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Elon Musk Thread

Elon plays both sides fairly well when it suits Elon.

Nothing more nothing less. If he keeps Twitter fairly open... I'll overlook the bowing to the yids for publicity sake.
In case anyone still has doubts about his integrity...

I'm not sure if Elon is controlled opposition, "just a guy," a lizard/reptilian person, or an AI robot sent from the future? I don't know the guy personally. He does however seem earnest, but I'm not sure about his "integrity"? I think Elon has goals and a super objective in life (to die on Mars?) and I think he will do anything to achieve his "dream." He is obviously high IQ, and if his ultimate goal is somewhat dark and mischievous and would cause enough controversy to impede the achievement of said goal, you can bet he's smart enough to keep it a secret.
He was influenced by science fiction and made it rich quickly with his first silicon valley website. This led him to be able to pursue his ideas of saving the world by advancing technology, attempting to get off fossil fuels and become a spare-faring race. I think SpaceX and Tesla are companies that won't go anywhere after Elon passes. Engineers are too timid and won't make the necessary innovations and stressful decisions they've always relied on Elon to make. While I think SpaceX is a good idea I think Tesla is stupid and will only get bogged down with your typical corpocracy shenanigans. If people were serious about weening off of oil as a fuel source they'd work on changing regulations to make car companies innovate to create lighter cars with gas mileage that is 100x or 1000x more than what we can get now.
I'm not sure if Elon is controlled opposition, "just a guy," a lizard/reptilian person, or an AI robot sent from the future? I don't know the guy personally. He does however seem earnest, but I'm not sure about his "integrity"? I think Elon has goals and a super objective in life (to die on Mars?) and I think he will do anything to achieve his "dream." He is obviously high IQ, and if his ultimate goal is somewhat dark and mischievous and would cause enough controversy to impede the achievement of said goal, you can bet he's smart enough to keep it a secret.

It's always been people like EM that makes things happen. He's a bit like Werner von Braun, a crazy genius. Although like many other people that have had great success in one field, (Bill Gates comes to mind) they forget that they still have to do the hard work necessary in order to learn about something else complicated. He thinks he understands ageing and AI for example, although he really has no clue about either. AI doesn't even exist, it's just machine learning at this point. But anyway, he makes things happen at least, which is a step away from the touchy-feely female centred world of "science" currently.

I'm all for pursuing goals within science and exploration with full force, and you have to take risks in order to do that. And I agree that we should go to Mars and build colonies and so on. NASA can't do it, (alone at least) they're to woke to get things done. They have to worry about female astronaut and engineer quotas etc. Musk will just the best people, even if they're all men...

Something tells me we are going to see a hard crackdown on "aantisemitism" on X in the coming weeks (what is with the auto-edit on aantisemitism).

It's a clown show for the dimwitted. The visits to the Wailing Wall, the concentration camps, Hollercost museums, etc. are a sort of secular twisted Jewish "sacrament"...a "purification ritual" if you will. It only works on goyim who are not grounded in their Christian faith. Notice they don't pull this nonsense on Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.?