the Holocaust, and Trump is too much of a knucklehead to even think much about those things. I think we should support EM/X!
I don't understand why some people here expect EM to all of a sudden become someone else! He's head over heels a much better "red-pill leader" than is Putin and Trump put together...

Shaking hands, going to places and attending events isn't tantamount to full on support. It's politics.

One thing I learned in politics was to choose your enemies and targets very carefully, and to avoid making as many enemies as possible for no other reason than to show off.

Same as giving someone a bunch of crayons and expecting a masterpiece all the time.
I don't understand why some people here expect EM to all of a sudden become someone else! He's head over heels a much better "red-pill leader" than is Putin and Trump put together, just the way he's behaving currently.

That's the grand deception right there. He's pretty much in pole position and being nurtured to be the antichrist. He's failing at it big time but that's another discussion.

He's giga cuck and a fake person. Oaklay Haldeman, a jew, is a front man invented by mossad and cia for the international banking jew benefit; to lead some yet another new Rothschild companies...

Sorry for some of you guys here that I'm destroying your beloved mythical heroes, but they are literal dogs..t.
Musk has always been a fraudulent person playing a character. Whether it was the old "real life Tony Stark" tripe from back when lefties loved him, to now as a fake "free speech warrior". It's always been a ruse. His familial connections run deep. He knows exactly what's going on, yet pretends like he doesn't, or just that he just heard about it yesterday.

All of his companies are fraudulent, and it's questionable as to whether any of them have been able to turn a profit, yet he's extremely wealthy? Tesla sells their all of their vehicles at a loss. His "companies" all seem to rely on subsidy and welfare. Toyota doesn't get to sell their vehicles at a loss and watch their numbers go up, only Musk gets to do that. Why? Obviously he's serving an agenda. He's called for a carbon tax because apparently all of the subsidy isn't enough.
When I was a child, me and my younger brother once got into a fight. He kicked me, and then told my Grandma I had hit him.

However, she had seen it happen, and she he had him apologise, and we made up.

Since then I've never once fought him or had problems.

When Christ comes down and judges the Jews for what they have done, he will have them apologise, teach them the right path, and our brothers will be reunited with us once again.

Until then, let us endure for those we love.

Christ is King. Amen.
When Christ comes down and judges the Jews for what they have done, he will have them apologise, teach them the right path, and our brothers will be reunited with us once again.

That's not what Christ said or taught. When he comes it's already too late, they will be sent to Hell. The time to apologize is now, not once you can see God is real.

If God has to show up to make one be a good human, then one isn't a good human and he's going to trashcan that person.
That's not what Christ said or taught. When he comes it's already too late, they will be sent to Hell. The time to apologize is now, not once you can see God is real.

If God has to show up to make one be a good human, then one isn't a good human and he's going to trashcan that person.
Christ's parables repeatedly make this clear. Just one of them: the bridemaids and their oil lamps. This life is The Big Test. No do-overs, no second chances, no special get-out-of-jail free cards, because you think you're "jewish", whatever that even means. Actually it just means anti-Christ (no one can prove what tribe they are from, btw.).
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I cant help but post.... Like Elon Musk or not, he made an agreement with Tesla in 2018 that when it reached certain goals he would be paid. His last goal was met and he was reached last year and he is due $6B in stock. But a guy with 9 shares of tesla sued as a stock holder saying this amount of money was unfair. So a delaware judge agreed and Musk will not be paid $6B as agreed 6 years ago. Here's where it gets good.... the "little hat lawfirm" of Bernstien Litowitz Berger and Grossman has filed legal fees against tesla for their services in the amount of... you guessed it... $6B. Jews sued to stop a compensation agreement between a company and a man, and then sued the same company for exactly what his salary would have been.

Little hat people.

They didn't build it. They didn't invent it. But they sure as heck want it.
That's the grand deception right there. He's pretty much in pole position and being nurtured to be the antichrist. He's failing at it big time but that's another discussion.

He's giga cuck and a fake person. Oaklay Haldeman, a jew, is a front man invented by mossad and cia for the international banking jew benefit; to lead some yet another new Rothschild companies...

Sorry for some of you guys here that I'm destroying your beloved mythical heroes, but they are literal dogs..t.

Meaningless babble! He's calling out everyone and everything "evil" (see post above) all the time. Has provided a true free-speech platform, something we haven't had for decades. Compared to McConnell's butt-boy (Trump) he's practically a saint.
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BS post man! Have you read Elon's feed? He's calling out basically everyone on a daily basis; big-pharma, ADL, SPLC, immigration/illegals, pedo's etc. etc.
Meaningless babble! He's calling out everyone and everything "evil" (as I wrote above) all the time. Has provided a true free-speech platform, something we haven't had for decades.

"Has provided a true free-speech platform, something we haven't had for decades."

I guess his kotau to the jews doesn't matter, right?

How about the idea that he's allowed to speak out on the issues you mentioned?
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"Has provided a true free-speech platform, something we haven't had for decades."

I guess his kotau to the jews doesn't matter, right?

How about the idea that he's allowed to speak out on the issues you mentioned?

EM has done exactly what he said he would do; provide a broad spectrum free-speech platform, but not a complete "free for all." I have nothing more to add to that, I think he's done a brilliant job with X.
I see Musk on the same level as Trump - both useful, but both limited.

I don't see how anyone can call Musk better than Trump. Trump is the one who showed Musk how to be a bold billionaire, and speak bold truths even in the face of tons of hate. I think Musk is following Trump's example, Trump is the one who gave a lot of White Men courage to speak again.

Because Elon is younger, and smarter, he also has a lot of advantages over Trump. However, both are shabbos Goy. So, both get huge negative marks for the same reason but trying to call out the chews right now, and maintain wealth, is almost impossible. So I am not too disappointed in this. This will change with time and across generations.

Regardless I don't believe Musk would be redpilled without Trump, but he is much smarter and younger than Trump. Both shabbos Goy. It's a wash, they feel about equally good/bad to me.